Movement Disorders Associated With General Medical Diseases

Movement disorders may complicate a variety of general medical diseases. Evaluation of patients with involuntary movements or postures requires a detailed history, including an account of perinatal events, ethnicity, parental consanguinity, psychiatric disorders, past medications, exposure to infectious agents, immunologic status, substance abuse, and exposures to toxins. The age of onset and pattern of progression further direct the evaluation. Clinical examination should be directed at determining the character and distribution of the abnormal movements and excluding non-neurologic causes.

Chorea, Ballism, and Dystonia

Dystonia or chorea occurs in a wide variety of medical contexts. Although chorea is typically a more fluid, “dance-like” undulation of a limb, and dystonia is a slower movement or a sustained abnormal posture of a limb or the trunk, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them. Many cases of dystonia or chorea are secondary to a neurodegenerative disorder or an hereditary metabolic defect, which are not the subject of this review. The focus here is on movement disorders (other than ataxias) that arise in the context of a systemic medical disorder.

In a series of 51 cases of chorea from Italy, vascular causes were identified in 40 percent, drug-induced causes in 14 percent, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)–related causes in 10 percent, Huntington disease in 10 percent, hyperglycemia in 4 percent, and hyponatremia in 4 percent; single cases (2% each) of borreliosis (Lyme disease), Sydenham chorea, and acanthocytosis were also identified. The epidemiology will differ in regions where AIDS or other infectious conditions are more prevalent.

Chorea is usually associated with dysfunction of the thalamus or basal ganglia. In most cases, the physiologic effect of the disorder reduces inhibitory input from the globus pallidus interna to the motor thalamus, resulting in excessive thalamocortical motor facilitation.

Dystonia is characterized by impaired inhibition at multiple levels of the central nervous system (CNS), and altered levels of several neurotransmitters have been reported in various diencephalic nuclei, as well as the putamen, globus pallidus, red nucleus, and subthalamic nucleus. Nonetheless, the generation of dystonia remains poorly understood.

Hypoxic-Ischemic Disorders

Chorea and dystonia due to hypoxia-ischemia may result from global or focal cerebral hypoperfusion as well as cellular hypoxia, such as in mitochondrial toxicity.


Stroke may cause a variety of movement disorders depending on the location of the lesion and age of the patient. The abnormal movements may develop during the acute phase of a stroke or after a variable delay, and can be transient or permanent. Dystonia, especially, is rare in the acute phase but tends to occur at a time when patients are recovering from the initial motor deficit.

In a series of 1,500 patients with stroke, Alarcon and colleagues found that movement disorders occurred in about 56 (approximately 4%) over the following year; chorea occurred in 20, whereas dystonia, tremor, and parkinsonism were less common, occurring in 16, 14, and 6, respectively. The average age at onset of chorea was 75 years, whereas that for dystonia was 48. Patients with deep (rather than isolated surface) vascular lesions were more likely to develop a movement disorder. Hemichorea occurred most commonly with contralateral thalamic strokes but also occurred with other lesions of the basal ganglia (putamen and subthalamic nucleus), white matter tracts (corona radiata, internal and external capsule), and pons. Hemiballism was caused most often by a lesion of the contralateral subthalamic nucleus but also occurred with lesions of the frontal and parietal lobes or the corona radiata. Putamenal strokes caused focal or hemidystonia most frequently, although lesions of the pons or globus pallidus and larger strokes of the frontal or parietal lobe were also sometimes responsible.

Thus, lesions in different parts of the brain may produce the same movement disorder, perhaps because they are interrupting the same motor networks but at different levels. The time to onset of the movement disorder is shorter for chorea—usually within 1 week of the stroke—than for dystonia and tremor, which typically developed 2 to 3 weeks after the stroke in the study by Alarcon and associates. Hemorrhagic strokes are responsible for many movement disorders developing after 6 months or more, and especially for dystonia developing in young patients. Most patients with these poststroke movement disorders improve over time.

Various points deserve emphasis. Severe pathologic involvement of the basal ganglia, as by an infarct, does not always lead to the development of a movement disorder, and many movement disorders relate to diffuse changes at multiple rather than single sites. A movement disorder may emerge immediately or soon after a stroke or—particularly with vascular parkinsonism—after many months or years, and can be progressive, evolving in severity and also in the character of the abnormal involuntary movements. The pathophysiologic basis of this progression is unclear.

Treatment is symptomatic. Chorea or ballismus may respond to tetrabenazine, deutetrabenazine, or valbenazine, or to haloperidol or other neuroleptics, and there are anecdotal reports of benefit with clonazepam, topiramate, and valproate. In severe and refractory cases, ablative surgery or deep brain stimulation may be indicated. Poststroke dystonia may respond to tetrabenazine, anticholinergic drugs, benzodiazepines, or baclofen. Botulinum toxin may help focal and segmental dystonias. Severe hemidystonia may be helped by deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus or thalamus.

