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The tooth develops from the dental lamina, an ingrowth of the lining of the primitive stomodeum, and the dental lamina develops tooth buds for the primary and the permanent dentition ( Fig. 14.1 ). After odontogenesis, remnant epithelium is left behind as rests and these are present within the gingiva and alveolar mucosa, the periodontal ligament around the teeth and in the jaw bones. The epithelium of odontogenic cysts is thought to arise from stimulation and proliferation of such residual odontogenic rests, whether in the bone or gingiva (see Fig. 1.7 A and Fig. 14.2 ).
Cystic lesions in the jawbones are either odontogenic or nonodontogenic and nonodontogenic cysts are discussed in Chapter 16 . Odontogenic cysts are inflammatory, developmental, or less commonly, neoplastic in nature. The putative epithelium from which they derive may be rests of Malassez, dental lamina rests, reduced enamel epithelium, degenerated enamel organ, or the epithelium of the surface mucosa ( Fig. 14.3 ). The keratocystic odontogenic tumor/odontogenic keratocyst (KCOT/OKC) and the calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor/calcifying odontogenic cyst are cystic neoplasms and are discussed in Chapter 16 .
In general, inflammatory odontogenic cysts have proliferative epithelium, and developmental odontogenic cysts have uniformly thin epithelium, although inflammation may lead to epithelial proliferation in the latter, and long-standing inflammtory cysts may have thin lining. The most common odontogenic cyst is the radicular cyst (>50% of cases) followed by the dentigerous cyst (20% of cases). Any odontogenic cyst may grow to a large size, involve multiple teeth, cause root resorption, cause clinical swelling, perforate the cortex, or involve the maxillary sinus. Because the ectomesenchyme derived from neural crest is involved in odontogenesis, melanin occasionally may be identified in odontogenic cysts and tumors.
A tooth that has caries (infection caused by Streptococcus mutans ) that progresses to involve the pulp, or that has experienced direct trauma becomes devitalized and may develop a radiolucency at the apex of the root. This may represent an apical radicular cyst, periapical granuloma, or abscess. After the tooth has undergone root canal (endodontic) therapy, there may be a small residual radiolucency usually 1 to 3 mm, at the apex of the root that represents a periapical scar.
The radicular cyst or granuloma is usually seen in adults, may be asymptomatic or painful (if an abscess is present), and may manifest as a swelling within the maxillary or mandibular sulcus, or on the face, depending on its size and severity of infection.
A well-circumscribed radiolucency is present at the apex (apical radicular cyst or periapical granuloma representing >95% of cases) or on the side ( lateral radicular cyst or lateral radicular granuloma from a lateral accessory canal) of a nonvital tooth that may or may not have had prior root canal/endodontic therapy ( Fig. 14.4 A–G).
A residual cyst refers to any odontogenic cyst in the alveolar bone where a tooth had been extracted and is most often a residual apical radicular cyst because of statistical frequency ( Fig. 14.4 H–I).
A cyst may be curetted from the socket of an extracted nonvital tooth ( Fig. 14.4 J). Some radicular cysts can cause vestibular swelling ( Fig. 14.4 K–L).
Inflammation from the pulp of necrotic teeth extends into the bone and results in stimulation and proliferation of rests of Malassez, which are remnants of the Hertwig root sheath that forms the roots of the teeth during odontogenesis.
A radicular cyst is lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium that usually proliferates in a plexiform, interlacing pattern and exhibits spongiosis and neutrophilic transmigration; long-standing lesions may show a more uniformly thin epithelium resembling that of developmental cysts ( Fig. 14.5 A–E).
Radicular cysts from the apices of maxillary molars and maxillary anterior teeth may contain mucous cells or be lined by respiratory epithelium ( Fig. 14.5 F–G). Fragments of sinus mucosa, however, signify an oroantral communication and must be reported. Fragments of sinus inflammatory polyps may be present composed of masses of edematous fibrovascular tissue exhibiting few to no mucous glands, eosinophilic coagulum, and often eosinophils ( Fig. 14.6 ).
The wall is composed of edematous granulation tissue and often scar tissue with many plasma cells, Russell bodies, lymphocytes, and foamy macrophages. Cholesterol granulomas from hemorrhage consist of needle-shaped, clear clefts surrounded by macrophages, and multinucleated foreign body-type giant cells ( Fig. 14.7 A); curetted specimens may show only such granulation tissue with variable amounts of lining epithelium ( Fig. 14.5 H).
Some lesions exhibit a proliferation of nests of benign squamous epithelium referred to as “squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferations” (see later in dentigerous cyst) and curetted lesions from anterior teeth often show abundant skeletal muscle ( Fig. 14.7 B–D).
