
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common bacterial infections, affecting 150 million people each year worldwide. Annually, UTIs result in 10.5 million office visits (constituting 0.9% of all ambulatory visits) and 2 to 3 million emergency department visits in the United States alone. Within the United States, societal costs, including health care costs and time missed from work, are approximately $3.5 billion per year. It is estimated that up to one out of every three women has had at least one episode of UTI requiring antimicrobial therapy by 24 years of age, with the lifetime risk being greater than 50%. The prevalence of UTIs among women is thought to increase even further with age, with 10% of women over 65 years and 30% of women older than 85 years reporting UTI within the prior 12 months. Clinicians managing urogynecologic patients need to be well-versed not only in management of acute UTIs, but also of recurrent UTIs (rUTIs) and asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) because of high incidence in this population (i.e., postmenopausal women and patients undergoing procedures that require instrumentation of the genitourinary tract).

By definition, UTIs include cystitis (infection of the bladder/lower urinary tract) and pyelonephritis (infection of the kidney/upper urinary tract) ( Table 36.1 ). UTI is diagnosed based on the presence of a pathogen in the urinary tract and associated symptoms. Uncomplicated UTIs typically affect individuals who are otherwise healthy and have no structural or neurological urinary tract abnormalities; these infections are differentiated into lower tract UTIs (cystitis) and upper tract UTIs (pyelonephritis). In contrast, a complicated UTI refers to cystitis or pyelonephritis in a patient with a variety of factors including urologic abnormalities (such as nephrolithiasis, strictures, stents, or urinary diversions), immunocompromising conditions (such as neutropenia or advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection), or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Certain populations, such as pregnant women and renal transplant recipients, also have unique management considerations. There are multiple definitions for rUTI, but the most common is at least two episodes of culture-positive, symptomatic UTIs within 6 months, or at least three in 1 year. Finally, ASB is the presence of one or more species of bacteria growing in the urine at specified quantitative counts (≥10 5 colony-forming units [CFU]/mL), irrespective of the presence of pyuria, in the absence of signs or symptoms attributable to UTI.

TABLE 36.1
Urinary Tract Infection Terminology
Diagnosis Definition
Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection Infection of the lower and/or upper genitourinary tract that is diagnosed based on the presence of a urinary tract pathogen and its associated symptoms in an otherwise healthy individual without structural or neurological urinary tract abnormalities
Cystitis Infection of the bladder/lower urinary tract
Pyelonephritis Infection of the kidney/upper urinary tract
Complicated urinary tract infection Cystitis or pyelonephritis in a patient with urologic abnormalities, immunocompromising conditions, or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
Recurrent urinary tract infection At least two episodes of culture-positive, symptomatic UTI in 6 months, or three or more in 1 year
Asymptomatic bacteriuria The presence of bacterial growth on urine culture at ≥10 5 colony-forming units/mL in the absence of signs or symptoms attributable to UTI
Urosepsis Systemic response to uropathogen leading to organ dysfunction
UTI, Urinary tract infection.

Acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection


Uncomplicated UTIs are differentiated into lower UTIs (cystitis) and upper UTIs (pyelonephritis) ( Table 36.1 ). In this chapter we will discuss the diagnosis and management of lower UTIs (i.e., cystitis). Management guidelines for acute, symptomatic, uncomplicated UTI have been developed for nonpregnant premenopausal women without underlying structural urologic abnormalities, but they likely can be extrapolated to postmenopausal women without urological sequelae and/or recurrent infections.


UTIs can be caused by both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, but the most common causative agent for uncomplicated UTIs is uropathogenic Escherichia coli . UTI typically starts with periurethral contamination by a uropathogen residing in the gut, followed by colonization of the urethra and migration of the pathogen to the bladder. This process requires microbial virulence factors including flagellae, pili, and other adhesins that facilitate mucosal adherence and stimulation of the host immune response.

There are multiple factors that typically aid in UTI deterrence. These include: the acidic vaginal environment, the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer of the bladder, and immunoglobulins in the urine. The acidic pH of the vagina in premenopausal women inhibits the growth of enterobacteria such as E. coli and promotes the growth of Lactobacilli , a genus of microbes associated with health. The GAGs in the bladder lining and immunoglobulins in the urine restrict bacterial adherence. Tamm–Horsfall proteins secreted by the loop of Henle may also inhibit bacterial adherence to the urothelial cells, and antimicrobial peptides may serve to modulate the immune response during bacterial presence.


