Pediatric Healthcare: Infection Epidemiology, Prevention and Control, and Antimicrobial Stewardship

Pediatric healthcare epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, where) of patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in healthcare settings where children receive healthcare or gather in locations where disease conditions could be present. Prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is the major goal and is an important component of quality and patient safety programs. Healthcare epidemiologists must be ready to meet the needs of the ever-changing healthcare systems and disease threats that emerge, often without warning. Healthcare facilities have learned from high-reliability organizations (e.g., the aviation industry) the importance of adopting changes that include the leadership’s commitment to achieving zero patient harm, a fully functional culture of safety throughout the organization, and the widespread deployment of highly effective process improvement tools. The five principles of high reliability organizations are (1) preoccupation with failure; (2) reluctance to simplify (embracing complexity); (3) commitment to resilience; (4) sensitivity to operations; and (5) deference to expertise. Involvement of new stakeholders for improving patient safety and outcomes related to HAIs has broadened the arena for HAI prevention efforts. Regional and national collaboratives have facilitated the performance of well-designed studies to generate data that inform recommended practices applicable specifically to the pediatric population.

Knowledge of the complexities of prevention and control of HAIs in children is critical to many different leaders in children’s healthcare facilities. The mere imposition of policies for adults on children could be inappropriate on one hand and would miss opportunities to prevent infections unique to children on the other hand. Active involvement of bedside staff and medical directors within the various pediatric subspecialties has enhanced the implementation of effective infection control practices in areas such as pediatric intensive care units (PICUs), neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), oncology and transplant units, gastroenterology units, and interventional radiology areas. As more disciplines in healthcare become engaged in prevention of HAIs and in antimicrobial stewardship, it is the responsibility of the healthcare epidemiologist and the infection prevention and control (IPC) staff (infection preventionists, healthcare epidemiologists) to educate the facility leadership on the discipline of IPC.

IPC for the pediatric population is a unique discipline that requires understanding of various host factors, sources of infection, routes of transmission, behaviors required for care of infants and children, pathogens and their virulence factors, treatments, preventive therapies, and behavioral theory. Although the term nosocomial is applied accurately to infections that are acquired in acute care hospitals, the more general term, healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), is preferred because much care of high-risk patients, including patients with medical devices (e.g., central venous catheters, ventilators, ventricular shunts, peritoneal dialysis catheters), has shifted to ambulatory settings, rehabilitation or long-term care facilities, and the home. Additionally, much opportunity for IPC of HAIs exists in office practice settings. Thus, the geographic location of acquisition of the infection often cannot be determined.

The principles of transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings and recommendations for prevention are reviewed in the Healthcare and Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings, 2007, and in the Core Infection Prevention and Control Practices for Safe Healthcare Delivery in All Settings, 2017. The Council for Outbreak Response: Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistant Pathogens (CORHA) was formed in 2015 to bring together stakeholder organizations to improve practices and policies at the local, state and national levels for detection, investigation, control, and prevention of HAI/AR outbreaks across the healthcare continuum, including emerging infections and other risks with potential for healthcare transmission. Guidance on infection control practices related to antimicrobial resistant pathogens may be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website and outbreak response on the CORHA website. The Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) has published guidance for outbreak response and incident management to assist healthcare epidemiologists. The reader should consult the Handbook of Pediatric Infection Prevention and Control for more specific information related to the pediatric population. The World Health Organization (WHO) website should be consulted for new information concerning emerging pathogens worldwide. A detailed discussion of HAIs can be found in Chapter 100, Chapter 99 . This chapter focuses on the components of an effective pediatric hospital epidemiology program.

Risk Factors for Healthcare-Associated Infections In Children

Unique aspects of the pediatric population and their risk factors for HAIs are summarized in the following sections. Specific risks and pathogens are addressed in several other chapters in this textbook.