Global Hypoxia-Ischemia

The time course of a movement disorder resulting from global hypoxic-ischemic injury differs in infants, children, and adults. In infants and children, the movement disorder takes longer to develop and the abnormal movements are more likely to generalize. In adults, chorea or dystonia becomes manifest as any hemiparesis resolves and usually remains localized. Only in young children with postpump chorea and adults with post-thalamotomy syndrome does the movement disorder commonly begin within a week of injury. The basis of such differences is not clear.

The age of patients at the time of anoxia influences the outcome. Patients developing an akinetic-rigid parkinsonian syndrome are typically in middle or later life, whereas those developing pure dystonia are usually younger than 20 years. The site of injury is also important. Involvement of the putamen is more likely to cause dystonia, whereas lesions of the globus pallidus are usually associated with parkinsonism. Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic injury may lead to any pattern of dystonia, often after a long interval. At onset the dystonia is focal or, rarely, segmental, and commonly spreads over a variable period that may be as short as a few months or as long as 20 to 30 years, resulting in segmental dystonia, hemidystonia, or generalized dystonia.

Postoperative encephalopathy with chorea, also known as postpump chorea , consists of chorea, athetosis, or ballismus, episodic eye deviations, and hypotonia. It occurs in infants or children within 12 days of cardiac surgery involving hypothermia, cardiopulmonary bypass, and often complete circulatory arrest, and may be severe. Although this surgical complication was previously common, occurring in up to 20 percent of children, current techniques have drastically reduced its incidence. Risk factors include age at time of surgery (higher risk between 6 months and 5 years), rapid cooling during cardiopulmonary bypass, lower body temperature, and the duration of hypothermic circulatory arrest. Infants younger than 6 weeks are less susceptible; in older infants, the chorea is often mild and reversible. The pathophysiology is poorly understood, although it seems likely that hypoxic-ischemic mechanisms secondary to surgical technique (including deep hypothermia) play a role.

Children and young adults sustaining acute hypoxic injury may also develop dystonia. They usually have focal or unilateral findings clinically and on imaging studies, despite the global insult. Dystonia may develop after 1 week to 3 years and typically generalizes over the following months or years; imaging shows abnormalities especially in the putamen.

Polycythemic chorea occurs for uncertain reasons. Polycythemia rubra vera has a male predominance, but polycythemic chorea is more common in women. Neurologic manifestations of polycythemia are common, occurring in 50 to 80 percent of patients, and include headache, vertigo, stroke, visual symptoms, tinnitus, and paresthesias. Chorea is a rare complication, occurring in 0.5 to 5 percent of patients. Examination may also show a plethoric complexion and splenomegaly. The chorea may be the presenting symptom of polycythemia, may begin suddenly or gradually, is sometimes episodic, and typically becomes generalized but affects particularly the facial, lingual, and brachial muscles. The limbs are hypotonic, with pendular patellar tendon reflexes. The chorea may persist for up to several years, with spontaneous remissions and recurrences. Treatment is of the underlying polycythemia but additional symptomatic control with dopamine-depleting or dopamine-blocking agents may be necessary.


Exposure to certain gases and heavy metals is a rare cause of encephalopathy, parkinsonism, and dystonia, probably as a result of cellular hypoxia from mitochondrial dysfunction or the generation of free radicals. Carbon monoxide toxicity appears to result from a combination of tissue hypoxia and direct cellular toxicity. After initial recovery, about 10 percent of survivors will develop parkinsonism several weeks to months later; approximately 80 percent recover within 6 months. Imaging often reveals focal injury particularly to the pallidum and diffuse white matter changes, and the findings on magnetic resonance spectroscopy of white matter lesions are consistent with demyelination. Treatment with levodopa and anticholinergic agents usually is unhelpful.

Parkinsonism and dystonia are common among survivors of cyanide poisoning . The movement abnormalities may initially improve, only to worsen days to months later, followed by stabilization and gradual but incomplete recovery. Cyanide reacts with cytochrome- c oxidase, causing cellular hypoxia. Imaging studies show lesions in the caudate and lentiform nuclei, precentral cortex, and cerebellum. Functional imaging shows reduced dopamine transporter uptake suggestive of nigral neuronal loss.

Ingestion of methanol results in the production of formaldehyde by the liver; the liver and erythrocytes synthesize formic acid, which inhibits cytochrome- c oxidase and, thus, mitochondrial electron transport and tissue adenosine triphosphate production. Metabolic acidosis injures the retina and optic nerves and leads to necrosis of the putamen, subcortical white matter, cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord, resulting in parkinsonism, dystonia, tremor, and blindness. Initial treatment relies on correction of the metabolic acidosis with ethanol and elimination of methanol with hemodialysis. Gradual improvement may occur with time, and treatment with amantadine and dopaminergic medications sometimes helps.

