Pulmonary Tumors and Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in the United States, accounting for more than 150,000 deaths each year. In addition to lung cancer, the chapter reviews primary malignant and benign pulmonary tumors more commonly encountered in clinical practice based on the latest 2015 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Lung Tumors ( Box 21.1 ). Pulmonary lymphoproliferative disorders and benign entities that mimic tumors in the lungs are also discussed. Posttreatment changes related to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy are briefly described.

Box 21.1
Adapted from 2015 World Health Organization Classification.
Classification of Lung Tumors

Epithelial Tumors

  • Adenocarcinoma

  • Squamous cell carcinoma

  • Neuroendocrine tumors

    • Carcinoid tumors

    • Small cell carcinoma

    • Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma

  • Sarcomatoid carcinomas

    • Carcinosarcoma

    • Adenosquamous carcinoma

    • Pulmonary blastoma

Mesenchymal Tumors

  • Pulmonary hamartoma

  • Chondroma

  • Synovial sarcoma

  • Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma

Lymphohistiocytic Tumors

  • Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma

  • Diffuse large cell lymphoma

  • Lymphomatoid granulomatosis

Metastatic Tumors

Lung Cancer

More than 200,000 patients are diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States each year. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in men and has surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in women. Lung cancer is one of the most common diseases of the lungs that radiologists encounter in practice. Plain radiography, computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) all play important roles in the imaging evaluation of patients with lung cancer. Please refer to Chapters 3 and 4 for more detailed discussion of PET and MRI findings.

Risk Factors

The strongest risk factor for the development of lung cancer is cigarette smoking. An estimated 85% to 90% of lung cancers are directly attributable to smoking. The risk is related to the number of pack-years of smoking, the age at which smoking began, and the depth of inhalation. The risk decreases with cessation of smoking but never completely disappears.

In recent years, genome-wide association studies have helped identify lung cancer susceptibility risk foci mapped to various chromosomal regions, such as 15q and 5p, in different ethnic populations.

Various occupational and environmental exposures are known to increase the risk of lung cancer, including exposure to asbestos, radon, and silica as well as prior radiation. The combination of asbestos exposure ( Fig. 21.1 ) and cigarette smoking is synergistic and results in a markedly increased risk of lung cancer, particularly if asbestosis is present in the lung parenchyma.

FIGURE 21.1, Lung cancer and asbestos exposure. Computed tomography image shows left upper lung cancer (T) with right anterior calcified pleural plaques (long arrow) . Note left hilar adenopathy (short arrow) and small left pleural effusion.

Most of the concomitant lung diseases associated with lung cancer reflect the presence of pulmonary fibrosis, which can be diffuse, as in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( Fig. 21.2 ), or localized, as in tuberculosis. The presence of emphysema on CT has also been linked to increased lung cancer risks among smokers and never-smokers.

FIGURE 21.2, Lung cancer and pulmonary fibrosis. Computed tomography image shows left lower lobe lung cancer with honeycombing and reticular opacities in the lung bases consistent with fibrosis.

Clinical Presentation

Only 10% of patients with lung cancer are asymptomatic. Typically, symptoms are caused by central tumors that result in obstruction of a major bronchus ( Box 21.2 ). This leads to cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, and postobstructive pneumonia. Invasion or compression of adjacent thoracic structures by the tumor may result in pleuritic or chest wall pain, Pancoast syndrome, and symptoms related to obstruction of the superior vena cava. Occasionally, patients may have symptoms that result from distant metastases (e.g., a seizure caused by brain metastases).