Host or Intrinsic Factors

PICUs, NICUs, oncology services, and gastroenterology services caring for patients with intestinal failure who are dependent on total parenteral nutrition (including lipids) have the highest rates of bacterial and fungal infection associated with central venous catheters. The definition of mucosal barrier injury laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection (MBI-LCBI) currently is used by the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) of the CDC to distinguish bacteremia that represents translocation of gut microorganisms related to mucosal barrier injury in patients with oncologic conditions, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and intestinal failure from bacteremia associated with central venous catheters (CLABSI) and are not publicly reported. This distinction is important because the bundled practices that focus on line insertion and maintenance do not prevent MBI-LCBI. HAIs can result in substantial morbidity and mortality, as well as lifetime physical, neurologic, and developmental disabilities. Host (i.e., intrinsic) factors that make children particularly vulnerable to infection include immaturity of the immune system, congenital abnormalities, and congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies. Children with congenital anomalies and developmental disabilities have an increased risk of HAI because their unique anatomic features predispose them to contamination of normally sterile sites, and their physiologic functions may be impaired. Moreover, these children require prolonged and repeated hospitalizations, undergo many complex surgical procedures, and have extended exposure to invasive supportive and monitoring equipment.

Innate deficiencies of the immune system in prematurely born infants, who may be hospitalized for prolonged periods and exposed to intensive monitoring, supportive therapies, and invasive procedures, contribute to the relatively high rates of infection in the NICU. All components of the immune system are compromised in neonates, and the degree of deficiency is proportional inversely to gestational age (see Chapter 9 ). The underdeveloped skin of the very low birth weight (<1000 g) infant provides another mode of pathogen entry.

Populations of immunosuppressed children have expanded with the advent of more intense and innovative immunosuppressive therapeutic regimens used for oncologic conditions, HSCT, solid-organ transplantation, and rheumatologic conditions and inflammatory bowel disease for which immunosuppressive drugs and biologic response modifying agents are used. Genetic mutations in the genes for the transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in children with cystic fibrosis result in thick secretions, chronic endobronchial infections, and gastrointestinal malabsorption. Knowledge of the epidemiology of infection of patients with cystic fibrosis and effective methods to prevent patient-to-patient transmission have expanded with the use of newer molecular diagnostic methods; a guideline for prevention of transmission of infectious agents of particular concern for this population was developed and updated. Fortunately, the population of children with perinatally acquired HIV infection and AIDS has decreased dramatically since 1994, but new cases of sexually transmitted HIV infection continue to be diagnosed in teens who receive care in children’s hospitals; therefore, HIV screening is an important routine practice for those >13–15 years of age. Additionally, young infants who have not yet been immunized, or immunosuppressed children who do not respond to vaccines or who lose antibody during disease or treatment (e.g., patients with nephrotic syndrome), have increased susceptibility to vaccine-preventable diseases.

Sources or Extrinsic Factors

The source of many HAIs is the endogenous flora of the patient. A colonizing pathogen can invade a patient’s bloodstream or be transmitted to other patients on the hands of healthcare personnel (HCP) or on shared equipment. Water can be an important source of infections caused by gram-negative bacilli (GNB); therefore, exposure of wounds or mucous membranes to tap water should be avoided in high risk hospitalized patients. Other important sources of HAIs in infants and children include the mother in the case of neonates, invasive monitoring and supportive equipment, contaminated infusates such as blood, total parenteral nutrition fluids, lipids, and infant formula, nutritional supplements, and human milk. Intrinsically contaminated powdered formulas and infant formulas prepared in contaminated blenders or improperly stored or handled have resulted in sporadic and epidemic infections in the nursery (e.g., Cronobacter sakazakii ), but such infections have become less frequent since the pathogenesis was defined and contamination reduced. Human milk that has been contaminated by maternal flora or by organisms transmitted through breast pumps has caused isolated serious infections and outbreaks. The risks of neonatal hepatitis, cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, and HIV infection from human milk warrant further caution for handling and use of banked breast milk.

