Neurological Rehabilitation

Goals and Structure of Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation training focuses on reducing physical and cognitive impairments and their related disabilities and limitations on activity in an effort to increase functional independence and health-related quality of life. Training of movements and skills involves an active learning process as well as self-management techniques that draw on motivation, guidance, goal setting, progressive practice, feedback, and social support. National guidelines for neurological rehabilitation with an emphasis on stroke care have been created in many countries. A guideline developed by members of the American Stroke Association offers a comprehensive review of service organization and interventions ( ).


Neurological rehabilitation involves multidisciplinary services—preferably a collaborative team effort that includes patients, caregivers, and families—designed to improve functional and cognitive skills such as walking and language, reduce dependence in personal care and other home and community activities, lessen the burden of care on family and society, and prevent and manage medical and psychosocial complications. Rehabilitation practices address the links between disease pathology, physical and cognitive deficits/impairments, related disabilities, home and community activity, participation in daily life, handicap, and health-related quality of life.

Neurorehabilitation assessment identifies the most productive focus for interventions and the most appropriate setting in which better outcomes can be achieved within expected time frames. Clinical evaluation initiates a treatment program that is continually revised in light of successive assessments. Both short- and long-term goals take into account the amount of likely neurological recovery and the amount of residual disability. Progressive goal setting is a technique to encourage the patient as each short-term objective is achieved while also serving to monitor efficacy and identify emerging confounders of gains. Short-term goals must be relevant, motivating, explicit, attainable, measurable, and agreeable to the patient.

To achieve these aims, the rehabilitation process differs from the usual medical model of care by including personnel from multiple disciplines, problem-solving strategies that include methods to engage mechanisms of neuroplasticity, disease-related standardized outcome measures, and the organization of home and community services to meet the patient’s needs.

Rehabilitation Team Strategies

A team approach to inpatient and outpatient care best manages the diverse problems faced by disabled patients and their families. An interdisciplinary approach is oriented toward problem solving to improve functional outcomes rather than being bound by individual disciplines. For example, training procedures for motor and cognitive learning or behavioral modification are reinforced by all members of an interdisciplinary group using agreed-on strategies. The inpatient care milieu—comprising a team of physical, occupational, and speech therapists as well as nurses, social workers, neuropsychologists, and physicians—emphasizes the mitigation of disability and is one of rehabilitation’s most powerful tools. Studies of inpatient stroke rehabilitation, for example, support the team approach as an efficient way to organize services for patients with functional disabilities. With traumatic brain injury (TBI) or spinal cord injury (SCI), the special needs of affected patients suggest that interdisciplinary inpatient and outpatient care will lead to fewer medical and psychosocial complications.


An understanding of the underlying disorder—including the mechanisms of disability, potential outcomes, and natural history of the disease being managed—is critical in planning any rehabilitation program. This expertise may be provided by the growing number of neurologists with expertise in neurorehabilitation who can bring principles from their increasing storehouse of knowledge to bear on recovery and by rehabilitation physicians or physiatrists, who also have broad experience in musculoskeletal, orthopedic, and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation issues. Orthopedists, urologists, psychiatrists, plastic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and podiatrists are often consulted during rehabilitation and for the long-term management of disabled patients.

The clinician superimposes the contributions of neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and other impairments on a map of the patient’s functional abilities and disabilities. For example, does tender musculoligamentous tissue cause pain, limit movement, or exacerbate spasticity? Does a medication or metabolic abnormality lessen concentration, the ability to learn, or endurance for exercise? Physicians tend to be the facilitators of the multidisciplinary team, especially during inpatient care. Here, the physician may conduct a weekly team conference that reviews the patient’s progress in reaching the functional goals that will permit a discharge to the home. To do this well, the physician must help build the team’s infrastructure and understand the practices of its disciplines. Rehabilitation physicians should serve as clinician-scientists as well. The physician can encourage therapists to weigh, formulate, and test strategies. Drawing on current literature and collaborating with basic and clinical researchers, the neurological rehabilitation specialist can optimally assess and develop interventions and creative solutions.

Physicians should explain to both patient and primary care doctor the indications for medications, measures for secondary prevention of complications, management of risk factors for recurrence or exacerbation of the disease, and the type and duration of rehabilitative interventions. Increasingly, doctors must address the risks and possible benefits of not only medications and usual rehabilitative approaches to care but also potential research interventions such as cellular transplantation. During outpatient care, physicians must provide informed counseling about exercise and home practice for motor and cognitive retraining. The clinician reviews the details of what the patient is practicing to improve walking, the functional use of an affected upper extremity, language and memory skills, and socialization. Education should be offered about how task-specific practice may alter the brain’s adaptive representations of these activities and improve the patient’s abilities even years after the neurological illness began. For patients with chronic diseases that progress, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), practice is perhaps even more important because it may spur gradual neural reorganization to maintain function. Clinicians can encourage patients to increase their strength, speed, and precision of multijoint movements, and to build cardiovascular fitness. The physician should also monitor outcomes with serial tests of targeted activities to best determine the optimal dose of a treatment. For example, if the gait pattern is suboptimal, the clinician can test walking speed for 50 feet or the distance walked in 2 minutes to reassess progress in mobility at each visit. By documenting the effects of treatment, the physician can best outline the continuing goals of rehabilitation to patients and insurers.

The internet offers access to many sites from which to develop educational materials as well as lectures and articles about recovery and experimental interventions that physicians and the therapy team can offer to patients.

Rehabilitation Nursing

Traditionally, the nursing role has been one of providing care and support during a phase of illness and doing for others the things they would normally do for themselves. During inpatient rehabilitation, nurses encourage greater independence in self-care, manage a bowel and bladder program that may include intermittent bladder self-catheterization, and teach skin care and pressure sore management. Their extended contact with patients allows nurses to address the carryover of skills from physical and occupational therapy sessions, teach problem solving, and recognize impending medical complications. A nurse practitioner can be a valuable asset to the physician and team on a busy inpatient service where patients have complex medical illnesses.

