Pediatric Head and Neck Neoplasms

Key Points

  • Lymphomas are the most common head and neck malignancies in children, followed by retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), neuroblastoma, and thyroid cancer.

  • Hodgkin lymphoma is the predominant malignant lymphoma in older children.

  • Although surgery is not the primary treatment modality for pediatric lymphoma, the otolaryngologist often plays a key role in the diagnosis by obtaining tissue.

  • Neuroblastomas of the head and neck tend to present at an earlier stage than in other regions. A unique feature of these tumors is that they may demonstrate spontaneous regression.

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in the pediatric population, and about 30% present with a primary head and neck lesion.

  • Today, more RMSs are considered surgically resectable because of the evolution in surgical approaches to the skull base.

  • Most teratomas in the head and neck region are diagnosed in the prenatal or neonatal period. Attention to the patency of the airway is essential in the initial evaluation.

  • Thyroid nodules are more likely to be malignant in children (25%) than in adults (<10%).

  • In children, most thyroid cancers are well differentiated, and papillary thyroid cancer makes up over 90% of cases.

  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is rare, accounting for less than 1% of all pediatric malignancies, but it includes 20% to 50% of tumors of the nasopharynx. The most common type seen in children is World Health Organization (WHO) type III, undifferentiated carcinoma (lymphoepithelioma).


We thank Carol MacArthur, MD, and Richard J.H. Smith, MD, who wrote the initial versions of the Ewing sarcoma and neuroblastoma sections of this chapter. Amer Heider, MD, provided pathologic images in this chapter.

In the United States each year, approximately 15 to 19 per 100,000 individuals younger than the age of 20 years are diagnosed with cancer. , Approximately 12% to 15% of these pediatric malignancies present in the head and neck. , Pediatric head and neck malignancies differ markedly in terms of type and prevalence from those of adults. Epithelial tumors dominate among adults; but for the pediatric population, leukemias are the most common type of cancer presenting in the head and neck region, followed by lymphomas, sarcomas, thyroid cancer, and neuroblastoma.

Since the 1970s, the incidence of pediatric cancers appears to have increased by about 1% each year for all types of malignancy, including those presenting in the head and neck. Mortality has decreased appreciably across all the major types of pediatric cancers, attributed largely to improved efficacy of treatment regimens. However, cancer remains the third leading cause of death in the United States for children aged 1 to 19 years.

Pediatric cancers are tracked by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program of the National Cancer Institute, which reports trends in anatomic sites, incidence, and survival. The International Classification of Childhood Cancer categorizes and organizes the histology of all pediatric cancer cases. Data from the SEER program and the Children’s Oncology Group (COG)’s Childhood Cancer Research Network demonstrate that the most common type of pediatric cancer diagnoses varies in different age groups ( Table 26.1 ). ,

TABLE 26.1
Most Common Head and Neck Malignancies Per Age Group
Data from Ries LAG, Smith MA, Gurney JG, et al., eds. Cancer Incidence and Survival Among Children and Adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995 . Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute; 1999. SEER Program. NIH Pub. No. 99-4649.
0–1 Year 1–5 Years 6–10 Years 11–18 Years
Germ cell neoplasms
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer
Hodgkin lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Detection and diagnosis of pediatric neoplasms are challenging, and delays of months are common between onset of symptoms and initiation of treatment. About 73% of pediatric patients with a head and neck malignancy present with a neck mass, and a palpable neck mass is the most common physical finding (87%). The neck is the most commonly involved head and neck site, related to lesions of the cervical lymphatics and thyroid. There is no high-quality evidence to guide when a neck mass should be biopsied versus monitoring for spontaneous resolution. An overall risk assessment and search of “red flag” findings ( Box 26.1 ) can help inform clinician judgment regarding the decision to biopsy.

BOX 26.1
Red Flag Items for Children With Neck Mass
Data from Chiappini E, Camaioni A, Benazzo M, et al: Development of an algorithm for the management of cervical lymphadenopathy in children: consensus of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics, jointly with the Italian Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and the Italian Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2015;13(12):1557–1567.

