Psychosocial and Quality of Life Issues in Mechanical Circulatory Support

The use of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) as a long-term therapy for end-stage heart failure is associated with many psychosocial considerations for both patients and their families. These considerations span the process of care: they encompass factors including evaluation, informed consent, and decision-making before implantation; health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and behavioral outcomes during and after MCS implantation; impact of psychosocial factors on clinical outcomes after MCS implantation; and end-of-life concerns. Like many other medical interventions, the success of MCS is ultimately judged by its ability not only to prolong life but also to maximize psychosocial and physical well-being. Hence, it is critical for health care providers and researchers alike to understand the key psychosocial issues that emerge at each step in the process of MCS intervention, as well as the empirical evidence available regarding them. Better understanding of the issues and related evidence is important for improved education of patients and their families, especially since long-term MCS is a viable treatment option. It is also important for the development and evaluation of new strategies to maximize psychosocial outcomes in patients receiving MCS.

This chapter discusses the relevant psychosocial issues across the process of MCS intervention, organized according to the model depicted in Fig. 16.1 . Issues are considered from the perspective of providing better clinical care, and research findings are noted that inform this care. In the final section of the chapter, the most pressing clinical and research concerns that must be addressed in future work on psychosocial factors in MCS are delineated. Throughout the chapter, although many psychosocial factors that are relevant to use of long-term MCS (i.e., MCS beyond the acute care setting) in all age groups are considered, the primary focus is on adult populations because of the increasing use of MCS in adults, either as a bridge to heart transplantation (BTT), bridge to transplantation candidacy (BTC), or permanent, “destination” therapy (DT).

Fig. 16.1
Psychosocial factors at each stage of the mechanical circulatory support (MCS) process. HRQOL , Health-related quality of life; QOL , quality of life.

Preimplantation considerations

Whether patients receive long-term MCS is determined by multiple medical and psychosocial factors. Medical indications for MCS are discussed elsewhere in this book; reviewed here are the range of psychosocial factors that appear to influence access to and patient preferences for this treatment. Then, among patients undergoing evaluation for MCS, the psychosocial issues that must be assessed in determining eligibility for MCS implantation are delineated, and procedures for ensuring patient informed consent for this treatment option are discussed.

Disparities in Access to Mechanical Circulatory Support

Disparities in access to health care, including organ transplantation, have been well documented; there are enduring worldwide disparities based on race/ethnicity, sex, geographic region, and socioeconomic status. Evidence suggests that similar psychosocial disparities exist for access to care for advanced heart disease, including MCS. Some disparities specific to MCS may have reflected technological limitations. For example, the larger fully implantable pulsatile devices that predominated in the 1990s and early 2000s were not compatible with female patients’ typically smaller body habitus. However, despite the smaller size of current MCS devices, the proportion of MCS recipients who are women continues to underrepresent the proportion of women with advanced heart disease who could benefit from this therapy.

Joyce and colleagues provided the most comprehensive analysis to date of not only sex-related but also other psychosocial disparities in access to MCS. They examined a large national database on interventions used for patients aged 18 to 85 years hospitalized from 2002 to 2003 for congestive heart failure or cardiogenic shock. Patients with diagnoses that represented clear contraindications to MCS implantation were excluded. Results indicated that, even after controlling for severity of medical comorbidities, patients who were older than 65 years, female, and/or African American were less likely to receive MCS. There were also marked geographic variations, with patients from the western United States showing the highest likelihood of receiving MCS relative to all other regions. Geographic disparities have been similarly noted in other countries and have been attributed to patient mix, referral patterns, and the regional distribution of centers that perform MCS implanation.

However, at least in the United States, Joyce and colleagues found no evidence that regional differences in MCS implantation rates varied by patient medical factors, and such differences were maintained even after controlling for the distribution of academic medical centers (which were more likely than nonacademic centers to use MCS). Furthermore, the strong evidence of race disparities in this study was also independent of patient medical factors and other factors, including whether patients were admitted to an academic center. Interestingly, neither insurance status nor average income in the communities where patients resided affected their likelihood of receiving MCS. Neither characteristic affected the association of race with receipt of MCS.