There is currently no “gold standard” definition for an acute UTI, which poses a challenge not only for clinical care but also for epidemiologic research. Historically, establishing a diagnosis of symptomatic UTI requires a patient to have symptoms and signs of UTI with laboratory tests confirming the diagnosis (bacteriuria ≥10 5 CFU/mL). Some experts advocate for relaxing these diagnostic criteria to include symptomatic patients with urine culture of 100 CFU/mL or more. Lower colony counts on culture may represent a partially treated infection, an earlier stage of infection, the effects of diluting the bacterial concentration with urination, or the mode of specimen collection (i.e., voided vs. catheterized sampling).

Cystitis in women usually causes dysuria, although it may also cause frequency, urgency, and suprapubic discomfort. Occasionally, mild incontinence and hematuria may occur. Gross hematuria is rare. Upper tract infections commonly present with fever, chills, malaise, flank pain, costovertebral angle tenderness, and occasionally nausea and vomiting. In young women, patients with dysuria and frequency without vaginal discharge or irritation have a 90% probability of a UTI. Dysuria remains the most discriminating symptom in older women seen in urogynecologic offices. However, in older women symptoms of frequency and urgency are less specific because of the high prevalence of other bladder symptom conditions like overactive bladder in aging populations.

Diagnostic testing

Urine dipstick.

For many women with dysuria, lack of vaginal discharge, and classic acute simple cystitis (not in the setting of rUTI), no additional testing is warranted to make the diagnosis. For those with suggestive, but not clearly diagnostic, features, a urinary dipstick can be helpful to rule out an infection but may have less of a role in confirming an infection. In these settings, the absence of nitrites and leukocyte esterase lowers the probability of UTI. Nitrites are seen in the setting of gram-negative bacteria because these types of bacteria convert nitrates to nitrites. Leukocyte esterase on urinary dipstick corresponds to pyuria, or white blood cells in the urine. False-negative nitrite results could occur in the setting of gram-positive bacteria, but cystitis is uncommon in patients without pyuria. More commonly, false-positive urine dipstick results are seen, especially when voided specimens are used. In women, poor collection techniques and vaginal contamination with voided samples contribute to false-positive findings ( ). Therefore, although urine dipsticks can provide clinical information, ultimately the provider should incorporate clinical judgment and/or additional diagnostic testing when making final decisions regarding treatment.

Microscopic urinalysis.

Microscopic examination of urine can detect the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, and red blood cells. Pyuria is defined as 10 or more leukocytes/mL or 3 or more leukocytes/high-powered field of unspun urine. As earlier, in the absence of pyuria, the diagnosis of UTI should be questioned. Pyuria has been proposed as a way to differentiate between acute UTI and ASB, but recent guidelines recommend that the diagnosis of ASB can be made even in the setting of pyuria. Patients could exhibit pyuria with negative urine culture (i.e., sterile pyuria) if urinalysis is performed after initiating antimicrobial therapy. Neither microscopic hematuria nor bacteriuria on urinalysis is a particularly sensitive finding for UTI. However, microscopic urinalysis is the gold standard for evaluation of hematuria outside of infection (see Chapter 40 ). Beyond this standard indication for testing, it is likely an unnecessary cost.

Urine culture.

Urine culture may not be necessary for acute cystitis, but the primary disadvantage of symptom-based diagnosis is that it may result in overtreatment and inappropriate antibiotic use. This is especially possible in older women, where symptoms of UTI overlap with other noninfectious bladder symptom conditions. Urine culture is considered the reference standard for diagnosis of UTI. Cultures should be submitted for scenarios such as negative urine dipstick test in a symptomatic patient, poor response to initial therapy, and recurrent symptoms less than 1 month after treatment for a previous UTI. As mentioned previously, although a culture result of 10 5 CFU/mL or more in a voided urine sample has historically been considered diagnostic for UTI, some feel that 100 CFU/mL or more should suffice in a patient who has symptoms consistent with UTI, as well as pyuria. If there is a suspicion for pyelonephritis (i.e., fever, costovertebral tenderness/flank pain), then a urine culture and antibiotic susceptibilities should always be obtained.

Clinical management

Antibiotics for simple cystitis.