Box 21.2
Signs and Symptoms of Lung Carcinoma

No Symptoms

  • 10% of patients

Central Tumors

  • Hemoptysis

  • Cough

  • Fever caused by postobstructive pneumonia

Invasion or Compression of Thoracic Structures

  • Pleuritic and chest wall pain

  • Pancoast syndrome (see Box 21.8 )

  • Superior vena cava syndrome

    • Dyspnea

    • Facial swelling

    • Arm swelling

    • Chest pain

Paraneoplastic Syndromes

  • Clubbing

  • Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy

  • Migratory thrombophlebitis

  • Ectopic hormone production

    • Adrenocorticotropic hormone: Cushing syndrome

    • Antidiuretic hormone: hyponatremia

    • Parathyroid hormone–related protein: hypercalcemia

  • Neurologic symptoms

Several paraneoplastic syndromes are associated with lung carcinoma, including clubbing; migratory thrombophlebitis; and ectopic hormone production, including Cushing syndrome from adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production, hyponatremia associated with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), and hypercalcemia caused by excessive parathyroid hormone–related protein (PTHrP) production by the tumor. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy consists of periosteal new bone formation that typically involves the bones of the lower arms and legs and can be painful ( Fig. 21.3 ). There are also a variety of neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes.

FIGURE 21.3, Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Computed tomography image (A) shows right lower lobe non–small cell lung cancer with an air bronchogram (arrow) . Frontal view of the distal femur (B) shows smooth periosteal reaction medially and laterally (arrows) .


Lung cancer is traditionally divided into non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) based on histologic features and differences in treatment strategy. NSCLC in the early stages can be treated with surgery alone. The most common NSCLC include adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). SCLC usually presents in the late stage and requires treatment with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Based on the latest 2015 WHO classification (see Box 21.1 ), SCLC, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC), and carcinoid tumors all belong to the category of neuroendocrine tumors.


Clinical Features.

Adenocarcinoma ( Box 21.3 ) is the most frequent histologic type and accounts for approximately 50% of all lung cancers. It is the most common histologic type in women and in nonsmokers. Typically located in the periphery of the lung, these lesions may not produce symptoms and are found incidentally on routine chest radiography. One of the more unusual symptoms of adenocarcinoma is bronchorrhea, which is the production of more than 100 mL/day of watery sputum.

Box 21.3

Clinical Features

  • Most common cell type

    • Predominant cell type in women and nonsmokers

  • Occasionally asymptomatic

  • Bronchorrhea in a small subset of patients

  • Pulmonary fibrosis is a risk factor

Pathologic Features

  • Can be slow growing

  • Peripheral, subpleural location

  • ±Mucin

Imaging Features

  • Peripheral location

  • Solitary nodule or mass

    • Spiculated, lobulated, or ill-defined border

    • ±Air bronchogram

    • Solid, ground-glass, or mixed attenuation

  • Consolidation

  • Multiple nodules

Pathologic Features.

Adenocarcinomas typically show slow growth and tend to metastasize early. They can occur in areas of preexisting pulmonary fibrosis. They are most frequently peripheral and subpleural in location and may arise endobronchially.

The classification of lung adenocarcinoma by the 2011 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), American Thoracic Society (ATS), and European Respiratory Society (ERS) includes a multidisciplinary diagnostic approach using data from pathology, imaging, and molecular biology. The IASLC/ATS/ERS system introduces the use of clearer terminology with respect to the degree of growth along the alveolar surface (lepidic growth) and invasive components to define pre-invasive and invasive lesions. Preinvasive lesions include atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), both defined as lesions with lepidic growth. AAH is a localized, small (≤5 mm) proliferation of mildly to moderately atypical type II pneumocytes or Clara cells lining alveolar walls. AIS is a localized small (≤3 cm) adenocarcinoma with lepidic growth without evidence of stromal, vascular, or pleural invasion. AAH and AIS are pathologic entities considered to be part of a spectrum and cannot be reliably differentiated on cytology. The term bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is no longer used.

Invasive lesions include minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) and invasive adenocarcinoma. MIA is defined as a predominantly lepidic lesion lacking necrosis and invasion of lymphatics, blood vessels, or pleura and measuring less than 3 cm with an invasive component measuring no more than 5 mm in any one location. Invasive adenocarcinomas are further classified into histologic subtypes according to the predominant histology present: lepidic, acinar, papillary, micropapillary, or solid-predominant patterns. For example, lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma (LPA) is defined as a lepidic lesion that may have necrosis, invade lymphatics or blood vessels, and the focus of invasion is greater than 5 mm. The nonmucinous adenocarcinomas are more common than mucinous forms. The term invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma has replaced mucinous bronchoalveolar carcinoma .

