Primary Biliary Cholangitis



anion exchanger 2


autoimmune hepatitis


alkaline phosphatase


alanine aminotransferase


antimitochondrial antibody


antinuclear antibody


AST to platelet ratio index


aspartate aminotransferase




bone mineral density


bile salt export pump 4


computed tomography


cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4


enhanced liver fibrosis


enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay


farnesoid X receptor


Fatigue Impact Scale




genome-wide association studies


high-density lipoprotein


human leukocyte antigen


hormone replacement therapy


interleukin 1


interleukin 12


interferon γ




low-density lipoprotein


lysophosphatidic acid


Model for End-Stage Liver Disease


major histocompatibility complex


magnetic retrograde cholangiopancreatography


magnetic resonance imaging


nuclear factor κB


2-oxo acid dehydrogenase family of multienzyme complexes


obeticholic acid


primary biliary cholangitis


pyruvate dehydrogenase complex


peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor α


primary sclerosing cholangitis


pregnane X receptor


systemic lupus erythematosus


signal transducer and activator of transcription 4


G protein–coupled bile acid receptor


tumor necrosis factor α


ursodeoxycholic acid


upper limit of normal




urinary tract infection


vibration-controlled transient elastography


very-low-density lipoprotein


Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic progressive autoimmune cholestatic liver disease. For several decades since the disease's first description, patients were found to have well-established cirrhosis at the time of initial diagnosis. However, this has changed. With increased awareness and better diagnostic tools, most patients are diagnosed at early disease stages. This has led to a strong global effort to remove the word cirrhosis from the name of this disease. Thus, readers will encounter a new name for PBC: primary biliary cholangitis.


Incidence and Prevalence

Descriptive studies from around the globe confirm that PBC is an uncommon disease. Incidence and prevalence have been reported from multiple European countries, North America, Australia, Israel, India, and Japan. The annual incidence rates ranged from 0.7 to 49 cases per million, whereas point prevalence ranged from 6.7 to 402 cases per million, with higher prevalence rates seen in northern Europe and the United States. Many of these studies provide time trends within long observation periods of the same specific geographic region, at times indicating an increase in incidence and/or prevalence of PBC over time. As an example, the annual incidence rate among residents of Sheffield, England, increased from 5.8 cases per million to 20.5 cases per million between 1977 and 1987. Between 1987 and 1999 no further increase was noticed in incidence rates. The prevalence, on the other hand, has increased steadily from 54 cases per million in 1977, to 57 cases per million in 1987, 136 cases per million in 1993, and 238 cases per million in 1996, possibly reflecting earlier diagnosis and/or prolonged survival. Similarly, the reported annual incidence in Finland increased by 3.5% between 1988 and 1999, whereas the prevalence increased by 5.1%.

Only two epidemiologic studies have been conducted in the United States. The first, in Olmsted County, Minnesota, identified 46 cases of PBC between 1975 and 1995, providing an annual incidence rate of 27 cases per million. The overall age-adjusted incidence in women was 45 per million. This number did not change over the 20-year study period. The age- and gender-adjusted prevalence rate in 1995 was 402 cases per million people, with much higher rates among females (654 cases per million) as compared with males (121 cases per million). A second study performed in Alaska identified 18 cases of PBC between 1984 and 2000, implying a point prevalence of 160 cases per million. When five cases of antimitochondrial antibody (AMA)-negative PBC and six cases of overlap with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) were added, the estimated prevalence rose to 289 cases per million. Time trends were not offered in the study.

In 2014, the largest population-based study of PBC to date, with 922 patients, showed an increase in incidence and prevalence rates in the Netherlands from 2000 to 2008, which was independent of the number of deaths. The mean incidence rate in this study was calculated as 11 cases per million with a corresponding point prevalence of 132 per million. Furthermore, the diagnostic approach and therapy remained unchanged during the study period, suggesting a true increase in PBC occurrence.