The race and sex disparities in MCS uncovered to date likely stem from multiple factors, including referral practices and biases, uneven application of evidence-based guidelines, and patient preferences for care. Patient preferences are addressed later; noted here is that further work is needed to delineate the underlying causes of unequal access to MCS so that appropriate steps can be taken to reduce or eliminate them. At least in the more general context of care for heart failure and cardiovascular disease, there is growing evidence that interventions that facilitate care provider adherence to clinical practice guidelines and algorithms can reduce some disparities in treatments offered to patients.

Informed Consent

Informed consent is a process, not an event, followed by documentation of that process (i.e., signing of a consent form). This process has four basic elements: (1) decision-making capacity of the patient or surrogate, (2) disclosure of sufficient details of the proposed treatment by the physician, (3) demonstration of understanding of the disclosed information by the patient or surrogate, and (4) voluntary agreement to the treatment. Importantly, this process is patient centric.

Decision-Making Capacity

Clinicians are responsible for ensuring decision-making capacity. The decision-making capacity of patients with advanced heart failure may be impaired due to mild cognitive decline, low health literacy, numeracy, and moods/emotions. It is incumbent upon clinicians to screen for these impairments in at-risk patients and integrate strategies to address them. Informed consent may also be challenging if the patient’s decision-making capacity is compromised (e.g., due to reduced level of consciousness or moderate to severe cognitive impairment) and the burden of consent falls to the next-of-kin, which is less than ideal. Families may experience decisional conflict and uncertainty about the best course of action especially if surgical risks are high and outcomes are uncertain and may be poor. Use of temporary MCS as a possible bridge to longer-term MCS or transplantation may provide time to stabilize the patient, evaluate next steps, and allow the family, and possibly the patient, time to consider options. Advance directives can provide guidance for family members who must make emergent decisions regarding treatment options on behalf of a critically ill family member.

Informing Patients, Caregivers, and Families About Treatment Options

Informing patients with advanced heart failure (i.e., stage D heart failure) and their families about therapeutic options necessarily includes discussing the patient’s current medical condition and disclosing risks, benefits, self-care, effect on lifestyle, financial costs, caregiver burden, and end-of-life considerations of the current medical plan. Conversations to inform patients about their current medical condition would include discussing advanced heart failure and its natural history (i.e., the trajectory of advanced heart failure and poor prognosis), the patient’s current health status and prognosis, likelihood of increasing symptom burden and declining functional status, poor quality of life, caregiver burden, the potential for frequent hospital readmissions, and increasing costs of care. Discussion of the current medical treatment plan typically includes optimization of heart failure therapies and ongoing management of comorbidities. It is important that patients understand the risks and benefits of medical therapy, as well as the plan for continued care, which could include supportive care (e.g., palliative care and hospice). As the patient’s heart failure worsens, discussion of new treatment options may be considered.

For patients who are hospitalized with acute heart failure, particularly if hospitalizations are recurrent, discussions would include modifications to the treatment plan (e.g., initiation of intravenous diuretics for refractory fluid retention, use of inotropes, and dose reduction or withdrawal of neurohormonal antagonists to manage symptomatic hypotension, azotemia) and use of temporary support (e.g., intraaortic balloon pumping or short-term percutaneous or extracorporeal support) in the event of refractory cardiogenic shock.

