Principles and techniques of microvascular surgery


  • Microsurgery and supermicrosurgery refers to the surgical coaptation of small vessels, usually around 1 mm in diameter or smaller, under microscope magnification. Microsurgery is a broad term not only limited to blood vessels but also refers to coaptation of tiny nerves and lymphatics.

  • This technique has evolved significantly over the last four decades, starting from revascularization and replantation in 1960 to free flap surgery.

  • The development of the operating microscope, microinstruments, and ultra-fine sutures have greatly aided its widespread use.

  • Despite various techniques having been developed for the handling of small vessels, the most commonly used techniques are still the end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis and coupling devices. Difficult situations such as vessel diameter discrepancy, inadequate vessel length, and poor vessel quality can usually be overcome with special techniques.

  • Advances in microsurgery leading to consistently high success rates have made free tissue transfer a cost-effective, first-line option in modern reconstructive surgery with superior results and high patient satisfaction compared with conventional methods. Microsurgery, however, is mentally and physically demanding. The need for special training cannot be overemphasized.

  • Thorough preoperative planning, flexibility of the surgical plan, and flawless execution are mandatory for successful free flap surgery.

  • Clinical assessment remains the gold standard in free flap monitoring. Early detection of a failing free flap with prompt intervention greatly improves the salvage rates. Pharmacological agents such as low-dose heparin, PGE1 and dextran are also useful. Complications of free tissue transfer are not only due to vascular compromise; inadequate planning, inappropriate flap selection, and/or flawed execution can compromise the flap and/or the functional and aesthetic outcomes.

  • Refined microsurgical techniques and improved postoperative care such as specialized microsurgical intensive care units have led to a 96–98% success rate in developed centers nowadays. If the first microsurgical reconstruction fails, a second microsurgical reconstruction can still be attempted with good results after identifying and managing potential causes.

  • Microsurgery will not decline but will continue to evolve. Microsurgery has indeed revolutionized our approach to reconstructive challenges, and with further refinements, we will see an even wider application; particularly, in the fields of supermicrosurgery, free-style free flaps, and composite tissue allotransplantation.

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Microsurgery is a general term for surgery requiring the operating microscope or high magnification loupes. Depending on the structure operated on, terms such as microvascular surgery (surgery on blood vessels around 1 mm), microneural surgery, microlymphatic surgery, and microtubular surgery, etc., can be coined.

Supramicrosurgery is an extreme form of microsurgery and refers to anastomoses of vessels around 0.5 mm in diameter (0.3–0.8 mm), common in lymphatic reconstruction, perforator-to-perforator anastomosis/perforator repair, and distal digital replantation.

Reconstructive microsurgery utilizes microsurgical and supramicrosurgical techniques in procedures such as revascularization, replantation, and auto- or allotransplantation to solve problems arising from traumatic injuries, congenital deformities, and tumor ablation. Some of these procedures can be performed under loupe magnification (×2.5–8), including vessels and nerves coaptation, especially when the diameter is not too small (usually around 2–3 mm).

It is worth noting that microsurgical techniques and, to a lesser degree, supramicrosurgery are not limited to plastic surgery; however, the scope of practice within plastic surgery remains the most diverse in modern surgery.

The era of microsurgery began with the invention of the microscope in 1920. The improvement in magnification and illumination, and the development of microinstruments and ultrafine sutures were the leading factors for the widespread use of its techniques.

Our approach to micro- and supramicrosurgery has changed over time. Consistently reported high success rates of 97–100%, cost-effectiveness, superior functional, aesthetic, and psychological outcomes compared with other techniques have changed the indication for microsurgery from being the last resort after failure of other options or reserved for particularly complex cases into the first choice regardless of case complexity and even a salvage choice after failure, and reversed, as a result, the reconstructive ladder and then overthrew it completely in advanced centers.

The current success and widespread application of microsurgery and supermicrosurgery demands experience and resources. But with professional training, specialized infrastructures, dedication and support, high-volume microsurgery and supermicrosurgery can be ensured with convenience.

The focus of this chapter is the principles and techniques of microsurgery, supermicrosurgery, and free tissue transfer, including perforator free flaps, free-style free flaps, allotransplantation, recent innovations and possible future directions. Revascularization and replantation are specifically covered in other chapters.


