Paraplegia and Spinal Cord Syndromes

Paraplegia and quadriplegia may result from a variety of systemic and primary central nervous system medical conditions as well as trauma at all segmental levels of the spinal cord ( Box 27.1 ). A spinal cord syndrome may develop from extramedullary and intramedullary pathological processes. Initial symptoms may be gradual in onset and progressive, including pain, dysesthesia, or subtle upper or lower extremity weakness. In other cases, such as an inflammatory myelitis, acute onset of severe motor, sensory, and autonomic deficits may develop without premonitory symptoms. Trauma from a cervical flexion-extension injury, for example, may produce a central cord injury of the lower cervical spinal cord with incomplete quadriparesis, whereas a complete transection injury at the lower thoracic spinal cord from a fall may result in complete paraplegia. Thus both the rostrocaudal segmental level of disease involvement or trauma and completeness of the lesion in the transverse plane anticipate the person’s impairments and disability. Details about the relationships between specific spinal cord segments and sensory dermatomes are reviewed in Chapter 31 , and the segmental innervations of specific muscle groups are reviewed in Chapters 32 and 33 . The sensorimotor clinical examination enables localization of the lesion ( Fig. 27.1 ).

BOX 27.1
Differential Diagnosis of Diseases Affecting the Spinal Cord
ADEM , Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; AIDS , acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; MS , multiple sclerosis.

Compressive Lesions


  • Trauma:

    • Vertebral body fracture/dislocation

    • Hyperextension injury

    • Direct puncture, stab, or missile

  • Spondylosis:

    • Cervical stenosis

    • Lumbar stenosis

  • Intervertebral disc herniation

  • Infectious disorders (e.g., abscess, tuberculosis)

  • Inflammatory (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, sarcoid)

  • Hemorrhage:

    • Epidural hematoma

  • Congenital disorders

  • Arachnoid cysts

  • Paget disease

  • Osteoporosis


  • Epidural metastasis

  • Intradural extramedullary (e.g., meningioma, neurofibroma, leptomeningeal metastasis)

  • Intramedullary

Noncompressive Myelopathies

  • Demyelinating (e.g., MS, ADEM)

  • Hereditary (e.g., spastic paraplegia)

  • Viral myelitis (e.g., varicella-zoster, AIDS–related myelopathy, human T-lymphotropic virus type I infection)

  • Syringomyelia

  • Vitamin B 12 deficiency and other nutritional deficiencies

  • Infarction

  • Ischemia and hemorrhage from vascular malformations or cavernoma

  • Spirochetal diseases (syphilis and Lyme disease)

  • Toxic myelopathies (e.g., radiation-induced)

  • Autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus, Sjögren syndrome)

  • Paraneoplastic

  • Neuronal degenerations

  • Tethered cord at the cauda equina

  • Acute and subacute transverse myelitis of unknown cause

Fig. 27.1
Characteristic sensory disturbances found in various spinal cord lesions in comparison with peripheral neuropathy.

When a patient who presents with paraparesis or paraplegia is being examined, a careful neurological examination is critical for planning additional diagnostic workup and care. Identifying distinct spinal cord syndromes and determining the likely location of the underlying pathological process will guide subsequent imaging and electrodiagnostic studies. As in most upper motor neuron or motor unit diseases, fatigability of strength occurs with repetitive movements against light resistance. For example, even when the initial manual muscle exam does not detect iliopsoas weakness, 10 leg raises from the supine position against light downward hand compression may reveal mild paresis upon immediately retesting hip flexion. Structural information about the integrity of the spine may be obtained from radiographic plain films and computed tomography (CT) for bone pathology. Myelography is indicated when extrinsic cord compression is suspected, especially when magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is contraindicated. MRI with contrast best reveals intrinsic and extrinsic cord pathology. Spinal angiography identifies vascular pathology. A review of imaging of the spine is provided in Chapters 40 and 41 .

Acute and long-term patient care is influenced by the clinical presentation, severity of neurological deficits, underlying pathology, and prognosis for gains over time. Patients presenting with an acute spinal cord syndrome after trauma show both early (days to 3 months) and late (up to 2 years) changes in their motor and sensory deficits ( ). Both neurological improvements and clinical worsening may occur. When some sparing of sensation and movement is present in the first 72 hours after trauma, the prognosis for walking is rather good. Indeed, up to 90% of patients with a cervical central cord injury who have any spared sensation and movement below the level of injury by 4 weeks after trauma will become functional ambulators ( ). Thus serial and careful neurological examinations are important for monitoring the injury-related deficits, especially in the first weeks after onset. Rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia follows after the acute medical needs have been addressed. The aim is to promote as much functional independence as possible with and without assistive devices, decrease the risk of complications, and reintegrate the patient into home and community. Neurological rehabilitation for paraparesis after spinal cord syndromes is reviewed in Chapter 55 .

Common Spinal Cord Syndromes

The clinical presentation of a spinal cord injury depends on whether the injury is complete or spares selected fiber tracts. A number of clinically characterized spinal cord syndromes may develop as a result of the involvement of different portions of the spinal cord’s gray and white matter.

Spinal Shock

Spinal shock refers to the period of depressed spinal reflexes caudal to an acute spinal cord injury; it is followed by the emergence of pathological reflexes and return of cutaneous and muscle stretch reflexes (see Chapter 63 ). The bulbocavernosus and cremasteric reflexes commonly return before the ankle jerk, Babinski sign, and knee jerk.

Incomplete Lesions of the Spinal Cord

Unilateral Transverse Lesion

A hemisection lesion of the spinal cord causes a Brown-Séquard syndrome. A pure hemisection is unusual, but patients may show features of a unilateral lesion or hemisection. A Brown-Séquard lesion is characterized by ipsilateral weakness and loss of both vibration and position sense below the level of the injury. In addition, there is a loss of temperature and pain sensation below the level of the lesion on the contralateral side. As pain and temperature fibers extend rostrally a few segments before crossing the midline to enter the lateral spinothalamic tract, the loss of pain and temperature sensory modalities extends rostrally on the contralateral side to a segmental level that is a few segments below the level of the lesion. In addition, at the segmental level of the hemisection injury, a limited patch of ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature in combination with a lower motor neuron weakness is often detected. Brown-Séquard syndrome may be caused by a variety of etiologies but is commonly encountered after traumatic injuries, including bullet and stab wounds.

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