Pediatric renal tumors account for approximately 5% of malignancies in children younger than 15 years old and 3.6% of malignancies in children younger than 20 years old. Among 9731 patients registered with the National Wilms Tumor Study Group (NWTSG) (1969–2002), Wilms tumor (WT) composed the vast majority of childhood renal tumors (92%), followed by clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (3.4%), congenital mesoblastic nephroma (1.7%), malignant rhabdoid tumor (1.6%), and rare miscellaneous neoplasms, including primitive neuroectodermal tumor, synovial sarcoma, neuroblastoma, and cystic nephroma (1.1%). Although not historically included on NWTSG studies, renal cell carcinoma accounts for 8% of renal tumors in children from birth to 19 years, according to data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program.

The study of pediatric renal tumors has had a significant impact on the field of oncology. WT has provided a paradigm for multidisciplinary treatment approaches and the conduct of cooperative group studies. WT investigators took the lead in establishing one of the leading biologic-sample banks, which now contains several thousand annotated tumor, blood, and urine samples. Tenets of cancer biology, including Knudson's two-hit model and loss of imprinting in tumorigenesis, were pioneered in WT. This chapter reviews the pathology, epidemiology, genetics and biology, and treatment of pediatric renal tumors.

Pathology of Pediatric Renal Tumors


Stage is the major determinant of prognosis and therapy for all pediatric renal neoplasms. Two staging systems are widely used ( Table 55-1 ). The Children's Oncology Group (COG) staging system reflects tumor extent after surgery before chemotherapy is given. By contrast, the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) system reflects tumor extent after 4 to 6 weeks of chemotherapy and surgery. The COG and SIOP staging systems are applied to all pediatric renal tumors except renal cell carcinoma, for which the TNM (tumor, nodes, metastasis) system is used.

TABLE 55-1
Staging Systems for Pediatric Renal Tumors
Children's Oncology Group (COG) (Prechemotherapy) International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) (Postchemotherapy)
  • Tumor is limited to kidney and is completely resected

  • Renal capsule intact, not penetrated by tumor

  • No tumor invasion of veins or lymphatics of renal sinus

  • No nodal or hematogenous metastases

  • No prior biopsy

  • Negative margins

  • Tumor is limited to kidney and is completely resected

  • Renal capsule may be infiltrated by tumor, but tumor does not reach the outer surface

  • Tumor may protrude or bulge into the pelvic system or ureter, but does not infiltrate

  • Vessels of renal sinus not involved

  • Tumor extends beyond kidney but completely resected

    • Tumor penetrates renal capsule

    • Tumor in lymphatics or veins of renal sinus

    • Tumor in renal vein with margin not involved

    • No nodal or hematogenous metastases

    • Negative margins

  • Tumor extends beyond kidney but completely resected

    • Tumor penetrates the renal capsule into perirenal fat

    • Tumor infiltrates the renal sinus or invades blood and lymphatic vessels outside renal parenchyma (or both) but is completely resected

    • Tumor infiltrates adjacent organs or vena cava but is completely resected

  • Residual tumor or nonhematogenous metastases confined to abdomen

    • Involved abdominal nodes

    • Peritoneal contamination or tumor implants

    • Tumor spillage of any degree occurring before or during surgery

    • Gross residual tumor in abdomen

    • Biopsy of tumor (including fine needle aspiration) before removal of kidney

    • Resection margins involved by tumor

  • Incomplete excision of the tumor which extends beyond the resection margins (gross or microscopic residual)

    • Involved abdominal lymph nodes, including necrotic tumor or chemotherapy-induced changes

    • Tumor rupture before or intraoperatively

    • Tumor has penetrated the peritoneal surface

    • Tumor thrombi present at resection margins

    • Surgical biopsy before resection (does not include needle biopsy)

IV Hematogenous metastases or spread beyond abdomen Hematogenous metastases or spread beyond abdomen
  • Bilateral renal tumors