Since the introduction of the triangulation technique for vessel repair by Alexis Carrel, the diameter of vessels that can be anastomosed has become progressively smaller, due largely to developments in surgical techniques, surgical instrumentation and microsutures, and improved optics in present-day microscopes.

Magnification under adequate illumination allows more accurate perception of operative anatomy and positioning of instrumentation, with improved outcomes and facilitation of procedures that would be impossible to undertake without assisted vision. Intraoperative magnification also reduces surgeons' fatigue as a result of improved ergonomics. Two types of optical systems are used by surgeons to produce magnification – the surgical microscope and loupes.

Surgical microscopes

The basic sophistication of today's operating microscope includes binocular head with adjustable eyepieces and a teaching head to allow two people to work with magnification in the operating field; there could be a third head for digital recording. The heads should independently pivot and have separate magnification levels with the flexibility to be retrofitted with a camera to document the procedure on an SD card or DVD as well as to allow colleagues to view the operation in real time.

Tilt, focus, and zoom can be controlled via a foot pedal or a hand control panel; the first keeps the surgeon's hands free to perform the surgery without interruption, but necessitates coordination; the second option could be more practical as it keeps all functions in one accessible place.

Antimicrobial-coated surfaces and internally routed cables are very important because the controls, lighting, and documentation technology nowadays require wiring; loose wiring can get in the way of the surgical team and can harbor bacteria.

Up to 62× magnifications can be provided by some microscopes with instant magnification change, for a variable working distance, for instance 10× eyepiece and the 200 mm objective lens enables a range of final magnification from 4.4 to 50.4 (Mitaka Kohki Co. Ltd., Mitaka, Yokyo).

Some microscopes, such as Leica and OPMI Pentero, incorporate intraoperative fluorescence tools to assist the surgeon, which is an invaluable technique to check perfusion before and after, in lymphatic microsurgical reconstruction, and precise tumor ablation in neurosurgery.

The modern operating microscope can be mounted on a stand, placed on a table top, or worn on the surgeon's head. Some of them can be hung on the ceiling or wall to conserve floor space in the surgical suite. Microscopes that can be moved from one room into another and used by different surgical specialties are very desired and cost-effective; however, ophthalmic surgical microscopes could be an exception due to the specialized lighting, focusing, and magnification requirements.

When using the microscope, choosing the appropriate level of magnification is important in order to maneuver the instruments and perform the anastomosis efficiently. Low magnification (6×–12×) can be used for vessel preparation and suture tying while middle magnification (19×–15×) can be used for suture placement. High magnification is usually only required for very small vessel anastomosis and inspection of the anastomosis. For tips for use, see Box 25.1 .

BOX 25.1
Tips for using surgical microscopes

  • Familiarize yourself with the microscope.

  • Spend time getting the position right, making sure that the interpupillary distance and diopter correction are right.

  • Use an adjustable seat if you intend to sit.

  • Sit comfortably with feet flat on the ground to provide a stable base.

  • Upper extremities should be well supported, resting on folded drapes as necessary, to minimize fatigue and tremor.

  • Focus should be adjusted with the scope at highest magnification before starting.


Loupes can provide magnifications of 2.5×–8× and may be mounted on glasses or headbands. They are cost-effective, portable, and offer operator freedom. Enhanced visualization provided by loupes is invaluable for precise dissection of tissues and placement of instruments and sutures. In experienced hands, high-magnification loupes can even provide an effective alternative to the operating microscope for vessels as small as 1 mm. A retrospective study of 200 consecutive free microvascular tissue transplantations compared the performance of free tissue transplants with 3.5× loupes and the operating microscope. There was no difference in outcome between the two groups, with free flap success rates of 99% for both the loupe and the microscope groups. However, microscopes were required when performing anastomoses in children and on vessels of 1.5 mm or less in diameter. Despite these studies, most centers still use the microscope for its greater range of magnification and light sources. This is particularly important for smaller-vessel anastomoses in the era of perforator flap, free-style, and supramicrosurgery practice.

