Medical Genetics and Biochemistry in Diagnosis and Management



congenital disorders of glycosylation


capillary electrophoresis–electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry


gas chromatography–mass spectrometry


high-performance liquid chromatography


matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization


medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase


tandem mass spectrometry


maple syrup urine disease


mitochondrial DNA


time of flight

The diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism is a complex process that necessitates a multidisciplinary approach involving the integration of a wide variety of information from a number of sources. In most cases, the medical geneticist is presented with an extraordinarily ill patient who has been evaluated by several other medical specialists. In these cases, the differential diagnostic list is long, and an array of biochemical or molecular genetic panels may be required to identify the offending metabolites and/or absent enzymes producing the symptoms and disease.

Clinical Approach

The evaluation of patients with inborn errors of metabolism begins with obtaining a comprehensive history from parents, caregivers, spouses, or other individuals familiar with the patient. Diagnostic clues may be obtained from prenatal and birth history, history of recurrent illnesses in the past, diet history with dietary preferences, and history of exposure and response to pharmaceutical agents. A family history of prior affected individuals, early deaths, or significant medical events in relatives, including unusual symptoms or signs, are invaluable to the diagnosis of metabolic diseases. The developmental history provides insight into neurologic maturation, which may be affected by the presence or lack of liver-based metabolites; recurrent episodes of hyperammonemia from urea cycle disorders (eg, ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency) or hypoglycemia (medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [MCAD] deficiency) may significantly affect neurologic function. Liver disease in children may manifest with symptoms that are distinct from those in adults and may include refusal to eat, early satiety, avoidance of foods, and onset of vomiting/lethargy with certain foods. Children affected by disorders of protein catabolism (ie, urea cycle defects) may often have a dietary history of avoiding meat, cheese, or milk. Individuals who have hereditary fructose intolerance often avoid sweet beverages or fruits because of nausea or illness induced by liver dysfunction and hypoglycemia.

Physical examination may provide clues through alterations in growth patterns or deviation from normal in weight, length, head circumference, and other parameters. Examination of the abdomen may be difficult in infants and children, and abdominal distention, pain, or tenderness may be the only available results. Neurologic findings such as acute or chronic hypotonia, hyperreflexia or hyporeflexia, muscle atrophy, and altered mental status may provide support to diagnostic considerations.

Integration of patient history with clinical signs and symptoms often helps the examiner decide what tests need to be carried out; the emphasis always remains on using noninvasive methods before turning to major tissue sampling. Some of the common findings for well-known inborn errors of metabolism are shown in Table 6.1 . Unusual inborn errors that are not associated with acute illness may often signal their presence through multiple subtle signs and may have a wide range of clinical manifestations. As an example, congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a group of disorders of abnormal glycosylation of N-linked oligosaccharide-containing proteins caused by a deficiency in 1 of at least 42 different enzymes. Manifestations may appear in infancy and may range from severe developmental delay and hypotonia with multiple organ system involvement to hypoglycemia and protein-losing enteropathy with normal development. The clinical course is also highly variable, ranging from death in infancy to normal life expectancy with minimal functional compromise. Patients affected by mitochondrial or other neuromuscular disorders may manifest histories similar to those with CDG and even show similar results on standard screening tests, in the face of completely different underlying pathophysiologic processes. The means of differentiating CDG from mitochondrial/neuromuscular disease lies within the realm of biochemical and/or molecular genetic testing.