  • Each side should be substaged separately according to the preceding criteria (e.g., stage V, substage II [right], substage I [left])

  • Bilateral renal tumors

  • Each side should be substaged separately according to the above criteria (e.g., stage V, substage II [right], substage I [left])

The COG staging schema is very similar to that used in the National Wilms Tumor Study 5 (NWTS-5), although one change distinguishes the current COG staging criteria from the prior NWTS-5 criteria. Localized spillage or rupture, or any form of biopsy before removal of the kidney, is no longer considered stage II but instead is considered stage III. The SIOP system was recently revised to classify tumors with local and regional lymph node involvement as stage III. Previously lymph node involvement was considered stage II, with separate designations for node-positive and node-negative disease.

Wilms Tumor (Nephroblastoma)

Gross Features

WT typically presents as a unicentric, spherical mass that is sharply demarcated from the renal parenchyma. Approximately 10% of WTs are multicentric, a finding that is associated with an increased likelihood of WT formation in the contralateral kidney. Approximately 5% to 6% of WTs are bilateral at presentation.

The cut surface of WT is generally pale gray and uniform, but hemorrhage, necrosis, and cyst formation are common. The texture is usually soft and friable, but stroma-rich neoplasms may have a dense, myomatous consistency. Calcification is relatively uncommon. Prominent septa frequently impart a multinodular app­earance.

WT may arise anywhere in the cortex or medulla, frequently compressing and distorting renal parenchyma around its margin. Rarely exophytic tumors connected to the renal surface by a narrow stalk mimic extrarenal WT. Polypoid masses in the pelvicalyceal lumen may occur either as extensions from the primary intrarenal neoplasm or as separate neoplasms arising within the pelvic wall. The renal vein and its branches not uncommonly are filled by tumor thrombus that can extend via the inferior vena cava into the right atrium.

Cystic Variants of Wilms Tumor

Scattered cysts are commonly encountered in conventional WT, but rarely the encapsulated, well-delineated neoplasm is composed entirely of cystic spaces and delicate septa, without an expansile solid component. For neoplasms that are entirely composed of mature cells, the term is cystic nephroma (CN). If the septa contain embryonal cell types, the designation cystic, partially differentiated nephroblastoma (CPDN) is appropriate. In contrast, cystic WT is distinguished by the presence of solid, expansile regions that replace or distort the cystic spaces, rather than being passively molded by the cysts. This distinction is best made by careful examination of the gross specimen.

CPDN has traditionally been thought to be a transitional stage in a continuum ranging from CN to WT. However recent studies show that CN is associated with DICER1 mutations, whereas such mutations are not observed in CPDN. This suggests that the two cystic renal tumors are distinct entities. The distinction of CN from CPDN has little clinical importance when the lesion has been completely resected because both lesions are curable by resection alone.

Microscopic Features

WTs are surpassed only by teratomas in their diversity of cell and tissue types and degrees of differentiation. Most WTs exhibit, at least focally, the so-called triphasic appearance, including cells of blastemal, stromal, and epithelial lineage ( Fig. 55-1 ). However monophasic and biphasic WTs are relatively common, consisting of only one or two of these cell lineages. Each of the three major cell types can demonstrate a spectrum of patterns and degrees of differentiation, accounting for the remarkable diversity of appearances characterizing various WTs.

Figure 55-1, Wilms tumor, favorable histology, triphasic pattern.

Blastemal Patterns.

The blastemal cells of WT are small, tightly packed cells with a high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio, demonstrating little or no evidence of differentiation toward epithelial or stromal cell types at the light-microscopic level. Their nuclei are usually round or oval, with moderately coarse chromatin, and mold to one another in the same fashion as do the nuclei of small cell carcinoma of the lung. Nucleoli are relatively inconspicuous. Blastemal cells form several distinctive aggregation patterns, which can be divided into two broad categories, diffuse and nested, depending on their structure and degree of invasiveness. Monomorphous, relatively dyscohesive sheets of blastemal cells with aggressively invasive margins characterize the diffuse blastemal pattern. This is the most consistently aggressive pattern of WT. Stage I WTs rarely show this pattern; the majority of diffuse blastemal WT present at advanced stage, stage III or IV. Fortunately most neoplasms with the diffuse blastemal pattern are highly responsive to modern therapeutic protocols, so this pattern remains in the “favorable histology” category. The diffuse blastemal pattern can be readily confused with other small blue cell tumors of childhood, and ultrastructural or other special studies may be required to establish the correct diagnosis ( Fig. 55-2 ).