Historical perspective

The concept of vascular repair was first proposed by Paré in 1552. However, it was two centuries later before the first successful brachial artery repair was performed in 1759 and even later, in 1897, when Murphy reported his successful end-to-end anastomosis of the femoral artery by invagination of vessels with fine silk. Building on Murphy's work, Alexis Carrel reported a technical breakthrough for performing end-to-end vascular anastomoses using the triangulation method in 1902. This work was further expanded in collaboration with Guthrie, and for his contributions in “vascular suture and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs”, Alexis Carrel was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1912.

Experimental limb replantation in dogs and other models continued in microvascular surgery. However, it was the isolation of heparin from the liver by a medical student, McLean, and its clinical introduction as an anticoagulant to control clotting two decades later as well as the use of the operating microscope that gave microvascular surgery a giant leap forward.

The compound microscope was invented by Janssen in 1590 and subsequently mass-produced by Carl Zeiss for laboratory research in the late 1800s. However, it was not until 1921 that Carl-Olof Siggesson Nylen, a Swedish otologist, first used a modified monocular Brinell–Leitz microscope for animal surgery and then, later in November of the same year, in a patient with chronic otitis and pseudofistula symptoms. Nylen's microscope was soon replaced by a binocular microscope, developed in 1922 by his colleague Gunnar Holmgren. In 1946, Perritt applied the use of the microscope to ophthalmology.

The stage for modern microvascular surgery was set in 1960 when vascular surgeons Jacobson and Suarez introduced the diploscope, a stereoscopic microscope for simultaneous use by two surgeons, for anastomoses of vessels as small as 1 mm in diameter. From this point onwards, the microscope found extensive use in the fields of peripheral nerve surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, experimental transplantation, and neurosurgery.

The first clinical application of microvascular surgery was in replantation. Malt and McKhann first reported the successful replantation of several arms in 1964 whilst the first complete thumb replantation was performed in 1965 by Konatsu and Tamai with the aid of a microscope. Young reported on their series of second toe-to-hand transfers in 1966 and a year later, Cobbett performed the first successful great toe-to-thumb transfer in a human being.

The first experimental flaps based on the superficial epigastric vessels were transplanted in dogs and reported by Krizek et al . in 1965. Antia performed the first clinical free flap, but this was only reported several years later, in 1971. This dermolipomatous groin flap for facial defect reconstruction was, however, complicated by infection and at least partial necrosis occurred. In 1970, the omental free flap by McLean and Buncke was the first fully successful free flap and in 1973, Daniel and Taylor reported transfer of the first groin flap.

New flaps, mainly musculocutaneous, were designed next and the indications for their use were expanded over the next few decades. Complication and failure rates declined and success rates today range between 95.9 and 99%, compared to 74–91% in earlier times.

During the late 1980s and into the 1990s, research focused on anatomy, flap physiology, better donor sites, and improved survival. But it was not until the late 1980s that cutaneous flaps based on perforator vessels finally evolved from conventional musculocutaneous flaps, and intramuscular dissection was born with preservation of function and major vessels. The first true perforator flap was the deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap first reported in 1989 by Koshima and Soeda. The next milestone in free flap surgery was the free-style flap that allowed the harvest of a paddle of skin based on an audible perforator detected by a hand-held Doppler in an area that had not been previously adequately studied, alleviating concerns regarding vascular anomaly and leaving the door open for up to 400 perforator flaps.

Reconstructive microsurgery witnessed another great achievement when allotransplantation became a reality after the first successful hand transplantation in 1998 in Lyon, France, and in January of 1999 in Louisville, USA. More than 130 patients have received hand/arm transplants at institutions around the world. The longest surviving hand/arm transplant is the first US recipient, at 11 years.

The first partial face transplantation was performed in 2005 in Lyon, France, too. However, the first total face transplantation was performed in 2010 in Barcelona, Spain. So far, more than 45 patients have received full or partial face transplants world-wide. It is worth saying, though, that the widespread application of allotransplantation will not depend on advances in microsurgery as much as immunosuppression!


Two types of loupe are used in surgery: the compound (Galilean) and prismatic loupe. In contrast to single-lens off-the-shelf magnifying reading glasses, compound loupes have significantly superior optics. These consist of two magnifying lenses separated by air, achieving higher magnification, greater depth of field, and better working distance. However, image quality tends to become distorted at magnifications above 2.5× and all such lenses create a “halo” effect at the periphery of the visual field which may disturb the surgeon. These drawbacks are counterbalanced by their relatively low cost and light weight and they are widely used and available from most manufacturers.