Age, Gender, and Race Variation

Historically, PBC is known to affect predominantly Caucasians, although it is reported in all races and ethnicities. The disease is far more common in women, with a female : male ratio of approximately 10 : 1 and a mean age at diagnosis of 52 years. Although extremely atypical, the disease has been diagnosed in teenagers and is also rare in early adulthood. In the epidemiologic study from Boonstra et al. including 922 cases of PBC in the Netherlands, the incidence rates were plotted by decade of life, and were below 0.5 per 100,000 for the 20- to 29-year and 30- to 39-year age groups. Disease presentation in males and females is typically similar in terms of symptoms and laboratory abnormalities. However, according to data from the UK PBC cohort, it appears that men are diagnosed at an older age than women, have more advanced disease, and a lower response rate to therapy. Among female patients, those presenting at a younger age also have a lower response rate to treatment. For example, the response rate to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) was greater than 90% in patients presenting aged 70 years and older and below 50% in patients presenting aged 30 years and younger.

There are also significant differences in PBC by race. Peters et al. reviewed clinical, demographic, and laboratory data on 535 patients who were screened for a multicenter clinical trial between 1989 and 1998 in 11 states in the United States. As expected, more than 90% of patients were female and the mean age at presentation was 52 years. The vast majority of patients were Caucasian (86.3%), although Hispanic patients (7.9%) and African-American patients (3.9%) were also represented. After adjustment for age and body mass, non-Caucasian patients were found to have more severe disease by clinical and laboratory criteria; specifically, ascites, encephalopathy, and variceal bleeding were more common among non-Caucasian patients. Furthermore, non-Caucasian patients also had more severe pruritus and decreased activity level compared with Caucasian patients.

The manifestation of PBC among Asian patients is less well understood given the infrequency of the disease in this population. In a report from Singapore, overall survival free of liver transplantation at 5 years was approximately 90%, which is significantly better than that quoted in European and North American studies. However, a direct comparison among studies is not possible, and prior studies from Asian countries demonstrated 5-year survival rates of approximately 70% to 80%, more consistent with the European experience.

The impact of ethnicity on the natural history of PBC was reported in a more recent study including 210 patients, of whom 70 were Hispanic. Hispanic patients were less likely to respond to treatment with UDCA and more likely to decompensate with ascites or variceal bleeding compared with non-Hispanic patients. Furthermore, Hispanic patients with PBC were more likely to have overlap features of autoimmune hepatitis compared with their non-Hispanic counterparts.

Geographic Clustering

The incidence and prevalence of PBC vary considerably in different areas of the world, introducing the concept of geo-epidemiology. To that extent, investigators have reported geographic clusters of PBC within specific subregions in Estonia, Sweden, northern England, and Greece, pointing to a strong role of environmental factors in the development of PBC. In the United States clustering was observed near toxic waste sites in New York City and near areas with high levels of air pollution. In addition, studies from Australia and Israel have demonstrated that the prevalence of PBC among European immigrants was much higher than the overall prevalence of PBC in these countries. English studies have demonstrated not only geographical clustering of cases in the urban areas of Gateshead and Newcastle, but also space-time clustering, which suggests a transient environmental exposure (such as an infectious agent). Together, these studies support the hypothesis that exposure to certain environmental factors contributes to the etiology of PBC.

Predisposing Factors

The strongest risk factor for PBC is family history of the disease, with a relative risk as high as 10.5 for an individual whose sibling has PBC. In a study involving 16 pairs of twins, the concordance rate in identical twins was 63%, which is among the highest reported in autoimmune diseases. On the other hand, no concordant pair was found among dizygotic twins. These findings support the theory that a combination of genetic and environmental factors is required for the development of PBC.

