Musculoskeletal interventional procedures are a fast growing area for interventional radiology. The most commonly performed techniques and the most promising new techniques are described in this chapter.

Image Guidance

Percutaneous musculoskeletal interventions, like other interventional procedures, are usually performed with a single imaging technique: ultrasound, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Fluoroscopy and CT are the most frequently used guidance techniques.

Fluoroscopy offers multiple planes and direct real-time imaging but suffers from poor soft tissue contrast and radiation exposure for both patient and operator. CT is well suited for precise interventional needle guidance because it provides good visualization of bone and surrounding soft tissues. This helps avoid damage to adjacent vascular, neurological, and visceral structures. CT guidance seems to be more appropriate for interventions at difficult locations.

FluoroCT, with acquisition of eight to 12 images per second, is helpful if the region of interest moves during the procedure (e.g., breathing). FluoroCT is not used routinely, but it is used in difficult cases when accurate positioning of the needle is required or to view the distribution of cement during vertebroplasty. However, the radiation dose to the operator and the patient is quite high when using this technique.

A combination of CT and fluoroscopy for interventional procedures has been recommended for complex procedures. For fluoroscopy, a mobile C-arm is positioned in front of the CT gantry.

MRI offers excellent soft tissue contrast and three-dimensional acquisition techniques, as well as rapid multiplanar image acquisition and reconstruction. Another attractive quality of MRI is the absence of radiation exposure to the interventionist and the patient. Despite these advantages, MR-guided interventions are challenging owing to limited access to the patient, strong magnetic and radiofrequency (RF) fields that require special interventional devices, inferior image frame rates and spatial resolution, and MRI scanner noise.

In the musculoskeletal system, MR guidance is advantageous if the lesion is not visible by other modalities, for regions adjacent to hardware and implants, subselective targeting, intraarticular locations, and periarticular cyst aspiration. MR guidance has also been used for a host of spine injections and pain management.

Interventional procedures can be performed using a vertically open 0.5-T MR unit equipped with in-room display monitors using fast spin echo and gradient echo sequences. However, with the rapid evolution of technology, 1.5-T interventional MR scanners have been developed, which have a larger and shorter bore for easier access to the patient. Imaging in real-time is possible with radial or spiral k-space filling as with MR-guided vascular interventional procedures.

However, interventional MRI is not widely available and the expense limits accessibility.

Biopsies of the Musculoskeletal System

Histopathologic and bacteriologic analysis is often required on musculoskeletal lesions to establish a definitive diagnosis and guide treatment. Percutaneous musculoskeletal biopsy (PMSB) has become a routine procedure, performed by interventional radiologists, and has in many instances done away with the need for open biopsy. PMSB is a safe and cost-effective technique, which can be performed on an outpatient basis with the patient under local anesthesia and resulting in minimal complications ( Box 24-1 ).

Box 24-1
Percutaneous Musculosketal Biopsy

  • Determination of metastatic disease is the most frequent indication

  • Positron emission tomography can help obviate the need for biopsy

  • Tumor seeding should be considered for primary bone tumors and the procedure planned so that the track can be excised

  • Lesions with mild ossification can be biopsied with a 14-gauge Ostycut needle; drilling is necessary for lesions that are densely ossified


The objective of PMSB is to obtain a sufficient volume of tissue, representative of the underlying disease, with minimum risk to the patient.

Percutaneous bone biopsy is performed whenever pathologic, bacteriologic, or biologic examinations are required for definitive diagnosis or treatment.

Determination of whether a metastasis is present is the most frequent indication for which a bone biopsy is performed. Positron emission tomography (PET) CT is able to establish the presence of hypermetabolic lesions suggestive of metastasis with increasing accuracy, often obviating the need for biopsy. However, in certain equivocal cases, tissue diagnosis is essential to prove the metastatic origin of the lesion before commencement of treatment or to identify the primary tumor. In certain situations, such as breast cancer, a biopsy may provide information regarding the hormonal sensitivity of the lesion, which has direct therapeutic implications. For primary bone tumors, biopsy is not indicated if complete surgical excision is planned. However, a biopsy can be performed if doubt persists as to the nature of the lesion or if the histology will change therapy.

Infectious lesions (osteitis, septic arthritis, and discitis) are another indication for PMSB, which is used to discover the causative organism.


Bleeding diatheses, biopsies of inaccessible sites (e.g., odontoid process, anterior arch of C1), and soft tissue infection with high risk of contamination of bone are known contraindications for PMSB.

