Paraspinal muscles

Key points

  • Erector spinae, lumbar multifidus, quadratus lumborum, and psoas major are commonly investigated paraspinal muscles.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography provide high-quality muscle images for the quantification of muscle morphometry, while ultrasonography is a low-cost noninvasive method capturing both static and dynamic muscle images.

  • Decreased cross-sectional area and/or increased fatty infiltration of paraspinal muscles are likely to be associated with some spinal degenerative features (e.g., degenerative discs and facet joint osteoarthritis).

  • Muscle atrophy or increased intramuscular fatty infiltration of lumbar multifidus are significantly associated with LBP/LBP-related disability although the relationship between other paraspinal muscles and LBP/LBP-related disability remain uncertain.

  • Preliminary studies showed that certain trunk exercises (e.g., motor control exercises) can increase the cross-sectional area of erector spinae or lumbar multifidus. However, increased muscle size may not necessarily improve LBP symptoms.

  • While paraspinal muscles are closely related to LBP, it remains unclear the optimal type and dosage of exercise for improving paraspinal muscle morphometry or clinical outcomes.


As the lumbar spine is inherently unstable [ ], lumbar paraspinal muscles and abdominal muscles play an important role in maintaining dynamic stability and functional mobility of the lumbar spine (see Chapter 1 ) [ ]. A growing number of studies have shown that altered activity and morphology of paraspinal muscles are closely associated with low back pain (LBP) [ ] and lumbar pathologies (e.g., lumbar spinal stenosis [ ], disc herniation [ ], scoliosis [ ], degenerative lumbar kyphosis [ ]). Of the various posterior back muscles the erector spinae, lumbar multifidus, psoas major, and quadratus lumborum are commonly thought to be related to LBP based on their proximity to the lumbar spine.

Although electromyography (EMG) is the gold standard for evaluating back muscle activity [ ], both surface EMG and needle EMG are not commonly used in clinical practice. Surface EMG is affected by the cross-talk of adjacent muscles overlying the deep paraspinal muscles [ ], while needle EMG is an invasive technique that is not used routinely [ ]. Given that cross-sectional area (CSA) and density of muscles on medical images are closely related to muscle function and performance [ ], various noninvasive imaging techniques (e.g., ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography scan (CT)) have been developed to assess the function of back muscles indirectly with high reproducibility [ ].

This chapter aims to provide a brief overview of the following: (1) the anatomy and function of the four muscles; (2) measurement of muscle morphology; (3) relations between the imaging findings of the muscles and LBP, LBP-related disability and lumbar pathologies; (4) clinical implications; and (5) future research.

Anatomy and function

Erector spinae

The intermediate layer of the intrinsic back muscles consists of the erector spinae (ES) muscle group, which is primarily responsible for the extension and lateral flexion of the trunk and neck (see Chapter 1 ). The ES consists of three thin columns of muscle: iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis, each covered in thoracolumbar fascia and distinguished by their points of attachment ( Table 15.1 ). The muscle groups extend caudocranially from the common origin (sacrum, pelvis, or spinous and transverse processes of T1 to L5) to the ribs, thoracic transverse processes, cervical spinous or transverse processes, or base of the skull. Specifically, they are found within grooves between the spinous processes and the angle of the ribs on each side of the vertebral column, coursing deep to the serratus posterior, rhomboids, splenius cervicis, and splenius capitis muscles [ ]. Only those muscles related to the lumbar function are discussed in detail in this section.

Table 15.1
Major back muscles in the lumbar region.
Muscle Superior attachment Inferior attachment Function
Iliocostalis lumborum
  • Angles of ribs 6–12

  • Erector spinae aponeurosis

  • Transverse processes of L1-L4

  • Extension (bilateral), lateral flexion (unilateral) of thoracolumbar spine

Longissimus thoracis
  • Upper fascicles: tips of transverse processes of T1-T4

  • Lower fascicles: bifid attachment to transverse processes and adjacent ribs of T5-T12

