Nociceptive Physiology

Systems Physiology

Management of Perioperative Pain

Despite significant progress in our mechanistic understanding of the nociceptive system, inadequately treated perioperative pain remains a significant problem. A third of patients undergoing surgery continue to suffer from moderate to severe pain, resulting in personal suffering, protracted recovery including persistent pain after surgery, delayed hospital discharge, and increased morbidity and mortality. Improving the management of postoperative pain remains an important clinical challenge. Although opioids are the most efficacious drugs, their pharmacologic profile does not allow adequate pain control in all patients. The occurrence of adverse effects can conflict with opioid dosing strategies required to alleviate pain. This has led to the widely embraced concept of multimodel analgesia, the combined use of different drug classes and regional anesthesia techniques, for the treatment of postoperative pain. The liberal use of opioids is also associated with significant abuse potential and drug diversion, which contributes to the current opioid epidemic in the United States, a serious public health issue costing many lives. As such, identifying novel analgesic drug classes that exploit alternative targets in the nociceptive system remains a high priority.

This chapter primarily covers the fundamental neuroanatomy, molecular biology, and physiologic functions of the nociceptive system as they pertain to the processing of acute pain and the practice of anesthesia. The objective is to provide a framework that facilitates the understanding of current and novel analgesic drug targets and management strategies for the treatment of acute pain . Given the focus of this book on the practice of anesthesia rather than the management of chronic pain, functional alterations of the nociceptive system in the context of chronic pain are not discussed in depth. However, it is noteworthy that the protective function of postoperative pain can be lost, as pain becomes maladaptive in patients who develop persistent postoperative pain (PPP).

Several clinical factors are associated with PPP, including type of surgery, severity of postoperative pain, young age, female sex, preexisting chronic pain conditions, and underlying psychosocial vulnerability. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying PPP remain poorly understood. Polymorphism of certain genes, including genes coding for catecholamine- O -methyltransferase, Na V 1.7, and K V 1.9, have been linked to the propensity for developing chronic pain. Whether these polymorphisms contribute to PPP in clinically relevant ways remains to be determined. Conceptionally, PPP reflects a shift in the balance between pronociceptive and antinociceptive processes, owing either to an exaggerated amplification of nociceptive input (central sensitization) or the deficient activation of endogenous central inhibitory pathways. Accordingly, several drugs classes counteracting central sensitization and/or enhancing central inhibitory control have been examined for reducing the incidence of PPP. They include α 2 -adrenergic agonists, calcium channel α 2 δ ligands (gabapentin and pregabalin), and N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor antagonists. Among them, efficacy is best documented for the NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine.

Overview of the Nociceptive System

The nociceptive system is a sensory component of the peripheral and central nervous systems devoted to signal input that is potentially harmful. The system controls involuntary defensive and adaptive responses to injurious stimuli and mediates the perception of pain. Nociception typically starts by activation of peripheral nerves tuned to respond to potentially harmful thermal, mechanical, or chemical stimuli. Physical or chemical input is transduced into transmembrane potential changes that can trigger action potentials (see Chapter 8 ). Primary sensory afferents consisting of nonmyelinated slow-conducting C-fibers and thinly myelinated faster-conducting Aδ fibers propagate action potentials to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where they synapse with spinal neurons. The neuronal architecture of the dorsal horn is complex and consists largely of interneurons that either amplify or inhibit transmission of incoming signals. Processed nociceptive input is relayed to supraspinal sites by projection neurons ascending in the spinothalamic and spinomedullary tracts, but the input is also transmitted to spinal sites serving autonomic and motor functions. Integration of nociceptive information in supraspinal brain regions results in complex somatic, emotional, autonomic, and endocrine responses. Finally, descending fibers emerge from supraspinal sites, including the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, and brainstem, and project to the spinal cord where they facilitate or inhibit transmission of nociceptive signals and regulate behavior.

Peripheral Nociception

Nociceptor Classification

Nociceptors are a specific set of primary afferent nerve fibers that conduct noxious signals from peripheral somatic and visceral tissue to the spinal cord. They are pseudo-unipolar in architecture with distal and proximal projections arising from their cell bodies located in dorsal root and other sensory (e.g., trigeminal) ganglia. The peripheral nerve endings of nociceptors exhibit significant arborization and cover receptive fields from a few square millimeters to a few square centimeters, contingent on body location and fiber type. At the unmyelinated nerve endings, membrane ion channels and receptors convert nociceptive input into changes in transmembrane potential, ultimately triggering the propagation of action potentials if nociceptive input is of sufficient magnitude.

