Oral Contraceptives


  • Prevention of pregnancy

  • Treatment of the following:

    • Dysmenorrhea

    • Menorrhagia/iron-deficiency anemia

    • Acne

    • Endometriosis

    • Functional ovarian cyst

    • Hyperandrogenism and/or polycystic ovarian disease

    • Premenstrual syndrome and/or premenstrual dysphoric disorder

    • Perimenopausal vasomotor symptoms

    • Mittelschmerz

Perioperative Risks

  • Hypercoagulability; increased risk of venous and arterial thrombosis when given without concomitant aspirin, especially in women with blood type A+.

Worry About

  • Thromboembolic events; increased relative risk of 2.7 (without aspirin).

  • Hyperkalemia (drospirenone and/or ethinyl estradiol).

  • Treatment failure and/or pregnancy. “Typical user” failure rates reported as high as 9%. Preop beta-HCG assay may be indicated in sexually active pts.

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