Maternal infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidum, HIV, hepatitis B virus, parvovirus B19, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, herpes simplex virus, group B Streptococcus , or colonization with multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) poses substantial threats to the neonate. Group B Streptococcus is rarely transmitted nosocomially and is prevented by following recommended screening and prophylaxis protocols. During perinatal care, procedures such as fetal monitoring using scalp electrodes, fetal transfusion and surgical procedures, umbilical cannulation, and circumcision are potential risk factors for infection. Other contacts, including adult and sibling visitors, may introduce RSV and vaccine preventable infections into pediatric healthcare settings.

The use of invasive devices for monitoring or treatment is associated with an increased infection risk, and devices should be used only for the period of time when necessary and according to evidence based protocols for insertion and care. With increasing numbers of procedures being performed by pediatric interventional radiologists, an understanding of appropriate aseptic technique, as well as prevention and management of infectious complications, by interventional radiologists is important.

Construction, renovation, demolition, and excavation in and near healthcare facilities and contaminated linen are important sources of environmental fungi (e.g., Aspergillus spp., agents of mucormycoses, Fusarium spp., Scedosporium spp., Bipolaris spp.), but these pathogens are not transmitted patient to patient. Immunocompromised patients, and patients in the PICU are at greatest risk for fungal infection, and case fatality rates may be ≥50%, especially if diagnosis and treatment are delayed. Infection control risk assessments and implementation of effective practices can prevent exposure to these pathogens.

Several practices must be evaluated with respect to the potentially associated risk of infection for infants and young children. Theoretical concerns exist that infection risk also will increase in association with the innovative skin-to-skin practices (kangaroo Care) and co-bedding of twins. The experience with skin-to-skin practices has been safe and beneficial as long as parents are advised about potential risks if they have an infection. Neither the benefits nor the safety of co-bedding multiple-birth infants in the hospital setting has been demonstrated.



The principal modes of transmission of infectious agents are through direct and indirect contact, droplet, and airborne routes. , Many pathogens can be transmitted by more than one route. During the 2020 pandemic of SARS-CoV-2, additional evidence has been published to support aerosol transmission as an important mode of transmission that varies from traditional droplet or airborne routes. Whole genome sequencing has become a critically important tool in outbreak investigations of bacteria, fungi, and viruses to define routes of transmission more precisely and is now available widely.

Indirect Contact

Most infectious agents are transmitted horizontally by the indirect contact route on the hands of HCP or through contaminated shared items or contaminated surfaces; this is known as fomite transmission . Toddlers often share waiting rooms, playrooms, toys, books, and other items and therefore have the potential of transmitting pathogens directly and indirectly to one another. Contaminated bath toys were implicated in an outbreak of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a pediatric oncology unit. Although the source of most Candida HAIs is the patient’s endogenous flora, horizontal transmission, most likely via HCP hands, has been demonstrated in studies using molecular typing in the NICU and in a pediatric oncology unit. Hand hygiene and environmental cleaning and disinfection are most important to prevent transmission by this route.

Direct Contact

Direct contact transmission occurs when microorganisms are transferred directly from one infected person to another person without a contaminated intermediate person or object and occurs less frequently than indirect contact transmission.


Infectious respiratory droplets >5 μm in diameter are generated from the respiratory tract by coughing, sneezing, or talking or during such procedures as suctioning, intubation, chest physiotherapy, or pulmonary function testing. Transmission of infectious agents by the droplet route requires exposure of mucous membranes to large respiratory droplets within 6 feet (2 meters) of the infected person. Large respiratory droplets do not remain suspended in the air for prolonged periods, and they settle on environmental surfaces. Adenovirus, influenza virus, and rhinovirus are transmitted primarily by the droplet route, whereas RSV is transmitted primarily by the contact route. Although influenza virus can be transmitted by the airborne route under unusual conditions of reduced air circulation or low absolute humidity, ample evidence indicates that transmission of influenza is prevented by droplet precautions and, in the care of infants, the addition of contact precautions.