Physical Therapists

Physical therapists (PTs), or physiotherapists relate voluntary motor control and patterns of multijoint movements, sensory appreciation, range of motion of joints, strength, balance, and endurance to the training needs for bed and wheelchair mobility, standing up, walking, and functional mobility during activities. PTs bring expertise to the team in wheelchair design, assistive devices, and orthoses. They manage compensatory strategies for carrying out activities of daily living (ADLs) such as the use of a walker and offer interventions to lessen specific impairments. PTs play a primary role in managing musculoskeletal and radicular pain, contractures, spasticity, and deconditioning.

Two broad categories of physical therapy—therapeutic exercise and the so-called neurophysiological and neurodevelopmental techniques—were the bulwark of the approaches used by therapists in the past ( Box 55.1 ). Newer concepts related to practice-induced neuroplasticity, motor control, and skills learning have taken greater hold, beginning in the past decade.

BOX 55.1
Practices in Physical Therapy

  • Therapeutic exercise and reeducation

  • Resistance exercises

  • Fitness training

  • Neurofacilitation techniques:

    • Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

    • Bobath technique

    • Others

  • Motor control approaches:

    • Motor skill learning

  • Shaping more complex, accurate movements:

    • Task-oriented practice

    • Forced use

    • Massed practice, including constraint of one limb or robotic-assisted devices

  • Compensatory training:

    • Biofeedback

    • Musculoskeletal manipulation techniques

    • Orthotics (e.g., ankle-foot orthosis), assistive devices (e.g., quad cane)

Exercise and compensatory functional training

Most therapy programs emphasize education about impairments and disabilities, compensatory techniques for ADLs and mobility, and repetitive exercises to build from less complex to more functional multijoint movements. Traditional exercise programs employ repetitive passive and active joint-by-joint exercises and resistance exercises in anatomical planes to optimize strength and range of motion. The approach aims to prevent the complications of immobilization such as contractures, muscle atrophy, and spasticity. In the therapeutic exercise approach to stroke, SCI, and other upper motor neuron (UMN) diseases, residual motor skills in affected and unaffected extremities are used to compensate for impairments. The acquisition of self-care and mobility skills may take precedence over the quality of movement as long as the patient’s safety can be ensured. Upper and lower extremity orthoses and assistive devices tend to be used early to promote functional compensation. PTs also use breathing and general conditioning exercises and teach energy conservation techniques, particularly to reduce the energy cost of a pathological gait.

Conditioning and strengthening

Light resistance exercises for any UMN or lower motor neuron (LMN) disease—from stroke and SCI to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the postpolio syndrome, and the muscular dystrophies—are generally safe and effective in improving strength and sometimes function. Strength can be increased without inducing spasticity in patients with UMN and other neuromuscular diseases without injuring muscle tissue. Concern about falls, disability, and muscle atrophy in older adults has led to many studies showing that a strengthening program can benefit any sedentary person. Initial resistance training can lead to an increase in strength without any improvement in muscle bulk, probably by augmenting the amount of supraspinal input recruited to the task. Thus strengthening can be considered a form of motor learning. Isometric resistance exercises are probably the safest approach for weak patients and can be performed without equipment. For example, flexing the elbow of one arm about 60 degrees and pressing down on that forearm with the palm of the other arm to reach an equilibrium of tension in each arm will enhance strength in the shoulder girdle, elbow flexors and extensors, and forearm groups. To build muscle mass requires the subject to perform one or two sets of 8–15 repetitions three times a week against 50% or more of the maximum resistance manageable in a single lift. Pool therapy can be used to augment fitness and strengthening exercises. Patients may work against the resistance of the water, for example, by repeatedly flexing, extending, abducting, and adducting each leg at the hip while standing on the other or by using swim strokes. Practicing walking in a pool allows the patient to make use of the water’s buoyancy, but the refraction of light within the water may make visual cues for foot placement less reliable.

Fitness training is valuable in UMN, extrapyramidal, and LMN diseases. Repetitive exercise, at least in animal models of stroke and SCI, also has induced potential reparative biological effects such as neurogenesis and increased expression of neurotrophic factors (Voss et al., 2010). This finding may be used to motivate patients. Executive functions may also improve with aerobic training. Treadmill walking and stationary recumbent biking can be aerobic workouts across diseases in persons with fair motor control of hip flexors and knee extensors.

Schools of neurophysiology

Many schools of physical therapy have developed approaches that focus on enhancing the movement of paretic limbs affected by UMN lesions. These approaches may be especially valuable when motor therapies are initiated in patients with profound weakness. Techniques include using sensory stimuli and reflexes to facilitate or inhibit muscle tone and single- and whole-limb muscle movements in and out of mass actions called synergies. Most approaches try to sequence therapy in a progression reminiscent of the neurodevelopmental evolution in infants from reflexive to more complex movements. The emphasis is on normal postural alignment before any movement. Some techniques permit mass movement patterns early in treatment; others inhibit spastic overflow synergistic movements. For example, mobility activities may proceed in a developmental pattern from rolling onto the side with arm and leg flexion on the same side, followed by extension of the neck and legs while prone, then lying prone while supported by the elbows, and then doing static and weight-shifting movements while crawling on all fours. These mat activities are followed by efforts for sitting, standing, and finally walking. This progression is used most often in children with cerebral palsy, but some therapists also apply it to stroke and TBI rehabilitation.

The Bobath hands-on approach is a particularly popular neurodevelopmental technique. It aims to facilitate normal movement and desired automatic reactions and to restore postural control while inhibiting abnormal tone and reflex activity using specific motor patterns. Bobath therapists avoid provoking mass flexor synergies from the shoulder, elbow, and wrist or extensor synergies at the knee and ankle. The coordination of patterns of muscle group activity is viewed as more important than the actions of individual muscles. Use of Bobath techniques has led to equivalent outcomes or, in several small trials, modestly inferior outcomes to other approaches ( ).