  • Age <12 months

  • Lymph node is nontender and hard

  • Diameter >3 cm

  • Supraclavicular location

  • Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy

  • Mediastinal or abdominal mass

  • Persistent unexplained: pruritus, fever, weight loss, pallor, fatigue, petechiae, hemorrhagic lesions, or hepatosplenomegaly

The optimal workup for diagnosis and staging of malignancies depends on the type of lesion suspected. Conventional radiographs, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and/or ultrasound (US) may be indicated. The selection of imaging modalities will often include a consideration of the need for sedation and the tissues or anatomic locations to be evaluated. Coordination within an experienced multidisciplinary team can help maximize efficiency, comfort, and treatment planning to achieve the best outcomes. Communication among the surgeon, radiologist, oncologist, and pathologist helps to ensure that adequate tissue is obtained and processed.

Consideration of the most relevant differential diagnoses affects the approach to the child with a possible head and neck malignancy. A biopsy is essential to establishing a diagnosis and planning the most appropriate treatments to optimize the patient’s prognosis. The surgeon should perform the initial diagnostic biopsy in a way that does not compromise future resection and reconstruction. The amount of tissue required for pathologic analysis may vary depending on the suspected histology and the types of testing required. Obtaining and sending fresh tissue (not formalin fixed) is essential to allow the pathologist to divide the tissue as needed for various diagnostic methods.

Unlike adult cancers, modifiable risk factors for pediatric malignancies are rarely contributory. Cancer prevention efforts such as tobacco cessation and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination cannot be expected to affect incidence of pediatric cancers. However, ionizing radiation is a risk factor for thyroid cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, brain tumors, and osteosarcomas. The radiologic imaging principle of using ionizing doses “as low as reasonably achievable” is an important strategy to reduce risk of iatrogenic malignancies. Chemotherapeutic agents predispose patients to certain cancers, including acute myelocytic leukemia and osteosarcoma. Identifying high-risk exposures is important when evaluating suspected malignancy. Numerous genetic syndromes are known to increase susceptibility for certain malignancies ( Table 26.2 ).

TABLE 26.2
Syndromes Associated With Pediatric Head and Neck Malignancies
Syndrome Tumor Types
Trisomy 21 Leukemia
Neurofibromatosis type 1 Leukemia, gliomas, rhabdomyosarcoma, pheochromocytoma, astrocytoma
Neurofibromatosis type 2 Astrocytoma, melanoma, meningioma
Li-Fraumeni syndrome Osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, leukemia, lymphoma, breast
Gorlin syndrome Basal cell carcinoma, medulloblastoma
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 Parathyroid, pancreas, gastrinomas, insulinomas, carcinoid tumor
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2a Medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, parathyroid adenomas
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b Medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, mucosal neuromas, and ganglioneuromas
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome Stomach, small intestine, colon, pancreas, uterine, breast
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, hepatoblastoma
Werner syndrome Thyroid, leukemia, melanoma, osteosarcoma
Ataxia telangiectasia Lymphoma, leukemia
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Lymphoma (non-Hodgkin)

Lymphoproliferative Disorders and Histiocytoses

Malignant Lymphomas

Malignant lymphoma is the third most common malignancy diagnosed in children after leukemias and brain tumors, and it is the most common pediatric malignancy of the head and neck. In contrast to leukemias, which represent neoplasms of the bone marrow and peripheral blood, lymphomas involve similar kinds of clonal proliferations in discrete tissues outside of the bone marrow. Lymphocytic leukemias and lymphomas are both diseases of lymphoblasts and are now distinguished by characteristic tissue distribution and site of presentation. Pediatric lymphomas are divided into Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a large and diverse collection of lymphomas that includes all malignant lymphomas not categorized as HL.