Prismatic loupes provide higher optical quality because of a Schmidt prism, which lengthens the path of light through a series of mirror reflections inside the loupe. They can provide improved magnification, wider fields of view, and longer depths of field or working distance, but are 30–40% heavier, more expensive than compound loupes, and more easily damaged.

Choosing loupes

While choice of magnification is largely dependent on the surgeon's preference, as a rough guide, a 2.5× magnification is often sufficient for hand surgery and flap harvesting. If the loupes are to be used for perforator dissection, including thin flaps or anastomoses, 3.5–4.5× magnifications may be more suitable although 2.5× is sufficient for standard perforator dissection. It is important to note that both the field of view and depth of field decrease with increasing magnification, while the weight of the loupes increases. Loupes with a magnification higher than 4.5× tend to be cumbersome and too heavy for daily use (especially if they are prismatic), resulting in neck tension and increased fatigue. In such instances, opting for the microscope might be a better option. It is worth reporting, however, that with accumulation of experience and familiarity with flap donor site, some surgeons have the prowess to perform standard perforator dissections without any magnification.

Once the magnification has been chosen, other features such as lens design, working angle, and distances need to be considered. Some might choose to have the loupes mounted on glasses or headbands, while others might prefer through-the-lens (loupes mounted to the lenses of the frames) over the flip-up or snap-fit type. The latter permits cheaper changing of the magnification and the ability to change the lens prescription more conveniently. Some manufacturers can also supply headlights for use where additional lighting may be required – particularly useful with the use of higher magnifications.

Microsurgical instruments

Even with excellent optical systems, it would not have been possible for microsurgical techniques to have evolved without parallel refinements in microsurgical instruments and suture materials. Many fine instruments have been available for many years from jewelers but most have been developed during research on vascular, lymphatic, and neural microsurgery. A confusing array of instruments and supplies for microsurgery is now available, but with experience, most microsurgery can be done with surprisingly few instruments and most surgeons will become proficient with a reasonably small set.

Essential features in all microsurgical instruments include fine tips to spread, hold, or cut delicate tissue and suture, a nonreflective surface and comfortable handles that close easily to prevent fatigue. Many of the instruments used in microvascular surgery will also be spring-loaded, and choosing the right spring tension is important – too weak and the tips will close all the way just by holding the instrument; too firm and your hand will fatigue after a short period of use.

Most microinstruments are made of heat-hardened stainless steel, which is more resistant to wear and tear. They are prone to magnetization and should be stored on demagnetized or nonmagnetic shelves. If an instrument becomes magnetized, placing it in a coil demagnetizer attached to a regular alternating current supply and withdrawing it slowly will help. Antimagnetic materials such as titanium are becoming popular, promising to be rust-free and lighter in weight. In reality, however, they too can become magnetized. Most microinstruments are available with a round or flat handle, and range from 10–18 cm in length depending on surgeon preference and depth of working field. In general, shorter instruments are used when the anastomosis is closer to the surface, for example, in hand surgery, while instruments longer than 18 cm are used for procedures involving free tissue transfer. Longer instruments may also be balanced such that the balance point rests in the webspace. The slight counterweight at the end of the instrument reduces fatigue and allows better control and precision.

All instrument manufacturers give instructions for maintenance, and it is extremely important to follow these instructions to ensure maximal performance of the microinstruments. It is advisable to store the microinstruments in specially designed instrument cases and to protect their fine tips with silicone or rubber tubes. To be effective, they need to be fine-tipped with the jaws meeting precisely. The user should therefore minimize damaging them by not using them for anything other than handling vessels and nerves. Blood and contaminants should be regularly cleaned off by the scrub nurse during the course of surgery and finally rinsed with distilled or deionized water to avoid staining of the instruments. High chloride concentrations should be avoided as they lead to pitting and corrosion.



Microvascular scissors should be spring-loaded with sharp but gently curved blades and slightly rounded tips. When held closed, they can be used safely as a dissecting probe without the danger of damaging the vessel. Those designed for trimming the adventitia off the vessel end have straight blades with sharp tips and are also good for stitch-cutting. In reality, one curve scissor is adequate for both tasks.