All diagnostic imaging modalities should be reviewed before proceeding to biopsy to avoid unnecessary procedures and afford maximum safety benefit to the patient. The risk of tumor seeding should be considered, especially for sarcomas, and the biopsy trajectory should be planned with the surgeon so that the biopsy tract can be resected with the tumor.


Soft tissue and lytic lesions without ossification are directly biopsied using a 14- to 18-gauge coaxial biopsy gun. We use the semiautomated side notch cutting Temno needle, which allows for manual advancement of the trocar, followed by automated firing of the outer cannula. We perform a CT scan after the deployment of the trocar but before firing of the outer cannula to allow for accurate positioning of the needle and to prevent complications caused by inadvertent biopsy of nearby structures.

In cases of mild ossification, lesions surrounded by minimal cortex, and spinal biopsies, we use a 14-gauge Ostycut bone biopsy needle (Ostycut, Angiomed/Bard, Karlsruhe, Germany). Penetration of the cortex is performed using a surgical hammer. For primary bone tumors or lymphoma with mild sclerosis, we use an 8-gauge trephine needle (Laredo type).

In cases of dense ossification or osteoblastic metastasis, or if dense cortical bone needs to be penetrated, drilling is necessary. We use a 2-mm diameter hand drill or a 14-gauge Bonopty Penetration set (Radi Medical Systems, Uppsala, Sweden).


A CT scan is performed to localize the lesion precisely. The entry point and the pathway are determined by CT, such that the shortest route from skin to tumor is selected, avoiding neural, vascular, and visceral structures. The patient is positioned prone, supine, or oblique. In cases of spine and disc biopsy, a combination of CT and fluoroscopy is used.

Bone biopsy is usually performed under local anesthesia. Neuroleptanalgesia may be necessary for painful lesions. General anesthesia is used for children.

After sterile draping, the biopsy trajectory is anesthetized with 1% lidocaine from skin to periosteum using a 22-gauge spinal needle. This needle is then repositioned at the soft tissue tumor interface and a confirmatory scan performed. The biopsy needle is then inserted parallel to the spinal needle using the tandem needle technique. In cases of bone biopsy wherein cortical penetration is required, a surgical hammer may be required to tap the needle into position. Frequent scans are performed to check for correct needle trajectory because once the needle has entered the bone it is very difficult to change direction. The use of fluoroscopy allows for real-time monitoring of needle progression. A combination of CT and fluoroscopy allows for rapid and safe performance of the procedure. Once the needle is within the lesion and the position is confirmed with CT, sampling is performed.

For histopathologic examination, the specimen is fixed in 10% formalin. If bacteriologic analysis is necessary, the specimens are not fixed and are sent for culture in normal saline. Single-use needles are preferred for biopsies.

On completion of the biopsy, the needle is removed and compression applied. A completion CT through the biopsy site is done to rule out hemorrhage.

  • Peripheral long bone: The approach has to be orthogonal to the bone cortex, which avoids the needle tip slipping off the cortex. The approach must avoid tendons as well as nerves, vessels, and visceral and articular structures.

  • Flat bones (scapula, ribs, sternum, and skull): An oblique approach using a 30- to 60-degree angle is recommended. This approach is a compromise between the tangential approach, which avoids damage to underlying structures, and the orthogonal approach, which avoids slippage of the needle tip ( Fig. 24-1 ).

    Figure 24-1, Computed tomography guided biopsy of the talus using a Laredo needle and an orthogonal approach.

  • Pelvic girdle: A posterior approach is used to avoid the sacral canal and nerves.

  • Vertebral body biopsy: Different approach routes can be selected depending on the vertebral level biopsied: the anterolateral route is used for the cervical level; the transpedicular or intercostovertebral route for the thoracic level; and the posterolateral or transpedicular route for the lumbar level ( Box 24-2 ).

    Box 24-2
    Percutaneous Musculoskeletal Biopsy

    • An orthogonal approach is used for peripheral long bones

    • An oblique (30- to 60-degree) approach is used for flat bones

    • An anterolateral approach is used for the cervical vertebrae

    • A transpendicular or intercostovertebral approach is used for the thoracic vertebrae

    • A posterolateral or transpendicular approach is used for the lumbar vertebrae

    • Overall accuracy of computed tomography–guided PMSB varies from 74% to 96%

  • For the neural posterior arch, a tangential approach is used to avoid damage to underlying neural structures.