Manganese toxicity may occur as an occupational exposure (e.g., in miners of the ore or with chronic exposure to metal alloys, batteries, paint, varnish, enamel, or colored glass), or as a consequence of liver failure. Manganese increases free radical formation, inhibits antioxidant function, may reduce mitochondrial energy production, and perhaps increases glutamate neurotoxicity. In addition to foot dystonia, parkinsonism, early freezing of gait, a distinct gait disturbance (cock gait), hyperreflexia, and Babinski signs may occur. Remission may occur in mild cases if further exposure is prevented, but the course is otherwise progressive. There are reports of improvement after chelation. Pathologic examination reveals damage to the globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata (which are downstream from the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway), consistent with the failure to respond to levodopa. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may show hyperintensity of the putamen on T1-weighted images. A similar syndrome (with elevated serum manganese and putamen T1 hyperintensity) has been described in methcathinone users when the drug was produced using potassium permanganate oxidation of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.

Organic mercury poisoning, as seen formerly with the ingestion of certain fungicides and shellfish (Minamata disease), causes visual loss, ataxia, paresthesias, and cognitive dysfunction. Choreoathetosis, parkinsonism, and tremor also occur, and dystonic posturing is occasionally seen. Inorganic mercury poisoning, seen in glass blowers, hatters, and battery workers, produces a psychotic encephalopathy and tremor.

Dystonia secondary to copper accumulation occurs in Wilson disease . If hepatic damage is mild, significant improvement follows chelation therapy with penicillamine or trientine and zinc, which reduces dietary absorption of copper. Liver transplantation may be required for nonresponders and patients with severe liver dysfunction. The movement disorder may respond to trihexyphenidyl, levodopa, dopamine agonists, or amantadine.

Cellular and global hypoxia-ischemia have been implicated in disulfiram overdose. In one such case, psychomotor slowing and parkinsonism were evident several days after awakening from coma, and over 10 years progressed to include dystonia of a lower limb, the eyelids, and speech. Brain computed tomography (CT) shows hypodense lesions, and MRI shows hyperintense lesions in the pallidum and inferior putamen. Chorea has also been described as a consequence of toluene (glue sniffing) and thallium exposures.

Drug-Induced Dystonia and Chorea

Medications may cause dystonia ( Chapter 32 ) and chorea ( Table 58-1 ). Acute iatrogenic dystonic reactions are idiosyncratic, reversible, and common. They may occur almost immediately (minutes to hours) after the first dose of a medication, or days to weeks later. For dystonia, the most common offenders include antipsychotics (both typical and atypical), benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, dopamine agonists, and tricyclic antidepressants. Reactions have been encountered less often with calcium-channel blockers, propranolol, histamine-blocking drugs (cimetidine, ranitidine, cetirizine), and substituted benzamides (metoclopramide, sulpiride, clebopride, and domperidone). Patients with AIDS dementia complex are particularly sensitive to neuroleptic-related acute dystonic reactions because of underlying dopaminergic dysfunction. Dystonia may occur soon after starting antidepressants or develop after chronic use. Many agents (and medication classes) may be responsible including tetracyclics (trazodone and amoxipine), tricyclics (clomipramine, amitriptyline, and imipramine), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (including fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, escalopram, citalopram, and sertraline), and serotonin-norepinephine reuptake inhibitor (duloxetine).

Table 58-1
Selected Drugs and Toxins Inducing Chorea and Dystonia
Drug or Toxin Chorea Dystonia
Anticholinergics Benzhexol, trihexyphenidyl
Antiepileptics Carbamazepine, felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine, phenytoin, valproic acid
Anti-infectious agents Ciprofloxacin
Antidepressants and anxiolytics Tricyclic agents Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic agents, benzodiazepines
Cardiac medications Flecainide Flecainide
Calcium-channel blockers Cinnarizine, flunarizine, verapamil
Dopamine agonists and levodopa Apomorphine, bromocriptine, pergolide, pramipexole, ropinirole, lisuride, cabergoline, levodopa Apomorphine, bromocriptine, pergolide, pramipexole, ropinirole, lisuride, cabergoline, levodopa
Dopamine-receptor blocking drugs Antipsychotics, metoclopramide, antiemetics Antipsychotics, metoclopramide, antiemetics
Histamine-receptor blocking drugs Cyproheptadine Cimetidine, ranitidine, cetirizine
Hormones Oral contraceptives, estrogens, thyroxine
Immunosuppressants Corticosteroids, cyclosporine
Stimulants Amphetamine, cocaine, methylphenidate, pemoline
Serotonin receptor antagonists Ondansetron Ondansetron
Miscellaneous drugs Baclofen, digoxin, lithium, theophylline, 4-aminopyridine Clebopride, disulfiram, domperidone, metoclopramide, sulpiride
Toxins/metals Mercury, organophosphates, thallium, toluene Carbon monoxide, cyanide, disulfiram, manganese, methanol, mercury, thallium

If dystonia develops acutely, treatment involves discontinuation of the offending agent and administration of an anticholinergic drug or benzodiazepine. Diphenhydramine, benztropine mesylate, chlorpheniramine, diazepam, or lorazepam may be given orally or intravenously; treatment for several days is sometimes necessary, especially if the causal agent was taken regularly or in depot form. If dystonia is mild or develops slowly, gradual down-titration of the medication is appropriate.