Needle holders

Spring-loaded microvascular needle holders are held like pencils, resting on the first web, and supported by the thenar muscles. The handle is ideally rounded to allow the instrument to be rolled between the index and middle fingers and the thumb during the passing of the needle. Flat handles are also available. The jaws should be thin and gently curved with narrow shoulders to be able to grasp the microsutures. Needle holders could also be straight but the curved style are usually finer at the tip and more suitable for vessel dilatation. Some needle holders come with a ratchet lock to facilitate the parking and passing of the needle, however, in inexperienced hands, the locking and unlocking maneuvers easily damage the needle and can cause significant trauma to the tissues handled; an unlocking needle holder is preferred.

In supermicrosurgery, however, titanium is preferred as it results in lighter-weight needle holders and allows order-specific manufacturing method to meet the diversity of operators. With these specifically designed and manufactured holders, flexible and tight grip can be maintained without any concern for needle bending. Tips are usually extra delicate.


The jeweler's forceps were originally designed by the Swiss Dumont factory and are characterized by a flat handle and sharply narrowing tips. These tips must be aligned with a precision of 1/1000 inch, the diameter of the 10-0 nylon suture. When closed with moderate pressure, the jaws should meet evenly over a length of 3 mm so that the suture can be easily handled. They are further classified by the width of the contact surface, the narrowness, and the overall configuration. Some forceps have wide jaws and can be used as needle holders. Other forceps are straight and fine-pointed or with very fine tips. These are suitable for tissue handling and thus are commonly used in microsurgery. They are used almost continually in the nondominant hand for tissue handling, receiving the needle, and suture tying. Micro forceps are also available with round handles, although the flat handle is the preferred style. The most commonly used forceps are smooth-tipped, but the forceps can also be toothed, curved, angled, or equipped with a hole in the tip for better grasping. Angled forceps allow a grip that is parallel or perpendicular to the working surface and are useful for reaching under vessels, tying knots, and performing patency tests. Modified jeweler's forceps with a slender, smoothly polished non-tapering tip can be used to dilate vessels gently. In practice, titanium micro forceps of tip sizes of 0.05 mm and 0.1 mm for 12-0 and 10-0 to 11-0 sutures, respectively, are all that is needed. Although 0.2 is more suitable for 9-0, 0.1 is sufficient for 9-0 to 11-0 and probably a versatile purchase. Four of these micro forceps (two of each) and one curved forceps are adequate.

Vascular clamps

The vascular clamps that are commonly used today have evolved significantly since the bulldog clamps that Jacobson used in his historical first microanastomoses, and many of the earlier models are now obsolete. The clamps developed by Henderson et al . in 1970 required a small key and screw mechanism for adjustments and were not suitable for vessels less than 1.5 mm. In 1974, Acland developed a double microvascular clamp with a small wire frame and a stay suture-holding device. Although it is still available today, it has largely been superseded by modifications of the design by Tamai with the two clamps incorporated into a sliding bar.

Clamps are ideally atraumatic and have sufficient closing pressure to prevent bleeding and slippage but not damage the vessel wall. They are available as single clamps or double approximator clamps. In general, clamps are divided into those used on veins or arteries. Those designed for veins have a smaller closing pressure and usually a flat jaw all the way to the end. Those designed for arteries have greater closing pressure with a slight incurve at their tip to prevent crushing of the vessel wall. Generally, clamps marked with a V may be used for veins and most arteries, although particularly thick-walled veins may require the use of clamps marked with A.

To optimize closing pressure, clamps are available in a variety of sizes for different vessel diameters (i.e., the external diameter of the vessel in the natural state of full dilatation). Pressure is inversely proportional to the vessel size – the smaller the vessel inside the clamp, the higher the pressure exerted on the vessel by the clamp. Ideally, a clamp exerts a pressure of 5–10 g/mm 2 and 15–20 g/mm 2 when used on the largest and smallest vessels in its size range, respectively. Where possible, use the smallest appropriate clamp to minimize crushing the vessel with too large a clamp. Although they can be applied by hand or artery forceps, special clamp applicators for the smaller clamps are available to ensure the accurate placement and removal of the clamps without damage to the vessels and to the calibration.