Two case-control studies conducted in the United States searched for factors that could trigger the disease in genetically predisposed individuals. The first study was based on questionnaires sent to 241 patients with PBC, 261 identified siblings, and 225 friends of patients with PBC. This study found that, compared with friends and relatives, patients diagnosed with PBC were more likely to develop several autoimmune conditions. Similarly, first-degree relatives of patients with PBC had a high prevalence of PBC. Other independent risk factors identified in this study were a history of tonsillectomy, urinary tract infection, vaginal infection, shingles, or cholecystectomy and a history of smoking. A second larger study included 1032 patients with PBC and 1041 controls selected by random-digit dialing and was performed through phone interviews. This study confirmed an increased familial occurrence, association with autoimmune diseases and smoking, and increased frequency of urinary tract infections; it also showed a new association with use of nail polish and protection conferred by nulliparity. The strength of these risk factors is shown in Table 42-1 . No associations were found with alcohol consumption, breast cancer, stressful life events, and pet ownership.

Table 42-1
Proposed Risk Factors and Associations for Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Variable OR 95% CI Reference
Medical History
Family history of PBC 10.74 4.23-27.27
2.26 1.05-5.21
Sjögren syndrome 5.81 1.28-26.44
SLE 2.23 1.26-3.96
Autoimmune diseases 4.92 2.38-10.18
UTI or vaginal infection 2.12 1.10-3.78
UTI 1.51 1.192-1.95
2.06 1.56-2.73
Shingles 2.73 1.12-6.67
2.38 1.82-3.11
Psoriasis 1.90 1.21-2.91
Cholecystectomy 2.30 1.16-4.58
Tonsillectomy 1.86 1.02-3.39
Previous smoking 2.04 1.10-3.78
Ever smoked 1.57 1.29-1.91
1.63 1.27-2.09
Regular alcohol consumption 0.57 0.39-0.83
Use of nail polish 1.002 1.00-1.003
Use of hair dye 1.29 1.00-1.80
Reproductive History
Never pregnant 0.61 0.44-0.84
Ever used HRT 1.55 1.24-1.88
Itching during pregnancy 2.13 1.25-3.59
CI , Confidence interval; HRT , hormone replacement therapy; OR , odds ratio; PBC , primary biliary cirrhosis; SLE , systemic lupus erythematosus; UTI , urinary tract infection.

Further supporting the association described in the US cohort studies, data from two large British cohorts also confirmed an association between PBC and smoking across all age groups. Patients with PBC were more likely to dye their hair, which most often preceded the disease diagnosis. Through multivariate analyses, the study consistently demonstrated an association with recurrent urinary tract infections and coexisting autoimmune conditions. Notably, the study did not find an association with gravidity, although patients with itching during pregnancy were more likely to develop PBC. Overall, like the studies mentioned earlier involving pairs of twins, these case-control studies strongly suggest a role for both genetic and multiple environmental factors in the pathogenesis and clinical presentation of PBC.


The current consensus is that PBC is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed individuals. Most patients with PBC have AMAs directed against the 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase family of multienzyme complexes (2-OADC), of which the main targets are the E2 and E3 subunits of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC-E2 and PDC-E3). Interestingly, a key shared component of the B-cell autoepitope within all these enzymes is a lipoic acid cofactor.

Although the 2-OADC is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane and is present in all nucleated cells, the immunologic response in PBC is primarily against biliary epithelial cells. In this population, PDC-E2 appears to be aberrantly expressed on the cell surface, especially in small bile duct biliary epithelial cells. Thus, one of the most fascinating challenges in PBC is to explain the mechanisms leading to this localized breakdown in immune tolerance. In this regard, emerging data suggest a potentially crucial role of apoptosis of biliary epithelial cells as a mechanism for the tissue-specific autoimmune reactivity that is typical of PBC.

