General information

Protirelin is a synthetic tripeptide that stimulates the hypophyseal secretion of thyrotrophin (thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH). It is used mainly for diagnostic purposes in dynamic tests of pituitary and hypothalamic function, but its use in the assessment of hyperthyroidism has been superseded by sensitive assays of thyrotrophin [ ]. Protirelin has neurotransmitter properties and has been used to treat a variety of neurological disorders, including intractable epilepsy [ ]. Some experiments have also been performed to evaluate its effects in mental disorders.

Protirelin is generally given intravenously (as a bolus of 200 micrograms), as absorption after oral and intranasal administration is unpredictable.

General adverse effects and adverse reactions

Adverse reactions to protirelin are usually mild. They include facial flushing, urinary urgency, vaginal sensations, nausea, chest pain, and altered taste sensation [ ].

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