Pathophysiology of Preterm Birth


Although clinically managed as if it were a single disease, preterm birth is increasingly recognized as a syndrome secondary to multiple causative mechanisms and etiologies. In this chapter, we discuss the epidemiology of preterm birth, the endocrinology and physiology of parturition, and current practice in prediction and prevention of preterm labor (PTL).

Epidemiology of Preterm Birth

PTL is defined as the onset of labor before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Preterm birth may follow spontaneous or induced labor, or a planned cesarean section due to maternal or fetal complications. It is estimated that between 30% and 40% of all cases are induced or elective with remaining 60% to 70% occurring spontaneously. In most developed nations the rate of preterm birth is below 10%; the UK rate is around 7% and in the USA the rate fluctuates between 9% and 12% and varies by geographic location and ethnicity. Many low-income nations have preterm birth rates exceeding 15%. Preterm birth accounts for more than 75% of all perinatal deaths. Epidemiologic studies of PTL vary in terms of categorization. Generally, delivery prior to 23 to 24 weeks is considered pre-viable, although in the developed world survival after birth at 23 weeks is improving. “Viability” is often a legally defined limit, being, for example, 24 weeks in the United Kingdom but 20 weeks in the United States. The World Health Organization defines subcategories of preterm birth, based on gestational age as “extremely preterm” (<28 weeks), “very preterm” (28 to 32 weeks), and “moderate to late preterm” (32 to 37 weeks). The proportion of preterm births in each gestational age week epoque increases almost exponentially from approximately 32 weeks. The majority of preterm births are therefore at later gestational ages.

Preterm delivery is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality, accounting for 65% of neonatal deaths and 50% of childhood neurologic disabilities. Prematurity is the biggest single cause of death within the first year of life. Survival rates are determined by gestation and birth weight. Intraventricular hemorrhages occur in 25% to 30% of very low-birth-weight neonates, compared to 3% to 4% of term babies. Those infants with higher grade hemorrhages are at risk to develop cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, and seizures. The risks of major long-term morbidities following preterm birth after 34 weeks are considered to be comparable to those after 37 weeks’ gestation, although a significant risk of minor morbidities remains, and late preterm birth represents a much larger proportion of overall preterm births. , While a reduction in the rate of “extremely preterm” and “very preterm” births would significantly reduce the societal burden in the developed world, the greatest benefit in the developing world would be obtained by reducing the burden of “moderate-to-late preterm” births.

Although not identifiable in a significant proportion of women with preterm labor, risk factors include primigravida pregnancy, cervical incompetence or insufficiency, uterine distension (multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios), infection, uterine and placental abnormalities, a previous history of preterm birth or second trimester pregnancy loss, advanced age, race, socioeconomic status, and body mass index (BMI). In the United Kingdom, the risk of preterm birth is 6% in white Europeans but 10% in Africans or Afro-Caribbeans. Similarly, African American women are overrepresented in rates of preterm birth in the United States. A poorer socioeconomic status in such groups and other minority groups adds environmental causes to probable genetic causes of preterm birth (i.e., polymorphisms in tumor necrosis factor α, TNF-α, a proinflammatory cytokine). Other environmental factors include poor nutrition, smoking, substance abuse, and psychosocial factors.

There are strong associations with preterm birth in women with diabetes, a low BMI, poor weight gain, or excess weight gain and obesity. , Alcohol consumption, smoking, and cocaine exposure all increase the risk of preterm birth. Dose-response effects have been described in alcohol consumption in various European studies, as well as increased risks from low-to-moderate and heavy smoking. Maternal stress is considered to increase the risk of preterm birth via a neuroendocrine pathway that activates the maternal-placental-fetal endocrine systems that promote parturition via immune and/or inflammatory pathway activation.

There is a clear role for genetics in the regulation of length of pregnancy and in the risk of preterm birth. The risk of a woman having a preterm delivery is increased if her mother, sisters, or maternal half-sisters have had preterm deliveries, but not if her paternal half-sisters or members of her partner’s family have preterm deliveries. Being a preterm baby increases a woman’s own risk of preterm delivery and having a previous preterm delivery confers an increased risk of recurrent preterm delivery. Therefore, the genetic traits linked to preterm birth are principally transmitted in a matrilineal manner. The candidate gene approach has suggested a potential association between preterm birth and polymorphisms in the β2-adrenergic receptor gene, which promotes smooth muscle relaxation in the uterus. Other commonly studied candidate genes are those involved in immunity and inflammation, such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukins, other cytokines, and their receptors. Although some studies have detected polymorphisms in these genes that alter the risk for preterm birth in either the mother or fetus in specific cohorts, the results have generally failed to be replicated or generalized across populations. The use of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in preterm birth is affected by the heterogeneity of preterm birth etiology, by the arbitrary definition of the outcome and by limited availability of suitable cohorts. However, sample-size limitations have been to some extent overcome by using genomic data from a large cohort of women of European ancestry who had undergone commercial “recreational genetics.” This has identified maternal genomic loci associated with length of pregnancy linked to genes whose functions are consistent with a role in the timing of birth.