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) published an updated clinical practice guideline on the treatment of women with acute uncomplicated cystitis and pyelonephritis in 2010. They note that the focus of these guidelines is treatment of nonpregnant, premenopausal women with no known urological abnormalities. Postmenopausal women, those without rUTI, and/or those with well-controlled diabetes without urological sequelae can usually be treated with the same recommendations.

The three first-line antibiotics for UTI treatment are nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), and fosfomycin ( Table 36.2 ). Fluoroquinolones should only be used if there is any suspicion for early pyelonephritis.

TABLE 36.2
Antibiotic Regimen for Acute Cystitis
Dose Side Effects and Contraindications Estimated Clinical Efficacy
First-Line Antibiotics
Nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals 100 mg BID × 5 days
  • GI distress

  • Minimal resistance propensity

  • Avoid if CrCl <30 mL/min

  • Rare pulmonary toxicity

Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 160/800 mg BID × 3 days
  • GI distress

  • Allergic response to sulfa component

  • Avoid if regional resistance >20%

Fosfomycin trometamol 3 g single dose
  • Minimal resistance propensity

  • May have lower clinical efficacy than other medications

Second-Line Antibiotics
β-lactams Dose varies; typically 3- to 5-d regimen
  • GI distress

  • Allergic response

  • Decreased efficacy compared with other options

Fluoroquinolones Dose varies; typically for 3–5 days
  • High resistance prevalence

  • Possible risk of musculoskeletal adverse events

BID , twice a day; GI , gastrointestinal; CrCl , creatinine clearance.

Nitrofurantoin is bacteriostatic and therapeutically active only in the lower urinary tract. It is effective against E. coli and many gram-negative species with low levels of resistance. However, it can be ineffective against other uropathogens. TMP-SMX is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that covers gram-positive bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and most gram-negative bacteria. In regions where there is greater than 20% local E. coli resistance to TMP-SMX, an alternative treatment should be given. Reported duration of TMP-SMX treatment has ranged from 3 to 14 days, with the 3-day course having similar efficacy to 5- to 10-day regimens. Finally, fosfomycin tromethamine, the stable salt form of fosfomycin, is taken in a single dose that becomes highly concentrated in the urine, resulting in urine levels that persist for 30 to 40 hours. Fosfomycin has activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including S. aureus , Enterococcus , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Klebsiella pneumoniae . There are relatively low levels of resistance to fosfomycin, making it a drug of choice in infections with multidrug-resistant organisms, but there is some suggestion that single-dose regimen may have less efficacy than other therapies. When first-line medications are not available or cannot be prescribed because of patient allergies, intolerances, or bacterial resistance, second-line antimicrobials, β-lactams, and fluoroquinolones can be used. Although 3-day fluoroquinolone regimens (i.e., ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin) are efficacious, they are not first-line agents because of increasing resistance, higher expense, and serious adverse events, as described in a 2016 Food and Drug Administration warning.

Antimicrobial-sparing strategies.

Given that acute simple cystitis has a low risk of progression in patients without risk factors for serious infection ( ), antimicrobial-sparing strategies are attractive to consider. Delaying antimicrobial therapy while awaiting urine culture results appears to be a reasonable approach in women without comorbidities, especially if empiric therapy is complicated by resistance or drug intolerance. In a randomized trial of nonpregnant women younger than 75 years of age with acute simple cystitis, symptom duration and severity were similar with immediate antimicrobial therapy compared with four other strategies, including delayed antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial therapy based on a symptom score, urinalysis findings, or urine culture results ( ). One large, retrospective database analysis of patients 65 years of age or older with lower UTI suggested an association between delaying antimicrobial therapy and subsequent bloodstream infection within 60 days, but this study had significant limitations, including potential misdiagnosis of cystitis ( ).

Substituting antiinflammatory agents for antimicrobial therapy has also been evaluated, but currently is not recommended as the initial approach to management of symptomatic acute simple cystitis. Two trials comparing nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and diclofenac) to antibiotics (fosfomycin and norfloxacin) showed that between 50% and 75% of women achieved symptom improvement, but there were higher incidences of pyelonephritis or additional therapy in the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory arms ( ; ).

Complicated urinary tract infections


UTIs are considered to be “complicated” when there are host factors (e.g., poorly controlled diabetes or immunosuppression), anatomical abnormalities (e.g., outlet obstruction), or functional abnormalities (e.g., incomplete voiding because of detrusor muscle dysfunction) that lead to an infection that could be more difficult to eradicate than uncomplicated infections ( ).

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