Table 6.1
Diagnostic Clinical, Biochemical, and Molecular Findings in Metabolic Liver Diseases
Disorders Signs or Symptoms Tissues for Diagnostic Testing Biochemical/Molecular Testing
Amino Acids
Phenylketonuria Mental retardation, autistic features Plasma, blood, urine Blood phenylalanine, PAH sequence
Tyrosinemia I Jaundice, liver failure, hypoglycemia Plasma, urine, liver Blood tyrosine, urine succinylacetone, FAH sequence
Lysinuric protein intolerance Lethargy, diarrhea, ↑ ammonia, mental retardation Plasma, blood, urine ↑ Urine lysine, arginine, and ornithine, SLC7A7
Maple syrup urine disease Ketoacidosis, lethargy, hypoglycemia Plasma, urine, fibroblasts ↑ Blood leucine, valine, isoleucine, BCKD activity
Type 1A Plasma, blood, fibroblasts BCKDHA
Type 1B Blood BCKDHB
Type 2 Blood BCKDH-DBT
Congenital disorders of glycosylation Hypotonia, developmental delay, multiple organ involvement, hypoglycemia, protein-losing enteropathy Blood Isoelectric focusing, N-glycan profile gene sequencing PMM2 , MPI , ALG1-3 , - 6 , - 8 , - 9 , - 12 plus others
Fatty Acid Oxidation
MCAD deficiency Episodic lethargy, hypoglycemia, increased LFTs, ammonia Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, common mutation analysis, ACADM sequence
VLCAD deficiency Episodic lethargy, hypoglycemia, muscle pain; increased CK, LFTs, and ammonia Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, common mutation analysis, ACADVL sequence
LCHAD deficiency Episodic lethargy, hypoglycemia, muscle pain; increased CK, LFTs, and ammonia Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, common mutation analysis, HADHA , HADHB sequence
Glutaric aciduria type I Macrocephaly, recurrent acidosis, dystonia Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, common mutation analysis, GCDH sequence
Glutaric aciduria type II Episodic lethargy, muscle pain; increased CK and LFTs Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, ETFA , ETFB , ETFDH sequence
Carnitine translocase and defects Episodic lethargy, hypoglycemia, muscle pain; increased CK, LFTs, and ammonia Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, gene sequencing
Other enzyme defects Muscle pain; increased CK Plasma, blood, fibroblasts Acyl carnitine profile, enzyme assays, gene sequencing
Glycogen Storage
Type Ia Hepatomegaly, ↑ lactate, ↓ glucose, ↑ uric acid Liver, WBCs Glucose-6-phosphatase/ G6PC sequence
Type Ib Hepatomegaly, acidosis, ↓ glucose, ↓ neutrophils Liver, WBCs Glucose-6-phosphate transporter/ SLC37A4 sequence
Type II Cardiomyopathy, myopathy, ↑ CK Muscle, blood, fibroblasts Acid alpha-1,4-glucosidase; GAA sequence
Type III Hepatomegaly, muscle weakness, ↓ glucose Liver, muscle, blood Glycogen debranching enzyme, AGL sequence
Type IV Hepatomegaly, cardiomyopathy, myopathy Liver, muscle, blood Glycogen brancher, GBE1 sequence
Type VI Hepatomegaly, slow growth, ketotic hypoglycemia Liver, WBCs Hepatic phosphorylase/ PYGL sequence
Type IX Hepatomegaly, hyperlipidemia RBCs, liver Phosphorylase kinase PHKA2 (x-linked), PHKB, PHKG2 (recessive) sequence
Fructose aldolase deficiency Hepatomegaly, recurrent hypoglycemia, acidosis Liver, WBCs Enzyme assay on liver, ALDOB sequence
Fructose 1,6-diphosphatase deficiency Hepatomegaly, recurrent hypoglycemia, acidosis Liver, WBCs Enzyme assay on liver, FBP1 sequence
Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency Severe acidosis, hypoglycemia, coma Liver, WBCs, fibroblasts Enzyme assay on fibroblasts, liver, PC sequence
Lysosomal Storage Disorders
MPS disorders (Hurler, Hunter, Sanfilippo A,B,C, Morquio, Maroteaux-Lamy) Hepatosplenomegaly, dysmorphic features WBCs, fibroblasts Enzyme assay on WBCs, fibroblasts, IUDA , IDS, NAGLU , SGSH , HGSNAT , GLNAS , GLB1 , ARSB sequence
Gaucher disease Hepatosplenomegaly, aseptic necrosis of femoral head WBCs, fibroblasts Enzyme assay on WBCs, fibroblasts, GBA sequence
Fabry disease Renal tubular disease, heart disease WBCs, fibroblasts Enzyme assay on WBCs, fibroblasts, GLA sequence
Mitochondrial disease Multiple system involvement, myopathy, obstructive sleep apnea, dystonia, hypotonia, autistic behavior, hypoglycemia, increased liver enzymes WBCs, liver, muscle, fibroblasts, DNA mutation analysis Oxidative phosphorylation assays, mtDNA, sequence and structure analysis, nuclear gene sequence
Organic Acidurias
Methylmalonic aciduria and B12 related syntheses disorders Acidosis, hyperammonemia, coma Urine, plasma, WBCs, fibroblasts Organic acids, acyl carnitine profile, fibroblast complementation analysis, mutation sequence, MUT , cblA–cblG
Propionic aciduria Acidosis, hyperammonemia, coma Fibroblasts Organic acids, acyl carnitine profile, fibroblast complementation analysis, mutation sequence, PCCA , PCCB
Peroxisomal Disorders
Zellweger spectrum Dysmorphic features, hypotonia, hepatomegaly Plasma, WBCs, fibroblasts Very long chain fatty acids, PEX genes sequence
X-linked adrenal leukodystrophy Developmental regression, leukodystrophy Plasma, WBCs, fibroblasts Very long chain fatty acids, ABCD1 sequence
Urea Cycle Disorders
Carbamoyl phosphate synthase deficiency Hyperammonemia, coma, lethargy Plasma, liver, WBCs Amino acids, enzyme assays, CPS1 sequence
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency Hyperammonemia, coma, lethargy Plasma, liver, WBCs Urine orotic acid, amino acids, OTC sequence, enzyme assays
Citrullinemia, ASS deficiency Hyperammonemia, coma, lethargy Plasma, liver, WBCs Amino acids, enzyme assays, ASS sequence
Citrullinemia type II (citrin deficiency) Hyperammonemia, coma, lethargy Plasma, WBCs Amino acids, SLC25A13 sequence
Argininosuccinic acid lyase deficiency Hyperammonemia, coma, lethargy, developmental delay Plasma, RBCs, WBCs Amino acids, RBC enzyme assay, ASL sequence
ASL , Argininosuccinate lyase; ASS , argininosuccinate synthetase; BCKDHA , branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase A (E1a subunit gene); BCKDHB , branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase B (E1b subunit gene); BCKDH-DBT , branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase (E2 subunit gene); CK, creatine kinase; CPS , carbamoyl phosphate synthetase; FAH , fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase; LCHAD, long chain 3-hydroxyacyl–CoA dehydrogenase; LFT, liver function test; MCAD, medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; MPS, mucopolysaccharide; MUT, methylmalonyl CoA mutase; OTC, ornithine transcarbamylase; PAH , phenylalanine hydroxylase; PCC , propionyl-CoA carboxylase; PC , pyruvate carboxylase; RBCs, red blood cells; SLC7A7 , solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter); VLCAD , very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; WBCs, white blood cells.