Surgical treatment options (e.g., MCS), which are reasonable to consider for an individual patient, may also be discussed. When discussing the option of MCS, it is important to discuss benefits and risks for the specific device being recommended for implantation (overall and specific to the hospital where the device will be implanted) and the implant strategy (i.e., BTT, BTC, or DT). Potential benefits of improvement in survival, quality of life, and function need to be balanced with possible risks, including device-related adverse events such as bleeding, neurological events, pump thrombosis, and infections, as well as possible worsening of serious concurrent comorbidities or development of new life-threatening comorbid conditions. Although, to some extent, risks will be patient specific, results from large published MCS trials should be included in these discussions. In addition, potential improvement in heart failure symptoms (e.g., decreased shortness of breath, peripheral edema, and fatigue), possible development of new MCS-related symptoms (e.g., bleeding, dizziness, and pain), and potential psychological morbidities (e.g., anxiety and depression) need to be discussed with patients. Length of hospitalization, recovery, and hospital readmission after MCS implantation are also important topics. Regarding implant strategy, patients need to understand that a given strategy might change after surgery. For example, patients who receive an implant as BTT and experience a catastrophic device-related complication may be removed from the waiting list for heart transplantation and the MCS device would remain in place until the end of the patient’s life. On the other hand, patients may receive MCS as DT, but contraindications to transplantation may be reversed with device therapy, and listing for transplantation may then become an option. Finally, a discussion of device durability and the option of device replacement, if beneficial and desirable, is important at the time of initial implantation.

Discussions regarding self-care and changes in lifestyle should include the topics of device management and troubleshooting, driveline dressing changes, permitted activities (e.g., return to work, home management, and driving), and activities that may not be permitted (e.g., immersion in water such as swimming). In addition, following a “heart-healthy” diet and being active, including participating in a formal rehabilitation program or home exercise program, are important topics of discussion. Furthermore, patients need to learn about important safety issues in the home environment and community, such as power supply, telephone services, and a plan for urgent/emergent return to the hospital. Financial costs associated with MCS implantation (including at the time of implantation and after discharge) are also important topics of discussion with patients and their families when deciding on therapeutic options.

Discussing end of life is difficult, but necessary, in the context of informing patients about MCS as a treatment option. When and how much information to share about end of life are individualized and based on patient characteristics (including patient preferences and goals), clinical risk factors (e.g., high surgical risk), and implant strategy. For example, a less detailed discussion of end of life may be undertaken for patients receiving MCS as BTT, whereas more information may be appropriate for patients who receive implantation as BTC or DT. An end-of-life conversation, at the appropriate time, includes a discussion of anticipated end-of-life trajectories, availability of hospice, and device deactivation.

It is generally expected that patients on MCS will have caregivers in order to be discharged from the hospital. Most caregiving for patients with major chronic illnesses is performed by family members. Thus, caregivers and family members need to be informed about MCS, so that they can learn about the caregiving role (e.g., performing driveline dressing changes, troubleshooting device malfunction, providing transportation to follow-up appointments and tests, initiating plans for emergency return to the hospital for device-related complications, and often providing emotional support). Caregivers and family members also need to be informed about the possible impact of caregiving on their lives. For example, many device programs require that a device-trained person remain close to the patient at all times, which may be challenging if the device-trained person is also employed. Multiple caregivers may help mitigate this challenge. Finally, caregivers also need to be informed that they may experience psychological sequelae, which will be discussed in the section on family caregiver well-being and quality of life.

Understanding of Treatment Options

Challenges abound in determining patient understanding of discussions on treatment options. A variety of strategies have been used, including decision-making worksheets, more informative consent forms, standardized education, decision aids, and written tests and elicitation of oral feedback, which may simply be asking a patient to repeat what (s)he heard a clinician say. Discussions with multidisciplinary team members (e.g., cardiologists, surgeons, ventricular assist device coordinators, palliative care teams, psychologists, dietitians, and social workers) are beneficial as each team member focuses on different aspects of informing patients about MCS. Additionally, advanced heart failure patients considering MCS are often encouraged to visit with a current MCS patient, to learn about MCS from a “lived experience” perspective. Participation in support groups, when available, is also highly encouraged. Written information and videos regarding device management, troubleshooting, and dressing change procedures, as well as illustrations of the device, are important educational supplements during the informed consent process. Patients also may want to see the actual hardware and accessories. It is important to recognize the possibility of influence or bias (i.e., bias toward accepting MCS therapy), without adequate discussion of risks, alternative options, and caregiver considerations when sharing information.