Children with cervical lymphadenopathy commonly present to the pediatric otolaryngologist, and expertise in the differential diagnosis of the pediatric neck mass is essential to a complete evaluation and workup (see Chapter 21). Although most localized lymphadenopathy in children is caused by infectious or inflammatory causes, persistent or refractory lymphadenopathy and constitutional symptoms should prompt further investigation. Although surgery is not the primary treatment modality for pediatric lymphoma, the otolaryngologist often plays a key role in the diagnosis by obtaining tissue.

According to the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification ( Box 26.2 ), two clinical subtypes of HL are recognized: classic Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL) and nodular lymphocyte–predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL). The distribution of HL varies markedly in different countries and among different ethnicities. In the United States CHL represents about 95% of HL pediatric cases, and NLPHL is far less common. The age at presentation for CHL overall has a bimodal distribution, between 15 and 40 years and after 60 years. However, epidemiologic studies identify three distinct forms of CHL: a childhood form (±14 years), a young adult form (15 to 34 years), and an older adult form (most commonly presenting between 55 and 74 years). In the childhood form, a slightly increased incidence in boys has been observed , , ; whereas the incidence of HL peaks in later childhood and NHL’s incidence is higher in younger children, although it is rare in infants ( Table 26.3 ).

BOX 26.2
Histologic Classification of Hodgkin Lymphoma According to the World Health Organization
From Metzger M, Krasin M, Hudson M, et al: Hodgkin lymphoma. In: Pizzo P, Poplack D, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.

  • Nodular lymphocyte–predominant Hodgkin lymphoma

  • Classic Hodgkin lymphoma

    • Nodular sclerosis subtype

    • Mixed cellularity subtype

    • Lymphocyte-rich subtype

    • Lymphocyte-depleted subtype

TABLE 26.3
Differences Between Hodgkin Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
From Perkins J. Diseases of white blood cells, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus. In: Robbins S, Kumar V, Cotran R, eds. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease . Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2010: 589–638.
Hodgkin Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
More often localized to a single axial group of nodes (cervical, mediastinal, para-aortic)
Orderly spread by contiguity
Mesenteric nodes and Waldeyer ring rarely involved
Extranodal presentation rare
More frequent involvement of multiple peripheral nodes
Noncontiguous spread
Waldeyer ring and mesenteric nodes commonly involved
Extranodal presentation common

NHL encompasses a wide variety of histologic patterns with different clinical presentations. It may derive from immature or mature lymphoid cells and from cells of B-cell, T-cell, or natural killer cell origin. Three therapeutic groups of NHL are recognized: (1) lymphoblastic lymphomas; (2) peripheral B-cell lymphomas, which include Burkitt lymphoma (BL); and (3) anaplastic large cell lymphomas. BL, which is derived from mature B cells, is by far the predominant variety of NHL in children.

Presentation and Evaluation of Malignant Lymphoma

Commonly, the pediatric otolaryngologist will encounter lymphoma in patients with a painless supraclavicular or cervical mass. The lymphadenopathy associated with lymphoma feels firmer than reactive, inflammatory lymphadenopathy and is often described as “rubbery.” Some tenderness may be noted in those patients who have had rapid enlargement of lymph nodes. The presence of B symptoms or constitutional symptoms including fever greater than 38.0°C for 3 consecutive days, unexplained weight loss of 10% or more of body weight in the 6 months preceding presentation, and drenching night sweats is incorporated into the staging system for HL ( Box 26.3 ). , , Mediastinal involvement may occur in as many as two thirds of cases of HL. Signs of airway compression such as nonproductive cough, stridor, and respiratory compromise should prompt heightened concern for mediastinal disease. Axillary, inguinal, and subdiaphragmatic lymphadenopathy are less common. Physical examination should include other lymph node basins.

BOX 26.3
Ann Arbor Staging for Hodgkin Lymphoma
From Metzger M, Krasin M, Hudson M, et al: Hodgkin lymphoma. In: Pizzo P, Poplack D, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.