White blood cells for DNA/mutation analysis only.

Approach to Biochemical and Genetic Investigation

The investigation of acutely ill patients with potential inborn errors is greatly facilitated by determining the most proximal cause of symptoms (eg, acidosis, hyperammonemia, hypoglycemia). A simplified diagnostic algorithm with this approach is shown in Fig. 6.1 . Such biochemical clues may not be present in a chronically ill patient with episodic illness, and diagnostic hints have to be obtained by screening tests. Because of the multitude of disorders with similar symptoms, it is often necessary to evaluate for a long list of diseases, proceeding from the more common to the exceedingly rare. The use of screening panels for metabolites, beyond those of standard chemistry testing, is often necessary. Some of the commonly used testing panels are shown in Table 6.2 . Although positive results may be obtained in asymptomatic patients, sampling may have to be carried out on multiple occasions, especially when the patient is symptomatic. The timing of the sampling may be critical because some metabolites such as organic acids and amino acids may be influenced by recent diet and oral intake or by infusion of fluids. Analysis of the metabolites may take several days to weeks, depending on the reference laboratory. At times, treatment for a suspected disorder may need to be initiated before laboratory results become available.

Figure 6.1, Algorithm showing the diagnoses often associated with coma, recurrent emesis, and lethargy. CNS, Central nervous system; GSD, glycogen storage disorder; MSUD, maple syrup urine disease.

Table 6.2
Tests, Methods and Required Biologic Samples for Metabolic Liver Disorders
Disorder Group Testing Method Source
Amino acid disorders Amino acid analysis HPLC, ion exchange Plasma, CSF, urine
Selected enzyme analysis Enzyme assays Fibroblasts, tissues, WBCs, RBCs
Common gene mutations Mutation analysis Fibroblasts, tissues, WBCs
Gene sequencing DNA sequencing Fibroblasts, tissues, WBCs
Fatty acid oxidation disorders Acylcarnitine profile MS/MS Plasma, CSF, fibroblasts, WBCs
Selected enzyme analysis Enzyme assays Frozen liver or muscles, fibroblasts, WBCs
Common gene mutations Mutation analysis WBCs, fibroblasts
Gene sequencing DNA sequencing WBCs, fibroblasts
Glycogen storage disorders Liver glycogen content and enzyme analysis Chemical/enzyme assays Fresh or frozen liver
Muscle glycogen content and enzyme analysis Chemical/enzyme assays Fresh or frozen muscle
Common gene mutations Mutation analysis WBCs, liver, muscle
Gene sequencing DNA sequencing WBCs, liver, muscle
Lysosomal storage disorders, MPS Selected enzyme analysis (guided by phenotype/metabolites) Enzyme assays with artificial substrates Plasma, serum, WBCs, fibroblasts, frozen tissue, filter paper blood spot
Common gene mutations Mutation analysis WBCs, liver
Gene sequencing DNA sequencing WBCs, liver
Lysosomal storage disorders, non-MPS Selected enzyme testing Enzyme assays Plasma, serum, WBCs, fibroblasts
Nonenzymatic testing for metabolites (Niemann-Pick C, Wolman disease) Liver extract chromatography, radioactive substrate incorporation Frozen liver or fibroblasts
Common gene mutations Mutation analysis WBCs, liver
Gene sequencing DNA sequencing WBCs, liver
Mitochondrial disorders OXPHOS complexes I-IV enzymology Enzyme complex assays, II–IV for fibroblasts only Fresh/frozen muscle, liver, heart, fibroblasts
mtDNA analysis Southern blot analysis WBCs, fibroblasts, liver, muscle
Common mtDNA mutational analysis Mutation analysis WBCs, fibroblasts, liver, muscle
mtDNA sequencing for protein, tRNA and ribosomal RNA gene analysis DNA sequencing WBCs, fibroblasts, liver, muscle
mtDNA encoded peptides Western blotting Fibroblasts, liver, muscle
High-resolution respirometry testing: respiratory control ratio, leak flux control ratio, phosphorylation potential Oxygraph studies Fibroblasts
Peroxisomal disorders Very long chain fatty acid analysis GC/MS, LC/MS, MS/MS Plasma, WBCs
RBC plasmalogen analysis RBCs, fibroblasts
Complementation analysis Cell culture, cell fusion Fibroblasts
Selected enzyme testing Enzyme assays WBCs, fibroblasts
Selected gene mutation analysis Mutation analysis WBCs, fibroblasts
Gene sequencing DNA sequencing WBCs, fibroblasts
Glycosylation of protein disorders Carbohydrate deficient transferrin Isoelectric focusing/isoform analysis by capillary electrophoresis, GC/MS, CE-ESI-MS, MALDI-MS Serum, WBCs, tissue
Gene sequencing Subtype determination by sequence analysis
CE-ESI-MS, Capillary electrophoresis–electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; GC-MS, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; LC/MS, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry; MALDI, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization; MPS, mucopolysaccharide; MS, mass spectrometry; MS/MS, tandem mass spectrometry; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA; RBCs, red blood cells; tRNA, transfer RNA; WBCs, white blood cells.