In spite of the refinements, clamps, arguably, can cause intimal lesions, occupy space in confined sites and have a risk of backwalling due to vessel flattening. Plaque-filled atherosclerotic vessels could be a challenge. For all of these reasons, clampless anastomosis may be appealing to some surgeons. Preliminary clinical experience with a CE-certified thermosensitive gel clinically proven in cardiovascular surgery has been reported with high success rates. The gel provides circular stenting and gentle distension of the vessels for a safe and blood-free anastomotic site, and it dissolves completely with cold saline irrigation after the anastomosis is done. This technique may find its way in atherosclerotic arteries and confined anastomosis sites, but more studies are warranted. In vascular surgery, clampless anastomoses are not uncommon and can be achieved by variable means, such as the use LeGoo, a thermal reversible polymer, for distal peripheral vascular bypasses, or by using an aortic cannula mounted by a prosthetic graft in a severely calcified or shaggy aorta with/without a stent, among others. None of these techniques however has been reported in microsurgery.

Bipolar coagulator

The development of the bipolar coagulator in 1956 promoted further development of microsurgery because a completely bloodless field was now attainable. The bipolar coagulator conducts current between the tips of the jeweler's forceps, producing heat damage only within a very small area between the instrument tips, allowing precise coagulation of small branches as close as 2 mm to the main vessel in place of vascular clamps. Its power setting must be optimized as too much power results in spreading of the heat with inadvertent damage to the surrounding tissues. Some surgeons prefer to use this for dissection instead of a knife or scissors, and bipolar scissors are now commercially available.

Irrigation and suction

Having a clear view of the vessel walls is imperative for successful anastomosis and even a small amount of blood may obscure the field. Constant irrigation with Ringer's lactate or heparinized saline and the application of suction are useful. Irrigation serves several purposes: to prevent desiccation of vessels, sticking of suture to tissue, to wash away blood and clots to provide a good view, and to wash away any prothrombotic factors that might act as a nidus for thrombus formation and to improve patency. This may be performed through a continuous irrigation system with a smooth and blunt irrigation tip or more simply with a 5–10-mL syringe and a lacrimal cannula or 24-gauge angiocath.

There have been many suggested methods of suction, varying from suction through small segments of moistened hydrocellulose sponge or gauze, to suction tubes that drain through a perforated background plate, to homemade suction tips with an intravascular catheter attached to a 10 mL syringe placed over the normal suction tubing. On occasion, when there is only a small amount of ooze, cellulose spearheads (eye sponges) on a polypropylene handle afford precise control and immediate absorption.


Buncke described making his first microneedle by drilling a hole in a 75 mm stainless steel wire. This needle held a single strand of silk and was used to replant a rabbit's ear by anastomosis of 1 mm vessels. Soon a commercially available needle was developed by Acland, working with the Springler–Tritt company.

Since then, microsurgical sutures have been available in combinations of different materials, suture sizes (8-0 to 12-0), tensile strengths, and needle configurations. The microsuture is considered to be the standard means of vascular anastomosis. The most widely used sutures are 9-0 monofilament nylon on a 100 µm curved needle, and 10-0 nylon on 70–100 µm curved needles and 11-0 nylon on a 50–75 µm curved needle, and 12-0 on a 50 µm curved needle. The choice is usually made based on the vessel wall thickness and diameter, with 9-0 sutures used for vessels of 2 mm or more in diameter and 10-0 for those between 1 and 2 mm in diameter, and 11-0 to 12-0 for smaller vessels. Another consideration is the length of the needle, 3.6 mm vs. 5.1 mm, with our preference being the longer needle (5.1 mm) for 9-0 and 10-0 and the shorter (3.6 mm) for 11–0 and 12-0. Microneedles are typically shaped as three-eighths of a circle but are also available as a half-circle or straight (rarely used now), with round, tapered (commonly used), or spatula-shaped tips to prevent damage to the fragile vessel wall. The commonest suture used in microsurgery is non-resorbable nylon which has low tissue reactivity and knot-holding ability, although polypropylene is preferred by some as it slides and handles better within the tissue.

Anastomotic devices

Despite the fact that microsutures are nowadays relatively inexpensive, reliable, and readily available, they do not fully meet the criteria of an “ideal” anastomosis. Many non-suture techniques have been developed in the search for faster and less traumatic anastomosis.