Chorea has been reported secondary to a variety of medications including anticonvulsants (phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate, and gabapentin), stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine, methylphenidate, pemoline), benzodiazepines, estrogens, lithium, levodopa (with or without catechol- O -methyltransferase inhibitors), dopamine agonists, tricyclic antidepressants, and antihistamines, as well as other agents such as baclofen, cimetidine, thyroxine, cyclosporine, and aminophylline. Chorea and encephalopathy has been associated with ciprofloxacin use and also with 4-aminopyridine overdose. Disulfiram overdose or poisoning (discussed earlier) may present clinically with encephalopathy, ketotic hyperglycemia, and dystonia.

Tardive syndromes develop after the introduction of the provoking medication, usually a dopamine receptor blocking drug. Most patients have been on the medication for at least 3 months; the disorder may first manifest after the causal agent has been discontinued, but typically does so within 6 months of withdrawal. The syndrome may involve dyskinesias, typically repetitive orolingual facial movements or repetitive movements of the head, trunk, and extremities. Older patients seem more susceptible than young persons. A tardive syndrome also may take the form of dystonia, chorea, akathisia, tremor, or myoclonus.

A number of medications have been associated with the development of tardive dyskinesia. It occurs most commonly with haloperidol or typical antipsychotics, but it is also common with the atypical antipsychotic drugs and with prolonged use (i.e., for more than 3 months) of metoclopramide. Other dopamine-blocking agents such as the antiemetics prochlorperazine and promethazine may cause tardive syndromes. Less commonly, certain calcium-channel blockers (especially cinnarizine and flunarizine) and rarely serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been associated with its development. The causal agent should be discontinued if feasible; otherwise, patients requiring antipsychotic medication should be switched to an atypical antipsychotic drug such as quetiapine. The withdrawal of dopamine-blocking agents may initially exacerbate the dyskinesia, but the movement disorder ultimately decreases or disappears in up to 50 percent of patients, persisting unchanged in the remainder. Dopamine-depleting agents (valbenazine, tetrabenazine, reserpine) are the most useful adjunctive treatments, followed by benzodiazepines such as clonazepam; GABA agonists such as baclofen and sodium valproate also have been used, but evidence of benefit is sparse. Anticholinergic drugs may exacerbate the syndrome.

Tardive dystonia may be indistinguishable from idiopathic dystonia and may respond to sensory tricks. It may be focal, segmental, or generalized; however, the head and neck region are most commonly affected, resulting in torticollis, blepharospasm, or oromandibular dystonia. Orobuccal-lingual dyskinesia or other tardive movements may occur in tardive dystonia, unlike in idiopathic dystonia. The onset is insidious, typically after several years of antipsychotic use, but may occur with exposures shorter than 1 year. Tapering the antipsychotic occasionally produces gradual or partial remission of tardive dystonia, often after an initial worsening. An increase in dose of the antipsychotic or its continuation may lead to temporary benefit, but probably worsens the long-term outlook. If treatment with an antipsychotic is necessary, replacement of the original neuroleptic with clozapine or quetiapine has been helpful. Approximately 50 percent of patients benefit from dopamine-depleting or -blocking agents and anticholinergic treatment. For patients with focal or segmental dystonia, botulinum toxin injections are beneficial. Stereotactic surgery, including pallidotomy and pallidal deep brain stimulation, has been successful for severe tardive dystonia unresponsive to other measures.

Some medications appear to cause chorea in the setting of pre-existing basal ganglia injury. For example, dose-related dyskinesias develop in a large proportion of parkinsonian patients taking carbidopa-levodopa. Similarly, many patients who develop chorea while taking oral contraceptives have had striatal abnormalities on imaging studies or have a past history of Sydenham chorea, chorea gravidarum, or chorea with Henoch–Schönlein purpura.

Among illicit drugs, cocaine and amphetamines have been most frequently associated with dyskinesias. Both influence central dopaminergic mechanisms, and cocaine also decreases serotonin turnover and degradation. Both may lead to choreoathetoid movements of the extremities, less often the head or trunk, or buccolingual dyskinesias within 24 hours of use; these typically resolve without treatment in 2 to 6 days. However, in chronic users, chorea persisting for more than 1 year after discontinuation of these stimulants has been described.

Infectious Disorders

Infections may cause the full spectrum of movement disorders ( Table 58-2 ). Movement abnormalities usually develop during the acute illness and are transient, but abnormal movements sometimes begin or persist after the infection has cleared. One mechanism is vasculitic ischemia of the basal ganglia, although direct neuronal injury by the organism or a toxin, and autoimmune cross-reactivity with basal ganglia epitopes are also postulated to play a role.