Agreement to Treatment Options

Finally, agreement to a treatment option assumes voluntariness that is free from manipulation or coercion (i.e., the decision is made autonomously). This final element of informed consent is predicated on the first three elements (i.e., decision-making capacity, full disclosure of treatment options, and understanding).

After being fully informed of available therapeutic options, some patients with advanced heart failure choose medical therapy, which may be viewed as a refusal of lifesaving therapy. Patients with decision-making capacity who understand the risks and benefits of medical therapy and the consequences of refusing MCS device implantation are, of course, free to make this choice. Understanding patient values, preferences, goals, culture, and background may help to clarify the patient’s choice of continuing medical therapies or undergoing MCS implantation.

Patient and Family Preferences and Decision-Making

With the shift from physician- to patient-centric informed consent, advanced heart failure patient decision-making regarding the treatment options of continuing medical therapies or agreeing to MCS implantation requires not only that clinicians fully inform patients about treatment options but also that patients share their values and preferences for treatment with clinicians, hence the term “shared decision-making.” Shared decision-making has four components: (1) at minimum, two participants (i.e., a clinician and patient), (2) sharing of information by both participants, (3) consensus building about the preferred treatment, and (4) agreement on the treatment to be implemented. These components are the pillars of shared decision-making and as a whole, can build trust, enhance readiness for decision-making, align treatment options with desired outcomes, and reduce the potential for and resolve conflict. Given the complexities and trajectory of advanced heart failure and high-stakes nature of MCS, ideally, shared decision-making is an iterative process that evolves over time, as the patient’s condition changes and patient values, preferences, and goals are clarified. The value of the iterative nature of this process is also supported by literature that suggests that advanced heart failure patient preferences for desired outcomes can change over time.

Sharing of information is predicated on effective communication between participants that is clear and accurate. Sometimes, patients have preexisting notions or do not understand information being shared (e.g., about their health status and prognosis), which can result in misconceptions. In a study of ambulatory patients with heart failure, patients overestimated their life expectancy compared with model-based predictions for survival, using the Seattle Heart Failure Model. Furthermore, greater disease severity (i.e., higher New York Heart Association [NYHA] class and lower ejection fraction) was independently related to overestimation of life expectancy. Reasons for this discordance in heart failure patient versus model estimates of survival were not clear but may have included inadequate communication between clinicians and patients, patient-specific factors (e.g., hope and optimism), and language or cultural barriers. The researchers suggested that a better understanding of prognosis and life expectancy may be important to decision-making about advanced cardiac therapies, including MCS. In follow-up, this research team conducted a qualitative, descriptive study using semistructured interviews with patients diagnosed with heart failure ( n = 24) to explore their perceptions of model-based survival estimates. They determined that the majority of these patients wanted individualized prognostic survival estimates (preferably early in their disease history), recognized the uncertainty associated with these estimates, and viewed these estimates as providing hope and control rather than provoking anxiety.

Similarly, heart failure patients need to communicate their values, preferences, and goals. Regarding the option of MCS, clinicians might ask specific questions, such as “What do you hope to get from MCS surgery?” “What are you willing to give up when you get MCS surgery?” Ask-tell-ask is one of many useful communication techniques that can be used to engage patients and families in shared decision-making conversations.