  • Vertebral disc biopsy: As for vertebral biopsies, the approach changes depending on the level where the biopsy is performed. For the lumbar level, a transforaminal route using the “Scotty dog” technique is used to gain access to the disc ( Fig. 24-2 ). At the thoracic level, the intercostotransverse route is used with the needle advanced in the direction of the fluoroscopic beam, which is directed 35 degrees from the patient’s sagittal plane ( Fig. 24-3 ).

    Figure 24-2, Infective lumbar discitis. A, Fluoroscopic view showing the transforaminal approach to the disc and end-plate with the 14-gauge Ostycut needle within the disc. B, Computed tomography image demonstrating the pathologic disc with the biopsy needle passing close to the articular process and through the lower part of the foramen.

    Figure 24-3, Computed tomography guided biopsy of thoracic disc using the intercostopedicular approach.


Complications are rare following image-guided bone biopsies with an incidence of up to 2%.

The major complication is infection. Strict sterility should be maintained throughout the intervention. In immunocompromised patients, the biopsy should be done under antibiotic coverage. Other reported complications are hematoma, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neural and vascular injuries, and pneumothorax following biopsies in the thorax. The risk of tumor seeding is rare but real. Hence, it is absolutely necessary in patients with primary bone tumors to choose the needle trajectory in consultation with the surgeon.

Murphy and colleagues, in a large review of 9500 percutaneous skeletal biopsies, identified 22 complications (0.2%). They reported nine pneumothoraces, three cases of meningitis, and five spinal cord injuries. Serious neurologic injury occurred in 0.08% of procedures. Death occurred in 0.02%.

In our experience, we observed only three complications, all paravertebral hematomas: Two cases resolved spontaneously; the other was caused by needle tip breakage in cortical bone. We believe that the low complication rate is related to the systematic use of CT and/or dual guidance.


The overall diagnostic accuracy of CT-guided biopsies ranges from 74% to 96%. However, diagnostic accuracy of CT-guided biopsies for spinal lesions and for infectious etiology is much lower.

In our department, 620 percutaneous musculoskeletal biopsies were performed on an outpatient basis. There were 63% female and 37% male patients, with a mean age of 58 years (range 2-87 years). The distribution of lesions was vertebral 68%, pelvic girdle 17%, and peripheral long bones 15%. Of the biopsied lesions, 55% were lytic, 24% were sclerotic or mixed, and 21% were vertebral compression fractures. In the spine the distribution of lesions was as follows: cervical 5%, thoracic 28%, lumbar 55%, and sacrum 12%.

We found a specificity of 100%, sensitivity of 93.9%, positive predictive value of 100%, and negative predictive value of 87.5%.

Facet Joint Infiltration

The annual incidence of back pain has been estimated at 5% with recent studies showing that chronicity and recurrence occurs in 35% to 79% of these patients. Chronic low back pain presents a major medical, social, and economic burden for society.

Lumbar zygapophysial joints (facet) have been implicated as one of the causes of chronic low back pain.

The term facet syndrome was introduced by Ghormeley. Facet joint pain is attributed to segmental instability, synovitis, and degenerative arthritis. The signs of facet syndrome are local paralumbar tenderness, pain relieved by recumbency, pain on hyperextension, absence of root tension signs and neurologic deficit, and absence of hip, buttock, or back pain when the straight leg is raised. In the absence of precise diagnostic clinical features or criteria, the diagnosis of facet syndrome relies exclusively on the results of diagnostic blocks. The differentiation between disc disease and facet syndrome can be difficult. The diagnosis is often arrived at by exclusion.

Local anesthetic agents act on the nociceptive fibers within the synovium, whereas intraarticular corticosteroids reduce inflammation of the synovium and thus ameliorate pain. The choice of injection levels is based on the location of focal tenderness over the joints or the presence of osteoarthritis involving the joints. The “block test” with intraarticular injection of local anesthetics into the facet joint must produce complete pain relief to support the presumptive diagnosis. When considering facet joint syndrome, another test is done which consists of injecting 0.5 mL of 5% hypertonic saline into the joints to provoke the usual back pain.


Intraarticular injection of steroids is performed in patients in whom “diagnostic blocks” prove that the facet joints are the source of back pain.


Facet joint injection in the lumbar spine is a simple and safe procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis under CT or fluoroscopic control. Facet joint degenerative disease usually affects multiple levels on both sides, and thus multilevel facet joint injections (L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1) may be necessary.