Maintenance of Human Pregnancy and the Onset of Parturition

Human pregnancy lasts for approximately 280 days (from last menstrual period, or 266 days from conception) with minor variations between ethnic groups. For the majority of pregnancy, the uterus remains quiescent yet expands to accommodate the growing fetus. At the same time, the cervix remains rigid and closed to retain the developing fetus within the uterus and to prevent ascending infection. Throughout pregnancy “pro-pregnancy” factors, such as progesterone and prostacyclin, inhibit myometrial contractility. At the end of pregnancy, “pro-labor” factors begin to mediate remodeling of the cervix and the uterus is stimulated to begin coordinated contractions. It has been suggested that labor results from the activation of a “cassette of contraction-associated proteins” (CAPs), which convert the myometrium from a quiescent to a contractile state. CAPs include gap junction proteins, oxytocin (OT) and prostanoid receptors, enzymes for prostaglandin synthesis, and cell signaling proteins. The latter mediate the uterine response to receptor activation. Activation of myometrial contractility, cervical remodeling, and fetal membrane rupture mark the initiation of parturition that culminates in the expulsion of the fetus and the placenta. It is thought that a combination of maternal and fetal signals contributes toward the timing of labor. ,

Endocrinology of Parturition

An intricate interplay of endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine factors from both fetal and maternal origin has been proposed to play important modulatory roles in regulating the onset of human parturition. The most well characterized factors are considered here.


In many species, progesterone acting through progesterone receptor (PR) inhibits labor-associated biochemical changes, and labor is heralded by withdrawal of the suppressive effects of progesterone. Unlike most mammals, circulating progesterone levels and PRs in the uterus do not fall with the onset of human labor. However, administration of PR antagonists (e.g., RU486) as well as inhibitors of progesterone synthesis can be used to ripen the cervix and induce labor in humans and primates. These findings indicate that removal of the progesterone “block” is still an important facet of human parturition. In the absence of a demonstrable fall in progesterone concentrations, a number of possible mechanisms of “functional progesterone withdrawal” have been postulated. First, progesterone action may be functionally mediated by alterations in the levels of different PR isoforms. PR-A and PR-B are the two major PR isoforms in human and are both capable of binding to progesterone response elements (PREs) in DNA. However, PR-A lacks one of the three activation domains, present in PR-B, and has been reported to suppress PR-B activity in certain gene contexts and cells. Second, increased metabolism of progesterone in the placenta and other gestational tissues at the time of parturition onset could lead to reduced functionality of progesterone. In mice, the onset of labor is associated with an increase in expression of 5α-reductase type I and 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20α-HSD) in the cervix , and uterus, respectively. Both enzymes are involved in the metabolism of progesterone. Third, it has been proposed that progesterone action may be regulated by interaction between PR and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB). A mutual inhibitory interaction between the RelA (p65) subunit of NF-κB and PR has been reported in Hela cells; PR transcriptional activity is inhibited by the activation of NF-κB while PR also represses TNF-α induced NF-κB activity. Finally, altered expression of PR co-activators and co-repressors may lead to a functional withdrawal of progesterone.


Similar to progesterone, circulating concentrations of estrogens steadily rise during pregnancy and promote a labor phenotype by stimulating the expression of pro-contractile factors such as prostaglandins, gap junction proteins (e.g., connection 43), and the oxytocin receptor (OTR). The action of estrogen is largely regulated by nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs) and a seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) known as GPR30. In humans, the uterus is exposed to high levels of estrogens (mainly estradiol, estrone, and estriol) for most of pregnancy. Although poorly understood, it is thought that the modulation of ERs permits the uterus to be largely refractory to the pro-labor actions of estrogens during pregnancy but then increase the responsiveness to estrogens at the time of parturition. Therefore, functional withdrawal of progesterone’s action, combined with increased estrogen responsiveness, would promote the transformation of the uterus to a contractile phenotype.

Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone; A Placental Clock

In the sheep, corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) is released by the fetal hypothalamus and helps regulate the timing of labor. In the human however, it is proposed that placental CRH is part of a mechanism that acts as a clock, controlling the length of pregnancy. Indeed, women destined to have preterm delivery show elevated plasma CRH levels and a more rapid rise in CRH during pregnancy. Humans produce a circulating binding protein for CRH (CRHBP) and toward the end of the pregnancy the levels of CRHBP fall, thus increasing the available or free, bioactive CRH at term. In contrast to hypothalamic CRH, placental CRH is stimulated by glucocorticoids, providing a positive feed-forward system. Moreover, the modulation of parturition onset by CRH may occur indirectly by establishing a variety of positive feedback mechanisms involving other regulatory factors including adrenal steroids, prostaglandins, and OT. Direct modulation of labor onset by CRH may also be achieved through its interaction with its receptors that are expressed in the uterus (CRHR1 and CRHR2). When the receptor is bound, it stimulates production of the myometrial relaxant cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). ,


OT is a nonapeptide produced by the posterior pituitary, known to have a potent contractile activity on the pregnant uterus. However, it does not seem to be essential for normal parturition, as there is no increase in circulating OT in the mother or fetus with the onset of labor. Moreover, normal parturition has been observed in cases of pituitary gland dysfunction. However, the expression of the OTR does increase in the pregnant uterus. An up-regulation by two orders of magnitude has been demonstrated leading to a strong increase in sensitivity to OT. Comparable increases in OTR mRNA concentrations in the myometrium are associated with this up-regulation of OT binding sites. Postdelivery, myometrial OT binding sites rapidly decrease, whereas the expression of OTR remains high in the mammary gland throughout lactation.

The human OTR couples to Gαq/11 and Gαi/o G-proteins. Gαq/11 signaling in myometrium leads to phospholipase C (PLC)-mediated increases in intracellular Ca 2+ via inositol triphosphate (IP3) and contractions; signaling through Gαi/o inhibits adenylate cyclase activity and reduces cAMP.

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