There is a growing body of evidence about shared decision-making in patients with advanced heart failure who are considering MCS as a treatment option. McIlvennan and colleagues explored the decision-making processes of advanced heart failure patients considering MCS by conducting in-depth interviews with 22 patients ( n = 15 who had DT MCS implantation and n = 7 who declined device implant). The majority of those agreeing to MCS implant used an “automatic” decision process, while some agreeing to implant and all decliners used a more “reflective” process. Patients using an “automatic” decision process cited fear of dying and wanting to live as long as possible, noting that they “had no choice.” DT MCS decision-making with minimal deliberation has been reported by other researchers. In contrast, decliners often reflected on the meaning of their lives, indicated that they did not fear death, but saw it as an option, and considered options based on their preferences for quality versus quantity of life. In a qualitative study of DT MCS decision-making and implications for caregivers ( n = 17), researchers reported that caregivers often placed the needs of their loved one ahead of their own needs, and some caregivers indicated that they felt pressure to make a decision quickly.

Decision aids, designed to improve patient decision-making, are available for use with patients considering both medical and surgical treatment options. Thompson and colleagues reported on the creation of decision aids for patients considering DT MCS. Using International Patient Decision Aid Standard guidelines, they created both paper and video DT MCS decision aids and tested them for acceptability (i.e., readability, bias, and usability). These decision aids were recently assessed by this team for effectiveness in a multisite randomized trial of 248 patients who were considering the option of DT MCS. Allen and colleagues determined that these decision aids improved patient knowledge and concordance between stated values and treatment choice at 1 month after implantation but did not improve concordance between stated values and actual treatment at 6 months.

An understanding of patient decision-making can also be gained through examining regret. Regret is “remorse or distress over a decision.” In a study of decision-making regarding MCS implantation, Blumenthal-Barby and colleagues interviewed MCS candidates and MCS patients and their caregivers (overall n = 45) and reported low levels of decisional regret, indicating that most patients and caregivers made decisions that were consistent with their values.

Psychosocial Evaluation for Mechanical Circulatory Support

Earlier, the issue of psychosocial disparities in access to MCS was addressed—that is, the issue of who is evaluated for device implantation. Although disparities in access are inherently unfair and unethical, MCS programs must legitimately weigh psychosocial as well as medical factors for each candidate for MCS therapy to appropriately select patients mostly likely to benefit from device implantation. Psychosocial factors must also be examined to determine whether psychological, behavioral, or other psychosocial interventions might usefully be offered to patients to increase their chances of favorable outcomes after MCS implantation.

The specific components of the psychosocial evaluation have received limited attention in the MCS literature. This is in contrast to the extensive scrutiny that other medical factors have received as potential criteria for the selection of patients for MCS. In general, the factors typically evaluated in potential transplantation candidates are also viewed as important for the evaluation of candidates for MCS. These elements are listed in Table 16.1 and include lifetime mental health and substance use histories; past and current level of adherence to medical regimens; cognitive status and ability to give informed consent; social history and current status, including financial circumstances; the availability of a primary family caregiver and general support from the family; and knowledge about current illness and treatment options.

Table 16.1
Components of the Psychosocial Evaluation of Candidates for Mechanical Circulatory Support
Component Areas Addressed
Mental health history and current status Mood and anxiety disorders; suicidal ideation or past attempts; psychosis; personality disorders; treatment history
Substance use history and current status Quantity, frequency, duration, and recency of use of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances; diagnosable disorder and level of impairment in daily life; treatment and rehabilitation history
Adherence history and current status Adherence to components of previous and current treatment regimens for heart disease or other chronic health conditions; understanding of rationale for current regimen
Cognitive functioning and capacity Orientation in person, time, and place; appearance and affect; evidence of impairments that would affect capacity to understand what will be required for care during MCS and (if relevant) after transplantation; capacity to give informed consent
Social history and current status Demographics, including employment and financial circumstances; marital status; living arrangements; coping strategies for managing health issues; religious beliefs and orientation; concurrent stressors (work related, home related, other); literacy and health literacy
Family caregiver availability and general family supports Presence of a family member to provide care and assistance on a daily basis; emotional supportiveness of family or close friends; understanding by family of patient’s health situation
Understanding of current illness and treatment options Perceptions of medical condition; perceptions of health-related impairments in daily life; understanding of the risks and benefits of MCS; understanding of the transplant process (if relevant); attitudes and expectations about MCS, including preferences and goals
Capacity to operate MCS device Understanding of basic device operation; physical and cognitive capacity to operate the device and respond to alerts/alarms; safety of the home environment for MCS operation
MCS , Mechanical circulatory support.