Various gene mutations have been identified in lung adenocarcinoma. There is a strong association between KRAS mutations in white smokers. Mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are more often seen in adenocarcinomas of nonsmokers and Asian women. Rearrangements of the gene encoding anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) are uncommon, mostly seen in young never- or light smokers with adenocarcinoma. Testing of adenocarcinoma for various mutations has become increasingly important because of availability of targeted drug therapies and prognostic significance.

Imaging Features.

Adenocarcinoma may manifest distinct radiologic patterns. The most common is a solitary peripheral nodule or mass often with lobulated, spiculated, and ill-defined borders. On CT, they may present with pure ground-glass, solid, or mixed (both ground-glass and solid) attenuation. AAH and AIS present as pure ground-glass nodules ( Figs. 21.4 and 21.5 ). MIA is usually of ground-glass or mixed attenuation. Correlation of CT features with histopathologic diagnosis using the IASLC/ ERS/ATS system is still evolving, and studies describing CT manifestations of mixed attenuation nodules relating to the more common nonmucinous forms of adenocarcinoma are summarized in Table 21.1 . In contradistinction, the less common mucinous form of AIS, MIA, and LPA and other forms of invasive adenocarcinomas can manifest as solid nodules. The soft tissue component of mixed attenuation lesions can represent the invasive component or fibrosis and alveolar collapse ( Fig. 21.6 ). The degree of invasion is reported to correlate directly with the size of the soft tissue component on CT. The solitary nodule is associated with an excellent prognosis when it is resected in early-stage disease. Bubbly internal lucencies termed pseudocavitation is caused by alveoli or bronchi spared by tumor infiltration ( Fig. 21.7 ). An air bronchogram may be identified on standard radiography and CT.

FIGURE 21.4, Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS). Computed tomography (CT) image shows a 2-cm pure ground-glass nodule in the right lower lobe (arrow) , and surgical pathology showed AIS. Note that atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) and AIS are pathologic entities considered to be part of a spectrum and cannot be differentiated on cytology. The differentiation of AAH and AIS is not possible on CT when the lesion is a small pure ground-glass nodule.

FIGURE 21.5, Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA). Computed tomography image shows 1-cm ground-glass nodule (arrow) in the right lower lobe with a soft tissue component measuring less than 3 mm consistent with MIA.

TABLE 21.1
Classification of Nonmucinous Adenocarcinoma and Corresponding Computed Tomography Features
ATS, American Thoracic Society; ERS, European Respiratory Society; IASLC, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
IASLC/ATS/ERS 2011 Computed Tomography Features
Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia Ground-glass nodule
Adenocarcinoma in situ Ground-glass nodule (possible solid component)
Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma Ground-glass nodule
Part solid nodule
Lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma Part solid nodule
Solid nodule
Invasive adenocarcinoma classified by predominant subtype Part solid nodule with ↑↑ solid component
Solid nodule

FIGURE 21.6, Lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma (LPA). Computed tomography (CT) image (A) shows left lower lobe mixed attenuation lesion (arrow) with a soft tissue component measuring less than 3 mm. CT image (B) 4 years later shows an increase in the overall size of the lesion (arrow) as well as an increase in the size of the soft tissue component now measuring greater than 3 mm. At resection, pathology revealed LPA, with the soft tissue area representing the invasive component.

FIGURE 21.7, Lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma (LPA). A, Computed tomography (CT) image shows a small lucency (long arrow) bordered posteriorly by a vessel and anteriorly by ground-glass opacity. Note radiation fibrosis in the right apex (short arrow) with straight margin and traction bronchiectasis. The patient had undergone selective right neck dissection followed by radiation therapy for melanoma 11 years earlier. B, CT image 4 years later shows increased ground-glass opacity surrounding the lucency (arrow) . C, CT image at a level superior to B shows a solid component measuring more than 3 mm (vertical arrow). At resection, pathology revealed the mixed attenuation lesion represents LPA, with the soft tissue area representing the invasive component. Adenocarcinomas can show indolent growth and internal bubbly lucencies.