Table 58-2
Movement Disorders Produced by Various Infectious Agents
Adapted from Alarcón F, Giménez-Roldán S: Systemic diseases that cause movement disorders. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 11:1, 2005.
Infectious Agent Chorea Dystonia Myoclonus Tremor Parkinsonism
Arboviruses X X
Cytomegalovirus X X X
Enteroviruses X X
Epstein–Barr virus X
Herpes simplex viruses X
Herpes zoster virus X X X
HIV plus Toxoplasma gondii X X X X
HIV plus herpes zoster X
HIV plus Mycobacterium tuberculosis X
HIV plus Treponema pallidum X
Influenza viruses X X X
Japanese encephalitis virus X X X X
Lassa virus X
Machupo virus (Bolivian hemorrhagic fever) X
Measles virus X X X
Paramyxovirus (mumps) X X
Rubella virus X X
African trypanosomiasis X X
Corynebacterium diphtheriae X
Lyme borreliosis X
Legionella species X
Mycoplasma pneumoniae X X X
Salmonella species X X X X
Group A Streptococcus X X X
Mycobacterium tuberculosis X X X X X
Treponema pallidum X
Plasmodium falciparum X X X X X
Schistosoma mansoni X (segmental)
Tropheryma whipplei X X X
Taenia solium (neurocysticercosis) X X X X X
Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis X X
Prions X X

Bacterial Infections

Sydenham chorea is a transient chorea that develops in about one-quarter of patients with rheumatic fever, an autoimmune complication of infection with group A β-hemolytic streptococci. It is the most common cause of acute chorea in children, typically affecting those between ages of 7 and 12 (with a range of 3 to 17) years. After 10 years of age, it is more common in girls. The chorea is usually generalized (80% of cases), and may be the presenting feature of rheumatic fever; cardiac involvement is present in the majority. An encephalopathy occurs in 10 percent. Dysarthria and behavioral abnormalities are common; obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention deficit and hyperactivity occur in about 25 percent of patients. The pathogenesis of Sydenham chorea may be related to the development of antineuronal antibodies. Although the condition usually improves over months, residual chorea has been observed in 50 percent of patients 2 years after onset, and behavioral abnormalities may persist. Symptomatic treatment with valproic acid, carbamazepine, or clonidine may be considered in those with troublesome chorea. Dopamine-receptor blocking drugs are reserved for those who do not respond to these other agents, and brief case reports suggest that tetrabenazine may also be helpful. In severe cases a brief course of prednisone has been prescribed to shorten the course of the disease, and there are also anecdotal reports of benefit from intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) or plasmapheresis. In about half of affected patients, chorea recurs within 2 years of the initial episode in the absence of infection. A course of penicillin is usually initiated at the time of diagnosis and continuous prophylaxis with penicillin is often advised to prevent further streptococcal infections until adulthood. Neuroimaging studies may be normal or show contralateral or bilateral striatal abnormalities that resolve as the chorea settles. Positron emission tomography (PET) scanning shows reversible striatal hypermetabolism.

Tuberculous meningitis may cause dystonia or chorea. Brain imaging may be normal or show ischemic or hemorrhagic infarcts. Direct infection or infarction of the basal ganglia may account for the development of the movement disorder. Treatment is with antituberculous therapy. Most patients improve over several weeks.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes pneumonia but also affects the CNS in approximately 5 percent of patients requiring hospitalization. Aseptic meningitis, cranial neuritis, transverse myelitis, or encephalitis may occur, and neurologic symptoms may precede pulmonary ones. Generalized choreoathetosis and dystonia have been described. Cerebral imaging may be unremarkable or show abnormalities in the caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is normal or exhibits a mild lymphocytosis with elevated protein concentration. The diagnosis is made by respiratory cultures and tests for serum and CSF complement-fixing and cold agglutinin antibodies.

In Legionnaire disease ( Legionella pneumophila ), high fevers and pulmonary involvement may be accompanied in approximately 20 percent of cases by headache and, rarely, by chorea. The CSF and head CT scan are normal, and the diagnosis is made by serologic studies. The chorea may persist for up to 2 years.

Chorea has also been reported uncommonly in patients with Lyme encephalitis or neurosyphilis and rarely with other infections.

Viral Infections

Viral encephalitis (including Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, St. Louis, herpes simplex, dengue, mumps, and measles) may be accompanied by movement disorders. Japanese encephalitis, endemic to much of Asia, causes dystonia or parkinsonism several weeks after infection. Brain MRI typically shows abnormalities in the thalamus, globus pallidus, or putamen. Varicella has been associated with transient chorea and dystonia. Chorea can be an early feature of herpes simplex encephalitis but more frequently signals a relapse. In adults, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection may present with hemichorea-hemiballism or with generalized chorea, usually in the presence of dementia. Most AIDS-related cases are secondary to toxoplasmosis but may also relate to HIV encephalitis, cryptococcal infection, or progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.