  • Stage I: Involvement of a single lymph node region (I) or of a single extralymphatic organ or site (I E ).

  • Stage II: Involvement of two or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm (II) or localized involvement of an extralymphatic organ or site and one or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm (II E ).

  • Stage III: Involvement of lymph node regions on both sides of the diaphragm (III), which may be accompanied by involvement of the spleen (III S ) or by localized involvement of an extralymphatic organ or site (III E ) or both (III SE ).

  • Stage IV: Diffuse or disseminated involvement of one or more extralymphatic organs or tissues with or without associated lymph node involvement.

NHL in children typically presents as a diffuse, extranodal lymphoma. All types of NHL may present with metastatic involvement or direct extension to the central nervous system (CNS) associated with neurologic impairment. Disease in the Waldeyer ring is more characteristic of NHL than it is of HL and occurs in 25% to 30% of pediatric cases. The presentation of BL tends to vary by type: sporadic BL commonly involves the abdomen, bone marrow, and the Waldeyer ring, and endemic BL involves the mandible, abdomen, orbit, and the CNS, although all types of BL may present with ulcerative skin lesions. The most common extranodal sites at the time of presentation of pediatric NHL are the mediastinum and the abdomen, involved in 35% to 45% and 25% to 30% of patients, respectively.

After the history and physical examination, laboratory testing and imaging should be obtained. Laboratory testing should include a complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum copper, serum ferritin, alkaline phosphatase, and C-reactive protein level. Imaging should consist of chest radiographs, CT of the neck and chest, and CT or MRI of the abdomen and pelvis. Abdominal MRI is more useful than CT in the pediatric population because of the low volume of retroperitoneal fat and better definition of pelvic structures and the advantages of minimizing radiation exposure. US may be an option for imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, although this modality is highly dependent on the technician. For all imaging modalities, the location and dimension of enlarged lymph nodes should be documented for future reference. Cranial imaging, preferably MRI, can diagnose CNS involvement that has not yet become clinically evident or has not been diagnosed by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. However, some advocate that clinical assessment and lumbar puncture with CSF analysis are sufficient. Any site of suspected bony involvement should be evaluated with CT.

Positron emission tomography (PET), often in combination with CT, is increasingly used for initial staging and follow-up. PET is able to identify abnormalities not seen on CT that affect staging in 10% to 20% of cases, but these lesions may be extranodal sites. However, some authors express concern that PET may lead to upstaging of disease and to more aggressive treatments with increased side effects and morbidity without improving outcomes. Further study will be necessary to define the role of PET in pediatric lymphoma. ,

Surgical resection is rarely indicated, unless it can be accomplished at the time of initial biopsy without causing a functional deficit. The goal of biopsy is to obtain sufficient tissue while minimizing trauma to nearby tissues. An important consideration in the management of patients with suspected lymphoma is the avoidance of systemic corticosteroids. Administration of steroids has been associated with delays in diagnosis, inability to stage, and even failure to diagnose lymphoma in some cases. The tissue should be sent for permanent fixation and frozen section for evaluation of morphology. Touch prep should be done for rapid identification of malignancy and cell type, and fresh tissue (not on formalin) should be submitted for flow cytometry. The pediatric oncologist and pathologist should be available at the time of biopsy to ensure that adequate and appropriate tissue is obtained. Further studies such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) can often be performed on the fixed tissue and the touch prep to identify subtypes. Bone marrow biopsy is indicated in patients with B symptoms or clinical stage III or IV disease and may be coordinated with CSF sampling under the same general anesthetic. Staging no longer involves exploratory laparotomy for lymph node sampling or splenectomy; imaging has become sufficient for detection of disease in these locations, and splenectomy is associated with an increased risk of complications.