  • Erector spinae aponeurosis

  • Extension (bilateral), lateral flexion (unilateral) of thoracolumbar spine

Spinalis thoracis
  • Spinous processes of T1-T6

  • Erector spinae aponeurosis

  • Extension (bilateral), lateral flexion, and ipsilateral rotation (unilateral) of thoracic spine

Lumbar multifidus
  • 2–4 segments superior to inferior attachment

  • Fibers pass obliquely superomedially to superior spinous processes

  • Posterior sacrum

  • Erector spinae aponeurosis

  • Posterior superior iliac spine

  • Sarcoiliac ligaments

  • Mammilary processes of lumbar vertebrae

  • Segmental stabilization of the lumbar vertebrae during the lumbar spinal movement

Quadratus lumborum
  • Transverse processes of the L1-L4 vertebrae and 12th ribs

  • Iliac crest

  • Lateral flexion of the vertebral column (unilateral)

  • Elevation of ilium (unilateral)

  • Vertical stabilization of the pelvis, lumbar spine, and lumbosacral junction

  • Assisting the diaphragm during inhalation and fixing the 12th rib during forced expiration

Psoas major
  • Lateral sides of vertebrae T12-L4 and adjacent intervertebral discs (T12/L1 to L4/5)

  • Transverse process of L1-L5 vertebrae

  • Joining with iliacus muscles to form iliopsoas and inserting at the lesser trochanter of the femur

  • Hip flexion

  • Trunk lateral flexion (unilateral)

  • Trunk extension from a supine position (bilateral)

  • Intersegmental stabilization

The iliocostalis group is the most lateral of the ES ( Fig. 15.1 ) and consists of three muscles: iliocostalis lumborum, iliocostalis thoracis, and iliocostalis cervicis. Iliocostalis lumborum is the most inferior, originating from the ES aponeurosis and transverse processes of L1-L4 and traversing superiorly to the posteroinferior surfaces of the angles of ribs 3–6. Bilateral activation of the iliocostalis lumborum extends the thoracolumbar trunk, while unilateral activation mediates lateral flexion. Superior to the iliocostalis lumborum is the iliocostalis thoracis, which spans from the angle of ribs 7–12 to the superior borders of the angle of ribs 3–6 and the transverse process of C7. This muscle is also activated to extend and laterally flex the spine, instead solely acting within the thoracic region. The third and most superior muscle is the iliocostalis cervicis that mainly extends and laterally flexes the cervical spine. Each muscle of the iliocostalis group is innervated by the dorsal ramus of its respective underlying spinal nerves [ ].

Figure 15.1, An axial view of back muscles. IL , iliocostalis lumborum; LM , lumbar multifidus; LT , longissimus thoracis; PM , psoas major; QL , quadratus lumborum.

Medial to the iliocostalis is the longissimus muscle group composed of the longissimus thoracis, longissimus cervicis, and longissimus capitis. Longissimus thoracis, the largest of all erector spinae muscles, primarily originates from the ES aponeurosis, though many fibers additionally stem from the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. The superior attachment of the longissimus thoracis demonstrates a unique anatomic pattern. The upper fascicles insert into the tips of the transverse processes of T1-T4, while the lower fascicles demonstrate a bifid insertion to both the transverse processes and adjacent ribs of T5-T12 [ ]. Overall, this muscle serves in extension and lateral flexion of the thoracolumbar spine. Innervation is supplied by the lateral branches of the thoracic and lumbar posterior primary divisions of spinal nerves [ ]. The longissimus cervicis is located cranial to the longissimus thoracis, while longissimus capitis is the most superior of the longissimus group. They act together to control neck and head movement.

The third and most medial portion of the ES muscles is the spinalis group. Spinalis thoracis acts to extend or laterally flex the thoracic spine, while spinalis cervicis and spinalis capitis work together to extend, ipsilaterally flex, and/or rotate the neck [ ].

Of note the ES aponeurosis, often referred to as the common tendon, is a point of attachment for all inferior ES muscles. Attached to the lumbar spinous processes, supraspinous ligament, median sacral crest and dorsal iliac crest, the ES aponeurosis is found just superficial to the sacrum and blends with the thoracolumbar fascia covering affiliated muscles [ ].

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