Motor learning approaches

Movement science and the bases for learning motor skills have become key concepts for understanding normal movement and analyzing motor dysfunction. The motor control approach may incorporate techniques to eliminate unnecessary muscle activity and provide feedback about performance and practice during specific, often real-world tasks. In rehabilitation settings, little attention has been paid to whether training procedures—not what is taught but how it is taught—can optimize gains in cognitive skills, motor functions, self-care, and community activities. The essence of therapy for any disability, as with the acquisition of any novel motor or cognitive skill, is practice. Although a practice session can have a powerful effect, such effects are only temporary. Practice that improves performance during a training session may not lead to long-term learning. The goal of practice should be a permanent effect. Research studies of interventions, however, rarely include deliberate reinforcement strategies or dose–response curves to establish how much practice is needed to achieve a retraining goal. For example, practice of functional activities using the hemiparetic arm for reaching and grasping items, including the contextual interference of intermixing other tasks such as pointing and touching during learning, may lead to better retention over time than blocks of repetitive practice of the same task.

Task-oriented practice

Motor learning emphasizes visual, verbal, and other sensory feedback to perform movements necessary to complete motor tasks; this contrasts with neurophysiological techniques, which rely on cutaneous, proprioceptive, and other sensory stimuli to elicit facilitation and inhibition of movement patterns. The latter approach is used mostly when a patient has very poor motor control. A key aim of the PT is to put the patient in the best position to be able to practice progressively. Constraint-induced therapy (CIT) for the upper extremity was one of the first well-defined procedures to encourage repetitive task-oriented movement and has been shown to be better than usual care (minimal practice) and as good as other types of progressive, task-specific practice. Body weight–supported treadmill training (BWSTT) for walking seemed task specific but failed to produce better results than the same intensity of over ground training. Training in a virtual reality (VR) environment can be another task-oriented approach to improve motor control for particular tasks or skills. A review of repetitive task training across 36 pairs of intervention versus control therapies for hemiparetic stroke found good evidence that patients improve for at least 6 months after an adequate amount of repetitive practice in their use of the upper extremity and in ambulation ( ). The intensity of practice is moot. A trial that compared patients with upper extremity impairment more than 6 months poststroke found no difference in improvement on Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) scores in groups that practiced daily for 4 weeks at a dose of 3200 versus 9600 or as many task-specific repetitions as able ( ).

Assistive equipment

Canes and walkers improve stability through a lever arm that can share the body’s weight between the leg and device, keep the pelvis level during stance on the weak leg, and generate a joint moment to assist the hip abductors and reduce loading on the knee. Devices must be fitted properly. For example, handgrips should be at a height that allows approximately 20–30 degrees of elbow flexion. The cane should swing forward with the involved limb and bear the most weight during stance on that leg.

Wheelchairs are of two main types, companion operated and patient operated. The latter can be manual or power assisted. Lightweight and very lightweight patient- or companion-operated wheelchairs must be fitted with at least a dozen characteristics in mind ( Box 55.2 ). Severe spasticity, poor head or trunk control, the amount of upper extremity function, and the types of work and sports engaged in may necessitate additional modifications. Very lightweight wheelchairs tend to be most manageable and durable for the patient with paraplegia. Models with power-assisted wheels or a power assist wheel attached to the mid lower frame have become more affordable and are practical for use by patients with weakness or pain in the upper extremities. Motorized wheelchairs can be maneuvered by joystick switches and chin or sip-and-puff mouth controls. The high cost of custom-designed wheelchairs means that therapists, vendors, patients, and families must work together to obtain what is most appropriate and cost-effective. Wheelchairs also require maintenance. A wobbly front wheel or poorly aligned main rear wheel adds to the energy cost of mobility and may cause shoulder and wrist injuries. Most rehabilitation centers that manage patients with myelopathies offer a wheelchair clinic and have close links to suppliers of durable medical equipment.

BOX 55.2
Wheelchair Characteristics

  • Frame:

    • Material

    • Weight

    • Foldable structure

  • Seat:

    • Weight, width, depth, angle

    • Sling or cushioned, inserts

    • Cushion (foam, air, fluid, gel, gelfoam)

  • Back:

    • Weight, fixed or reclining, headrest

    • Flexible, custom-molded; foam or gel inserts

  • Armrests:

    • Weight (fixed or adjustable)

    • Fixed, removable, swing-away

    • Arm troughs, clear plastic lap board, power controls

  • Leg and footrest:

    • Weight, adjustment from edge of seat, knee flexion angle

    • Fixed, removable, swing-away; straps

  • Rear wheels:

    • Materials (alloys, plastic)

    • Tires (width, tread; pneumatic or solid)

    • Camber for speed and turning radius

  • Handrims:

    • Power-assisted

  • Front casters

  • Brakes (locking, backsliding)

  • Anti-tip bars

  • Power supply, hand or mouth power control system

  • Fully powered or power assist

Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists (OTs) facilitate the practical management of disability so that their clients can participate more fully in daily care and community activities. The philosophical foundation of OT is that purposeful activity helps prevent and remediate dysfunction and elicits maximal adaptation. Goal-oriented tasks are meant to be culturally meaningful and important to the needs of clients and their families. Activities include daily life and work skills, exercise, recreation, and crafts. Occupational therapy is also concerned with improving the patient’s interaction with the environment and maximizing his or her role in society in terms of relationships, occupation, and personal standing. The OT implements a program to enable patients to learn or relearn specific activities, develop new or compensatory skills, adapt their behavior to what is feasible, make adjustments to increase the accessibility of their environment, and perform leisure activities.

Adaptive aids can improve independence, ranging from simple devices (e.g., a thickened grip to better grasp cutlery or a pen) to complex ones (e.g., use of an environmental control unit). Some adaptive aids for daily living are listed in Box 55.3 . Patients with progressive cognitive or motor impairments often benefit from at least a yearly OT reassessment for additional adaptive aids. Hemicuff and Bobath slings are used to reduce shoulder subluxation and prevent pain in patients with upper limb paralytic disorders ( Fig. 55.1 ). A balanced forearm orthosis can support the upper arm and allow a modest biceps and triceps contraction to swing the arm over a table, which may be especially effective for the patient with a level C5 SCI. For patients with stroke and brain injury, OTs work closely with the neuropsychologist to address visuospatial inattention, memory loss, apraxia, difficulties in problem solving, and the skills needed for return to school or employment. Some OTs manage dysphagia and interpret modified barium swallow (MBS) studies.