The second appearance is an area of consolidation, which occurs in approximately 20% of cases ( Fig. 21.8 ). This appearance can mimic pneumonia, which is more common than lung cancer. Differential considerations for chronic consolidation also include lymphoma, organizing pneumonia, and chronic infection. The consolidation may be associated with nodules in the same lobe or in other lobes of either lung, reflecting tumor dissemination via the tracheobronchial tree.

FIGURE 21.8, Adenocarcinoma as consolidative opacity. Computed tomography image shows area of consolidation in the periphery of the right lower lobe consistent with adenocarcinoma.

The third appearance is that of multiple nodules and masses scattered throughout the lungs ( Fig. 21.9 ).

FIGURE 21.9, Adenocarcinoma as multiple nodules. Computed tomography image shows multifocal adenocarcinoma with consolidative and ground-glass opacities in the lower lobes and mixed attenuation nodules in the upper lobes.

There is also increased awareness in recent years that adenocarcinoma and SCC can initially present as cystic lesions with progressive increase in wall nodularity, thickness, or size ( Fig. 21.10 ).

FIGURE 21.10, Adenocarcinoma as nodular thickening of wall of cystic airspace. A, Computed tomography (CT) image shows air-filled thin wall cyst in the right lower lobe (arrow) . B, Follow-up CT 1 year later shows nodular thickening of the wall of the air-filled cyst (arrow) . Biopsy confirmed adenocarcinoma.

Adenocarcinoma can have variable degree of fludeoxyglucose (FDG) avidity. Pre- or minimally invasive, ground-glass attenuation, and small-sized lesions are known to have minimal or absent FDG uptake on PET. The degree of FDG avidity pretreatment has been found to have prognostic value for recurrence and survival in those with stage I NSCLC treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). Please see additional detail regarding PET in Chapter 4 .

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Clinical Features.

Squamous cell carcinoma represents approximately 30% of all lung cancers ( Box 21.4 ). There is a strong association with cigarette smoking. SCC is the histologic type most commonly associated with hypercalcemia caused by PTHrP production by the tumor.

Box 21.4
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Clinical Features

  • One third of all lung cancers

  • Hypercalcemia related to parathyroid hormone–related protein production

Pathologic Features

  • Central, endobronchial location

  • Local metastases to lymph nodes

  • Central necrosis

Imaging Features

  • Two thirds in central location

  • Endobronchial lesion best seen on computed tomography

  • Postobstructive atelectasis or pneumonia of the lung or lobe

  • One third in peripheral location

  • Thick-walled, cavitary mass

  • Solitary nodule

Pathologic Features.

Squamous cell carcinoma often arises in areas of squamous metaplasia, and there appears to be an orderly progression of alterations in bronchial mucosa in cigarette smokers from squamous metaplasia to invasive carcinoma. Typically, these tumors occur in main, segmental, or subsegmental bronchi, and they grow endobronchially. Bronchial wall invasion occurs with growth proximally along the bronchial mucosa. Spread to regional lymph nodes is common and may occur by direct extension. Central necrosis is a common feature. Histologic features typical for SCCs include the formation of keratin pearls and intercellular bridges.

Imaging Features.

The radiologic presentation depends on the location of the tumor. The most common presentation is a central mass in the hilar or perihilar region obstructing the bronchus ( Fig. 21.11 ). Involvement of the central bronchus may range from focal thickening to complete occlusion. When the lesion is small, the tumor may not be evident on chest radiography, but the bronchial wall abnormalities are more readily detected on CT. Atelectasis or postobstructive pneumonia is usually identified distal to the obstructed bronchus. Any patient presenting with lobar collapse and signs of infection should be followed radiographically to complete resolution with reexpansion of the involved lobe. Persistent atelectasis strongly suggests a central lung carcinoma.