Fungal and Parasitic Infections

In HIV-seropositive patients, cerebral toxoplasmosis is the most common cause of dyskinesia. Toxoplasma abscesses in various diencephalic structures have been associated with contralateral limb ballism, choreoathetosis, and dystonia. Treatment of the infection is usually successful, but improvement in the dyskinesia is seen in only approximately 25 percent of instances, suggesting irreversible injury to the basal ganglia. Improvement of the dyskinesia may occur with dopamine-blocking agents or dopamine depleters such as tetrabenazine. Hemichorea and hemiballismus have been reported only rarely in cryptococcal meningitis and may respond to antifungal treatment.

Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Paraneoplastic Disorders

In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), choreoathetosis develops in 1 to 2 percent of patients and may be the presenting feature. Women are affected more commonly than men. The chorea typically occurs before the age of 30 years and tends to manifest during a lupus flare, often accompanied by behavioral disorders. It may be generalized or lateralized and is usually transient, lasting for a few days up to 3 years; recurrence occurs in approximately 25 percent of cases. Rarely, the chorea is permanent. The chorea may be self-limited or respond to corticosteroid or symptomatic treatment. Imaging studies may be abnormal, but the location of lesions does not usually explain the chorea.

Patients with SLE and chorea may possess antiphospholipid antibodies (lupus anticoagulant or anticardiolipin antibody) that predispose to endovascular thrombosis and cerebral infarction. Approximately 30 percent of patients with SLE and these antibodies have thrombotic events. Laboratory studies reveal that whole-blood clotting time is prolonged, and the prothrombin time and the Russell viper venom time may be abnormal. Chorea in several patients with SLE and antiphospholipid antibodies has improved within days on aspirin therapy or warfarin, consistent with a vascular mechanism. Thus, chorea in SLE may result from autoimmune vasculopathy or direct antibody-mediated basal ganglia dysfunction, or both.

The antiphospholipid syndrome may occur in the absence of SLE or other autoimmune conditions, the so-called primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Clinically and pathophysiologically, this condition is indistinguishable from that associated with SLE. In addition to lupus anticoagulant and an IgG anticardiolipin antibody, many patients have a low titer of antinuclear antibody, 30 percent have a false-positive Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test, and some have antithyroid antibodies. Chorea (either lateralized or generalized) has been the most frequently reported movement disorder, occurring in 1 to 4 percent of patients with primary or secondary antiphospholipid syndrome, although tics, dystonia, myoclonus, and corticobasal syndrome may occur. Brain MRI shows lesions of the basal ganglia in 6 to 16 percent of patients; labeled glucose PET imaging has revealed increased uptake contralateral to the hemichorea. For patients with no vascular events, treatment may consist of discontinuation of estrogen or progesterone (if applicable) and immunosuppressant treatment. For patients who have had a vascular event, anticoagulation may reduce the risk of recurrent thrombosis.

Chorea is a rare complication of polyarteritis nodosa and isolated angiitis of the CNS, and athetoid movements have been noted as the initial manifestation of primary Sjögren syndrome. Patients with Behçet syndrome (recurrent oral and genital ulcers, uveitis, and skin lesions) may present with chorea, jaw-opening dystonia, or paroxysmal dystonia. Typically, these patients have had an increased CSF protein concentration and lymphocytosis. They respond to immunosuppression but may require other agents to control abnormal movements. Chorea may also develop in Churg–Strauss syndrome.

Chorea sometimes occurs in Hashimoto encephalopathy. The CSF protein concentration is usually elevated, and some samples have oligoclonal bands or a mononuclear pleocytosis. Characteristically, the electroencephalogram (EEG) shows epileptiform activity, and transient or permanent areas of increased T2 signal are seen on brain MRI, particularly in the frontal and temporal lobes. Patients respond to prednisone, with a slow taper once improvement is stable. Complete remissions can be anticipated, although relapses sometimes occur or a deficit remains. Spontaneous remissions are rare.

Dystonia and tremor or chorea may be part of a movement disorder associated with celiac disease. Abdominal pain, ataxia, diarrhea, and myoclonus may also occur. Diagnosis is supported by demonstration of gliadin antibodies and characteristic findings on small bowel biopsy. The condition may respond to a gluten-free diet.

Chorea and dystonia are rare complications of paraneoplastic syndromes. In a series of 979 patients with paraneoplastic diseases, 9 presented with chorea and 3 had dystonia or dyskinesia. Most had small-cell cancer of the lung, and one each had nonsmall cell lung cancer, renal cancer, and colon cancer. Most of these patients had CV2/collapsing response-mediator protein (CRMP)-5 antibodies, but ANNA-1 (anti-Hu) antibodies were found in four. In many patients, chorea was the initial symptom. CSF was abnormal in some patients. Brain imaging was abnormal in four of the nine patients, with diffuse hyperintensity of the white matter in T2-weighted MRI; two showed basal ganglia hyperintensity. Improvement may occur with cancer treatment or symptomatic medications (dopamine-blocking or -depleting medications or benzodiazepines). Laryngospasm, jaw-opening dystonia, and cervical dystonia have been described in paraneoplastic syndromes associated with antineuronal nuclear antibody type 2 (ANNA-2, also known as anti-Ri antibodies, associated most commonly with breast or lung cancer).