Figure 55-2, Wilms tumor, favorable histology, diffuse blastemal pattern.

Nested blastemal patterns are characterized by sharply outlined clusters of blastemal cells in a myxoid mesenchymal background. They usually lack the invasive behavior seen with the diffuse blastemal pattern, and these neoplasms have sharply defined margins at their advancing edge. Several nested patterns may be seen. The serpentine blastemal pattern features long, serpiginous, anastomosing cords of blastemal cells in a loose, stellate, spindled stroma. This is a highly distinctive pattern of WT and helps distinguish WT from other small blue cell neoplasms of childhood. The nodular blastemal pattern resembles the serpentine pattern but has rounded blastemal nests instead of long cell cords. The basaloid blastemal pattern resembles the serpentine or nodular patterns, except that the blastemal cell clusters are outlined by a palisaded layer of cuboidal or columnar cells, reminiscent of the architecture of cutaneous basal cell carcinoma.

Epithelial Patterns.

Epithelial differentiation in WT produces a variety of cell types and degrees of differentiation. Most of these recapitulate events in normal nephrogenesis (homologous differentiation). Others, such as squamous differentiation or mucinous differentiation, do not occur in the normal kidney at any stage of development (heterologous differentiation). Tubular differentiation is the most frequent epithelial pattern. This ranges from vague hints at tubular formation in blastemal foci (which may resemble rosettes) to highly differentiated tubules resembling those of the mature kidney. WTs in which tubular differentiation is predominant tend to be less aggressive, and most of these present at stage I. Although not usually invasive, tubular-predominant WTs often grow rapidly, and it is not uncommon to find huge tumors that remain confined to the kidney. Glomerular differentiation, present in many WTs, ranges from simple papillary formations barely suggesting glomerulogenesis to mature tumor glomeruli closely resembling those of normal developing kidneys.

Stromal Patterns.

Immature myxoid and spindled mesenchymal cells are the most common stromal cell types seen in WTs. Skeletal muscle is the most common heterologous cell type. The presence of skeletal muscle (rhabdomyoblastic differentiation) in WT must not be confused with renal rhabdoid tumor, which is discussed later in this chapter. In fact, the presence of skeletal muscle in a pediatric renal neoplasm is very strong evidence supporting the diagnosis of WT.

Anaplasia: the Sign of Unfavorable Histology in Wilms Tumor

Approximately 5% of WTs demonstrate anaplastic nuclear change, the only criterion of “unfavorable histology.” All WTs lacking this feature are designated as having “favorable histology.” Anaplasia is almost never seen in WT diagnosed during the first year and is rare in the second year of life. The relative frequency of anaplasia increases after that age, and it is found in approximately 10% of WTs diagnosed after the age of 5 years. Anaplastic nuclear change reflects extreme polyploidy and is usually apparent under low magnification (10× objective). The features of anaplasia include (a) markedly enlarged tumor cell nuclei with increased chromatin content (hyperchromasia) and (b) multipolar mitotic figures ( Fig. 55-3 ). The former criteria reflect polyploidy, whereas the latter criterion helps exclude degenerative nuclear changes, as are commonly seen in cells showing skeletal muscle differentiation, from the anaplastic category. Anaplasia is tightly correlated with the presence of TP53 gene mutations. Whereas favorable-histology WT virtually never harbors TP53 mutations, the majority of anaplastic WTs do. At a practical level, p53 protein overexpression by immunohistochemistry correlates well but not perfectly with morphologically defined anaplasia.