Once a critical metabolite or group of compounds has been identified, specific investigations can be undertaken to define the underlying biochemical and/or genetic error precisely; these investigations may require obtaining tissue for microscopic evaluation as well as biochemical and/or genetic testing. Tissue sampling may also be required if an abnormal metabolite is not detected by the initial screening panels. It is at this point that the surgical pathologist becomes an important part of the investigating team. Because a large number of disorders involve the liver, liver biopsies are often sought for diagnosis of metabolic diseases.

Collection, Storage, and Shipping of Specimens

The diagnosis of metabolic disorders often involves the use of sophisticated methodologies, which may be offered only in specialized referral laboratories; thus, the collection, preparation, storage, and shipping of body fluids and tissue samples is a critical step in the care of patients suspected to have inborn errors of metabolism. Biologic material for biochemical and genetic analysis requires more stringent procedures for procurement, handling, and transportation to the testing facility to prevent degradation of the often labile and sometimes unstable metabolites and enzymes. Table 6.3 lists the optimal methods for collection, storage, and shipping of the most commonly procured biologic specimens.

Table 6.3
Methods of Collection, Storage, and Transportation of Biologic Specimens
Test Diseases Collection and Preparation Storage and Transportation
Blood, plasma Acylcarnitine profile Fatty acid oxidation disorders, organic acidurias
  • Collect whole blood in heparinized tube

  • Keep cold on ice and separate plasma from cells

  • Blood spot on filter paper

  • Store plasma at −20°C or −70°C

  • Ship on dry ice

  • Send filter paper in mail at room temperature

Quantitative amino acids Amino acid disorders
  • Collect whole blood in heparinized tube

  • Keep cold on ice and separate plasma from cells

  • Blood spot on filter paper

  • Store plasma at −20°C or −70°C

  • Ship on dry ice

  • Send filter paper in mail at room temperature

Very long chain fatty acids Peroxisomal disorders
  • Collect whole blood in EDTA or heparinized tube

  • Keep cold on ice and separate plasma from cells

  • Store at −20°C or −70°C

  • Ship on dry ice

White blood cells Lysosomal hydrolase testing Lysosomal storage diseases
  • Collect whole blood in heparinized tube

  • Ship overnight at room temperature

Gluconeogenic enzymes Pyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • Collect whole blood in EDTA or heparinized tubes

  • Ship overnight at room temperature

Selected fatty acid oxidation disorders CPT 2 deficiency
  • Collect whole blood in EDTA or heparinized tubes

  • Ship overnight at room temperature

Nuclear and mtDNA testing including mutation analysis, gene sequencing, Southern blotting Various genes for different disorders in amino or organic acid metabolism, mitochondrial disorders
  • Collect whole blood in EDTA tube

  • Ship overnight at room temperature

Red blood cells Galactose-related enzymes Galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency and related disorders
  • Collect whole blood in EDTA tube

  • Ship overnight at room temperature

Plasmalogens Peroxisomal disorders
  • Collect whole blood in EDTA and wash cells

  • Freeze and ship on dry ice

Skin fibroblasts Enzyme testing for selected disorders, acylcarnitine profile, mitochondrial respirometry, mutational analysis, gene analysis Lysosomal or glycogen storage disorders, gluconeogenic disorders, fatty acid oxidation enzymes and acylcarnitine profile, mitochondrial disease
  • Obtain biopsy under sterile conditions

  • Ship 1–2 T-25 flasks at room temperature in medium desired by receiving laboratory