Most children and adults with HL present with stage I or II disease. Features associated with unfavorable clinical outcomes include the presence of B symptoms, bulky mediastinal disease, extranodal extension of disease, and advanced stage at presentation. , Patients may have concurrent pleural and cardiac effusions, or they may present acutely or emergently with superior vena cava syndrome, small bowel obstruction, ileus, cranial nerve palsies, or disseminated intravascular coagulation. After initial diagnostic steps are completed, the patient’s disease stage is determined by the extent of disease ( Table 26.4 ).

TABLE 26.4
Comparison of Endemic and Sporadic Burkitt Lymphoma
From Gross TG, Perkins SL. Malignant non-Hodgkin lymphomas in children. In: Pizzo P, Poplack D, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology . 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.
Feature Endemic Sporadic
Clinical presentation 5–10 years old
Boys > girls
6–12 years old
Boys > girls
Most common distribution of disease Equatorial Africa, New Guinea, Amazonian Brazil, Turkey North America, Europe
Annual incidence 10 in 100,000 0.2 in 100,000
Common tumor sites Jaw, abdomen, central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid Abdomen, marrow, lymph nodes, ovaries
Histopathologic features CD20 + , usually IgM, κ or λ CD10 + , BCL2 CD10 + , usually IgM, κ or λ CD10 + , BCL2
Presence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in tumor cells 95% 15%
Presence of t(8;14), t(2;8), or t(8;22) translocations Yes Yes
Chromosome 8 break points Upstream of cMYC Within cMYC
IgM, Immunoglobulin M.

Management of Malignant Lymphoma

Hodgkin Lymphoma

The introduction of chemotherapy regimens in the 1960s and further evolution of combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT) regimens have dramatically improved the survival of pediatric patients with HL. Combined modality therapy has become the favored approach for treatment as a means to reduce the significant treatment effects associated with either standard-dose RT or alkylator-based chemotherapy alone. When radiation was used as the sole therapy, the risk of recurrence with doses of 35 to 44 Gy was 10% or less. However, extended high-dose RT has been associated with growth deficiencies, coronary heart disease, and secondary malignancies. Combination therapy allows for RT at reduced doses and limited volumes and less aggressive chemotherapy to minimize its side effects. Risk-based therapy regimens have been developed for pediatric HL that tailor the amount and volume of the therapies. The radiation field is designed to cover the side or sides of the abdomen involved with disease.

Currently, RT that uses doses of 15 to 25 Gy is combined with various chemotherapy regimens that include various permutations of drugs with different mechanisms of action and resistances to optimize tumoricidal activity and minimize side effects. For example, MOPP therapy consists of mechlorethamine (nitrogen mustard), vincristine (Oncovin), procarbazine, and prednisone, and it has achieved local control rates of 97%. ABVD therapy consists of doxorubicin (Adriamycin), bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine. Another effective tactic is to alternate chemotherapy regimens. Even in advanced-stage disease, combination therapy has been shown to achieve 4-year event-free survival (EFS) of 87% and overall survival of 90%. Patients with earlier stages of disease who demonstrate early treatment response have achieved 8-year overall survival of 98% with combination therapy.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Treatment regimens for NHL are specific to the different subtypes and stages of disease and capitalize on knowledge of the cell cycle of lymphoma cells. In contrast to HL, NHL is less commonly treated with RT. RT is typically used in a cytoreductive capacity when pharmaceutic therapy with prednisone and cyclophosphamide has been insufficient, such as treating persistent mediastinal disease causing acute or nonacute airway compression. The pediatric otolaryngologist should be vigilant regarding possible airway complications in patients with NHL, particularly prior to induction of general anesthesia for any procedure, including imaging. When untreated bulky mediastinal disease is present, general anesthesia should be avoided if possible, as tracheotomy is not effective to bypass mediastinal obstruction in patients who cannot be intubated or ventilated. Thus airway management must be carefully planned by experienced providers to avoid respiratory failure and death.

