Measurement of Platelet Count, Mean Platelet Volume, and Reticulated Platelets

Numerical platelet determination is a critical step in assessing bleeding and thrombosis risk. Additionally, platelet count serves as a biomarker for a number of pathologic states. Modern automated hematology analyzers produce fast, accurate, and precise platelet determination under most circumstances. Accuracy of automated platelet counts may be compromised by platelet clumping, platelets of unusual size, small red blood cells (RBC), or cell fragments. Depending on methodology, size and/or light scatter properties are commonly used. Very low platelet counts can also pose a challenge due to problems in distinguishing small platelets from background noise. Manual platelet counts can alleviate some of the problems inherent in the automated counts but may be imprecise and labor-intensive. The current gold standard method is based on a combination of light-scatter gating and staining with antibodies directed against platelet-specific antigens.

Platelets are central to proper hemostatic function. They participate both in primary hemostasis through formation of the temporary plug after injury and in secondary hemostasis by providing the phospholipid surface needed for clot formation and secreting factors that promote the clotting cascade.

Platelets, at 2–3 μm in diameter, are the smallest cellular elements in the plasma. They are produced in the bone marrow through fragmentation of megakaryocyte cytoplasmic projections that invade marrow vascular spaces. Under normal steady-state conditions, roughly 100–200 billion platelets are produced and destroyed per day. Platelet life span is 5–10 days under normal circumstances.

Newly produced platelets are larger in size and contain residual messenger RNA. They are considered to be the platelet analogue of red cell reticulocytes and are termed “reticulated” platelets. Because mRNA degrades within 24 hours in vivo, reticulated platelet counts are a good measure of megakaryocyte synthetic activity.

Increased average platelet size is also a sign of increased platelet turnover and activity and is associated with inflammation. It has also been linked with elevated risk of arterial thrombotic events. Decreased platelet volume may be seen in some congenital platelet disorders and depressed platelet production states. The platelet volume can be captured in the mean platelet volume (MPV) parameter.

Like most hemostatic factors in circulation, platelets are present in excess of what is minimally required to maintain hemostasis under normal circumstances. A healthy adult has roughly 150–450 thousand platelets per microliter of blood. In addition to the platelets present in circulation, the spleen holds approximately one-third of the total number of platelets in the body. Numerous pathologic conditions can reduce platelet numbers in the blood. However, reduction in circulating platelets does not always result in a substantially increased risk of hemorrhage. Recent studies have shown that as few as 5000/μL platelets are adequate to maintain vascular integrity in the absence of significant hemostatic stress. Under minimal stress, such as a minor surgical procedure, 30–50,000/μL platelets appear sufficient. 100,000/μL platelets are desirable for major surgery.

On the other end of the spectrum, increased platelet counts may contribute to the pathogenesis of some hematologic disorders. Abnormally high platelet counts in myeloproliferative disorders correlate with a risk of thrombosis and may signal a more aggressive course of the disease. Moreover, abnormally elevated platelet counts may reduce concentration of functional von Willebrand factor through clearance, leading to acquired von Willebrand disease. This can paradoxically elevate the risk of hemorrhage.

As studies show the transfusion threshold should be as low as 10,000/μL platelets for most thrombocytopenic patients, it is imperative for laboratories to achieve adequate precision at these low platelet counts. This requirement still poses challenges in routine practice.

Methodology Overview

Manual Platelet Counts

Platelet counting poses unique challenges for automated analyzers because of their small size. Despite tremendous progress in instrumentation over the last 50 or so years, manual platelet determination is still employed to verify questionable platelet counts in many laboratories. The determination is done by placing a small volume of diluted whole blood that was treated with a red cell lysing reagent, such as ammonium oxalate, in a counting chamber (hemocytometer) and counting platelets using phase-contrast light microscopy. The count is then adjusted by the dilution factor. The method is reasonably accurate and does not suffer from most of the interferences that are relatively common in the instrument counts. As a tool for instrument calibration, calibration verification, or routine platelet determination, this method is not ideal. It suffers from substantial imprecision because of interobserver variation and the relatively small number of events counted.

Platelet count can also be estimated from microscopic examination of Wright–Giemsa or similar stained peripheral blood smear under high magnification. At least 10 representative fields should be counted with the average platelet number, and these are then multiplied by a “field factor” to account for the size of the microscopic field of the particular microscope. An alternative, more laborious, method uses a ratio of platelets to RBC in several high power fields with the platelet count (10,000/μL) being the number of platelets per 1000 RBC multiplied by the automated RBC count. Both of the methods tend to produce results that are within 20% of the automated platelet count when used properly.

Immunoreactive Platelet Count

Flow-cytometric determination based on light scatter and staining for platelet-specific glycoproteins CD41 and CD61 using fluorescently tagged antibodies is currently suggested as a gold standard method. This new gold standard method utilizes the platelet to RBC ratio to produce an accurate platelet count. The procedure can be performed on a flow cytometer but currently is not yet fully available on dedicated hematology analyzers. At this time, only one routine hematology analyzer (Cell-Dyn Sapphire, Abbott Diagnostics, Santa Clara, California, US) has the capability to perform platelet counts based on antibody staining, but employs only one antibody (CD61), and is thus not fully compliant with the reference method. This methodology does appear to have best agreement with the CD61/CD41 staining method for low platelet counts.

Coulter Impedance Method

The first automated instruments to achieve reasonably accurate platelet estimates were based on the Wallace Coulter method of orifice impedance. The method is based on increased impedance of conductive solution when a nonconducting object is introduced into a conductive stream of fixed cross-sectional area. The increase in impedance is proportional to the volume of the object, as it is the same as the volume of conducting fluid it displaces. Using this principle, nonconducting particles—including RBCs and platelets—can be separated based on their volume. As a platelet volume (roughly 10 femtoliters [fL]) is substantially lower than that of a RBC (roughly 90 fL) and that of a white blood cell, impedance counting works well under most circumstances.

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