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The overlapping effects of aortic occlusion, collateral blood flow, metabolism, oxygen supply and demand, surgical technique, and response to ischemia underlie the unpredictability of spinal cord ischemia and subsequent paralysis in the surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAAs). However, experimentally validated interventions that enhance collateral circulation, increase ischemic tolerance, and add neurochemical protection have reduced the paraplegia risk by 80% to 90% since the 1980s ( Figure 1 ).
Experimental studies of aortic occlusion show a decrease in spinal cord blood flow of 20% to 50% from baseline in animals not becoming paralyzed and a 60% to 90% decrease in those experiencing paralysis. With reperfusion, blood flow returns to baseline or slightly above in intact animals. However, paralyzed animals show a hyperemic response, with reperfusion blood flows two to three times greater than baseline. This reperfusion hyperemia correlates with the severity of ischemic insult to the spinal cord. Interventions or events causing small positive or negative changes in spinal cord blood flow or oxygen demand and supply relative to the critical threshold necessary to maintain viability have a profound impact on clinical outcome (i.e., paralysis).
The most important radicular artery that supplements the anterior spinal artery is considered to be the greater radicular artery, originating from the artery of Adamkiewicz, usually between vertebral levels T8 and L2. Like the baboon’s, the anterior spinal artery in humans is continuous but has functional zones determined by size that cause resistance to cephalad flow at the level of the greater radicular artery. This resistance to flow creates the vulnerable zone where spinal cord infarction occurs.
An alternative paradigm, validated by Griepp and Etz, hypothesizes that there is an axial collateral network of small arteries in the spinal canal, perivertebral tissues, and paraspinous muscles that receives inputs from the subclavian, mammary, and hypogastric arteries. These small arteries anastomose with each other and with the anterior and posterior spinal arteries that provide blood flow to the cord. The reduction in mean arterial pressure and blood flow in the collateral network that occurs with disruption of intercostal and lumbar arteries with aortic replacement is transient, and experimentally mean pressure and blood flow return to normal within 96 hours. The axial collateral network may be especially vulnerable to hypotension from hemorrhage, sepsis, dialysis, or myocardial infarction, resulting in delayed paraplegia. The concept of collateral circulation explains how maintaining a high arterial pressure and cardiac index reduces spinal cord ischemia and infarction during and after TAAA surgery. It also explains why most patients are not paralyzed after TAAA surgery when no or few intercostal arteries are revascularized.
The most important factors affecting spinal cord blood flow and injury during aortic occlusion, which have been confirmed clinically and experimentally, are hypotension, anemia (rupture and shock), the length of aorta replaced (Crawford types) correlating with quantitative disruption of intercostal blood flow, temperature, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics, neurotransmitters, cardiac function, and aortic occlusion time.
These factors have been assessed before, during, and after aortic occlusion, and multivariate modeling has been used to stratify them based on statistical significance to quantify their relative importance in reducing paralysis when acting simultaneously ( Table 1 ). Extent of aortic replacement, acuity, and cardiac function are more important than temperature and occlusion time, which suggests that deleterious changes in other critical factors, such as CSF pressure, cardiac function, and oxygen delivery after aortic occlusion, are the underlying problem with longer aortic occlusion times.
Variables | Odds Ratio | Probability | Odds Ratio | Probability |
Crawford type 2[Y] | 9.216 | <0.0001 | 1.3325 | <0.0001 |
Dissection[Y] | 4.143 | 0.0058 | 5.6887 | <0.0001 |
Acute[Y] | 2.554 | 0.0459 | 2.9470 | 0.0014 |
Cardiac index | 0.629 | 0.0359 | 0.6277 | 0.0130 |
Aortic occlusion time | 1.002 | 0.8714 | 1.0141 | 0.1161 |
Temp before cross clamp | 0.671 | 0.0841 | 0.674 | 0.0395 |
∗ Extent of aortic replacement (Crawford type 2), acute presentation (rupture and dissection), and change in cardiac index with aortic occlusion are more important than aortic occlusion time and moderate hypothermia, which were significant univariate factors. For each unit increase in cardiac index the paralysis risk declined, as it did for each unit decrease in temperature.