Rushton bodies are brightly eosinophilic, hyaline, lamellar, or globular structures of odontogenic origin often seen within the epithelium, sometimes exhibiting dystrophic calcifications. These are composed of K17, hair keratin, and hemoglobin alpha chain, and sometimes they may resemble the globular rose-pink enameloid of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. These can sometimes extrude into the wall of the cyst ( Fig. 14.8 ).
Foreign material is frequently encountered in the wall of radicular cysts. Root canal filling material and cements are often present in apical biopsies: gutta-percha is yellowish or brownish green, granular, and homogenously refractile ( Fig. 14.9 A–C); AH Plus is an epoxy resin that contains zirconium, iron oxides, and calcium tungstate; it is spherical and refractile within an eosinophilic background ( Fig. 14.9 D), whereas mineral trioxide aggregate (a tricalcium silicate cement) is basophilic and granular, but with refractile, crystalline particles ( Fig. 14.9 E); amalgam tattoo may be present from a previous apicoectomy (root apex excision) (see Fig. 14.7 B); bioceramics are also common fillers and calcium hydroxide filler is present as refractile granules within macrophages ( Fig. 14.9 F–H).
Hyaline ring granulomas consist of hyalinized pale eosinophilic rings with central and/or surrounding giant cells; foreign material sometimes is identified as are dystrophic calcifications. The hyaline material is negative for Type IV collagen and does not represent vascular basement membrane as was previously believed ( Fig. 14.10 A–B).
Russell bodies are often seen, as are pyronine bodies likely nuclear debris from cell breakdown ( Fig. 14.10 C). Cemental tears composed of acellular osseous-like material may be encountered ( Fig. 14.10 D).
Periapical granuloma (not a true granuloma but an “oma” of granulation tissue) is the diagnosis if lining epithelium is not present but other features as noted previously in the wall are present ( Fig. 14.11 ). Sheets of plasma cells and macrophages are common in radicular cysts and periapical granulomas, and they should not be overdiagnosed as plasmacytomas ( Fig. 14.12 ).
Periapical granulomas often contain abscesses and woven bone is a common finding in apical lesions ( Fig. 14.13 ).
Periapical scar shows only fibrosis, sometimes with chronic inflammation. Uncommonly, a traumatic neuroma may develop within the scar tissue (see Figs. 14.8 A and 14.14 A).
Suction artifact that appears as ovoid-to-round spaces within the soft tissues is a common finding; the spaces contain wispy amorphous material that has been identified as alcianophilic acid mucopolysaccharides ( Fig. 14.14 B–C).
Chronic active periodontitis consists of granulation tissue lined by crevicular epithelium that is composed of similar nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, which exhibits spongiosis and neutrophilic transmigration often in continuity with surface keratinized epithelium, but clinically the tooth exhibits a periradicular radiolucency ( Fig. 14.15 ). Disease starts either from an apical radicular cyst that grows very large and combines with an overlying periodontal bone defect (combined endodontic-periodontal inflammatory disease), or from periodontal disease starting from the surface of the bone and extending downward to encompass the entire tooth.
An inflamed dentigerous cyst appears similar except that it surrounds an impacted tooth.
Enucleation or curettage with apicoectomy (excision of the root tip) is curative.
Gadbail AR, Chaudhary M, Patil S, Gawande M. Actual Proliferating Index and p53 protein expression as prognostic marker in odontogenic cysts. Oral Dis . 2009;15:490-498.
Johnson NR, Gannon OM, Savage NW, Batstone MD. Frequency of odontogenic cysts and tumors: a systematic review. J Investig Clin Dent . 2014;5:9-14.
Kammer PV, Mello FW, Rivero ERC. Comparative analysis between developmental and inflammatory odontogenic cysts: retrospective study and literature review. Oral Maxillofac Surgery . 2020;24:73-84.
Philipsen HP, Reichart PA. Pulse or hyaline ring granuloma. Review of the literature on etiopathogenesis of oral and extraoral lesions. Clin Oral Investig . 2010;14:121-128.
Sakamoto K, Khanom R, Hamagaki M, Yamaguchi A. Ectopic production of hair keratin constitutes Rushton’s hyaline bodies in association with hematogenous deposits. J Oral Pathol Med . 2012;41:637-641.
Schulz M, von Arx T, Altermatt HJ, Bosshardt D. Histology of periapical lesions obtained during apical surgery. J Endod . 2009;35:634-642.
Wysocki GP, Gusenbauer AW, Daley TD, Sapp JP. Surgical suction damage: a common tissue artifact. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol . 1987;63:573-575.
Although this is sometimes referred to as paradental cyst, the latter term is not specific and has been applied to several other entities including a lateral dentigerous cyst, and as such, should be avoided.
