Posterior ocular staphyloma


General imaging features

  • Imaging studies show thinning of the sclera with focal bulge.

  • May be unilateral or bilateral.

Computed tomography features

  • Computed tomography (CT) shows bulging of posterior aspect of the globe away from optic disc, usually on the temporal aspect.

  • Scleral thinning is associated with focal bulge.

  • May see associated retinal or choroidal detachment, with or without hemorrhage.

Magnetic resonance imaging features

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows bulging of the posterior aspect of the globe away from the optic disc, usually on the temporal aspect.

  • Scleral thinning is associated with focal bulge.

  • May see associated retinal or choroidal detachment with or without hemorrhage.

Ultrasound features

  • Ultrasound (US) can well demonstrate and follow posterior staphylomas.

  • US can demonstrate and follow associated choroidal and retinal detachments.

  • US can readily exclude associated intraocular tumors.

  • Many posterior staphylomas first come to the attention of the radiologist as incidental imaging findings on CT and MRI studies.

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