Patients with anti– N -methyl- d -aspartate receptor encephalitis are usually women and many have ovarian cancers; various other cancers have also been reported. Patients commonly present with behavioral changes and seizures, and have dyskinesias (chorea, dystonia) involving the face, trunk, abdomen, and extremities in 80 percent of cases; orobuccolingual dyskinesias are most common. The dyskinesias usually respond to tetrabenazine, deutetrabenazine, or valbenazine.

Metabolic Disorders

The association between thyrotoxicosis and choreoathetosis or dystonic posturing was recognized by Gowers in 1893, particularly in young women, but patients of either sex may be affected. Chorea occurs in about 1 to 2 percent of those with hyperthyroidism and its course usually parallels that of the thyroid disorder. Abnormal movements typically involve the limbs, sometimes unilaterally, and are most conspicuous distally; the neck and face may also be affected. Paroxysmal (rather than more continuous) choreoathetosis may occur in rare instances; paroxysmal and kinesigenic choreoathetosis have also been reported with iatrogenic hyperthyroidism. No cerebral lesions have been noted on MRI or at autopsy. Treatment consists primarily in normalization of thyroid function (antithyroid drugs, radioiodine, or thyroidectomy). Chorea may respond to dopamine receptor blockers or propranolol even before hyperthyroidism has resolved. Altered dopamine turnover or increased dopamine receptor sensitivity may be responsible for the dyskinesia. Since chorea may occur in both hyperthyroidism secondary to Graves disease and iatrogenic thyrotoxicosis, it is hypothesized that the disorder results from a direct effect of thyroxine on the basal ganglia, perhaps by increasing dopamine receptor sensitivity.

Hypocalcemia from idiopathic hypoparathyroidism rarely may cause dystonia or choreoathetosis. The abnormal movements may be the presenting complaint, may be asymmetric, are usually paroxysmal, and rarely are kinesigenic. Patients are usually younger than 30 years, with calcium levels of 4 to 6 mg/dL, elevated serum phosphorus levels (5 to 12 mg/dL), and low serum magnesium. Brain imaging frequently reveals basal ganglia calcification that persists after treatment of hypocalcemia and resolution of chorea or dystonia.

Generalized chorea or hemiballism-hemichorea may occur in nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia . Brain CT may show high-density lesions, and MRI often shows high T1 signal and hypoperfusion in the caudate or putamen contralateral to the side involved clinically. These imaging findings are considered to be a consequence of hyperviscosity and cytotoxic edema, not petechial hemorrhage. The chorea may resolve with correction of hyperglycemia; however, dopamine-depleting or -blocking agents may be useful treatments until the condition resolves. Severe hypoglycemia may be accompanied by either generalized chorea or hemichorea that resolves as blood glucose normalizes.

Dystonia or chorea has rarely been noted in hypernatremic dehydration, hyponatremia, and hypomagnesemia and also after central pontine myelinolysis. In addition, many inherited metabolic disorders or inborn errors of metabolism can cause chorea or dystonia, as is reviewed elsewhere.

Other Causes

Post-traumatic focal and hemidystonia may occur rarely as a long-term consequence of severe head injury or following peripheral injury. Chorea-ballism may also follow head injury, as may functional movement disorders.

Approach to Diagnosis

The evaluation of patients with involuntary movements or postures requires a detailed history, as outlined earlier. Characterization of the movement disorder and its distribution, together with findings such as organomegaly, skin lesions, retinal or optic nerve disease, or neurologic deficits, narrows the differential diagnosis. The relaxed patient must be observed carefully while lying, sitting, standing, and walking to determine whether any abnormality is exacerbated by movement or rest. The patient should perform tasks that are particularly impaired because certain movement disorders are solely task specific.

The age of onset and the pattern of involvement and progression vary with the etiology. Focal or task-specific dystonias, often associated with a dystonic or essential-type tremor, onset in adulthood, a benign history, and no other abnormalities on examination are usually idiopathic. Limb dystonia beginning as action dystonia is usually idiopathic, whereas dystonia beginning at rest is sometimes symptomatic. Dystonia with onset in the legs is usually idiopathic in children but symptomatic in adults. Chorea or dystonia of acute or subacute onset or having a rapidly progressive course is more likely to be symptomatic. Hemidystonia at any age suggests a secondary etiology, and approximately 75 percent of patients have contralateral basal ganglia abnormalities on imaging, a history of hemiparesis, or both. One-third of hemidystonic patients have infarction or hemorrhage of the contralateral basal ganglia, especially the putamen. Generalized dystonia beginning at an early age may be idiopathic or symptomatic, but it is more often symptomatic when onset is in adulthood. Childhood-onset dystonias tend to become generalized, whereas those commencing in adulthood often remain focal or segmental. Similarly, tardive dystonia may be generalized in children, but it usually remains focal or multifocal in adults. Thus, dystonia of sudden onset, rapid progression, onset in infancy, cranial onset in children, lower-extremity onset in adults, or hemidystonia at any age is more likely symptomatic and requires full evaluation.