Treatment duration is based on the patient’s tumor burden, typically in 4- to 7-day dose-intensive regimens to maximize tumor cell kill rates. Systemic therapy is a mainstay because occult micrometastases are always a concern in NHL. Chemotherapy protocols use a combination of corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, methotrexate, cytarabine, doxorubicin, vincristine, and etoposide. Success rates measured as event free survival (EFS) generally exceed 80% for all subtypes of NHL, which reflects a dramatic improvement over outcomes of several decades ago. Success rates for BL are reported as 90% to 98% for stages I through III. CNS involvement is a poor prognostic factor associated with worse outcomes, with 79% EFS at 4 years. Intrathecal chemotherapy has improved EFS for patients with CNS disease or for those at risk for CNS involvement.


Hodgkin Lymphoma

Two types of cells are classically described in HL, the Hodgkin cells and the pathognomonic Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells ( Fig. 26.1 ). The Hodgkin cells are mononuclear and tend to have clearly basophilic cytoplasm. The RS cells are large cells with abundant slightly basophilic cytoplasm that must be multinuclear, with at least two nuclei in two separate lobes, to be considered diagnostic. The nucleolus tends to be prominent and eosinophilic. RS cells represent the minority of cells; a reactive infiltrate of nonneoplastic cells constitutes the bulk of the lesion.

Fig. 26.1, Hodgkin lymphoma with diagnostic Reed-Sternberg cells (arrows). These cells are large compared with the surrounding infiltrate of nonneoplastic cells, and they have abundant, slightly basophilic cytoplasm and prominent nucleoli. The background contains an infiltrate of small nonneoplastic lymphocytes.

The use of microdissection and single-cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allowed for separation of the malignant cells from the background polyclonal reactive infiltrate. The RS and Hodgkin cells demonstrate monoclonal immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and expression of antigens consistent with B-cell lineage. Of note, with the identification of the B-cell origin of the malignant cells, the term Hodgkin lymphoma became preferred over the term Hodgkin disease.

All histologic subtypes of HL are now considered equally responsive to current chemotherapy regimens; different characteristics of the various immunophenotypes may present opportunities for directed therapies in the future. CHL is further subdivided into four subtypes based on histologic characteristics: (1) nodular sclerosis, (2) mixed cellularity, (3) lymphocyte-depleted, and (4) lymphocyte-rich. Nodular sclerosis CHL is the most common variant and accounts for 40% of younger pediatric cases and 70% of adolescent cases; it has a tendency to involve the lower cervical, supraclavicular, and mediastinal lymph nodes. The characteristic sclerosis is composed of neoplastic cells and inflammatory cells, which may develop into nodules that can be seen on gross specimens. The fibrosis of the lesions may be so pronounced such that the mass effect persists even in patients with a clinical treatment response. Mixed cellularity CHL includes about 30% of cases and is more common among patients younger than 10 years; it tends to have minimal fibrosis. Lymphocyte-depleted CHL tends to have many more RS cells amid few lymphocytes; it is common in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but is otherwise rare in children. Lymphocyte-rich CHL has a background of many small B lymphocytes with an overall nodular or diffuse pattern.

NLPHL affects 10% to 15% of patients, more commonly male patients and more commonly younger children. This subtype is characterized by lymphocytic and/or histiocytic RS cell variants, which are mononuclear malignant cells (also called “popcorn cells” because of the lobulated appearance of their nuclei). NLPHL has few RS cells and must be immunophenotypically distinguished from lymphocyte-rich CHL.

A large proportion of patients with HL have high circulating Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) titers, and EBV-associated antigens within Hodgkin tissues, suggestive of latent infection. The expression of EBV in patients with HL and strains of EBV associated with HL vary throughout the world. However, whereas an association between EBV and HL appears strong, a causative role of the virus in the pathology of HL has not been defined.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

The clinical and biologic diversity of NHL has made it difficult to create comprehensive classification schemes. Systems for classifying NHL include the Rappaport Classification (1956), the Lukes-Collins system (1975), and the Kiel system, which was predominantly used in Europe. Current classifications emphasize the clinical picture, the associated cell of origin, and the degree of differentiation to produce prognostic categories; one example is the WHO classification system created by the International Lymphoma Study Group ( Box 26.4 ). The high prevalence among African children led to the identification of endemic and sporadic varieties with characteristic immunohistologic and genetic profiles ( Table 26.5 ).