Figure 55-3, Wilms tumor, anaplastic.

Focal and Diffuse Anaplasia.

Initially the presence of anaplastic nuclear changes in any region of a WT was considered prognostically unfavorable. It subsequently was suggested that anaplasia is an indicator of increased resistance to adjuvant chemotherapy and not necessarily a marker of increased tumor aggressiveness; therefore stage I anaplastic WT and WT with limited intrarenal foci of anaplasia (focal anaplasia [FA]) would be predicted to have an excellent prognosis. This concept implies that the prognosis for a patient with anaplastic WT is determined by the completeness of surgical removal of anaplastic cells. However recent data on patients with stage I anaplastic WT have challenged this concept. Regardless the definition of FA includes only those WTs meeting the following criteria:

  • 1.

    Anaplasia is confined to one or more discrete sites within the primary tumor and is not present in extrarenal sites.

  • 2.

    Tumor cells outside anaplastic foci show no “nuclear unrest” (nuclear or mitotic abnormalities that approach, but do not quite attain, the degree of severity required for a designation of anaplasia).

Any WT not meeting this definition of FA is designated as having diffuse anaplasia (DA). Any of the following situations merits assignment to the DA category:

  • 1.

    Nonlocalized anaplastic change

  • 2.

    Anaplastic change or nuclear unrest in invasive sites or any extrarenal deposits

  • 3.

    Localized anaplastic change in a tumor that also has severe nuclear unrest elsewhere

  • 4.

    Anaplasia in a random biopsy specimen

  • 5.

    Anaplasia involving the edge of one or more sections, and the site(s) from which the sections were taken cannot be determined. (The latter emphasizes the importance of mapping the sections taken from a WT, best done on a photograph of a cut section of the tumor.)

Anaplastic foci are usually clearly demarcated from adjacent nonanaplastic tumor. Most cases in the FA category have a single focus of anaplasia. Anaplastic foci are usually only a few millimeters in diameter but can be larger if their localized nature can be convincingly documented.

The SIOP Postchemotherapy Histologic Classification System

Patients treated on SIOP studies receive several weeks of chemotherapy before undergoing nephrectomy. Chemotherapy usually affects necrosis of immature and actively proliferating cell types in WT, whereas slowly replicating and differentiated cell types are usually unaffected. For example, tumors composed mostly of mature skeletal muscle or renal tubules show little clinical regression with chemotherapy because so few cells are proliferating. The microscopic appearance of the tumor after chemotherapy has prognostic significance. Approximately 5% to 10% of WTs are completely necrotic after chemotherapy, a finding associated with a 98% 5-year relapse-free survival rate. By contrast, WTs with a predominance of blastemal cells after chemotherapy, defined as viable cells in more than one third of the tumor mass and blastemal cells in at least two thirds of the viable component, have relapse rates of nearly 40%. Based on these observations, the SIOP histologic risk classification schema divides renal tumors into three risk categories: low risk, intermediate risk, and high risk. The COG and SIOP histologic classification systems are compared in Table 55-2 .

TABLE 55-2
Comparison of COG and SIOP Histologic Risk Classification Schemas
Children's Oncology Group (COG) International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP)
  • Favorable-histology Wilms tumor

    • No evidence of anaplasia

  • Focal anaplastic Wilms tumor

    • Anaplasia confined to one or more discrete sites within the primary tumor with no extrarenal involvement

    • No nuclear unrest outside anaplastic foci

  • Diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor

    • Nonlocalized anaplasia

    • Anaplasia in invasive sites or extrarenal deposits

    • Localized anaplasia with severe nuclear unrest elsewhere

    • Anaplasia in a random biopsy specimen.

