See also Opioid receptor agonists

General information

Loperamide is an opioid whose action is almost completely restricted to the gut. Recognition of its consequent safety, if it is appropriately used, has led to its being released in many countries for sale without prescription. It nevertheless has some central activity, and nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, abdominal pain, ileus, and lethargy all occur in a minority of users, with occasional reports of more serious central reactions, such as a possible association with delirium in a child [ ].

The effectiveness of loperamide 4, 8, and 12 mg in reducing symptoms of lactose intolerance has been investigated in an open study in 19 subjects [ ]. Loperamide 8 mg significantly improved symptom scores to a similar extent as lactase tablets. Four subjects complained of delayed constipation and abdominal cramps related to loperamide.

Organs and systems

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