Biliary epithelial cells, or cholangiocytes , can regulate expression of adhesion molecules, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Classes I and II, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interferon γ (IFN-γ), and interleukin 1 (IL-1) in the setting of stimulation by specific proinflammatory cytokines. Biliary epithelial cells can also act as antigen-presenting cells. Furthermore, these cells are susceptible to apoptosis. Several stimuli can trigger apoptosis of these biliary epithelial cells, including immune-mediated injury, oxidative stress, toxins, and infectious agents. Over time, when an imbalance occurs between biliary epithelial cell death and the ability of residual biliary epithelial cells to proliferate, ductopenia prevails. Thus, phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by biliary epithelial cells could lead to the expression of endogenous autoantigens, which in turn would lead to autoreactivity, progressive cholangiocyte destruction, and ductopenia, one of the hallmarks of PBC progression.

Accumulation of bile acids follows the progressive biliary injury and ductopenia, and bile acids in excess are toxic. In PBC, cholestasis also results from defective regulation of the cholangiocyte anion exchanger 2 (AE2), leading to loss of the protective “bicarbonate umbrella”. These accumulating bile acids are important signaling molecules, functioning as natural ligands for several receptors that can further modulate the immune response. The best example is farnesoid X receptor (FXR), a nuclear receptor predominantly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, although G protein–coupled bile acid receptors (TGR5s) and other signaling pathways are also involved. In preclinical and clinical studies, FXR activation modulates bile acid homeostasis, lipid and glucose metabolism, fibrosis pathways, and immune regulation. In addition, FXR activation has been shown to inhibit the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway, with decreased production of TNF-α, IL-1, IL-17, and IFN-γ, and therefore modulating inflammation.


The immunologic milieu of the liver in PBC is characterized by an infiltration with B- and T-cell lymphocytes, with a CD4 + /CD8 + ratio of approximately 2. The predominant cytokine profile follows a typical T H 1 response with high levels of expression of IFN-γ mRNA; nevertheless, IL-6 is also present in the bile ducts, indicating some contribution of a T H 2 response. Another regulatory T-cell subset, T H 17, which is a major source of IL-17, was also found infiltrating liver tissues of patients with PBC. These T cells react to the same epitopes recognized by the B-cell lymphocytes in PDC-E2.

CD8 + T cells appear in greater numbers in the liver than in the peripheral blood of patients with PBC. In the peripheral blood, precursors of CD8 + T cells are found in greater numbers during early stage PBC as opposed to advanced disease, suggesting a role in the development of bile duct injury. Also noticeable is a decrease in the number and reactivity of CD4 + /CD25 + regulatory T cells. The innate response, on the other hand, is enhanced in PBC. As a result, more proinflammatory cytokines are released in response to a pathogen-associated stimulus. Consistent with that, a marked increase in number and activity of natural killer T cells is seen.

In addition to an increase in activated T cells and reduction of regulatory T cells, widespread B cell dysregulation is characteristic in PBC, with increased B cell reactivity and production of autoantibodies and immunoglobulin M. In patients with PBC, the AMA is thought to play a role in the actual destruction of cho­langiocytes, although the exact mechanism is still unclear. The presence of activated circulating B cells, the differentiation of AMAs into PDC-E2-specific plasmablasts, and the response of AMAs to various chemokines support this hypothesis. Although the predominant immunoglobulin subtypes of AMA have been identified as IgG1 and IgG3, the role of IgA-type AMAs in the pathogenesis of PBC has recently resurfaced because the biliary epithelial cells can actively transfer IgA. In addition to the apical surface of biliary epithelial cells, these IgA-type AMAs are also detected in saliva, urine, and bile of individuals with PBC.

Several hypotheses exist to explain what exactly initiates the induction of autoimmunity in predisposed patients, including the spillage of autoantigens through apoptosis following cellular damage and molecular mimicry, either through exposure to a bacterial or viral infection or by exposure to xenobiotics, leading to modification of the native PDC-E2.