An important characteristic of nociceptors is their ability to become sensitized in injured tissue, requiring less input to initiate action potentials. Nociceptor sensitization is the neurophysiologic correlate of primary hyperalgesia, the increased sensitivity to nociceptive stimuli in injured and inflamed tissue. The term primary indicates that hyperalgesia is due to local events at the site of injury rather than central processes that can also amplify nociceptive input (secondary hyperalgesia is discussed later in this chapter).

Pain signals are conducted to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord via two distinct populations of peripheral nociceptors that are characterized by their fast and slow conduction velocities: small myelinated Aδ fibers (5–25 m/sec) and unmyelinated C-fibers (<2 m/sec). Aδ fibers transmit “fast” pain that is typically well localized and causes a rapid withdrawal of the affected body region, whereas C-fibers transmit “slow-onset” pain that is diffuse in character, intensifies over time, and often elicits a guarding response. These divergent responses are partially due to the difference in conduction velocities but also reflect differential neuronal integration of Aδ and C- fiber signals in the central nervous system (CNS).

Aδ fibers can be further subdivided into type I high-threshold mechanical (HTM) nociceptors that are activated by mechanical and chemical stimuli but exhibit a high threshold for activation by noxious heat (>50°C), and type II Aδ fibers that conversely exhibit low thresholds for activation by noxious heat (~43°C) but high thresholds for mechanical stimuli. Type I fibers are generally thought to conduct “fast” pain triggered by mechanical input (e.g., pinprick), whereas type II fibers conduct “fast” pain triggered to noxious heat.

C-fibers are classified as peptidergic or nonpeptidergic. Peptidergic fibers constitute the largest group of nociceptors and contain the neuropeptides substance P (SP) and/or calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Upon their release after tissue injury, SP and CGRP activate receptors on capillaries and terminal arterioles, causing vasodilation (CGRP) or plasma extravasation (SP). They also trigger the release of inflammatory and nociceptive mediators by neighboring cells, which amplifies inflammation and pain. Clinically, this phenomenon is known as neurogenic inflammation, which is thought to underlie chronic pain states with prominent vasomotor components such as fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome.

Peptidergic C-fibers also express tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA), the high-affinity receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF). The critical importance of peptidergic C-fibers, TrkA, and NGF in normal neuronal development is highlighted by the rare autosomal recessive disease congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, which is caused by loss of TrkA receptor function. Patients with this disorder retain touch perception and proprioception but lack any sensory response to heat, cold, and nociceptive input (including visceral input). TrkA loss of function has wide-ranging clinical consequences, including self-mutilation and bone fractures owing to lack of nociception, frequent fevers owing to lack of adequate thermoregulation (anhidrosis), autonomic abnormalities, and cognitive impairment.

Nonpeptidergic C-fibers are stimulated by glial cell line–derived neurotrophic factors (GDNFs, neurterin, artemin, and persephin) and can be identified by the expression of the target for GDNF, the c-RET tyrosine kinase receptor. Nonpeptidergic fibers also frequently express the purinergic P2X 3 receptor, which is thought to mediate signals initiated by ATP released from damaged tissues, ultimately causing pain and itch.

Although fiber size and molecular markers provide some basis to differentiate nociceptive neurons, mapping specific pain modalities (heat, chemical, and mechanical) onto specific nociceptors is a challenge because of the significant heterogeneity among nociceptive neurons. Some nociceptors respond to multiple noxious modalities, whereas others are modality-specific or remain silent until activated by tissue injury or inflammation. Examples of well-characterized nociceptors are “polymodal” mechanical and heat-sensitive C-fibers (CMH) , and mechano-insensitive afferent (MIA) C-fibers, which respond only to heat and chemical stimuli. MIA C-fibers constitute up to 20% of nociceptors in human skin. They may play a particularly important role in the development and maintenance of hyperalgesia, as these mechanically silent nociceptors become responsive to mechanical stimulation in inflamed tissue.

Identification of ion channels and receptors responding to specific nociceptive modalities has provided further means to group nociceptors into subpopulations that roughly correlate with their functional roles. For example, the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptor is the predominant sensor of noxious heat. Although genetic deletion studies in mice suggest that TRPV1 is not the sole channel responsible for transmission of nociceptive heat, chemical ablation of TRPV1-expressing neurons eliminates the response to nociceptive heat without altering responses to other nociceptive modalities. This finding implicates TRPV1 as an excellent molecular marker for nociceptors responsive to noxious heat. Similar approaches targeting nociceptors that express the Mas-related G-protein–coupled (MRG) receptor demonstrate that MRG is a specific marker for nociceptors that transmit noxious mechanical input.