The patient is placed in a prone position on the CT or fluoroscopy table. A CT scan of the affected level is used to determine the needle pathway and the entry point. A 22-gauge needle is advanced vertically into each joint ( Fig. 24-4 ). Once the needle is in the joint, a solution of cortivazol and lidocaine 1% is injected into the joint. Cortivazol is provided in 1.5 mL of solution (containing 3.75 mg of long-acting steroid) and with the addition of 1.5 mL of lidocaine 1%, a 3-mL solution is obtained. Usually the injection is performed bilaterally and 1.5 mL of this solution is injected into each side. The global dose of 3.75 mg of cortivazol per session should not be exceeded.

Figure 24-4, Bilateral facet joint infiltration: Precise positioning of the tip of the 22-gauge spinal needles in the facet articulation using computed tomography guidance.


The complications of lumbar facet joint injections with precise needle positioning are rare. Severe allergic reactions to local anesthetic are uncommon. Steroid injections can produce local reactions, which occur most often immediately after the injection. These reactions last 24-48 hours, and they can be relieved by the application of ice. The most serious complication is septic arthritis, which is avoided by adherence to strict aseptic technique. The only serious complication we have observed is a temporary episode of agitation in a patient as a reaction to the steroid injected. Other complications are rare if the usual contraindications to steroid use are respected.


The value of steroid injection into the facet joint remains controversial. In the literature, immediate relief of pain occurs in 59%-94% of cases, and long-term relief occurs in 27%-54%. In our experience with 166 facet blocks, immediate pain relief was obtained in 62% of patients but long-term relief (persistence of relief for at least 6 months) in only 31% ( Box 24-3 ).

Box 24-3
Facet Joint Infiltration

  • Facet joints have been implicated in many cases of chronic low back pain

  • Differentiation of disc disease from facet disease can be difficult

  • Injection level is based on location of tenderness and/or facet joint degeneration

  • A block test with local anesthetic must produce complete pain relief to confirm the diagnosis

  • Immediate pain relief varies from 59% to 94% and long-term relief varies from 27% to 54%

Rhyzolysis: Radiofrequency Neurotomy of the Zygapophysial Joints

The zygapophysial joints are a potent source of low back pain impairing quality of life.

The lumbar zygapophysial joints are innervated by the medial branch of the dorsal rami from L1 to L4 and the L5 dorsal ramus for the L5/S1 joint. The medial branch of the dorsal rami have a fixed course across the base of the superior articular process between their origin from the dorsal ramus at the superior aspect of the transverse process and their passage under the mamilloaccessory ligament at the caudal edge of the superior articular process. At the L5 level, the dorsal ramus passes over the ala of the sacrum in the bony groove formed by the base of the superior articular process and ala of the sacrum. The caudal origin of the medial branch at this level is not accessible by a percutaneous approach; therefore the target nerve at L5 is the dorsal ramus.

The zygapophysial joints have dual nerve supply. The superior portion of each joint is innervated by the medial branch originating one level above, while the inferior portion of the joint is supplied by the medial branch originating at that level. Hence for complete denervation of the joint, coagulation of both nerves needs to be performed.


Patients in whom the block test is positive, who have undergone successful facet joint block using a mixture of steroid and local anesthetic, and in whom pain relief is complete but very short lasting may benefit from RF neurotomy of the zygapophysial joints.


The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis ( Box 24-4 ). We use dual CT and fluoroscopic guidance. The patient is positioned prone.

Box 24-4

  • Patients who have had successful facet joint injection but have recurrent pain may benefit

  • Complete denervation of the facet joint is the goal

  • Innervation comes from the medial branch of the dorsal ramus from L1-L4 and the L5 dorsal ramus for L5/S1

  • CT and flouroscopy are used for guidance

  • The radiofrequency needle tip is placed between the junction of the superior articular process and the transverse process

A perfect anteroposterior (AP) projection of the involved vertebral body is obtained, which may require craniocaudal angulation of the fluoroscopic tube so that there is perfect alignment of the vertebral endplates. Dispersive ground pads are placed on the medial aspect of the patient’s thigh.

After sterile draping, local anesthesia is infiltrated superficially in the skin and the subcutaneous tissues. We do not advocate deep anesthesia or conscious sedation, because these can interfere with the patient’s perception of pain, which is important for correct positioning of the electrode.

An 18-gauge insulated needle with an active 5-mm tip is then advanced under fluoroscopic guidance so that the tip is positioned in the groove formed by the junction of the superior articular process and the transverse process. If fluoroscopy alone is used, a lateral view is obtained to confirm the ideal position of the needle; it should not be too deep within the soft tissues for risk of damage to the dorsal nerve root. With dual guidance, a CT scan ensures correct positioning of the needle. Maintaining contact with bone ensures a safe positioning of the needle. At the L5 level, the tip of the needle should rest in the groove between the superior articular process and the sacral ala.

