


  • Lymphoreticular neoplasms with myriad of specific diseases and cellular differentiation


  • Multiple types with variable imaging manifestations

  • Epidural lymphoma: Thoracic > lumbar > cervical

    • Enhancing epidural mass ± vertebral involvement

  • Osseous lymphoma: Long bones > spine

    • Bone destruction (“ivory” vertebra, rare), vertebra plana

  • Lymphomatous leptomeningitis

    • Smooth/nodular pial enhancement

  • Intramedullary lymphoma: Cervical > thoracic > lumbar

    • Poorly defined, enhancing mass

  • Secondary > primary involvement

  • Extradural > intradural > intramedullary

  • FDG PET useful for staging, monitoring treatment response, predicting treatment outcomes, and risk stratifying lymphoma patients


  • Lymphoma is most common malignancy of epidural space

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) > > Hodgkin disease; 80-90% are B cell

    • CNS lymphoma > 85% NHL (B cell > > > T cell)

  • CNS lymphoma may be primary or secondary (hematogenous or direct geographic extension)

Clinical Issues

  • Most common presenting symptom = back pain

  • Intramedullary = myelopathy (weakness, numbness)

  • Cord compression occurs in up to 5-10% of systemic lymphomas

  • Generally poor prognosis for CNS lymphoma

  • Markedly sensitive to chemotherapy/XRT

  • Depressed humoral and cell-mediated immunity leads to opportunistic infections

Sagittal T2WI MR demonstrates a discrete hypointense mass in the posterior epidural space with a cap of epidural fat
. The spinal cord is displaced anteriorly
. Biopsy disclosed B-cell lymphoma.

Sagittal T2WI MR (L) shows amorphous hypointense tumor mass insinuating along the cauda equina
. Sagittal T1WI C+ MR (R) reveals enhancing lymphoma within the leptomeninges surrounding the distal conus and involving the nerve roots diffusely

Coronal PET (L) shows FDG uptake in the left cervical lymph node mass
that was clinically evident. PET/CT fused image (R) shows abnormal activity at T11
. This is an example of osseous metastases from cervical Hodgkin lymphoma primary tumor.

Sagittal CT (L) demonstrates a pathologic compression fracture of a midthoracic vertebral body
. Sagittal T1WI C+ MR (R) confirms abnormal marrow enhancement
and a ventral paraspinal mass



  • Lymphoreticular neoplasms with a myriad of specific diseases and cellular differentiation


General Features

  • Location

    • Multiple types with variable imaging manifestations

      • Epidural lymphoma: Thoracic > lumbar > cervical

        • Epidural extension from adjacent vertebral/paraspinous disease

      • Osseous lymphoma: Long bones > spine

      • Lymphomatous leptomeningitis

      • Intramedullary lymphoma: Cervical > thoracic > lumbar

    • Secondary > primary involvement

      • 30% of systemic lymphomas have skeletal involvement

      • Primary osseous lymphoma = 3-4% of all malignant bone tumors

    • Extradural > intradural > intramedullary

  • Best imaging clues

    • Epidural: Enhancing epidural mass ± vertebral involvement

    • Osseous: Bone destruction (“ivory” vertebra rare)

    • Leptomeningitic: Smooth/nodular pial enhancement

    • Intramedullary: Poorly defined enhancing mass

    • Angiotropic lymphoma (AL): Early signal intensity abnormalities

Radiographic Findings

  • Radiography

    • Epidural: May see bony erosion

    • Osseous

      • Bone destruction (30-40%)

      • Rare “ivory” vertebral body, vertebra plana

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