BOX 55.3
Adaptive Aids for Daily Living


  • Utensil: thickened handle, cuff holder

  • Dish: food guard, suction holder

  • Cup: no-spill covers, holders


  • Shower seat, transfer bench

  • Washing: mitt, long-handled scrub brush

  • Safety: grab bars


  • Hook-and-loop closures for shoes, pants

  • Button hook, zipper pull

  • Low clothes rods in closet

  • Long-handled comb or brush


  • Safety rails, raised seat, commode


  • Prefabricated ramp

  • Powered stair lift

  • Wheelchair, standing wheelchair

  • Transfer devices and ceiling-mounted track lifts

  • Automobile and van: access for wheelchair, hand controls


  • Cellular smartphone with internet access

Computer Workstation

  • Environmental controls by electronic switches

  • Communication: voice-to-print, print-to-voice synthesis

  • Interface adaptations: keyboard, microswitch, voice activation


  • One-handed jar opener

  • Doorknob extension for better grip

  • Book holder, page turner (electronic or mouth stick)

  • Holder for one-handed cutting

  • Long-reach jaw grabbers (“lazy tongs”)

Fig. 55.1, A cuff support to prevent pain and lessen the subluxation of the glenohumeral shoulder joint in a patient with left hemiplegia after stroke.

Task-oriented and motor learning strategies have gained attention in formal occupational therapy research. Using this approach, the OT presents activities in a way that elicits the retention and transfer of particular skills for use in a functional setting. Practice in object-related tasks, rather than simple repetition of reaching and grasping of items that have no significance for the client, may provide more concrete sensory information and offer rewards that motivate performance. In many instances, OT strategies evolve from problems requiring a pragmatic solution that arise in daily living. For example, adaptive equipment and an OT educational intervention in stroke patients to remediate their lack of confidence and increase the amount of information patients have available to them has reduced the barriers to outdoor mobility and participation in the community. Controlled trials of OT strategies to improve ADLs after stroke have many methodological problems, so the efficacy of any specific approach is moot ( ).

Speech and Cognitive Therapists

Speech and language therapists are trained in many aspects of communication and cognition, including phonetics and linguistics, attention and memory, audiology, and developmental psychology; they provide expertise in the investigation and management of dysphagia. These therapists treat primarily patients with dysarthria, dysphonia, aphasia, and cognitive dysfunction that interferes with daily activities.

Interventions to improve the patient’s speech intelligibility, volume, and fluency include exercises for the affected oromotor structures. For example, patients may be trained to slow their articulation, use shorter sentences, maximize breath support, extend jaw motion, adjust placement of the tongue, and exaggerate articulatory movements. Communication aids include voice amplification and computer assistive and voice recognition devices. These therapists also provide guidance for persons with swallowing difficulties; assessment may include the MBS study during videofluoroscopy.

Treatment for aphasia generally is based on clinical evaluation of the patient’s cognitive and linguistic assets and deficits. The therapy plan is fine tuned according to standardized language and neuropsychological test results, knowledge of the cortical and subcortical structures damaged, and the ongoing response to specific therapies. Speech therapists attempt to circumvent, deblock, or help the patient compensate for defective language behaviors. Stimulation-facilitation approaches, listed in Box 55.4 , are commonly employed. Views on the value of speech therapy for aphasia vary. Most randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrate a significant benefit for aspects of expression and comprehension in moderately impaired subjects. The amount of practice is a key variable for enhancing outcomes for any particular approach. With this in mind, many home computer-based programs are available to retrain planning, sequencing, memory, expression of single words and short phrases, comprehension of short phrases, and naming. Their efficacy is modest at best.

BOX 55.4
Stimulation-Facilitation Approaches for Aphasia Therapy

  • Gestural expression and pointing

  • Word-to-picture matching

  • Yes/no response reliability

  • Oral-motor imitation

  • Phoneme, then word repetition

  • Verbal cueing for words and sentence completion

  • Contextual cueing

  • Phonemic and semantic word-retrieval strategies

  • Priming for responses

  • Auditory processing at phrase level and then sentence level

  • Word-, phrase-, then sentence-level reading

  • Melodic stimulation

  • Graphic tasks: tracing, copying, word completions

  • Calculations

  • Pragmatic linguistic and nonlinguistic conversational skills

  • Psychosocial supports

Recreational Therapists

Recreational therapists involve patients on an inpatient unit in group games, crafts, cooking, playing with pets, and other activities to help them socialize, practice skills, and enjoy the physical and emotional value of recreation despite their disabilities. In addition, the recreational therapist joins with the PT and the OT to teach patients how to reintegrate into the home and community. Outpatient recreational activities carried out in a wheelchair or with one hand also foster socialization and fitness. More than 200 local, national, and international organizations have developed rules and equipment for at least 75 sports and recreational activities—such as wheelchair tennis and basketball, upper extremity bicycling, and downhill skiing—that take into account a range of functional abilities.


Neuropsychologists with skills in clinical psychology help define and manage cognitive impairments and mood and behavioral disorders. Detailed psychometric testing is fundamental to establishing a rehabilitation program for a patient with cognitive impairment. However, these tests of aspects of memory, learning, perception, language, and executive function do not represent the range of cognitive skills needed for real-world activities. The neuropsychologist often takes the lead in the management of mild to severe brain injury resulting from trauma or stroke and plays an important role in counseling patients, caregivers, and staff. When he or she is working with amnestic patients after TBI, the neuropsychologist may design operant conditioning paradigms or a token economy to reinforce appropriate social interactions, awareness of deficits, and learning. The neuropsychologist also develops relaxation techniques for anxiety states and behavioral approaches for the management of chronic pain.