Role of Infectious Agents and Xenobiotics

Escherichia coli, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Helicobacter pylori, Novosphingobium aromaticivorans, and others have all been proposed to lead to PBC through molecular mimicry. In addition to bacteria, a beta-retrovirus has also been identified in the liver and lymph nodes of patients with PBC. Interestingly, a culture of biliary epithelial cells exposed to such lymph nodes was shown to induce expression of PDC-E2-like antigens on the cell membrane. However, the role of a viral infection in the pathogenesis of PBC has been contested and awaits further confirmation.

Xenobiotics are foreign compounds that can alter the molecular structure of self or non-self antigens enough to induce an immune response. This immune response would then recognize not only the altered self or non-self antigen but also the native forms. Furthermore, it has been shown that after being metabolized, certain chemicals can generate halogenated structures that are variants of the lipoic acid residue in the PDC, thus eliciting a specific immune response capable of AMA production. An example of such a xenobiotic is 2-octynoic acid, a substance present in cosmetics such as nail polish. In animal models, administration of xenobiotics induces production of high titers of AMAs and development of histologic evidence of autoimmune cholangitis.

The PDC-E2 structure is highly conserved among many species, and the cross-reactivity of AMA against bacterial antigens is a well-recognized phenomenon. Thus it is proposed that a bacterial mimic of PDC-E2 or a chemically modified PDC-E2 would cause activation of antigen-presenting cells. Alternatively, an integrating hypothesis states that a bacterial mimic containing lipoic acid would be an attractive target for xenobiotic-induced modifications, thus leading to activation of antigen-presenting cells. These cells would in turn activate T- and B-cell lymphocytes, initiating a cascade of events that would culminate with biliary injury. The deficiency in regulatory T cells and other unclear mechanisms would help perpetuate the damage.


Several lines of evidence point to a strong role for genetics in the etiopathogenesis of PBC. First, the disease occurs much more frequently among relatives of patients with PBC, with a reported rate ranging between 1% and 7%. Second, the concordance rate among identical twins is 63%, which is among the highest reported in autoimmune diseases. Finally, the well-described female predominance and the increased frequency of X monosomy in women with PBC suggest a role for X chromosome defects in PBC. The genetic background in PBC, however, is complex and cannot be explained by a single gene abnormality. Thus, a “multihit” genetic model was conceived in which specific genes would predispose to a breach in immune tolerance, leading to disease onset, whereas others would determine disease progression. In addition to genetics, various other external factors are proposed to affect both disease onset and disease progression.

Given that specific MHC alleles have been found in association with other autoimmune diseases, their association with PBC has been explored as well. To date, the association with MHC Class I genes is regarded as weak. The study of MHC Class II alleles, on the other hand, provides important clues to the pathogenesis of PBC. In multiple studies from Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and the United States, human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR8 (DRB1*08) was found with higher frequency among Caucasian patients with PBC as compared with controls, suggesting that DR8 might be a risk factor for PBC. In Great Britain, the linkage of DQA1*0401 and DR8-DQB1*0402 was associated with disease progression, not onset. These findings have not been consistent throughout the rest of Europe and Japan, indicating perhaps that different alleles have a different impact on the disease depending on the geographic location. In addition, preliminary data suggest that specific HLA associations may underlie the various immunologic phenotypes in PBC. Interestingly, although further characterization and unifying data are still needed, a large study from Canada and the United States strongly suggested that most of the risk of PBC derives from common variants across the HLA-DQB1, IL12A, and IL12RB2 loci. In turn, protection against PBC has been associated with the DRB1*13 and DRB1*11 haplotypes.