BOX 26.4
Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: St. Jude Staging System
Rosolen A, Mussolin L. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In: Estlin E, Gilbertson R, Wynn R, eds. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell; 2010: 109–129.

  • Stage I: A single tumor (extranodal) or single anatomic area (nodal) with the exclusion of mediastinum or abdomen.

  • Stage II: A single tumor (extranodal) with regional node involvement.

    • Two or more nodal areas on the same side of the diaphragm.

    • Two single (extranodal) tumors with or without regional node involvement on the same side of the diaphragm.

    • A primary gastrointestinal tumor usually in the ileocecal area with or without involvement of associated mesenteric nodes only, grossly completely resected.

  • Stage III: Two single tumors (extranodal) on opposite sides of the diaphragm.

    • Two or more nodal areas above and below the diaphragm.

    • All primary intrathoracic tumors (mediastinal, pleural, thymic).

    • All extensive primary intraabdominal disease.

    • All paraspinal or epidural tumors regardless of other tumor site(s).

  • Stage IV: Any of the aforementioned with initial central nervous system and/or bone marrow involvement.

TABLE 26.5
2008 World Health Organization Classification of Main Subtypes of Pediatric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
From Gross TG, Perkins SL. Malignant non-Hodgkin lymphomas in children. In: Pizzo P, Poplack D, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology . 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010.
Subtype of Lymphoma Frequency
precursor lymphoid neoplasms
T-lymphoblastic lymphoma 15%–20%
B-lymphoblastic lymphoma 3%
mature b-cell neoplasms
Burkitt lymphoma 35%–40%
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 15%–20%
Primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma 1%–2%
Pediatric follicular lymphoma Rare
Pediatric nodal marginal zone lymphoma Rare
mature t-cell neoplasms
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK positive 15%–20%
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (NOS) Rare
ALK, Anaplastic lymphoma kinase; NOS, not otherwise specified.

Most pediatric NHL subtypes present with a diffuse, rather than follicular or nodular, pattern of growth. In BL, the lymphoma cells are usually monomorphic, medium-sized cells with basophilic cytoplasm, round to ovoid nuclei, and multiple nucleoli. A “starry sky” appearance, which represents the ingested apoptotic cells, has been described. Burkitt-like lymphoma and plasmacytoid differentiation are also recognized morphologic variants.

BL is believed to derive from a B-cell lineage, confirmed by the B-cell antigens common to the lymphoma cells: CD19, CD20, CD22, and CD79a. BL cells tend to be negative for CD5, CD23, and terminal deoxyribonucleotide transferase (TdT). The most important genetic feature of BL is a translocation that places the c-myc locus on chromosome 8 adjacent to enhancers that increase gene expression. EBV status also correlates to specific break points; EBV positivity is associated with break points outside of c-myc, whereas EBV negativity is associated with break points within the gene. Ultimately, these genetic translocations lead to a characteristic gene expression profile that distinguishes BL from other NHL subtypes. The abnormally high expression of these MYC target genes leads to disruption of the normal cell cycle.

The exact role of EBV in the etiology of BL has not been completely elucidated. , The EBV genome can be found in 90% of endemic cases, 20% of sporadic cases, and about 40% of HIV-associated cases. EBV viral gene products have been associated with induction of B-cell lymphomas and have been found to be essential to B-cell transformation.

Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disease

Individuals who have undergone previous solid organ or bone marrow transplants have an increased lifetime risk for malignancies estimated to be 5- to 10-fold higher than that of the population at large. Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is the most common malignancy that occurs in transplant recipients. Risk factors include young age at time of transplant, exposure to potential carcinogenic agents (chemotherapy, RT, immunosuppressive antimetabolites), and EBV-negative status. The rate of PTLD in children after bone marrow transplant is 45%, and the rate after solid organ transplant has been reported to be as high as 80%. The type of organ transplant also plays a role in the prevalence of PTLD ; patients with kidney transplants have the lowest risk, and those who receive multivisceral transplants, such as lung and heart, are at the highest risk.

The clinical manifestations of PTLD include localized or diffuse lymphomatous lesions, isolated hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, and an infectious mononucleosis-type syndrome. The most extreme presentation of PTLD is a rapidly progressive disseminated illness that presents like septic shock and is usually fatal, at times diagnosed postmortem.

Patients with increased T-cell-specific immunosuppression are more likely to develop PTLD. A new EBV infection places the posttransplant patient at risk for developing PTLD through activation of EBV-specific T cells that leads to an imbalance of the host immune response and to clonal proliferation of B cells. EBV infection may be subclinical regardless of immune status. When symptomatic in immunocompetent patients, EBV infection may manifest as a febrile upper respiratory tract infection in young children or as a classic infectious mononucleosis in older children. However, in immunocompromised patients, the presentation can range from minor symptoms to life-threatening infection. Primary infection in transplant patients may be acquired through new exposure to EBV in the environment or from the transplant, whereas secondary infection occurs as a reactivation of latent virus in the immunocompromised patient.

The WHO divides PTLD into subtypes that include early, CHL-type, monomorphic, and polymorphic lesions. However, clonal proliferations of different subtypes can arise simultaneously within the same patient and even within the same lesion. The early lesions represent the benign end of the spectrum and resemble an infectious mononucleosis syndrome or a plasmacytic proliferation. Monomorphic PTLD is further identified by the cell involved in the clonal proliferation, such as the B, T, or natural killer cell. When monomorphic PTLD manifests as NHL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is more common than BL, which is an inversion of the usual pattern seen in children. Overall, the NHL-type presentation in PTLD has a similar histologic profile in adults and children.

In the head and neck region, cervical lymphadenopathy or enlargement of the adenotonsillar tissue in a transplant patient should prompt concern for a lymphomatous process, although a malignant lymphoma is less likely than a benign proliferation of lymphoid tissue. The primary role of the otolaryngologist is to manage airway obstruction related to mass effect and to obtain tissue for histologic analysis, again taking care not to administer preoperative corticosteroids when lymphoma is a possibility. Whereas many centers no longer send tonsillar tissue for histopathologic analysis after routine tonsillectomy, it is mandatory to send the tonsils fresh to pathology in transplant patients. Communication with the patient’s transplant physician and the pathologist is essential to ensure that the appropriate tissue is obtained and processed correctly.

Imaging and endoscopy may be indicated for evaluation, and review of serial imaging may be helpful to evaluate progression. CT is useful for evaluating lymphadenopathy and compression of the surrounding structures. PET-CT is a useful modality for diagnosis and recurrence because PTLD lesions will manifest increased metabolic activity.

Management of Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder

Because PTLD results from reduced cellular immunity, the first approach to management is reduction in immunosuppression (RIS). A common approach is to discontinue antimetabolite agents, to reduce by half the dose of calcineurin inhibitors, and to add corticosteroids. The average time to response after initiation of RIS is reported as 1 to 4 weeks; early lesions and polymorphic PTLD have better responses to RIS. Complete cessation of immunosuppressive therapy is not routinely used. Other treatment options for PTLD include chemotherapy and RT, and evidence suggests that RIS followed by chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine [Oncovin], and prednisone [CHOP]) results in worse function of the transplanted organ. It is not clear whether immunosuppressive therapy can be reduced or stopped during chemotherapy or RT. Ultimately, the balance between overall patient health and preserving function of the transplanted organ must be weighed. Patients with PTLD who are very ill at the time of presentation warrant more aggressive treatment than RIS because the response to RIS is too gradual.

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