FIGURE 21.11, Squamous cell lung cancer. Computed tomography (CT) (A) shows a partially necrotic central left upper lobe mass with cut-off of the left upper lobe bronchus (arrow) and (B) associated wedge-shaped postobstructive atelectasis (arrow) . Positron emission tomography/CT (C) is useful in delineating the primary tumor from the adjacent atelectasis.

Approximately one third of SCC occurs in the lung periphery. The most characteristic appearance is a thick-walled cavitary nodule or mass that usually does not contain an air–fluid level. The diameter ranges from 2 to 10 cm ( Fig. 21.12 ). The cavitary malignancy may be indistinguishable from a lung abscess based on imaging. A solitary nodule or mass without cavitation can occur in the periphery of the lung parenchyma.

FIGURE 21.12, Squamous cell lung cancer. Computed tomography image shows a large cavitary mass in the right lower lobe consistent with squamous cell lung cancer.

Squamous cell carcinoma is usually FDG avid, although the central necrotic region can be photopenic. PET, MRI, or dual-energy CT is often helpful in distinguishing central tumor from adjacent postobstructive atelectasis.

Superior Sulcus Tumor

Clinical Features.

Superior sulcus tumor ( Box 21.5 ) is not a distinct pathologic entity. It refers to NSCLC arising in the lung apex and is also known as Pancoast tumor. In recent series, adenocarcinomas have accounted for the majority of superior sulcus tumors, although in earlier series, SCC were predominant. Superior sulcus tumors often cause Pancoast syndrome, which is pain in the shoulder girdle and ulnar nerve distribution of the arm and hand. Horner syndrome, characterized by ipsilateral anhidrosis of the face, miosis, and ptosis with narrowing of the palpebral fissure caused by paralysis of the Muller muscle, is seen when the stellate ganglion is involved. These tumors typically invade the chest wall and extend into the neck. Local extension may result in involvement of the brachial plexus, spread to the vertebral bodies and spinal canal, involvement of the sympathetic ganglion, and anterior extension with invasion of the subclavian artery. In patients with potentially resectable tumor, multimodality treatment in which surgery (en bloc resection of the tumor and chest wall) is combined with pre- or postoperative radiation therapy, with or without chemotherapy now forms the standard of care for patients with superior sulcus tumors .

Box 21.5
Superior Sulcus Tumor

Clinical Features

  • Pain in shoulder and ulnar nerve distribution

  • Horner syndrome: stellate ganglion involvement

  • Bone destruction (upper thoracic vertebral bodies, ribs)

  • Atrophy of hand muscles

Pathologic Features

  • Most common: adenocarcinoma

Imaging Features

  • Apical mass or asymmetric thickening

  • Bone destruction

  • Magnetic resonance imaging best for brachial plexus involvement

Imaging Features.

Brachial plexus involvement is suspected when tumor infiltration of the interscalene triangle and around the subclavian artery is observed on CT. MRI is the preferred modality for evaluating superior sulcus tumors because it allows visualization of structures at the apex of the thorax in multiple planes ( Fig. 21.13 ).

FIGURE 21.13, Pancoast tumor. A, Frontal chest radiograph shows right apical mass (arrow) . B, Computed tomography image shows the right superior sulcus tumor invading the right posterior third rib (long arrow) and right lateral aspect of the T3 vertebra (short arrow) . C, Sagittal T1-weighted non–contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance image of the brachial plexus shows invasion of the chest wall fat and brachial plexus (arrows) .

Neuroendocrine Tumors

Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

Clinical Features.

Small cell lung carcinoma, the most aggressive form of lung cancer, is characterized by rapid growth and early metastases, which are seen in two thirds of patients at the time of presentation ( Box 21.6 ). It is associated with the poorest prognosis and has the strongest association with cigarette smoking. It accounts for approximately 15% to 20% of all lung cancers.