In 1962, Nakayama et al . introduced an anastomotic device consisting of two metallic rings and interlocking pins that remain in situ as a permanent implant. Östrup and Berggren developed the UNILINK system in 1986; the 3 M and ACE coupling devices that were adaptations of this ring–pin device are currently marketed under the name Microvascular Anastomotic COUPLER System (Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Inc., Birmingham, AL). This system consists of two disposable rings made of high-density polyethylene with a series of six to eight evenly spaced 0.16 mm diameter stainless-steel pins that are implanted with a reusable anastomotic instrument.

The ring–pin device is a simple and fast technique of anastomosis and has the added advantage of not disturbing the intima in the anastomosis. It is the most successful and commonly used coaptation device. It has yielded excellent patency rates of up to 100%, even in fields that have been previously irradiated. The rings come in a variety of sizes from 1 to 4 mm in diameter, allowing the coaptation of vessels ranging from 0.8–4.3 mm with a maximal wall thickness of 0.5 mm, and the device is suitable for both end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis. It is contraindicated in peripheral vascular disease, areas with ongoing radiation therapy, active infection, concurrent diabetes, and corticosteroid therapy.

In an experimental comparison of venous anastomosis with use of this device, the sleeve technique, and the standard end-to-end technique, patency rates were 100%, 80%, and 95%, respectively. In an analysis of 1000 consecutive venous anastomoses with this method in breast reconstruction, Jandali et al . reported an anastomotic time of 2–6 minutes with a 99.4% patency rate. No total flap losses were encountered. It has also been used effectively in end-to-side anastomosis of veins in head and neck free flap reconstruction, with 99–100% patency. To resolve the problems of a permanent rigid ring, an absorbable anastomotic coupler was developed and has been used experimentally and clinically, achieving patency rates of 92.9–100% and 95%, respectively. The ring was completely absorbed at 70 days to 30 weeks after anastomosis. Although used mainly for venous anastomoses, the mechanical coupling device has been also used successfully in performing arterial anastomoses, with up to 100% patency rate, proving to be expeditious, safe, and reliable. Contraindications of using this device on arterial anastomosis include thick-walled vessels that do not adequately evert, diameter discrepancies of more than 1.5 : 1 ratio, non-pliable vessels stiffened by prior radiotherapy or calcification, and any artery less than 1.5 mm in diameter.

Another form of coupler devices exists and is known as vacuum-assisted microvascular anasto-coupler, which uses negative pressure as an a traumatic force to fix vessels walls instead of the pins. This design, however, was only tested on rats, with no clinical applications to date.

The nonpenetrating microvascular stapler, available as a disposable device (VCS clip applier system), reported by Kirsch et al ., uses nonpenetrating titanium clips applied in an interrupted, everting fashion. The clips come in four sizes, ranging from 0.9 to 3.0 mm, and demonstrate a reduced anastomotic time and higher patency rate. In an end-to-end anastomosis, two stay sutures are first placed at 180° to facilitate the eversion of vessel walls during clip placement and a special everting forceps and experienced assistant are needed. In an end-to-side anastomosis, four sutures are recommended with sutures at the heel and toe and two stay sutures at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions. Yamamoto et al . reported clinical use of these staples with a mean anastomosis time of 12 minutes and Cope et al . reported a 100% patency rate of 153 anastomoses of both veins and arteries. A comparative scanning electron microscopic study demonstrated no major differences between sutured and stapled anastomoses.

All anastomotic devices are essentially for use on healthy vessels only; the veins should be pliable, the arteries soft to allow eversion, and the vessel ends should be minimally size-discrepant.

Other non-suture methods

Methods to glue or to weld a union of two vessels seem attractive and have been intensively studied experimentally.