    • Anaplasia involving the edge of one or more sections

  • Non–Wilms renal tumors not included in this classification schema

  • Low risk

    • Mesoblastic nephroma

    • Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma

    • Completely necrotic Wilms tumor

  • Intermediate risk

    • Wilms tumor of epithelial, stromal, mixed, or regressive types

    • Focal anaplastic Wilms tumor

  • High risk

    • Blastemal-type Wilms tumor

    • Diffuse anaplastic Wilms tumor

    • Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney

    • Rhabdoid tumor of the kidney

Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Studies

Ultrastructural study is rarely necessary to establish a diagnosis of WT but can occasionally be very helpful in distinguishing blastemal WT from other undifferentiated neoplasms. The diversity of differentiation in WT creates a correspondingly varied profile of immunohistochemical results. Blastemal cells may or may not label for vimentin and cytokeratin, whereas various differentiating elements will label according to their patterns of differentiation. For example, primitive rhabdomyoblasts within a tumor will label for the myogenic transcription factor myogenin and for cytoskeletal proteins such as actin and desmin. WT blastemal cells characteristically label for desmin but not for actin, myogenin, or other muscle markers. Immunoreactivity for WT1 protein is typically limited to the blastemal and epithelial components of WT, with the stroma being negative. Hence absence of labeling for WT1, particularly in a stroma-rich tumor, does not exclude the diagnosis of WT. Although WT1 immunoreactivity may help distinguish WT from PNET, it should be noted that desmoplastic small round cell tumor typically labels for WT1. Although useful, WT1 immunoreactivity cannot in and of itself establish or disprove a diagnosis of WT.

Nephrogenic Rests and Nephroblastomatosis

In more than 30% of kidneys resected for WT, the renal parenchyma contains one or more regions of persistent embryonal tissue, representing potential precursors of WT. These lesions have been given many names in the past; however, the term suggested by Dr. J. Bruce Beckwith, nephrogenic rests (NRs), is the currently accepted terminology. The presence of multiple or diffusely distributed NRs is called nephroblastomatosis. This term is most commonly applied when the NRs are in an active state of cellular proliferation and are large enough to be apparent on imaging studies.

NRs have a dynamic life history that can yield a variety of appearances. Dr. Beckwith's classification is based on the assumption that the structure of NRs reflects both the dynamic state and the history of an individual rest. A brief summary is provided here.

Two fundamental categories of NRs are recognized, based on their topographic relation to the renal lobe. These are designated perilobar nephrogenic rests (PLNRs) and intralobar nephrogenic rests (ILNRs). ILNRs may occur anywhere in the renal lobe, including the peripheral cortex. They may also occur within the renal sinus, including in the walls of the pelvicalyceal system. ILNR have a more varied structure than do PLNRs and typically intercolate between nephrons, whereas PLNRs usually are discrete structures that are well delineated from adjacent nephrons. Rests of either major category may be further classified on the basis of their developmental fates. An individual NR may undergo any of the following fates, several of which often occur sequentially over time:

  • 1.

    It may remain unchanged in size or composition, even for many years, as a tiny, microscopic blastemal focus (dormant NR).

  • 2.

    It may undergo maturation, sclerosis, and eventual disappearance (sclerosing NRs and obsolescent NRs). This is the most common fate of NRs.

  • 3.

    It may undergo hyperplasia, or coordinated proliferation of all susceptible cells of the rest, as distinguished from a clonal neoplastic process originating in a single cell of the rest. Hyperplastic NR may produce large, actively growing masses that have numerous mitotic figures, and a section from the interior of a hyperplastic NR may be indistinguishable from WT. Several features do help make this distinction. First diffuse hyperplastic growth, involving all or most cells of a rest, tends to preserve the original shape of the rest. When PLNRs form a continuous layer of embryonal cells at the lobar surface, hyperplastic proliferation will produce a thick “rind” of abnormal tissue at the renal surface. Ovoid and lenticular masses result from hyperplasia of NRs that originally had these shapes. An irregular-shaped, multinodular appearance will result if only some of the cells are capable of proliferation. In contrast, WT, a neoplasm presumably arising from a single cell, tends to form spherical masses. The second important feature distinguishing actively hyperplastic NRs from WT is the usual absence of a pseudocapsule at the interface between hyperplastic NRs and the renal parenchyma.