Social Workers

Social workers deal with the psychosocial aspects of disability and provide counseling and often brief psychotherapy. Their concerns extend to the ability of the patient and family to cope with disability in and out of the hospital. They play a key role in apprising the rehabilitation team about family issues, supports needed for best management of the disabled patient, and appropriate care services in the community. The close interactions of social workers and patients or caregivers during inpatient rehabilitation often provide valuable insight into the dynamics of family involvement and the adequacy of resources. Social workers serve as liaisons to private and government agencies and to case managers from insurance companies. Smooth discharge planning from an inpatient service requires their assistance.

Orthotists and Bracing

Expertise in the manufacture, selection, and application of orthotic devices is another key component of a rehabilitation service. The PT or OT works with an orthotist to select external devices that modulate directional forces from the body and joints in a controlled manner. Although many orthotic devices are mass produced, the expertise of a trained orthotist is invaluable in choosing and constructing orthoses and supervising their fitting and adjustment. Orthoses include ankle and ankle-knee braces, finger-wrist and shoulder splints, spinal braces, collars, and corsets. The material most often used in manufacture of these devices is a malleable type of plastic, but light metals may be used when large biomechanical forces have to be managed. The effects of pressure, shear forces, and heat retention with sweating must also be considered during fitting to protect the skin.

With shortened inpatient rehabilitation stays, especially after stroke, ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) that fit inside a shoe tend to be used early to more quickly assist foot clearance and knee control during ambulation in patients with a central or peripheral lesion. Observation of gait is usually enough to determine the need for a trial with an AFO in a patient with hemiparesis or foot drop. Indications include inadequate dorsiflexion for initial heel contact or for toe clearance during early and midswing, excessive hip hiking during swing, mediolateral subtalar instability during stance, tibial instability during stance, and uncontrolled foot placement caused by sensory loss. An orthosis also may be needed after operative heel cord lengthening. If the knee of the hemiplegic person buckles during stance, angling the AFO in slight plantar flexion will extend the knee earlier. Dorsiflexing the AFO by 5 degrees can decrease knee hyperextension and help prevent the snapping back that causes instability and pain in midstance. Ankle inversion may necessitate greater rigidity and longer anterior foot trim. The AFO worn in a shoe ought to improve weight bearing on the affected leg, increase single-limb stance time, and perhaps lessen postural sway. This may improve safety, especially on uneven surfaces and in terms of walking velocity. Fig. 55.2 shows a thermoplastic AFO that fits in a shoe to limit plantar flexion and rotation and help control the knee. Orthoses may be static, such as a rest splint worn at night, or dynamic, with joints that may be lockable or free moving. Fig. 55.3 shows a thermoplastic AFO with a hinged joint that enables flexibility on rising to stand and at heel strike to start the stance phase of the gait cycle. Toe clawing can be managed with a metatarsal pad that spreads the toes. Some patients who have foot drop from a neuropathy, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or diabetes, may find that a fashionable boot with a flat heel that fits snugly above the ankle can improve gait by lessening its steppage quality yet allowing toe clearance. An orthotist can assess the potential for shoe modifications and inserts to improve balance and pressure points. Multiple small trials in patients with hemiplegic stroke show that walking activity increases and impairments in walking and balance decrease with the use of an AFO.

Fig. 55.2, These fabricated ankle-foot orthoses are designed for ankle and knee control in a hemiparetic patient. The narrowest one on the left can assist foot drop due to a peripheral neuropathy. A wider lateral flange with hook-and-loop straps across the front of the ankle, like the orthotic at the far right, provides greater ankle and knee control. The thermoplastic hinged ankle orthotic in the middle includes a heel stop to allow about 5 degrees of dorsiflexion for standing up and in the early stance phase of gait.

Fig. 55.3, This patient has a marked right hemiplegia and hemisensory impairment. The lightweight double-upright brace fixes his ankle optimally and enables him to lock his knee. The supplemental video shows a safe if abnormal gait pattern—initial swing from the hip with slight hiking is followed by a flat foot landing without a heel strike or subsequent toe-off phase. The leg and foot are rotated outward. In midstance, the knee locks but does not hyperextend sharply.

A metal double-upright brace offers greater rigidity for mediolateral foot instability and allows more versatility in adjustments for the amount of plantar flexion and dorsiflexion, but it can be expensive, heavy, and cosmetically unappealing to the hemiplegic patient. Metal bracing systems are used more often by selected subjects with paraplegia from spinal injuries and in those with polio. The lightweight knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) with locking metal knee joints shown in allows the hemiplegic person to prevent snapping back of the knee in the stance phase as well as to clear the foot and enable heel strike at the end of the swing phase. Such devices can also assist patients with severe polyneuropathy, muscular dystrophy, meningomyelocele, or SCI. Reciprocal gait orthoses (RGOs) with wire cables that link flexion of one hip to extension of the opposite hip are available for paraplegics. The Walkabout (Polymedic, Inc.) acts as an RGO. Short-distance ambulation for exercise can also be aided in the patient with SCI by variations on a KAFO and walker, but at high energy cost.

A knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) to control snap back and toe catch. This right hemiplegic patient was able to swing from her hip to initiate a step, but her forefoot tended to catch the ground due to inadequate ankle dorsiflexion and knee flexion. Her knee tended to snap backward in the mid- and late stance phase of the gait cycle. This KAFO enabled loading the leg in stance without the instability and pain induced by hyperextension of the knee. The ankle component allowed her to clear the toes for swing and enabled a rather normal heel strike.

Static orthoses allow no motion of the primary joint. Solid wrist-hand orthoses are usually set between neutral and 30 degrees of extension. However, based on small trials after stroke, upper limb orthoses have not been shown to improve arm or hand function, increase range of motion, or lessen the incidence of pain. Dynamic orthoses use elastic, wire, or powered levers that compensate for weakness or an imbalance in strength and allow some controlled movement. Fig. 55.4 shows the paretic left hand of a patient with a level C6 SCI holding a playing card with the aid of a thumb opposition splint. The weaker right hand needs wrist extension to mechanically oppose the thumb to the second and third digits. Such custom-made devices can be produced with lightweight metals and plastics.