Droplet nuclei that arise from desiccation of respiratory droplets are usually <5 μm in diameter, contain infectious agents, remain suspended in the air for prolonged periods of time, and can travel long distances on air currents. Susceptible persons who have not had face-to-face contact or been in the same room as the source person can inhale such infectious particles. M. tuberculosis , varicella-zoster virus (VZV), and rubeola virus are the agents most frequently transmitted by the airborne route. Although transmission of M. tuberculosis by the airborne route can occur rarely from an infant or young child with active tuberculosis, the more frequent source of M. tuberculosis in a healthcare setting is the adult visitor with active pulmonary tuberculosis that has not yet been diagnosed; thus, screening of visiting family members is an important component for control of tuberculosis in pediatric healthcare facilities.


A clear distinction between droplet and aerosol-based transmission is overly simplistic. Aerosols are liquid or solid particles that contain an infectious agent, most often a virus, remain suspended in the air, and can be inhaled by a nearby individual, whereas droplets containing an infectious agent fall to the ground and may be sprayed onto a nearby individual’s respiratory mucosa via a contact route. The term aerosol is also used to describe the collection or cloud of respiratory droplets that remain suspended in the air. The size of aerosols has been defined as <5 μm but can be as large as 50 μm. These particles remain suspended in the air but do not travel long distances under usual circumstances. Individuals infected with SARS CoV-2 produce a much greater quantity of aerosols than droplets. The amount of respiratory particles that are produced routinely varies in number and in size. There are several factors that influence production and transmission of respiratory aerosols laden with virus that can be inhaled by others: (1) Humidity: With higher humidity, respiratory particles are heavier and drop to the ground more quickly and are therefore less likely to be inhaled by others; (2) force with which air is forced over moist respiratory particles; (3) amount of coughing, sneezing, heavy breathing; (4) close proximity to the source; (5) ventilation of the enclosed space, number of air exchanges per hour; (6) filtration; and (7) duration of exposure to the source. Some agents (e.g., SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2) can be transmitted as small-particle aerosols under special circumstances of performing aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) (e.g., endotracheal intubation, bronchoscopy). SARS-CoV-2 may be transmitted in small particle aerosols for distances between 3 and 6 feet, even when AGPs are not being performed. , An N95 or higher respirator is recommended whenever caring for a patient with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 to prevent inhalation of small particle aerosols. AGPs should be performed in an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) and if, not available, in a single occupancy room with the door closed. There is still much to be learned about the role of aerosols in transmission of infectious agents.

The following classification was proposed in 2003 for aerosol transmission when evaluating routes of SARS-CoV transmission: (1) Obligate: Under natural conditions, disease occurs following transmission of the agent only through small-particle aerosols (e.g., tuberculosis); (2) Preferential: Natural infection results from transmission through multiple routes, but small-particle aerosols are the predominant route (e.g., measles, varicella); and (3) Opportunistic: Agents naturally cause disease through other routes, but under certain environmental conditions they can be transmitted by fine-particle aerosols. This conceptual framework can explain rare occurrences of airborne transmission of agents that are transmitted most frequently by other routes (e.g., smallpox, SARS-CoV, influenza, noroviruses). Concern about airborne transmission of influenza arose during the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. However, the conclusion from all published experiences during the 2009 pandemic was that droplet transmission is the usual route of transmission, and surgical masks were noninferior to N95 respirators in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza in HCP. Concerns about unknown or possible routes of transmission of agents that can cause severe disease and have no known treatment often result in more extreme prevention strategies. Therefore, recommended precautions could change as the epidemiology of emerging agents is defined and these controversial issues are resolved. Although no evidence supports airborne transmission of the Ebola virus under usual circumstances in the field, the aerosolization of body fluids that contain high titers of Ebola virus requires additional protection.