Nociceptor Activation

The peripheral terminals of nociceptive neurons contain a mosaic of receptors responsive to both endogenous ligands and exogenous physical or chemical stimuli. A complex set of excitatory and inhibitory signals originating from these receptors ultimately governs the degree to which a nociceptive stimulus is transduced from the periphery to the CNS. This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 16.1 for a TRPV1-expressing nociceptor. TRPV1 is directly activated by exogenous input, including noxious heat, acidosis, and the pungent agent capsaicin derived from “hot” chili peppers, whereas endogenous ligands, including bradykinin 2, prostaglandin E 2 , and 5-hydroxytryptamine, modulate TRPV1 indirectly via second-messenger systems. Endogenous ligands are derived from nonneuronal neighboring cells, including resident cells (e.g., keratinocytes and mast cells) and migrating immune cells (e.g., neutrophils and lymphocytes). Nociceptive signaling thus involves a complex integration of exogenous cues acting directly on the nociceptor and endogenous modulators that communicate the state of the surrounding nonneuronal tissue.

Fig. 16.1, Nociceptive signal transduction. Nociceptive signal transduction involves interactions between excitatory and inhibitory molecular mechanisms at the peripheral nerve terminal. Some relevant interactions are illustrated for the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptor (VR1), which plays a critical role in the transduction of noxious heat and directly responds to ligands such as capsaicin and hydrogen ions. Bradykinin and prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) lead to phosphorylation of VR1 by protein kinase C (PKC) or protein kinase A (PKA) via second-messenger systems, including inositol trisphosphate (IP 3 ), diacylglycerol (DAG), and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Receptor phosphorylation leads to increased permeability of VR1 and voltage-gated channels such as the sodium ion (Na + ) channel Na V 1.8 (Na V ). Voltage-gated channels play an important role for the transduction of sensor potentials into spike sequences in the conductile part of the nerve. Increased concentration of intracellular calcium ions ( Ca 2+ ), which act as a second messenger, is critical in the secretion of neuropeptides from the peripheral terminal. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) are sentinel mediators triggering peripheral neurogenic inflammatory events. Endogenous inhibitory ligands, including endorphins, endocannabinoids, and acetylcholine, modulate the transduction process through activation of their respective G-protein–coupled receptors. Cannabinoid and opioid receptors oppose depolarization by activation of potassium ion (K + ) channels via the β-subunit of the G protein, while inhibition of adenylyl cyclase via the α-subunit reduces production of cAMP from adenosine triphosphate (ATP). cAMP is required for activating protein kinase A.

The cell surface proteins responsible for encoding nociceptive signals fall into three general classes: ion channels, metabotropic G-protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs), and receptors for neurotrophins or cytokines. Although significant progress has been made in elucidating the basic biophysical properties of individual channels and receptors involved in nociception, it is the complex integration of multiple channels and receptors in vivo that results in nociceptive signaling. The scale of this complexity is further amplified by variations in channel expression and activity in different tissue types (e.g., skin vs. viscera) and contexts (e.g., type and time course of injury). Processing of specific noxious inputs can also often involve multiple redundant channels, receptors, and second-messenger systems, further complicating our ability to a priori predict the efficacy of promising drug candidates acting at novel targets. Recent attempts to attenuate the activity of peptidergic C-fibers illustrate this well. Although TrkA receptor and CGRP antagonists are both promising novel analgesic agents (discussed in later text), neurokinin-1 (SP) receptor antagonists exhibit a surprising lack of analgesic efficacy for treatment of acute pain.

Ion Channels

Table 16.1 lists representative ionotropic receptors that regulate nociceptive signaling. Particularly relevant examples of ion channels, including members of the TRP-family, isoforms of the voltage-gated sodium ion (Na + ) channel, and two-pore potassium (K 2P ) leak K + channels, are discussed in more detail.