Fig. 55.4, This card-playing patient with a C6 spinal cord injury uses a molded thumb-opposition splint to pinch better with the right hand and a lightweight metal tenodesis orthotic that pinches the thumb to the next two fingers when he dorsiflexes his wrist.

Stages of Rehabilitation Services

Service Provision

The way in which services are organized depends to some extent on the disease being managed. The most fundamental differentiation is between acute-onset diseases with different pathophysiological characteristics such as brain and spinal cord trauma and stroke; chronic conditions such as cerebral palsy and polio, in which disability may increase with aging and overuse of muscles and joints; and progressive disorders such as MS, muscular dystrophies, ALS, and Parkinson disease (PD). Service provision should also be driven by the philosophy underlying rehabilitation: to return the patient home and optimize home and community activities as soon as possible. The speed with which this is done depends as much on the services available in the community and the capacity of the family and caregivers to look after the patient as it does on the severity of the disability. Some tension arises between inpatient services in which all of the necessary ingredients are gathered under one roof, which appeals to patients and families, and community services, which are less centralized but support patients in their own environment. Most important is the smooth interface between these two settings when patients are discharged from an inpatient service.

Inpatient rehabilitation unit

The most efficient rehabilitation setting is an inpatient unit designed and staffed specifically for this purpose. In the United States, approximately 1200 inpatient sites are covered under Medicare. The benefits of dedicated units for stroke management have been convincingly demonstrated. Patients managed in stroke units are significantly less likely to die than those cared for on ordinary wards. Death, institutionalization, and dependency all are significantly less common in stroke unit patients, in part because of a reduction in secondary complications of stroke and a milieu dedicated to managing disability. Early functionally oriented therapies by an organized team tend to enable patients to become independent enough to return home sooner than sporadic therapy that does not articulate specific attainable goals for mobility, self-care, and family training. These benefits persist for up to 5 years after discharge and improve patients’ quality of life. With inpatient stroke rehabilitation in the United States usually starting within 8 days of onset and with the average length of stay less than 20 days, planning is imperative. Several studies of TBI also suggest the benefit of coordinated care starting during the inpatient stay.

The role of inpatient rehabilitation units in managing progressive conditions such as MS and PD is much less well defined, although some evidence suggests a benefit in progressive MS. Inpatient care may also return patients home at a higher level of functioning after implantation of a deep brain stimulator for PD or after an exacerbation of walking disability caused by a hip fracture in a patient with a chronic hemiparesis.

Community-based services

Although community-based rehabilitation appears to have a number of advantages from the perspective of the disabled patient, few studies have addressed its efficacy. This lack may relate at least in part to the methodological difficulties in defining the training team’s level of expertise; the patient’s level of disability; the amount of caregiver support; and the frequency, duration, and type of therapy. One large randomized stroke trial compared rehabilitation at home after an average 12-day inpatient stay with another week of inpatient care followed by hospital-based outpatient treatment. Patients who lived alone were either independent in transfers when they left the hospital or needed to be assisted by a caregiver. Similar outcomes 12 months after a stroke were achieved at lower cost because of less use of hospital beds by the early discharge group. An intention-to-treat randomized trial with 250 subjects showed that rehabilitation in an inpatient unit after a brief stay in an acute stroke unit or general medical ward produced better outcomes in moderate to severely disabled patients (Barthel Index [BI] score <50) compared with rehabilitation treatment in the community. No differences in quality of life were found, and levels of activity outside the home were not measured. Smaller trials confirm similar positive outcomes at 3–6 months following home care as compared with various forms of outpatient care, with the home group having fewer in-hospital days and greater gains in instrumental ADLs. Community-based trials to increase activity have also shown modest functional gains—greater frequency of feedback and reinforcement may be a critical element ( ).

A day treatment program may be available for persons with residua from a TBI. In one trial, 100 patients who were unable to work for 1–2 years after TBI received a range of interventions during group therapy for a mean of 190 days. The investigators found a significant reduction in physical disability, increased self-awareness and emotional self-regulation, and more effective participation in interpersonal activities. At 1 year after completion, 72% lived independently and 57% were employed.

A brief stint of outpatient therapy for a well-defined goal, such as to improve transfers in a patient who declines from MS or to make walking safe again after an illness that causes deconditioning in a patient with chronic hemiparesis, is an invaluable means for patients to maintain their highest level of independence and avoid placement in a nursing home. A few therapy sessions a week for a few weeks plus a home program may accomplish this when provided for a task-specific goal that may lessen burdens on caregivers.

Specialized rehabilitation centers may offer better care for patients with high cervical SCIs and severe TBI or difficult neurobehavioral impairments. Such patients may require specialized orthopedic and plastic surgery procedures, cognitive and behavioral management, wheelchairs with special seating needs, custom orthotics and prosthetics, rehabilitation engineering, functional electrical stimulation devices for walking and upper extremity movement, neuroprostheses, communication aids and environmental controllers for quadriparetic patients, driving assessments, and work and school accommodations months after onset.

Telerehabilitation services may prove especially useful in supporting patients who live far from available services or are too disabled to leave home. Limitations on formal postacute rehabilitation services by Medicare and insurers also call for new strategies to remotely monitor and give feedback to patients as they practice in the home and community. Wearable sensors that recognize the type, quantity, and quality of skills practice should improve the feasibility of telerehabilitation ( ).

Measurement Tools

Outcome measurement is essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation services, of an intervention for an individual, and for clinical trials that aim to develop better evidence-based practices. Neurorehabilitation employs measurement tools to characterize the impairments, disabilities, activities, and psychosocial needs of patients as well as to monitor interventions, assess outcomes, and document services. To provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact of disease, outcomes may be considered at four levels: pathophysiology and related impairments, disability and level of functional activity, handicap and ability to participate, and health-related quality of life. Each outcome level addresses distinct aspects of the disease process. The relationships among them are complex. The first two levels entail physician-oriented outcomes, whereas those at the third and fourth levels are more accurately called patient-based outcomes , although only the fourth incorporates the patient’s perspective. Rehabilitation is especially interested in measurements of the impact of disease, as contained within the World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps. The focus is on the consequences of the disease or health condition rather than the disease alone (i.e., a classification of disablements and functioning). A classification available on the WHO website ( ) emphasizes whether people actually perform the tasks, especially those that require a lot of time and energy. The dimensions of the WHO classification also include personal and environmental factors that affect functioning. The emphasis on activities, participation, and contextual factors interacting with impairments and disabilities may influence the design of new measurement tools.