Once correct positioning of the needle is obtained, the electrode is inserted and connected to the generator (Smith and Nephew). Electrode impedance should be less than 500 ohms, which indicates good position of the electrode. The generator is put in stimulation mode and sensory stimulation is performed by gradually increasing the voltage to reproduce the pain that the patient normally feels in the back. It is important for the patient to only feel pain in the back and not radiating down the leg. Radiation of pain down the leg indicates that the electrode is in contact with the dorsal ramus and needs to be repositioned. Following sensory stimulation, motor stimulation is performed with gradual augmentation of the voltage, such that there is local contraction of the muscles of the back without any contraction of the muscles of the buttocks, thigh, or leg.

The generator is switched to the RF mode and coagulation is obtained by gradually increasing the RF current to achieve a temperature of 80°C, which is maintained for 90 seconds. If during the RF ablation (RFA) of the targeted nerve the patient experiences pain, injection of local anesthesia through the needle can be performed and the procedure continued to complete treatment.

Multiple levels can be treated at one visit. The patient is maintained in recumbent position for 1 hour and then discharged home.


The procedure is safe. The most serious complication is damage to the dorsal nerve root due to incorrect positioning of the electrode. This is avoided by fluoroscopic and CT-guided placement of the electrode and the use of the stimulation mode before commencing the ablation.


Dreyfuss and colleagues in a prospective audit of 15 patients who were selected for rhyzolysis following a positive bloc test reported that 60% of the patients obtained at least 90% relief of pain at 12 months, and 87% obtained at least 60% relief. Relief was associated with denervation of the multifidus in those segments in which the medial branches had been coagulated.

In a randomized controlled trial of 31 patients, Van Kleef and colleagues reported success in 10 of 15 patients treated with RF compared with six of 16 in the sham group. The adjusted odds ratio was 4.8 ( P < 0.05, significant). The differences in effect on the visual analog scale scores, global perceived effect, and the Oswestry disability scale were statistically significant. Three, 6, and 12 months after treatment, there were significantly more success patients in the RF group than in the sham group.

Leclaire and colleagues in a randomized controlled trial of 70 patients undertaken to assess the clinical effectiveness of RF facet joint denervation concluded that the procedure provided some short-term improvement in functional disability among patients with chronic low back pain, but could not establish the efficacy of the treatment modality. However, the main drawback of their study was the patient selection criteria. All patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain were eligible for intraarticular zygapophysial joint injection, which was performed and reported by 30 different referring physicians. Furthermore, only one block test was performed and the levels infiltrated were not reported.

In our experience, rhyzolysis is effective in the management of pain in patients with pure axial back pain attributed to facet syndrome. However, the durability of pain relief is limited to 1 year with many patients experiencing recurrence of pain. Our results are similar to those of Schofferman and colleagues. They reported that RF neurotomy is effective but temporary in the management of lumbar facet pain. Repeated RF neurotomies are effective in long-term palliative management of lumbar facet pain. Each RF neurotomy has a mean duration of relief of 10.5 months and is successful in more than 85% patients.

Percutaneous Epidural and Nerve Root Block

Back pain has a diverse etiology and causes pain, suffering, and disability, which have a great social and economic impact. Disc herniation, defined as the rupture of the fibrocartilaginous annulus fibrosus with extrusion of the central gelatinous nucleus pulposus, is the most common cause of back pain presenting as axial spinal pain and or radicular (arm, intercostals, or leg) pain.

There is no clear, single explanation as to why a disc rupture causes back pain or sciatica. Some disc ruptures remain asymptomatic. Physical pressure on a peripheral nerve alone does not produce pain; it produces paresthesia. It is postulated that biochemical factors such as inflammatory cytokines, prostaglandins, nitrous oxide (NO), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) may be involved in the pathogenesis of radiculitis caused by mechanical discoradicular compression.

Pain management in disc herniation relies mainly on conservative care, combining rest, physiotherapy, and oral medication (analgesics and antiinflammatory drugs). Open discectomy remains a major surgical procedure and the long-term outcome, complications, and suboptimal results associated with surgery have led to the development of minimally invasive percutaneous techniques that avoid opening the spinal canal.