Investigation of non-HLA risk loci has been powered by new genome-wide association studies (GWAS). GWAS have shed light into important associations between non-HLA risk loci and PBC, and confirmed most, but not all, of the previously reported associations. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), for instance, has not come up as a risk locus in PBC in these powerful genome-wide studies. GWAS including patients and controls from North America, United Kingdom, Italy, and Japan identified multiple risk loci previously found in association with various other immune-related diseases. In particular, a strong role has emerged for interleukin-12 (IL-12) and downstream janus kinase and signal transducer and activator of transcription proteins (JAK-STAT) signaling pathways in the development of PBC. Other important loci associated with PBC were NF-κB, the interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), and suppressor of cytokine-signaling 1 (SOCS1) genes. Very few genes identified in GWAS are likely to be disease-specific. Rather, it appears that genetic risk identified so far relates to predisposition to autoimmunity in general. Furthermore, the impact of such genetic variations on specific disease phenotype is unknown. Table 42-2 shows non-HLA risk associations emerging from genome-wide studies.

Table 42-2
Non-HLA Associations for Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Data from Carbone et al. Implications of genome wide associations studies in novel therapeutics in PBC. Eur J Immunol 2014;44:945-954 and Hirschfield et al. Genetics in PBC: What do the “risk genes” teach us? Clin Rev Allerg Immunol 2015;48:176-181.
Locus Gene Associations Disease Sharing Risk Loci With PBC
1p36 MMEL1 Celiac, MS, RA, UC, PSC
1p31.1 IL12RB2 SS
1q31.3 DENND1B Crohn, asthma
2q32.2 STAT4 Celiac, RA, SLE, SS
3p24.3 PLCL2 MS
3q13.3 CD80 Celiac
3q25.33 IL12A MS, celiac
4q24 NFKB1 MS, UC
5p13 IL7R MS, UC
7p14.1 ELM01 Celiac
7q32 IRF5 SS, SLE, RA, UC
9q32 TNFSF15 Crohn, UC
11q13 RPS6KA4 MS, Crohn, psoriasis, sarcoidosis
11q23.3 CXCR5 MS
14q24 RAD51B
14q32 TNFAIP2
16p13.13 CLEC16A MS, UC, T1DM
16q24.1 IRF8 UC
17q12 IKZF3 Crohn, UC, RA, T1DM
19p13.2 TYK2 Crohn, T1DM, psoriasis
19q13.3 SPIB
22q13.1 MAP3K7IP1 Crohn
MS , Multiple sclerosis; PSC , primary sclerosing cholangitis; RA , rheumatoid arthritis; SLE , systemic lupus erythematosis; SS , systemic sclerosis; T1DM , type 1 diabetes mellitus; UC, ulcerative colitis.

Clinical Manifestations

PBC affects predominantly middle-aged women, with mean age at presentation of 52 years. A minority of patients are male (at most 10%). Up to 40% of patients present at age 65 years and older, with the clinical features of the disease in this population being identical to those observed in younger patients.

Asymptomatic Disease

The clinical presentation of patients with PBC has significantly changed since its original description in 1851. Currently, most patients are diagnosed while still asymptomatic. Unfortunately, the definitions of “asymptomatic disease” vary among the published studies, but frequently indicate patients who do not have specific liver-related symptoms or complications. The most controversial symptom in this regard is fatigue, which has recently been the focus of a large amount of research.

The proportion of patients presenting in the asymptomatic stage appears to be higher in Western countries and Japan, accounting for up to 85% of all patients. In these cases PBC is eventually diagnosed after patients are incidentally found to have abnormal liver biochemical values, usually during routine check-up visits. In India, Lithuania, Singapore, and Hong Kong the rate of asymptomatic disease at presentation ranges between 20% and 47%, perhaps indicating differences in their healthcare systems versus a true difference in the natural history of PBC.

Symptomatic Disease

Fatigue and pruritus are by far the most common symptoms reported by patients with PBC. Jaundice, on the other hand, is a late event and is associated with a poor prognosis. Right upper quadrant abdominal pain is reported by approximately 10% of patients. Symptoms related to portal hypertension and those attributed to extrahepatic complications are discussed later in this chapter.