Strategies to reduce spinal cord ischemia have fallen into four areas of clinical investigation and intervention: direct anatomic perfusion and reconstruction of spinal cord circulation, manipulation of cord metabolism with drugs and hypothermia to prolong ischemic tolerance and reduce reperfusion injury, augmenting collateral blood flow by controlling hemodynamics, controlling CSF pressure, and combinations of these therapies. To compare clinical reports of paralysis outcomes for thoracoabdominal aortic replacement, we developed an accurate mathematical model of paralysis risk, which accounted for 97% of the variability in paralysis rates in clinical reports up to that time ( Table 2 ). This model confirmed, as do most clinical reports, that paralysis risk is a function of the amount of aorta replaced and clinical presentation and that paralysis risk is also technique dependent. The ratio of observed to expected number of deficits (O/E ratio) is a quantitative measure of the effectiveness of different spinal cord protective strategies. The model makes it possible to compare different techniques such as simple aortic occlusion with intercostal reimplantation with and without assisted circulation, which have O/E ratios of 1 (1.15 and 0.98) (see Table 2 ).
Technique | Total Patients | Paralysis O/E Ratio |
AC | 1289 | 1.13 |
AC+SFD | 434 | 0.44 |
AC+SFD+ | 6133 | 0.28 |
XCL | 4244 | 0.98 |
XCL+SFD | 619 | 0.50 |
XCL+SFDN | 1581 | 0.18 |
XCL+SFDN+IC | 385 | 0.11 |
HCA | 322 | 0.43 |
HCA+SFD | 526 | 0.15 |
TEVAR | 531 | 1.04 |
TEVAR+S FD | 456 | 0.56 |
Totals | 16,138 | 0.53 |
The rationale for distal aortic perfusion and intercostal reimplantation in preventing paralysis is that interruption of intercostal blood flow by aortic occlusion is the irrefutable primary cause of reduced spinal cord blood flow. Svennson demonstrated in baboons that if all of the intercostal and lumbar arteries are retrograde perfused during aortic occlusion, the spinal cord is protected. This experimental observation fits well with the observation that paraplegia is an almost unheard of complication of aortic arch replacement with hypothermic circulatory arrest where the intercostals and lumbars are preserved and perfused during cooling and rewarming and, just as in the brain, reestablishing all existing direct or collateral pathways gives adequate spinal cord blood flow and tissue preservation.
Further evidence that perfusion and preservation of open intercostals is beneficial derives from clinical reports comparing aortic occlusion with and without retrograde perfusion for treatment of traumatic aortic transection where most intercostals are open and preserved because of the limited area of injury and youth of the patient. However, in experimental models simulating thoracoabdominal replacement and in clinical reports of TAAA repair, retrograde perfusion with intercostal reimplantation has failed to protect the spinal cord from ischemic infarction any better than simple aortic occlusion with or without intercostal reimplantation. In fact, model analysis indicates that retrograde perfusion can potentiate spinal cord ischemia in TAAA replacement (see Table 2 ). Demonstrated mechanisms explain this paradox. Up to 60% of intercostals are occluded in TAAA patients and therefore are unavailable for perfusion. The presence of so many occluded intercostals means spinal cord perfusion is very dependent on collateral blood flow, which assisted circulation can decrease by reducing perfusion pressure and cardiac index. It is apparent, however, that adding CSF drainage and moderate SFD hypothermia to assisted circulation while maintaining higher mean arterial pressure greatly reduces paraplegia risk, reducing O/E ratios from 1.08 to approximately 0.25 (see Table 2 ).
The role of intercostal reimplantation has been one of the most contentious and misunderstood concepts in TAAA repair. It is now clear that although the interruption of intercostal artery flow is causative in paraplegia, most of the solutions for preventing paraplegia are nonanatomic, and paraplegia prevention depends on optimizing collateral circulation and prolonging ischemic tolerance with nonanatomic therapeutic interventions such as hypothermia, spinal fluid drainage (SFD), optimizing hemodynamics, and neurochemical protection. This was apparent in our own results, which document an 80% reduction in paraplegia without intercostal reimplantation or assisted circulation, and in similar results reported by Griepp with assisted circulation and no intercostal reimplantation using motor evoked potentials to monitor spinal cord function.
Reported attempts at identifying and selectively reattaching the artery of Adamkiewicz have had poor outcomes with O/E ratios greater than 1 and as high as 4. This, along with the observation that for many years surgeons have routinely reattached intercostal arteries without paralysis prevention, highlight the failure of this strategy to prevent paralysis. However, we have demonstrated that nonselective intercostal artery reimplantation when added to the strategies of hypothermia, SFD plus naloxone, and maximizing cardiac function improved our O/E ratio. The incidence of paralysis after TAAA repair decreased from 4.83% to 0.88%, and the paralysis risk index decreased from 0.20 to 0.05 when nonselective intercostal artery reimplantation was added to neuroprotective strategies that had already substantially reduced paralysis risk. In our experience with more than 900 thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) and TAAA repairs, reimplantation reduced delayed paraplegia probably by making patients more resistant to postoperative hypotension.
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