  • 4.

    Neoplastic induction is assumed to represent a clonal event originating in single cells of a rest, resulting in WT or benign adenomas. As mentioned previously rapidly growing tumors originating at a single point (or cell) will tend to grow equally in all directions, forming spherical, expansile nodules with compressed rest remnants often present at the periphery.

  • 5.

    Very rarely, anaplasia may develop in nephrogenic rests.

An individual rest commonly progresses through several of these processes sequentially. For example, an incipient or dormant rest may undergo hyperplasia, followed by phases of growth arrest and maturation. This will result in a large but inactive-appearing lesion. Ultimately, one or more cells within the regressing rest may be induced to form a WT.

ILNRs are most often found at the tumor-kidney interface, where they can be misinterpreted as infiltrating tumor cells or effaced by tumor compression. A helpful feature distinguishing ILNRs at the edge of a WT is the poorly defined, irregular outer border of the ILNR, which contrasts with the sharp, pushing interface between the WT and the rest within which it arose. Also ILNRs are usually less cellular than the adjacent WT that they surround.

The presence of NRs in a kidney removed for WT is correlated with an increased risk for subsequent WT formation in the remaining kidney. The type of rest and the age of the patient modify this risk. When a carefully sampled kidney is free of rests, the risk of contralateral WT is extremely low. The possibility of subsequent WT developing in the remaining kidney should be considered in planning the follow-up of patients whose nephrectomy specimen reveals the presence of NRs in addition to WT.

Differential Diagnosis of Wilms Tumor

Triphasic Wilms Tumor.

The triphasic pattern rarely presents a problem in diagnosis, except when small biopsies are obtained from large retroperitoneal masses of uncertain origin. In this setting other mixed neoplasms might deserve consideration, including teratoma, hepatoblastoma, pancreatoblastoma, teratoma, mesothelioma, synovial sarcoma, and intraabdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor. In the absence of nephrogenic differentiation or the distinctive nested blastemal patterns described previously, ancillary studies such as immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, or electron microscopy may be required to distinguish some of these lesions from WT. WT with extensive heterologous differentiation (“teratoid WT”) is easily confused with immature teratoma. Renal teratomas are extremely rare, and some of the reported cases likely represent teratoid WT.

Blastemal Wilms Tumor Versus Other Small Blue Cell Tumors of Childhood.

The problem of distinguishing blastemal WT from other small blue cell tumors is most likely to arise when dealing with biopsies from metastatic sites or from large abdominal tumors of uncertain origin. The distinctive aggregation patterns of blastemal WT, the presence of nuclear molding, or the focal presence of tubular differentiation will often reveal the diagnosis. Early tubular differentiation in WT lacks lumens and therefore can sometimes be confused with rosettes of neuroblastoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET). The presence of true lumens even focally confirms tubular differentiation, whereas neurofibrils are diagnostic of a neuroblastic pseudorosette. Neuroblastic rosettes do rarely occur in WT, but usually only in teratoid WTs, which are not likely to be confused with neuroblastomas or PNETs. Immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, molecular diagnostic techniques, cytogenetics, circulating tumor markers, and other special studies are often required to confirm the nature of a small blue cell tumor.

Epithelial Predominant Wilms Tumor Versus Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma.

The challenge of distinguishing epithelial predominant WT from papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) is most often encountered in tumors from adolescents or adults. Papillary adenoma, the benign precursor of PRCC, may resemble epithelial predominant NRs, and epithelial predominant WTs can have a predominantly papillary architecture. Sometimes PRCCs have a predominant tubular or solid component. Molecular or cytogenetic studies may be helpful because PRCC characteristically contains increased copies of chromosomes 7 and 17 and, in tumors from male patients, deletion of Y. Unequivocal glomerular differentiation, characteristic blastemal aggregation patterns, or the presence of heterologous cell types can confirm the diagnosis of WT. Immunoreactivity for cytokeratin 7 has been advocated as a useful marker for PRCC, but focal positive labeling for this marker occurs in many WTs. Only when diffusely positive is cytokeratin 7 labeling likely to be discriminatory. Nuclear labeling for WT1 protein may distinguish WT, NRs, and metanephric adenoma from PRCC, insofar as only the latter does not label.

Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney

Gross Appearance

Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK) is always unicentric, with a distinct tumor-kidney junction. Tumors are usually relatively large, with a mean specimen diameter of approximately 11 cm. The cut surface is often glistening and gelatinous. Cysts are almost always present and may be so prominent as to suggest cystic nephroma on gross examination or imaging studies.

Microscopic Appearance

Under low magnification, most CCSKs appear monomorphous, without the prominent lobulation usually seen in WT. CCSK usually has a scalloped border that appears fairly sharp under low power. Under higher magnification, the border appears less sharply defined because of the penetration of neoplastic cells a short distance into the surrounding kidney or the tumor capsule. This growth pattern tends to surround and isolate individual single nephrons, which is rarely if ever seen with WT. The entrapped tubules are usually confined to the peripheral 2 to 3 cm of a CCSK. Their epithelium commonly shows embryonal metaplastic changes similar to those entrapped in congenital mesoblastic nephroma, and the resultant basophilic epithelium creates confusion with WT. Dilation of these entrapped tubules produces intratumoral cysts that may mimic cystic nephroma. CCSK may show a wide variety of morphologic patterns, described in the subsequent sections.

Classic Pattern.

The hallmark of the classic pattern is an evenly distributed network of vascular septa, which has a branching, “chicken-wire” pattern similar to that seen in myxoid liposarcoma or oligodendroglioma. These fibrovascular septa subdivide the tumor into a conspicuous pattern of cords and nests, averaging six to ten cells in width, composed of polygonal cells that usually lack distinct cytoplasmic borders. Cells within the cords are less densely packed than those of blastemal WT, and overlapping nuclei are less frequent. Nuclear chromatin is usually finely granular, with inconspicuous nucleoli ( Fig. 55-4 ). In well-fixed specimens, the fine nuclear chromatin pattern is the most helpful clue to the diagnosis. However, it is influenced markedly by the timing and type of fixation. Mitotic figures are variable in number but are usually less numerous than those in WT. The cytoplasm usually lacks distinct borders and is surrounded by extracellular mucopolysaccharides, which creates the illusion of clear cytoplasm.

Figure 55-4, Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney.

CCSK is easily confused with other neoplasms because the classic pattern is often modified, presenting alterations that mimic other neoplasms to a sometimes striking degree. Fortunately the classic pattern of CCSK predominates in most specimens and is present at least focally in more than 90% of tumors. However the pathologist who is unaware of these variant patterns is likely to diagnose CCSK as another neoplasm, with different therapeutic and prognostic implications. These variant patterns are described in the subsequent sections.

Epithelioid Patterns.

Condensation of cord cells of the classic CCSK pattern creates striking epithelioid arrangements in approximately 15% of cases. These condensations usually form trabeculae or rosettes. These epithelioid formations conform to the pattern of the original cell cords and can be either straight or undulating in configuration. The epithelioid variants of CCSK are most likely to be mistaken for WT. In all of the examples analyzed by immunohistochemistry, these epithelioid formations have been negative for epithelial markers, in contrast to the epithelial cells of WT.

Spindle Cell Patterns.

Spindle cell patterns are observed in approximately 10% of cases and result from two mechanisms. Proliferation of septal cells produces wide spindle cell septa that compress or obliterate the cell cords. Intersections of these hyperplastic septal cells often resemble the storiform patterns seen with fibrohistiocytic neoplasms. Spindled transformation of cord cells yields a spindled pattern with preservation of thin fibrovascular septa.

Myxoid and Sclerosing Patterns.