In North America and Northern Europe, fatigue is reported in up to 85% of patients with PBC, and approximately 50% of these patients consider it their worst symptom. Even though this has been considered a subjective complaint, questionnaires assessing symptoms and health-related quality of life can provide some insight with respect to the impact of fatigue in patients with PBC. Using the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS), investigators have shown that patients with higher fatigue scores may have increased mortality, mostly attributable to cardiovascular causes, and excessive daytime somnolence. Fatigue is known to impact family life and job performance, and a Canadian study using the Fatigue Assessment Instrument showed that individuals with PBC and fatigue had poor-quality sleep and were significantly more depressed. In that study, fatigue did not correlate with severity of liver disease and was not alleviated by the use of UDCA, findings which were validated by other groups. The association with depression was also noted in other studies, at variable rates.

Patients with PBC who are fatigued, both with and without cirrhosis, have lower heart rate variability and tend to be more hypotensive, all indicating autonomic dysfunction with sympathetic overactivity and impaired baroreflex sensitivity. Furthermore, these patients have accelerated reduction in muscle function on repeated sustained activity that correlates with the severity of fatigue. Such peripheral muscle fatigability appears to be related to excess muscle acidosis after exercise and recent studies point to the possibility of mitochondrial dysfunction as a contributing factor.

Data from the UK PBC cohort demonstrates lower rates of fatigue in men with PBC as compared with women. Additionally, autonomic symptoms were less common in men than women. Further demonstrating the link between fatigue and autonomic dysfunction, in a matched-pair analysis of women and men the differences between fatigue scores were proportional to the differences in autonomic dysfunction scores. Fatigue is also less common in younger patients.

Thus, a hypothesis to explain the pathophysiology of fatigue involves both central and peripheral processes. Structural abnormalities in areas of the brain linked to autonomic regulation are seen in patients with PBC and fatigue, and there is a correlation between lesion load, degree of cognitive impairment and a loss of cerebral autoregulation. With autonomic dysregulation there is increased tendency to fall, and increased risk of progressive cognitive deterioration over time. It is conceivable that the autonomic dysregulation also affects blood supply to peripheral muscles and the function of proton and/or lactate transporters involved in adaptation to the anaerobic metabolism, thus leading to muscle fatigue. Other factors that contribute to the development of fatigue include depression, sleep deprivation, medication side effects, anemia, and hypothyroidism.


Defined as an unpleasant sensation that triggers the need to scratch, pruritus is a common complaint among patients with PBC. It has been reported in up to 70% of patients, with more recent studies indicating a lower prevalence of approximately 20% to 30%. Prince et al. followed 770 patients with PBC for symptom progression and found that 18.9% reported pruritus at the time of diagnosis; the cumulative risk of having pruritus was 45% at 5 years and 57% at 10 years. Later, the natural history of pruritus in PBC was evaluated in patients participating in clinical trials at the Mayo Clinic. The annual risk of developing pruritus among patients who did not have this complaint at entry and who were randomized to the placebo arm was 27%, whereas the annual risk of reporting resolution or improvement of pruritus was 23%. Although this particular study indicated that the serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level and the Mayo risk score were independent predictors of pruritus, this relationship has not been shown consistently. Indeed, it appears that no direct correlation exists between biochemical markers of cholestasis or disease stage and the presence of pruritus, except perhaps for an increased incidence of severe pruritus in patients with florid duct lesions. In addition, pruritus is known to improve or resolve once liver failure ensues in some patients.

Pruritus in PBC is often generalized and intermittent, although it can certainly be relentless, and the severity will more typically be mild to moderate. It leads to marked impact on quality of life because of impaired sleep and depression. Rarely, pruritus can be severe enough to be considered disabling, and there are reports of liver transplantation indicated on the basis of this symptom alone. Even though the pruritus in PBC is not secondary to skin lesions, the physical exam will often reveal evidence of chronic scratching, such as excoriations, hyperpigmentation, and prurigo nodularis .