Box 21.6
Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

Clinical Features

  • Most aggressive subtype

  • Strongest association with smoking

  • Poorest survival

  • Accounts for 15% to 20% of cancers

  • Treated with chemotherapy

  • Inappropriate ADH production, ectopic ACTH

Pathologic Features

  • Central tumor

  • Tumor necrosis

Imaging Features

  • Hilar or perihilar mass

  • Massive adenopathy, often bilateral

  • Lobar collapse

  • Peripheral nodule

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; ADH, antidiuretic hormone.

Bulky lymphadenopathy associated with SCLC can cause compression of the superior vena cava (SVC) and lead to SVC syndrome (facial swelling, dyspnea, and headache) ( Fig. 21.14 ). SCLC is also associated with Cushing syndrome (central obesity, hypertension, glucose intolerance, plethora, and hirsutism) and SIADH, resulting in hyponatremia and serum hyposmolarity.

FIGURE 21.14, Small cell lung cancer with superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Computed tomography image shows bulky right paratracheal adenopathy encasing and narrowing the SVC (short arrow) and multiple collaterals in the right anterior chest wall (long arrow).

When found in the early stage as an isolated pulmonary nodule, SCLC can be resected and is associated with a better prognosis. However, most patients present in the late stage and are often managed with chemotherapy with or without radiation. The long-term survival is extremely poor because of a high rate of recurrence. Even when treated, the median survival time is 9 to 18 months.

Pathologic Features.

Small cell lung carcinoma is a high-grade neuroendocrine tumor with more than 10 mitoses per 2 mm 2 that manifests histologically as sheets of small oval to slightly spindle-shaped cells with scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with small to absent nucleoli. SCLC is characterized by extensive tumor necrosis and hemorrhage.

Imaging Features.

The primary tumor is typically small and often central in location with extensive and bulky hilar and mediastinal adenopathy ( Fig. 21.15 ). Rarely, SCLC manifests as a small, peripheral, solitary nodule. SCLC tends to exhibit avid FDG uptake.

FIGURE 21.15, Small cell lung cancer. Frontal radiograph (A) and coronal contrast-enhanced computed tomography (B) images show left upper lobe central mass with bulky mediastinal adenopathy. Biopsy showed small cell lung cancer.

Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

Clinical Features.

Large cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (LCNEC) account for 3% of lung cancers in surgical series and have a strong association with cigarette smoking. They are characterized by rapid growth, early metastases, and a poor prognosis.

Pathologic Features.

Similar to SCLC, LCNEC is a high-grade neuroendocrine tumor with more than 10 mitoses per 2 mm 2 . It is characterized by large cells with low nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. Typically, these tumors are peripheral in location. On gross inspection, they are large, with mean diameter of 3 to 4 cm with areas of necrosis.

Imaging Features.

The lesions are usually peripheral and quite large ( Fig. 21.16 ).

FIGURE 21.16, Large cell lung cancer. Computed tomography image shows a lobular mass in the right upper lobe consistent with large cell lung cancer.

Carcinoid Tumors

Clinical Features.

Carcinoid tumors are low-grade malignant neoplasms that represent between 1% and 2% of all primary pulmonary malignancies ( Box 21.7 ). Males and females are equally affected over a wide age range. The median age is 50 years. There is no association with cigarette smoking. Patients may present with cough and hemoptysis. Carcinoid tumors may be associated with ectopic hormone production, specifically ACTH. However, these tumors do not produce the clinical carcinoid syndrome unless liver metastases are present. Typical carcinoid (TC) tumors rarely metastasize, but atypical carcinoid (AC) tumors metastasize in 40% to 50% of patients. AC tumors are usually peripheral in location and account for 10% of carcinoid tumors. They may be associated with involvement of hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes and distant metastases, such as the liver or bone.

Box 21.7
Carcinoid Tumors

Clinical Features

  • Median age at diagnosis: 50 years

  • Men and women equally affected

  • Cough, hemoptysis

  • Good prognosis

Pathologic Features

  • Typical carcinoid: <2 mitoses per 2 mm 2

  • Atypical carcinoid: 2–10 mitoses per 2 mm 2

    • Rare; 10% of carcinoid tumors

    • Lymph node involvement and distant metastases more likely

  • Neurosecretory granules

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