Two adhesives have been studied for use in anastomoses: fibrin glues, and cyanoacrylate glues. To prevent the glue entering the vessel lumen, it was essential first to approximate the vessel walls with conventional sutures, thereby reducing the total number of sutures required for an adequate seal. Fibrin glue is now commercially available as two components, one with fibrinogen, factor XIII, and plasma proteins and a second with thrombin, aprotinin, and calcium chloride. When mixed together, it imitates the final pathway in coagulation. Fibrin glue has been used to seal anastomoses, both experimentally and clinically. In a comparative study of fibrin glue in free flaps, the application of fibrin glue reduced the number of sutures required to complete the anastomosis and significantly reduced the anastomotic, but not ischemic, times with a slightly lower survival rate in the suture-only group. Although these demonstrate a faster union without compromising patency rate, fibrin has not achieved clinical popularity, partly because of concerns that glue might inadvertently enter the vessel lumen, and the potential for allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. Cyanoacrylates have been used experimentally, but have been plagued by findings of histotoxicity, marked foreign-body granulomatous response, extreme thinning of the vessel wall, splitting of the elastic lamina, and calcification of the media. 2-Octyl-cyanoacrylate, however, might be less toxic.

Welding with thermal or laser energy has long been advocated but, despite intensive experimental investigation, its clinical application remains scarce. Different laser types (neodymium : yttrium-aluminum-garnet, carbon dioxide, argon and, most recently, diode lasers ) have been used, showing up to 100% patency rates and better blood flow in veins when compared to conventional suturing techniques. Laser-activated protein solders have been introduced to achieve more strength. In an experimental setting, a diode laser-assisted carotid artery end-to-end microanastomosis provided an equal survival rate as a contralateral suture anastomosis, with a shorter anastomosis time, and scanning electron microscopy showed faster healing on the laser side. Although later studies have shown promising results on tensile strength, the fear of possible weakening at the site of the anastomosis with consequent pseudoaneurysm formation has so far limited the clinical use of laser welding. In a study of 27 patients with laser-assisted microvascular anastomosis, there was a 96.6% overall success rate with one rupture of the arterial anastomosis and three hematomas requiring surgical evacuation.

Other experimentally studied methods of anastomosis have included cylindrical or T-shaped intravascular stents. An external metallic ring has been suggested to keep the cylindrical form of a sutured anastomosis and to avoid through-stitching.

Magnets were first tested by Obora in 1978, then the idea was further tested on large animal models as side-to-side AV or in vein grafts anastomoses. A deployment device was used to insert the magnets at both sides and when triggered the magnets attracted and compressed the arterial wall forming a two-magnet vascular port.

General principles of microvascular surgery

Success in microvascular surgery is multifactorial. Of the many factors attributed to success, technical skills in vessel anastomosis are a must-have craft, and learning how to perform 100%-patent microanastomoses is the first step on the road to becoming a competent microsurgeon.

The working environment

The prerequisites of good microsurgical work are a calm disposition and patience. The surgeon must be able to concentrate on the procedure without unnecessary interruptions and should not be hurried. It is inadvisable to work too long at a stretch and it is perfectly justifiable to take a break during long sessions under the microscope or when using surgical loupes. Undoubtedly, the presence of a competent assistant and specialized scrub nurse makes a big difference to the speed and ease of the operation. However, it is not uncommon for microsurgeons to operate late at night, alone, or on challenging vessels. Therefore, endurance and perseverance are virtues.


“Some are born microsurgeons while others become so through discipline and training.” The young author’s version of a famous Greek proverb

Because of the inherent complexity, the sophisticated dexterity and hand–eye coordination required, the traditional apprenticeship model of surgical training cannot be as readily applied to microsurgery; and a special microsurgery apprenticeship in the form of fellowship becomes a must.

Although some advocate that training should begin in the laboratory, with novices starting by familiarizing themselves with instrument handling under magnification, progressing from suturing stretched surgical gloves or silicone tubes and then to live anastomoses in a rat model, trainees can learn the techniques from senior surgeons in a clinical setting without the need for lab courses. When that is the case, the trainees are usually given the opportunity to do the second vein first, and after achieving a steady patency, the arterial anastomosis can be handed to them under supervision. It is only when they can do both the vein and the artery well under supervision over multiple times,they can be left on their own to do both. Nevertheless, the trainees are not left alone completely, they are given a reasonable time to get it done, and are encouraged to report honestly without fear to their supervisor(s), and to call for help instead of wasting precious time trying to overcome a difficult situation or anastomoses failure. If there is any deviation from what is considered acceptable by their supervisor, or in challenging anastomoses/vessels, the more experienced member of the team should immediately take over.

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