Two generic measures of the assistance needed to perform basic ADLs are the 10-item BI, which can be totaled to a maximum score of 20 or 100, and the 18-item functional independence measure (FIM), which includes a modestly responsive cognitive component for a total of 126 points. The FIM ( Box 55.5 ) is used more often in the United States, especially for studies with large numbers of subjects, than in Europe or Asia. A comprehensive system of inpatient unit documentation in the United States often includes the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDS). The UDS program allows inpatient units to compare their patient population across diseases to other sites for FIM change scores, length of stay, and descriptive data. In many respects, the BI and FIM reflect the level of care needed by patients. These and most scales have floor or ceiling effects and variable sensitivity to change, especially if used during outpatient care.

BOX 55.5
Components of the Functional Independence Measure


  • Eating

  • Grooming

  • Bathing

  • Dressing upper body

  • Dressing lower body

  • Toileting

Sphincter Control

  • Bladder management

  • Bowel management

Mobility and Transfers

  • Bed-to-chair and wheelchair-to-chair transfer

  • Toilet transfer

  • Tub and shower transfer


  • Walking or wheelchair use

  • Climbing stairs


  • Comprehension

  • Expression

Social Cognition

  • Social interaction

  • Problem solving

  • Memory

Burden-of-Care Rating

  • 7 = Complete independence (timely, safely)

  • 6 = Modified independence (device)

  • 5 = Supervision

  • 4 = Minimal assistance (subject contributes 75% or more)

  • 3 = Moderate assistance (subject contributes at least 50%)

  • 2 = Maximal assistance (subject contributes at least 25%)

  • 1 = Total assistance (subject contributes 0% up to 25%)

The primary outcome for most walking trials is short-distance walking speed (10–15 m) and distance walked in a fixed time, such as 2 or 6 minutes, using a stopwatch. This test is very useful to monitor changes in gait during outpatient care as well. The results provide little insight into what patients actually do every day. Gait analysis for cadence, speed, and stance and swing times can be monitored in a laboratory by pressure sensors embedded in a mat and by reflective markers whose successive position during the gait cycle are captured by cameras. The Kinect (Microsoft) system is also being used for analyses.

Over 140 different outcome measures were reported in 243 poststroke arm rehabilitation trials that were included in a Cochrane review. The Fugel-Meyer Assessment (FMA) for upper extremity, which grades a series of selective arm and hand movements (cannot, partial, and full) was included in 33% as an impairment scale. The ARAT grades task-related actions for functional ability and was used in 23%. These were followed by the modified Ashworth Scale for hypertonicity, the Motor Activity Log for frequency of use of the arm, the FIM, goniometers to test range of motion, the Wolf Motor Function Test for timed tasks using the arm and hand, and dynamometry for strength across a joint. Robotic devices are poised to offer angular velocities and many other measurements during specified movements. Recent deep learning techniques show that ordinary frontal and sagittal cameras can record movements using automated joint markers with remarkable accuracy outside of a laboratory.

There is a critical need for real-world activity monitoring and outcome measurement tools. Recent mobile health devices with wearable accelerometers, gyroscopes, and global positioning satellite data that employ clever algorithms offer the possibility to measure the type, quantity, and quality of daily walking, cycling, exercise, community participation, and upper limb purposeful actions ( ). Wearables are showing that self-reports about activity and actual activity may differ significantly ( ).

Measurement tools to assess health-related quality of life tend to be disease specific, beyond the Medical Outcomes Scale-36. For example, the Stroke Impact Scale is an ordinal tool for self-reported domains of activity, mood, and participation. The National Institutes of Health Toolbox website ( ) includes most such scales.

Self-Management Goals

Self-efficacy is an important goal for a disabled person as it is for anyone. The rehabilitation process ought to build the individual’s confidence in his or her ability to develop and meet planned goals, as self-efficacy increases as self-management proceeds successfully. This holds for practice of skills, compensatory adaptations, and all health-related behaviors, such as use of medications, finances, management of mood and psychosocial stressors, and dealing with barriers in daily life. Behavioral training for this goal should include education about the effects of practice and exercise that are relevant to the person, goal setting, identification of possible barriers, problem solving, feedback about performance, tailored instruction, decision making, and ongoing personal or social support by therapists, family, and friends ( ).

Biological Bases for Rehabilitative Interventions

The potential to enhance neurological recovery by manipulating the biological adaptability of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves has become remarkably relevant to clinical practice. Basic neuroscience studies suggest that physical and cognitive training, extrinsic stimulation by diverse means such as transcranial direct cortical stimulation and intermittent hypoxia ( ), and pharmacological interventions ( ), along with natural biological reactions to injury, could enhance the restoration of motor and cognitive functions. Box 55.6 lists some of the potential mechanisms that contribute to changes in impairments and disabilities. These are not discrete mechanisms. They overlap, and many depend on each other over time and location in the central nervous system (CNS) after injury and with training. In addition, biological therapeutic approaches such as use of cellular implants may enhance these mechanisms ( ). Although care must be taken in extrapolating from animal studies of recovery to their implications for human interventions, at least a few of these potential mechanisms suggest how latent pathways and repetitive skills practice may improve outcomes.