TABLE 16.1
Ionotropic Nociceptive Transducers a
Modified from Gold MS, Gebhart GF. Nociceptor sensitization in pain pathogenesis. Nat. Med. 2010;16:1248–1257.
Abbreviation Name Stimulus Transduction Activation Sensitization
ASIC 1-4 Acid-sensing ion channels, subtypes 1-4 Chemical Protons Ischemia-induced pain, muscle hypersensitivity
TRPV1 Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptor (URI) Thermal
Heat, protons, vanilloids, fatty acids, arachidonic acid derivatives Heat hyperalgesia
TRPV4 Transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 receptor Mechanical Osmotic challenge, stretching Visceral and cutaneous hypersensitivity in inflammation and nerve injury
TRPA1 Transient receptor potential subfamily A1 receptor Chemical
Mustard oil, cinnamaldehyde, acrolein, formalin Chemically induced hyperalgesia
Mechanical hyperalgesia
TRPM8 Transient receptor potential subfamily M8 receptor Thermal Cold Cold hyperalgesia
P2X3 P2X purinoceptor 3 Mechanical (indirect) Adenosine triphosphate Visceral and somatic pain in inflammation and nerve injury
P2X1-6 P2X purinoceptor 1-6 Chemical Adenosine triphosphate Pain and hypersensitivity associated with injury in various tissues
TREK 1 TWIK-related potassium channel 1 Mechanical
Protons, arachidonic acid
Inflammatory hyperalgesia, mechanical hyperalgesia
TRAAK TWIK-activated arachidonic acid potassium channel Mechanical
Protons arachidonic acid
Mechanical hyperalgesia
TMEM16A Anoctamin calcium-activated chloride channel Chemical
Roles in thermal, mechanical, and inflammatory hyperalgesia
5-HT3 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptor Chemical Serotonin Most prominent role in visceral pain
nACh (multiple subunits) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor Chemical Acetylcholine May be pronociceptive at peripheral terminals, antinociceptive at central terminals
Glutamate (GluR1-5 and NR1-2) Ampakine (GluR1-4), kainate (GluR5), and NMDA (NR1-2) receptors Chemical Glutamate and subtype specific agonists Evidence for peripheral role in pain, but most compelling evidence for role at central terminals
GABA (multiple subunits) Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor Chemical GABA and subunit specific agonists May be inhibitory or excitatory
NMDA , N -methyl- d -aspartate.

a Metabotropic receptors exist in large numbers on nociceptive neurons and are not included in this table.

The family of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels is characterized by a conserved structural architecture consisting of a tetrameric assembly of six transmembrane-domain subunits that form a nonselective cation channels with high calcium ion (Ca 2+ ) permeability. The early discovery of the key role of TRPV1 receptors in encoding nociceptive heat and the burning pain sensation triggered by the vanilloid compound capsaicin from hot chili peppers laid the groundwork for the effective use of natural chemical compounds to probe the nociceptive sensory system. Subsequent work has elucidated the role of the TRPM8 receptors, activated by the natural “cooling” compound menthol, as a critical target for transducing noxious cold stimuli. TRPA1 receptors transduce the effects of numerous pungent natural agents, including the isothiocyanate compounds found in mustard, horseradish, and wasabi, and thiosulfinate found in garlic. TRPA1 is also potently activated by proalgesic agents including bradykinin and formalin, suggesting that TRPA1 is important in nociceptive signaling associated with inflammation including a wide range of exogenous and endogenous irritant compounds.

Voltage-gated Na + channels (Na v ) play an essential role in initiating and propagating action potentials. They are large, multimeric complexes that consist of an α subunit and one or more auxiliary β subunits (see Chapter 20 ). The α subunit contains the ion-conducting aqueous pore that is the essential element of Na + channel function. The β subunits modify kinetics and voltage dependence and are involved in channel localization via interaction with cell adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix, and the intracellular cytoskeleton. Nine isoforms of Na v α subunits have been identified (Na v 1.1 through Na v 1.9), each with specific physiologic and pharmacologic functions. Numerous Na + channels have been found to play a role in inflammatory and neuropathic pain, including Na v 1.1, Na v 1.3., Na v 1.7, Na v 1.8, and Na v 1.9. Three isoforms, Na v 1.7, Na v 1.8, and Na v 1.9, are expressed nearly exclusively in the peripheral nervous system, with Na v 1.7 expressed in sensory, sympathetic, and myenteric neurons, Na v 1.9 expressed in sensory and myenteric neuron, and Na v 1.8 expression solely in sensory neurons. The importance of Na v 1.7 in nociception has been highlighted by the discovery of multiple inherited pain syndromes that derive from mutations in the SCN9A gene encoding Na v 1.7, including a dominant gain-of-function mutation that causes inherited erythromyalgia, and a recessive loss-of-function mutations that causes congenital insensitivity to pain. Gain-of-function mutations in the Na v 1.7, Na v 1.8, and Na v 1.9 channels underlie various forms of painful small fiber neuropathy, further highlighting the importance of these sodium channels in human pain processing. Upregulation of Na v 1.3 expression on peripheral axons after nerve damage or in dorsal horn neurons after spinal cord injury leads to increased neuronal excitability and likely contributes to the genesis of neuropathic pain after nerve injury. While Na v 1.1 has not historically been considered a contributor to nociception, a recent study demonstrated that Na v 1.1 plays an important role regulating activity of HTM Aδ fibers.