Most CCSKs contain abundant mucopolysaccharide, apparently produced by the cord cells. This material separates cord cells and creates the appearance of clear cytoplasm. In approximately 30% of cases, mucopolysaccharide occupies more volume than the neoplastic cells themselves and forms large pools or cystic spaces. While it accumulates, the tumor cells become progressively more isolated and eventually degenerate. In time the mucoid material becomes denser, eosinophilic, and hyaline in appearance. Hyaline sclerosis is found in 35% of CCSK. Complete replacement of cell cords by hyaline sclerosis preserves the original cord pattern with retention of the vascular septa, preserving the chicken-wire appearance. More diffuse zones of dense stromal sclerosis surrounding individual tumor cells may create an osteosarcoma-like appearance. Dense stromal sclerosis is relatively uncommon in untreated WT, and this finding can be a clue to the diagnosis of CCSK or rhabdoid tumor in limited biopsy material.

Palisading (Verocay-Body) Pattern.

Nuclear palisading resembling schwannoma is focally prominent in approximately 10% of CCSK specimens. Unlike schwannomas, these areas are not immunoreactive for S-100 protein.

Monstrocellular (Anaplastic) Pattern.

Approximately 3% of CCSK contain foci with enlarged, pleomorphic nuclei and bizarre mitotic figures, resembling the appearance of anaplastic WTs or pleomorphic sarcomas. This is the only pattern of CCSK that frequently overexpresses p53 protein.

Posttherapy Patterns.

Recurrences of CCSK after therapy may have a deceptively hypocellular and bland appearance, suggesting low-grade fibromatosis or myxoma. A lump appearing anywhere in a child with a history of CCSK should be viewed as a potential metastasis until proven otherwise.

Ultrastructure, Immunohistochemistry, and Cytogenetics

Ultrastructural studies yield few clues as to the putative cell of origin of CCSK. The tumor cells are characterized by a high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, with nuclear shapes that are more irregular and variable than would be expected from light microscopy. The cytoplasm is usually tenuous, with elongated, irregular processes surrounding abundant intercellular matrix. This latter feature is responsible for the vacuoles often seen with the light microscope. The cytoplasm tends to be poor in organelles. Immunohistochemistry has afforded little new insight into the histogenesis of CCSK, except to exclude various potential lines of differentiation for this enigmatic neoplasm. Vimentin is positive in nearly all specimens and BCL2 in some, but other markers are consistently negative. These include stains for epithelial markers (cytokeratins and epithelial membrane antigen [EMA]), neural markers (S-100 protein), neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin, synaptophysin), muscle markers (desmin), CD34, CD117 (c-kit), and CD99 (MIC2). A subset of CCSK harbor a t(10;17)(q22;p13) chromosome translocation, resulting in a YWHAE-FAM22 gene fusion.

Differential Diagnosis of Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney

The distinction of CCSK from other renal neoplasms can be extremely difficult, even for those with extensive experience in pediatric renal neoplasm pathology. The distinction of CCSK from rhabdoid tumor of the kidney is covered in the section on the latter. The major differential diagnostic concerns are discussed in the text that follows.

Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney Versus Wilms Tumor.

Some blastemal WT are richly vascular, and the vascular pattern may perfectly mimic that of CCSK. Several features help in this differential diagnosis. First, under low magnification, blastemal WTs often show distinctive nested patterns, whereas CCSKs are not typically nested. Second, blastemal WTs are more densely cellular than are CCSKs. When cells are closely packed, most nuclei are overlapping, and nuclei mold to one another, WT is more likely than CCSK. Third, heterologous tissues such as skeletal muscle are never seen in CCSK. The presence of a focus resembling CCSK in an otherwise unequivocal WT can safely be ignored. Fourth, multicentricity is common in WT, whereas multicentric and bilateral CCSKs have not been reported. Fifth, sclerotic, hyalinized stroma in an untreated tumor favors CCSK over WT. Finally, a fine nuclear chromatin pattern favors a diagnosis of CCSK over WT, although this feature is susceptible to fixation and processing artifacts.

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