BOX 55.6
Mechanisms That May Support Recovery of Function

Network Plasticity

  • Recovery of neuronal excitability:

    • Resolve cell and axon ionic disequilibrium and conduction block

    • Resolve edema, resorb blood products

    • Reversal of diaschisis

  • Increased activity in neurons adjacent to injured ones and in partially spared pathways

  • Representational adaptations in neuronal assemblies:

    • Expansion of representational maps

    • Recruitment of cells not ordinarily involved in an activity

  • Recruitment of parallel and subcomponent pathways:

    • Altered activity in distributed cortical and subcortical networks

    • Activation of pattern generators (e.g., for stepping)

    • Recruitment of networks not ordinarily involved in an activity

  • Modulation of excitability by neurotransmitters

  • Use of alternative behavioral strategies

Neuronal Plasticity

  • Altered efficacy of synaptic activity:

    • Activity-dependent unmasking of previously ineffective synapses

    • Learning tied to activity-dependent changes (e.g., long-term potentiation, long-term depression) in synaptic strength in peri-injury and remote regions

    • Increased neuronal responsiveness from denervation hypersensitivity

    • Delayed decline in number of neurons (e.g., from apoptosis)

    • Change in number or variety of receptors

    • Change in neurotransmitter release and uptake

  • Regeneration and sprouting from injured and uninjured axons and dendrites:

    • Angiogenesis

    • Expression of developmental regeneration-associated genes for cell viability, growth, and remodeling proteins

    • Modulation by neurotrophic factors, neurotransmitters, and signaling molecules

    • Dendritic spine remodeling

    • Inhibition of growth cone extension (e.g., myelin-associated glycoprotein, Nogo receptor activation, chondroitin)

    • Actions of chemoattractants and inhibitors in the milieu for growth cone function and targeting

  • Remyelination from oligodendrocyte precursors

  • Neurogenesis and gliogenesis with cell migration

Cellular Transplantation

  • Local implantation of stem cells or neuronal, glial, oligodendrocyte precursors

  • Cellular injection into spinal fluid

  • Intravenous bone marrow stem cell injection

  • Cellular bridge (may include a gel or neuromodulating matrix in region of myelo/encephalomalacia)

The combination of mutable neuronal assemblies that represent movements and sensation and multiple representational maps in parallel, distributed CNS systems offers a sound basis for developing rehabilitation interventions. Specific circuits and distributed network functions can be activated selectively by intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli. In patients, this reorganization can be assessed structurally by anatomical and diffusion tensor imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), physiologically by functional MRI (fMRI) activation, and connectivity studies ( ) as well as by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and positron emission tomography using glucose and neurotransmitter markers.

The molecular processes induced by injury and by activity in neurons, axons, and dendrites are under intense investigation. Morphological changes such as axonal regeneration over short distances, dendritic arborization, and synaptogenesis have been observed after brain and cord injuries. When inputs from one pathway to the dendritic tree of a neuron are lost, intact axons can sprout and form synapses on denervated receptors. Although this occurs regularly in animal injury models—within, for example, corticorubral, corticoreticular, and propriospinal fibers—a remarkable number of typically crossed corticospinal tract fibers appear to recross at spinal segments under the central canal to innervate interneurons ipsilateral to their origin. The net effect of these changes in the weight of inputs could have a positive or detrimental effect on neural function. Can such changes be manipulated? Signaling molecules include neurotrophic factors and those that act at the axon growth cone, many of which are also involved in learning and memory, so they are also being pursued in studies of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.

Genetic studies may become of value in identifying patients who have polymorphisms in a single nucleotide that affects memory, learning, cortical morphology, and other critical functions. If patients are predisposed to lower levels of brain catecholamines as a result of enzyme activity (catechol- O -methyltransferase Val vs. Met polymorphism) or have higher or lower neurotrophic factor activity (e.g., brain-derived neurotrophic factor [BDNF] Val vs. Met polymorphism), these differences may be amplified after brain injury, potentially affecting outcomes. Medications could be used in a more focused fashion with genetic screening to identify persons most likely to benefit.

Neuromedical Complications that Interfere with Rehabilitation

Neurological and systemic complications often interfere with progress during inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. With shorter acute hospital and inpatient rehabilitation stays, physicians, nurses, and therapists must anticipate, recognize, and treat medical conditions that may impede progress in the rehabilitation process. Some of these problems will arise from new medications, neurological impairments, immobility, transient infections and metabolic abnormalities, and underlying systemic illness. In addition, patients and caregivers must be trained to prevent errors of omission and commission that arise in using medication, performing daily care, and managing risk factors such as hypertension that lead to late morbidity.

As noted, most but not all studies suggest that specialized stroke, SCI, and TBI hospital programs appear to lead to better early outcomes than with treatment on general medical units. Differences in morbidity, mortality, and length of hospital stay have been associated with more organized services. For example, protocols that use prophylactic subcutaneous heparin, hold oral intake until completion of a screening test for safety of swallowing, avoid indwelling bladder catheters, and assess postvoid residuals by ultrasound examination to avoid unnecessary intermittent catheterizations or overfilling, can reduce medical complications.

Frequency of Complications

Complications in Patients with Stroke

Medical complications often interfere with a patient’s ability to participate in therapy ( Table 55.1 ). Medical and neurological complications occur at rates of approximately 4 and 0.6 per patient, respectively, during an average course of inpatient rehabilitation. Side effects during the adjustment of new medications are especially prevalent, including orthostatic hypotension from antihypertensives or dialysis, drowsiness from anticonvulsants and analgesics, and a statin-induced myopathy with normal serum creatine kinase. Across inpatient rehabilitation centers, 5%–15% of patients must be transferred back to an acute hospital setting.

TABLE 55.1
General Frequency of Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Neuromedical Complications
Complication Percent of Patients
Urinary tract infection 40
Musculoskeletal pain 30
Depression 30
Urine retention 25
Falls 25
Fungal rash 20
Hypertension 20
Hypotension 15
Incipient pressure sores 15
Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia 15
Azotemia 15
Toxic-metabolic encephalopathy 10
Pneumonia 10
Arrhythmia 10
Congestive heart failure 5
Angina 5
Thrombophlebitis 5
Allergic reaction 5
Gastrointestinal bleeding 5
Pulmonary embolus <5
Myocardial infarction <5
Decubitus ulcer <5
Recurrent stroke <5
Seizure <5

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