Tissue biopsies from liver, muscle, kidney, heart Enzyme testing for selected lysosomal or glycogen storage disorders, mitochondrial OXPHOS complex analysis, mutational analysis, gene or sequencing Lysosomal or glycogen storage disorders, gluconeogenic disorders, fatty acid oxidation enzymes, mitochondrial disorders
  • Use 5–100 mg of fresh tissue, not in preservative

  • Collect as a fresh sample and freeze immediately on dry ice or in liquid nitrogen

  • Freeze at −70°C

  • Ship on dry ice

Urine Amino acids, organic acids, MPS and other spot testing and chromatography Organic acid disorders, amino acid disorders, MPS disorders
  • Collect as fresh sample, without preservatives

  • Freeze at −20°C

  • Transport on wet ice and ship on dry ice

Spinal fluid Amino acids, organic acids, lactate, neurotransmitters Amino acid disorders, organic acid disorders, lactate-related disorders, mitochondrial disorders, defects in synthesis of neurotransmitters
  • Collect samples, keep frozen at −20°C until analysis or at 4°C for short time

  • Freeze at −20°C for short time, –70°C for prolonged periods

  • Ship on dry ice

CPT 2, Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2; EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid; MPS, mucopolysaccharide; OXPHOS; oxidative phosphorylation.

Some laboratories may require preshipment testing for infectious organisms (eg, Mycoplasma ).

Fresh tissue obtained at surgery is best. Autopsy tissue is best collected within 1 to 2 hours of death but may still not be intact for DNA or enzyme testing. Immunoblot or histologic testing may use autopsy material.

The most common specimens used for biochemical and genetic analysis include whole blood, plasma, red or white blood cells, urine, spinal fluid, and tissue biopsy samples of the skin or other organs such as the kidney, liver, heart or muscle. In the past, tissue biopsies were usually obtained to confirm the diagnosis suspected from initial screening panels. With the advent of lower cost and rapid DNA sequencing technology offering single or multiple gene testing, tissue biopsies can often be avoided unless gene testing results are not positive. In the case of potentially affected females with X-linked or mitochondrially inherited disorders, DNA testing results may not be positive, and enzymatic diagnosis may be needed for confirmation. In the setting of mitochondrial or neuromuscular disorders, confirmation of altered protein expression needed to initiate therapy or conclude the process of evaluation may not yield definitive results and genetic testing may be the only diagnostic modality. In other cases, initial indirect testing may have failed to detect or identify an abnormal metabolite, and tissue from a symptomatic organ, such as the liver, may be needed for further testing. Diagnostic information may be derived not only from histologic findings but also from electron microscopy, enzyme assays, nucleic acid analysis, immune blots, metabolite testing, or even transient cell culture. Depending on the needs of the assay, the samples may have to be obtained by interventionally trained physicians such as surgeons, radiologists, or gastroenterologists. Pathologists may participate in tissue procurement at autopsy, which in cases of suspected metabolic disorders, should be conducted expediently to prevent autolysis and preserve metabolites of interest.

Tissue samples for diagnostic investigations may often be obtained at the same time as feeding tubes are placed in severely ill patients. Unfortunately, infants and small children with muscle disease or poor growth often have small muscle mass, which makes it difficult to obtain sufficient material for adequate enzyme or nucleic acid analysis. Tissue sampling under these circumstances may have to be directed to other sites, including the liver or skin (to obtain cells for culture), to obtain sufficient material for diagnostic testing.

Sample preparation in the operating room may be necessary before storage and/or freezing. Common sample preparation may include washing in defined media such as saline or other solutions to remove blood and other materials followed by blotting to remove moisture. Specimens destined for long-term storage or shipping to a distant facility are frozen in specific agents such as dry ice, liquid nitrogen, or other supercooled organic solvents because simple freezing at −20°C is often insufficient for long-distance travel or prolonged storage. Samples may need to be placed in specific containers that are resistant to fracture and contamination.