Role of Healthcare Personnel

Transmission of microbes between children and HCP when recommended hand hygiene is not performed is an especially important risk because of the very close contact that occurs during care of infants and young children. HCP as vehicles of infectious agents is facilitated by overcrowding, understaffing, and too few appropriately trained nurses in pediatric facilities. , Adequate staffing levels and the composition of staff in high-risk clinical units are important components of an effective IPC program. HCP rarely are the source of outbreaks of HAIs caused by bacteria and fungi and, therefore, performing screening cultures among HCP as part of an outbreak investigation rarely is indicated. Observations of HCP for specific risk factors (e.g., dermatitis, skin abscesses, onychomycosis, wearing of artificial nails) and querying about the presence of conditions (e.g., sinusitis, draining otitis externa, respiratory tract infections) that may increase the risk of transmission is more helpful than performing widespread cultures of hand swabs during an outbreak investigation unless there is a specific epidemiologic link. Persons with direct patient contact who were wearing artificial nails have been implicated in outbreaks of P. aeruginosa and ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in NICUs; therefore, the use of artificial nails or extenders is prohibited in persons who have direct contact with high-risk patients. Several published studies have shown that infected pediatric HCP, including resident physicians, transmitted Bordetella pertussis to patients and can be the source of other vaccine-preventable infections in healthcare.

Epidemiologically Important Pathogens

The following characteristics provide a useful framework for determining when a pathogen is epidemiologically important: (1) A propensity for transmission within and across healthcare facilities and the occurrence of temporal or geographic clusters of infection in >2 patients. A single case of healthcare-associated invasive disease caused by certain pathogens (e.g., group A Streptococcus postoperatively, peripartum, or in burn units; Legionella sp.; Aspergillus sp.; Candida auris ) should trigger an investigation; (2) Association with antimicrobial resistance that could render infections difficult to treat or untreatable. Infections caused by intrinsically resistant GNB also suggest possible contamination of water or medication. The CDC has published reports in 2013 and in 2019 of the Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States ( ) that provide classification of MDROs according to threat level (e.g., urgent, serious, concerning, and watch list) to assist clinicians in planning surveillance and control programs; (3) Association with serious clinical disease and increased morbidity and mortality; and (4) A newly discovered or re-emerging pathogen.

Pathogens associated with HAIs in children differ from those in adults in that respiratory viruses are more frequently associated with transmission in pediatric healthcare facilities. Respiratory viruses (e.g., RSV, parainfluenza, adenovirus, human metapneumovirus) have been implicated in outbreaks in high-risk units and in pediatric long-term care facilities. One exception is the SARS-CoV-2 agent associated with the 2019–2020 pandemic. Children were affected less frequently than adults early in the pandemic, and very young children may not transmit SARS-CoV-2 as effectively as do adults. As more respiratory viruses and gastrointestinal pathogens are identified by using highly sensitive methods, epidemiologic studies will be required to define further the risk of transmission in healthcare facilities and the clinical significance of detection by antigen or molecular testing. , Previously prominent healthcare-associated outbreaks of varicella, measles, and rotavirus infection now are rare events because of the consistent use of vaccines for children and HCP.

It is often challenging to distinguish pathogens that are first acquired in the community and then become responsible for healthcare-associated outbreaks. The emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) characterized by the unique SCC mec type IV element was first observed among infants and children in the community (CA-MRSA). As rates of colonization with CA-MRSA at the time of hospital admission increased, so did transmission of community strains, most often USA 300, within the hospital and especially within the NICU, thus making prevention especially challenging. Other MDROs (e.g., VRE, ESBLs, and CRE, especially K. pneumoniae ) have emerged as the most challenging healthcare-associated pathogens in both pediatric and adult settings, and otherwise healthy children in the community can be colonized asymptomatically with these MDROs. GNB, including ESBL-producing organisms and other multidrug-resistant isolates, are more frequent than MRSA and VRE in many PICUs and NICUs. Patients who are transferred from other healthcare facilities, especially chronic care facilities, can be colonized with MDR GNB at the time of admission to the PICU. HAIs caused by MDROs are associated with increased length of stay, increased morbidity and mortality, and increased cost, in part because of the delay in initiating effective antimicrobial therapy. Although the prevalence of specific MDROs is lower in pediatric institutions, the same principles of target identification and interventions to control MDROs apply in all settings.

Information on other epidemiologically important healthcare associated pathogens in pediatrics including C. difficile , Candida spp., and environmental fungi can be found in other chapters. Of note, Candida auris, a difficult-to-treat, rapidly spreading pathogen in adult facilities, has had little impact on the pediatric population to date.

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