Percutaneous periradicular infiltration (PPRI) consists of injecting a mixture of long-acting steroid and anesthetic into the epidural space at the level of the pathologic disc. It is ideally performed under image guidance to ensure the proper deposition of steroid. It aims to stop the inflammatory reaction around the nerve root.


  • Treatment of radicular pain of discogenic origin (without nerve paralysis) resistant to conventional medical therapy

  • Postdiscectomy syndrome


  • Patients with diabetes or gastric ulceration and pregnant patients in whom steroid use is contraindicated

  • Bleeding diathesis (anticoagulant therapy): Epidural puncture is contraindicated for fear of producing an epidural hematoma, resulting in thecal sac compression; foraminal injection should be performed carefully

  • Spinal canal stenosis: Long-acting synthetic steroids are avoided due to their hyperosmotic effect


The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. CT or MRI guidance can be used. There is limited accessibility to MR interventional suites and special MR-compatible needles must be used. CT with its easy accessibility is presently the imaging modality of choice because it allows for accurate needle positioning within the epidural space close to the discoradicular interface.

Lumbar Infiltrations

The patient is placed prone on the CT table and a short CT acquisition through the level of interest is performed without gantry tilt with a maximum scan thickness of 3 mm. The entry point and the needle pathway are determined from the axial slices and the position marked on the skin.

Epidural Lateral Infiltration ( Fig. 24-5 )

Epidural lateral infiltration is used for posteromedial and posterolateral disc herniation. After sterile painting and draping, the skin entry point is anesthetized. A 22-gauge spinal needle is then introduced via a posterior approach, using CT guidance so that the tip is positioned close to the painful nerve root. A sterile flexible connecting tube is attached to the needle to avoid inadvertent displacement of the tip during injection. The extradural position of the needle is determined by negative aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid and gas epidurography by injection of CO 2 or injection of iodinated contrast material. A mixture of 1.5 mL cortivazol (3.75 mg) and 1 mL of 1% lidocaine is then injected. During injection, the patient may experience a spontaneous recurrence of pain lasting a few seconds, brought on by stretching of the dura.

Figure 24-5, Epidural lumbar infiltration: Air epidurogram confirming the epidural position of the needle tip close to the discoradicular interface before steroid injection.

If the dura is punctured due to adhesions or an incorrect maneuver, the needle should be withdrawn into the epidural space and a natural steroid like hydrocortancyl (prednisolone acetate) injected without lidocaine. Long-acting synthetic steroids should never be injected intrathecally because they may precipitate in the cerebrospinal fluid and produce a chemical arachnoiditis. In spinal canal stenosis, only natural steroids such as hydrocortancyl (prednisolone acetate) should be used to avoid worsening of the symptoms due to the hyperosmolar effect of long-acting steroids.

Foraminal Infiltration

This approach is used for foraminal and extraforaminal herniations. The procedure is similar but the entry point is more lateral. The needle is positioned under CT guidance so that it glides across the articular process, with the tip being positioned just behind the emerging nerve root. If the nerve root is touched, the patient experiences a sharp electric sensation down the lower limb and the needle tip should be withdrawn a few millimeters before injection of the steroid-anesthetic mixture.

Cervical Infiltration ( Fig. 24-6 )

The patient is positioned supine with the neck hyperextended and the head turned to the opposite side. The painful nerve root is infiltrated as it exits its foramen. The entry point is determined by a CT scan (2-mm slice thickness) through the relevant level. After sterile draping, local anesthesia is infiltrated only into the subcutaneous tissues. A 22-gauge spinal needle is positioned using a lateral approach, in contact with the anterior side of the facet joint, behind the nerve root, avoiding the anteriorly situated vertebral artery. One- to 2-mL of iodinated contrast is then injected through a connecting tube after aspiration for blood, to check for correct position of the needle tip and to exclude intravascular injection. Then 1.5 mL (3.75 mg) cortivazol is injected. Lidocaine is never injected in the cervical region to avoid diffusion via the foramen around the cord, which would result in transient paralysis.

Figure 24-6, Cervical infiltration. A, Computed tomography image of the tip of the 22-gauge spinal needle in the posterior part of the cervical foramen, in contact with the posteriorly located facet joint, away from the anteriorly situated vertebral artery. B, Good diffusion of contrast within the foramen and canal.

Postprocedure Care

The patient can stand up immediately and return to work. The sterile dressing can be removed after 36 hours. Restriction of dietary sodium is advocated for 2 weeks following the injection to reduce the hyperosmolar effect of the steroid medication.

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