Our knowledge on the pathogenesis of pruritus in PBC has grown substantially over the past several years. The pruritogenic substance in cholestasis is thought to be formed or biotransformed in the liver and be secreted into bile. It is further thought to accumulate in the systemic circulation and, finally, to affect the endogenous opioidergic system. Early speculations that bile acid accumulation in the plasma and tissues of patients with PBC would cause pruritus remain largely unproven. Nevertheless, bile acid-induced activation of TGR5, a receptor expressed in dorsal root neurons, can trigger an increase in basal scratch activity. The interest in bile acids as pruritogenic substances is dampened by a lack of correlation between serum bile acid concentration and the intensity of itching. Furthermore, the concentrations of bile acids used to stimulate TGR5 in the study described earlier were much higher than that observed in clinical cholestasis. Neurosteroids, on the other hand, can also stimulate TGR5 in the central nervous system and could potentially contribute to itching. Importantly, other endogenous pruritogenic substances and pathways have been under scrutiny, including opioid peptides, serotonin, acetylcholine, endothelins, substance P, kallikreins, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and, more recently, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA).

Several lines of evidence support a role for an increased opioid­ergic tone in the pathogenesis of pruritus in PBC. First, as opposed to healthy volunteers, patients with PBC develop withdrawal-like symptoms after taking an opioid antagonist. Second, central administration of opioids induces pruritus, which is then improved by an opioid antagonist. Third, patients with cholestatic liver disease have increased serum levels of the endogenous opioid peptides methionine-enkephalin and leucine-enkephalin, with down-regulation of µ-opioid receptors. Fourth, clinical trials show that opioid antagonists improve pruritus in the setting of cholestasis. Taken together, the data suggest that either there is increased central opioidergic neurotransmission leading to pruritus or the opioid antagonists can possibly inhibit the release of a pruritogen that has not yet been identified. With regard to genetics, a single nucleotide polymorphism has been reported in exon 1 of opioid receptor µ-1, which possibly protects against the scratching behavior, and another in exon 25 of the multidrug resistance protein 2 gene, which was significantly associated with the presence of pruritus.

Because an itch-specific neural pathway has been recently described, investigators now turned their attention to identifying itch-specific neurotransmitters and receptors. Specifically, the LPA-autotoxin (ATX) axis was identified as a key component in cholestatic itch. Six G-protein-coupled receptors for LPA have been well identified on itch-selective neurons. ATX is the enzyme responsible for formation of LPA from its precursor, lysophosphatidylcholine. As LPA is a rather unstable neuronal activator, serum ATX activity has been used as a more reliable marker, and found to correlate with intensity of pruritus and with response to therapeutic interventions. Furthermore, rifampin, a drug with strong antipruritic effects, was found to inhibit ATX expression at the transcriptional level in human liver-derived cell lines, possibly through pregnane X receptor (PXR) activation.

Several questions remain unanswered, including the source of serum ATX, identification of LPA-ATX axis regulatory pathways, which specific LPA receptors and signaling pathways are required for LPA-induced pruritus, and which other factors are involved in initiation and potentiation of itching. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of pruritus will obviously lead to novel targeted approaches to therapy.

Portal Hypertension

Only a minority of patients with PBC will have signs and symptoms consistent with portal hypertension at the time of their diagnosis. In one of the largest population-based studies, 3% of patients had ascites, 1.3% had bleeding esophageal varices, and 1.4% had hepatic encephalopathy at presentation. It was estimated that 10 years later 20% would have ascites, 10% would have bleeding esophageal varices, and 12.6% would have hepatic encephalopathy. Interestingly, complications of portal hypertension can precede the histologic development of cirrhosis in 10% to 20% of patients, due to portal venous compression, perisinusoidal fibrosis, and nodular regenerative hyperplasia. Clinical features of portal hypertension in PBC are similar to those in patients with other forms of chronic liver disease.

Extrahepatic Complications

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