This occurs in children in the first decade with a mean age of 7 years with no sex predilection and 38% are bilateral; pain is almost always present with buccal swelling in approximately 50% of cases. A vital first permanent molar is the most frequently affected tooth.
There is a radiolucency that extends from the furcation (where roots diverge) to the apex of the tooth causing tilting of the roots lingually (best seen on occlusal radiograph and cone beam computed tomogram); a periosteal reaction may be present ( Fig. 14.16 A–C).
The lining likely derives from crevicular epithelium and less likely from dental lamina rests. One theory is that buccal enamel extensions onto the tooth root causes pocketing and proliferation of the crevicular epithelium. Since such extensions are a developmental anomaly, bilaterality would not be unusual. Another theory of pathogenesis is that this arises from a laterally displaced dentigerous cyst of the first molar, which could also explain the high incidence of bilaterality.
The histopathology is similar to that of a radicular cyst with nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium exhibiting plexiform proliferation, spongiosis and neutrophilic transmigration, and acute and chronic inflammation within the wall ( Fig. 14.16 D).
If the tooth is nonvital and the cyst is unilateral, a lateral radicular cyst from a lateral accessory canal of the devitalized tooth should be considered.
Some clinicians consider the buccal bifurcation cyst to be a subcategory of paradental cysts , which are cysts located to the side of a tooth; however, categorizing a cyst based on anatomic site alone rather than etiopathogenesis is not useful; many so-called paradental cysts are distal to third molars and they are more likely to be dentigerous cysts (see later).
Enucleation of the cyst without extraction of the tooth is curative.
de Sousa SO, Correa L, Deboni MC, de Araujo VC. Clinicopathologic features of 54 cases of paradental cyst. Quintessence Int . 2001;32: 737-741.
Maruyama S, Yamazaki M, Abe T, et al. Paradental cyst is an inclusion cyst of the junctional/sulcular epithelium of the gingiva: histopathologic and immunohistochemical confirmation for its pathogenesis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol . 2015;120:227-237.
Parmar RM, Brannon RB, Fowler CB. Squamous odontogenic tumor-like proliferations in radicular cysts: a clinicopathologic study of forty-two cases. J Endod . 2011;37:623-626.
Philipsen HP, Reichart PA, Ogawa I, et al. The inflammatory paradental cyst: a critical review of 342 cases from a literature survey, including 17 new cases from the author’s files. J Oral Pathol Med . 2004;33: 147-155.
Pompura JR, Sandor GK, Stoneman DW. The buccal bifurcation cyst: a prospective study of treatment outcomes in 44 sites. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod . 1997;83:215-221.
Zadik Y, Yitschaky O, Neuman T, Nitzan DW. On the self-resolution nature of the buccal bifurcation cyst. J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2011;69: e282-e284.
The epithelium of these cysts arises from stimulation and proliferation of (1) dental lamina rests, (2) reduced enamel epithelium, or (3) the epithelium of the tooth germ. These cysts are characterized by uniformly thin lining 5 to 15 cells thick, although inflammation will cause epithelial proliferation with spongiosis and neutrophilic transmigration, appearing similar to inflammatory cysts. The multipotentiality of the lining of developmental odontogenic cysts as well as odontogenic rests is a likely explanation for the occurrence of intraosseous salivary gland neoplasms, the most common of which is the mucoepidermoid carcinoma, with adenoid cystic carcinoma being the second most common, but with much lower frequency. As with odontogenic tumors, some developmental odontogenic cysts occur in a peripheral (extraosseous) location and the most frequent is the gingival cyst of the adult. The less common gingival cyst of the newborn forms from cystic dental lamina rests and resolves spontaneously (see Chapter 2 , Fig. 2.30 B–C). Erupting teeth may be associated with eruption cysts.
This is considered the extraosseous counterpart of the lateral periodontal cyst because of similarity in histopathology.
These usually occur in the fifth or sixth decade with 60% occurring in women; it appears as a bluish, slightly fluctuant, dome-shaped nodule on the attached gingiva or alveolar mucosa; these cysts are most frequent in the mandibular canine-premolar area (70%–80% of cases), with the second most common site being the maxillary canine-lateral incisor area; some cases are multiple or bilateral ( Fig. 14.17 A and B).
Gingival cyst of the adult arises from dental lamina rests of Serres in the gingiva that undergo cystic change and enlargement ( Fig. 14.17 C).
The cyst is lined by nonkeratinized, low cuboidal, or squamous epithelium usually two to four cells thick; epithelial plaques and whorls containing glycogen-rich clear cells are often present and microcystic and ductlike structures may be seen ( Figs. 14.18 ). Infrequently, the epithelium may be keratinized ( Fig. 14.19 ) and rarely, bona fide gingival KCOT/OKC has been reported.
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