Skin biopsies are often obtained at the time of procurement of other tissues for alternate types of testing as well as for storage. Skin fibroblasts may be extracted from 2- to 5-mm skin punch biopsies obtained by sterile techniques from various body sites. Cultures of skin fibroblasts are usually available within 2 to 3 weeks of procurement and may be used for enzyme, DNA/RNA, or immune protein analysis. It should be remembered that not all biochemical pathways are sufficiently expressed in skin fibroblasts to give meaningful results in all assays. Although skin fibroblasts may provide clues to disorders resulting from abnormalities in nuclear DNA, they may not be helpful for disorders resulting from abnormalities of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The reason is that differential assortment of mtDNA during early embryonic development precludes even transfer of pathogenic mutations to all tissues of the body. Hence, inherited disorders of mtDNA are not necessarily manifested in all tissues, and detectable abnormalities may be found only in those tissues manifesting the metabolic defect(s).

Methodologies Involved in Biochemical and Genetic Testing

The technology used for investigation of metabolic diseases ranges from time-honored methods such as Southern blotting, polymerase chain reaction, and chromatography to the extremely sophisticated state-of-the art technique of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).

The mass spectrometer is a device that ionizes compounds to generate charged ions that are separated and quantified based on their mass-to-charge ratios. The fragmentation pattern displayed is compared with patterns of known compounds in a “library” that helps identify and quantify abnormal compounds. Although all mass spectrometers follow this basic principle, they may differ from each other in the method used for ionization of the analyte and the method used for separation of the ions. Electrospray ionization and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) are commonly used for laboratory analysis of biologic compounds because they are “softer” on macromolecules; the former method causes ionization by dispersing the analyte into a fine aerosol, whereas the latter uses a laser beam to create ionization. MALDI received its name because a matrix is used to protect the molecule from being destroyed by the laser.

The two commonly used methods for separation of ions are time of flight (TOF) and quadrupole analyzers. TOF analyzers use an electric field to accelerate ions through the same potential and measure the time taken by the ions to reach the detector. Quadrupole analyzers use oscillating electric fields to alter the paths of ions passing through a radiofrequency quadrupole field.

Tandem Mass Spectrometry

The modern MS/MS received its name because it consists of two tandem mass spectrometers that can perform two rounds of mass spectrometry; these are usually separated by some form of molecule fragmentation. The two tandem mass spectrometers consist of two quadrupole analyzers separated by a reaction chamber or collision cell, which is often another quadrupole. The mixture to be analyzed is subjected to a soft ionization procedure (eg, fast atom bombardment or electrospray) to create quasimolecular ions that are injected into the first quadrupole, which separates the parent ions. These ions then pass in order of mass-to-charge ratio into the reaction chamber, where they are fragmented by a second technique, and the mass-to-charge ratios of the fragments are then analyzed in the second quadrupole. The entire process, from ionization and sample injection to computer data acquisition, takes only seconds. The computer data can be analyzed in several ways. One can use a parent ion mode to obtain an array of all parent ions that fragment to produce a particular daughter ion or a neutral loss mode to obtain an array of all parent ions that lose a common neutral fragment.

MS/MS was introduced for laboratory analysis in the late 1990s for acylcarnitine analysis. This methodology led to improved diagnostic testing for disorders of fatty acid oxidation, whose characteristic metabolites were hitherto difficult to detect. MCAD deficiency and other fatty acid oxidation defects, as well as glutaric acidemia type I, are relatively common but difficult to detect before the onset of symptoms. MS/MS has made it possible to substantially improve the care of patients with these disorders by facilitating early diagnosis and therefore early treatment. With appropriate internal standards, MS/MS permits very rapid, sensitive, and accurate measurement of many different types of metabolites with minimal sample preparation and without prior chromatographic separation. Because many amino acidemias, organic acidemias, and disorders of fatty acid oxidation can be detected in 1 to 2 minutes, the system has adequate throughput to handle the large number of samples that are processed in newborn screening programs. The advent of the MS/MS has permitted significant expansion of the newborn screening menu to include a number of disorders that were not covered by the initial screening protocols.

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