Melatonin ( N -Acetyl-5-Methoxytryptamine, Bevitamel, Vitamist, Melatonex)


  • Regulates sleep-wake cycles.

  • Prescribed for jet lag, shift work, depression.

  • Use as antineoplastic, antidelirium, and anticonvulsant is under investigation.

  • Questionable benefit in treating breast cancer and migraines.

  • Categorized as a nutraceutical (unregulated).


  • Not controlled by FDA; therefore quality and potency may vary.

  • May interact with other CNS-acting medications such as hypnotics, sedatives, or psychotropics.

  • Not recommended in children or pregnant/breastfeeding women owing to insufficient data

  • May cause excessive somnolence.

  • Use of animal-source melatonin products is not recommended because of risk of viral contamination or infection.

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