The inhibitory function of K + channels in nociceptive signal transduction is well established. Many GPCR ligands, including opioids and endocannabinoids, exert their antinociceptive effects by activating K + channels via their respective second-messenger systems. Of particular recent interest are members of the K 2P channel family, as these channels can be directly activated by nociceptive input, including mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli. The numbing and tingling sensation produced by ingestion of Chinese peppercorns has been attributed to inhibitory effects on TASK K 2P channels in peripheral nociceptive fibers, whereas volatile anesthetic agents activate TASK and TREK K 2P channels. A human pain syndrome, familial migraine with aura, has been linked to a dominant negative mutation in the TRESK K 2P channel, further emphasizing the role of these channels in pain signaling. Although K 2P channels represent potential novel analgesic targets, expression of the K 2P family is not limited to the sensory nervous system. The wide distribution and functional importance of these channels throughout the body may complicate efforts to target these channels for the treatment of pain.

Metabotropic G-Protein–Coupled Receptors

Many excitatory and inhibitory GPCRs modulate nociceptor excitability by activating or inhibiting ion channels via second-messenger systems. Examples of excitatory receptors include the receptors for CGRP, bradykinin (B1 and B2), endothelin A (ET A ), protease (PAR 1-4), and prostaglandin (EP1, EP3C, and EP4). Although these GPCRs would appear to be suitable targets for novel analgesic compounds, their relative abundance and heterogeneity within nociceptors seems to account for the fact that specific receptor antagonists mostly lack efficacy. CGRP antagonists and antibodies are a notable exception as they are effective for the treatment of migraine headache. By contrast to the pronociceptive receptors, several inhibitory GPCRs are effective drug targets, including opioid receptors (µ, δ, κ), cannabinoid receptors (CB1, CB2), and serotonin receptors (5HT-1B and -D). While opioids exert broad analgesic effects, the efficacy of serotonergic antagonists is limited to migraine. Cannabinoids have been used extensively for their anxiolytic, antiemetic, and antinociceptive properties. The development of nonpsychogenic cannabinoid derivative for use in clinical pain management is an area of active study.

Receptors for Neurotrophins

Nociceptors express one of two distinct classes of neurotrophic factor receptors that are infrequently coexpressed in a specific nociceptor. Neurotrophins belong either to the NGF family expressed (NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor [BDNF], and neurotrophin 3 and 4) mainly in C-peptidergic fibers or the GDNF family (neurturin, artemin, and persephin) expressed in nonpeptidergic nociceptors. Neurotrophins promote the survival, growth, and maintenance of discrete populations of neurons by altering transcriptional and translational regulation of neuronal proteins, including key ion channels and GPCRs relevant for nociceptive signaling. Considering that neurotrophic factors are derived from nonneuronal tissues, they critically link tissue inflammation and nociception. Inflammation-induced surges of neurotrophic factors during tissue injury can profoundly affect nociceptor excitability and result in hyperalgesia.

NGF is the most widely studied neurotrophic factor with regard to pain physiology. It is released from a host of inflammatory and resident cells upon tissue injury and binds to its high-affinity receptor TrkA on nociceptors. TrkA is a receptor tyrosine kinase able to activate multiple downstream second-messenger signaling cascades and promote nociceptor excitability via sensitization of several ion channels, including TRPV1, ASIC3, P2X3, and Na V . The TrkA/NGF complex is also internalized within the nociceptor and transported in retrograde fashion to the cell body, where is exerts transcriptional control on numerous nociceptive pathways over the course of hours or even days. This longer-lasting action triggers the release of the neuroinflammatory peptides CGRP and SP. It also induces central sensitization via the synthesis of the centrally released neurotrophic factor BDNF. In contrast to inflammatory states with elevated NGF levels, the loss of basal NGF or GDNF signaling after peripheral nerve or spinal cord injury appears to play a prominent role in the upregulation of Na v 1.3 that drives neuropathic pain after neuronal injury. Based on the role of NGF in regulating key components of the nociceptive pathway, it has become an important drug target. Approaches sequestering NGF or antagonizing TrkA receptors are in development to target chronic pain in patients with osteoarthritis, diabetic neuropathy, cancer, or back pain.

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