An additional element that requires special consideration in MCS candidates concerns patients’ understanding of and capacity (both physical and cognitive) to operate the MCS device. Moreover, the safety of the home environment must be considered, and factors including whether reliable electricity is available and whether the home is accessible by health care personnel must be determined. Assessment of these issues can be critical for decisions about patient educational needs, for patient/family preparation for patients to live outside of the hospital with MCS, and ultimately, for decisions about patients’ eligibility for MCS.

Among the remaining elements, psychiatric and substance use history, general cognitive status, medical adherence history, and the presence of a family caregiver are most often noted as important for team decisions about patients’ need for psychosocial interventions or referrals for additional more extensive evaluation (regarding psychiatric or cognitive status, for example). These factors are also critical for team decisions about patient eligibility for MCS. For example, patients must have the cognitive capacity to understand the risks and benefits associated with MCS and any other treatment options. They must also have strong social supports: the presence of a family caregiver and availability of other supports from the family and friends are essential for guaranteeing that patients can be safely discharged to home after device implantation. Strong caregiver availability and support may mitigate potential limitations that patients may have in other areas. For example, patients with limitations in their ability to operate the MCS device may be acceptable candidates if they have extensive supports and assistance for daily functioning.

When considering psychosocial factors as eligibility criteria, it is important to distinguish whether patients are being considered for BTT, BTC, or DT. If MCS is to be used for BTT, the psychosocial criteria for transplantation candidacy would be relevant, albeit with some modifications. For example, a greater emphasis is usually placed on ensuring the availability of a family caregiver during the period of MCS, compared with the family caregiver requirements typical for transplantation eligibility. In addition, although abstinence from substance use is often important for MCS eligibility, the required duration of abstinence may be less than that typical for transplantation candidates, most often because of the urgent need for MCS. The duration requirement might instead affect whether the MCS device is implanted as BTC versus BTT. Thus, if a patient could not meet transplantation eligibility criteria regarding duration of abstinence before MCS implantation (e.g., due to medical urgency) or needed to demonstrate an enduring ability to adhere to treatment requirements, the psychosocial evaluation might result in a patient receiving MCS as BTC. Once the duration criteria are met, the patient might transition to BTT. In this regard, it is noteworthy that patients defined as BTC based on the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (INTERMACS) database between 2006 and 2011 were considerably more likely to have current substance use/abuse at the time of implantation than were BTT patients.

It has been argued that patients being considered for DT may require a somewhat different approach in the application of any psychosocial criteria, compared to BTT and BTC patients. DT patients are, by definition, not candidates for heart transplantation. Thus, the psychosocial criteria applied for heart transplantation eligibility—which evolved in response to the need to maximize the utility of scarce donor organs—may be only partially relevant. Because MCS devices are not in short supply, there may be few compelling reasons to deny patients DT based on factors that would generally preclude transplantation candidacy (e.g., continued substance use). For patients being considered for DT, the goal of applying psychosocial criteria should be to determine if patients are able, when drawing on the full range of resources that can be mustered for them, to live with MCS and manage (usually with family caregiver assistance) their complex care regimen at home. A complication, however, in “relaxing” the application of psychosocial criteria for DT patients is that some of these patients may in fact ultimately be considered for transplantation. Under such circumstances, patients would require a new evaluation of their psychosocial eligibility for transplantation, and the psychosocial standards more typically applied for transplantation candidacy then would become relevant.

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