A large number of factors contribute to decision-making in the evaluation of chorea and dystonia. Brain MRI has a high yield, and basic laboratory studies include a complete blood count and blood electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, and liver and thyroid function tests. Any patient with chorea or dystonia younger than 40 years must be evaluated for Wilson disease. Evaluation for vascular disease, a hypercoagulable state, connective tissue disorders, and antiphospholipid antibodies may be required. Serum antistreptolysin O or antihyaluronidase titers and an electrocardiogram are useful when Sydenham chorea is suspected. Neurodegenerative and hereditary metabolic disorders require a separate battery of studies, which are described elsewhere.


The treatment of secondary dystonia or chorea is difficult. In symptomatic cases, the underlying pathologic process should be treated first, as discussed earlier. General therapeutic measures may provide symptomatic benefit when specific treatments of the underlying lesion have failed to temper the movement disorder satisfactorily. Anticholinergics, dopaminergics, antidopaminergics, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and certain other medications (discussed later) are used, based on patient age, tolerance, co-existing medical illnesses, and interactions with other medications taken concomitantly. All of these medications are disappointingly variable in their efficacy. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of adequate trials demonstrating therapeutic benefit or comparative efficacy because patient numbers are small, common side effects make double-blinding difficult, and nonspecific effects such as sedation can diminish abnormal movements. Moreover, spontaneous remissions, partial or complete, and transient or permanent, may occur unpredictably.

Anticholinergic medication, of which trihexyphenidyl is the best studied, is more effective in mild dystonia and in younger patients. Approximately one-third of patients with secondary dystonia benefit, and up to 50 percent of those with perinatal hypoxic injury improve. The selected agent is started at a low dose, which is increased slowly, depending on response and tolerance. (A particular daily dose may take several weeks to produce maximal benefit.) Side effects can be dose-limiting, particularly with advancing age. Tricyclic antidepressants and diphenhydramine are also sometimes used for their anticholinergic effects.

The useful antidopaminergic medications include dopamine depleters (reserpine, tetrabenazine, deutetrabenazine, valbenazine) or dopamine receptor antagonists. Valbenazine is particularly helpful for tardive dyskinesia.

Dopaminergic supplementation using levodopa is singularly effective in patients with dopamine-responsive dystonia, which may be present in 5 to 10 percent of patients with childhood-onset hereditary dystonia beginning in the legs, with or without diurnal fluctuations. It is less useful in treating symptomatic dystonias. In some instances, levodopa actually worsens symptomatic dystonia, whereas improvement may occur with dopamine agonists or amantadine.

Anticonvulsants have been tried and sometimes help, but usually the results are disappointing. Baclofen, a presynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid agonist, is also frequently tried and occasionally is effective, either orally or intrathecally. Other medications that have been tried alone or in combination, with variable benefit, include benzodiazepines, particularly clonazepam (which helps perhaps one-quarter of patients with secondary dystonia), muscle relaxants, cyproheptadine, and lithium. Adult-onset cranial or focal limb dystonias are best treated with intramuscular botulinum toxin.

Surgical approaches are sometimes warranted. Deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus is effective for primary dystonia, myoclonus dystonia, and tardive dystonia. Selective peripheral denervation is sometimes successful for blepharospasm and cervical dystonia, but is now generally reserved for cases refractory to botulinum toxin. The use of deep brain stimulation for refractory chorea is being explored.


Myoclonus is an acute, brief, involuntary jerk caused by a sudden muscle contraction (positive myoclonus) or relaxation (negative myoclonus). It can be classified by distribution, the location of the generator, or the underlying etiology. It may recur in the same muscle groups (focal or segmental myoclonus) or asynchronously and asymmetrically in different muscle groups (multifocal or generalized myoclonus), and it may occur at rest (spontaneous), on movement (action or intentional myoclonus), or in response to specific stimuli (reflex myoclonus).

Myoclonus occurs in healthy individuals (hiccups, hypnic jerks) or as a movement disorder with an idiopathic (essential), epileptic, or symptomatic etiology. Symptomatic myoclonus is the most common variety and may be due to primary neurologic causes, but it is more commonly seen in a general medical setting, to which this section is devoted. Myoclonus may be generated from spinal, subcortical, or cortical circuits and involves the somatotopically organized dorsal column/lemniscal and corticospinal systems superimposed on the spinoreticular and reticulospinal circuits.

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