Long Thoracic Nerve Block

Indications and Clinical Considerations

Long thoracic nerve entrapment syndrome is caused by compression or stretching of the long thoracic nerve as it passes beneath the subscapularis muscle to innervate the serratus anterior muscle ( Fig. 105.1 ). The most common causes of compression of the long thoracic nerve at this anatomic location include direct trauma to the nerve during surgical procedures, such as radical mastectomy and surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome. Direct blunt trauma from heavy items falling from shelves also can cause long thoracic nerve entrapment syndrome. Damage to the long thoracic nerve after first rib fracture also has been reported. Stretch injuries to the long thoracic nerve often occur from wearing improperly fitting heavy backpacks or doing prolonged heavy labor.

FIG. 105.1, Winged scapula is caused by dysfunctions of the long thoracic nerve of Bell. m., Muscle; n., nerve.

Clinically, the patient exhibits painless paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle, which results in the classic finding of winged scapula ( Fig. 105.2 ). The winging of the scapula is the result of the inability of the serratus anterior muscle to hold the scapula firmly against the posterior chest wall. The winged scapula can be identified by having the patient press both hands against the wall and press outward. The clinician, by observing the patient from behind, identifies the affected scapula projecting posteriorly or winging away from the posterior chest wall (see Fig. 105.1 ). The patient with long thoracic nerve syndrome also is unable to fully extend the upper extremity overhead on the affected side, and the last 25 to 30 degrees of extension is lost.

FIG. 105.2, Photograph showing the prominent, right winged scapula as the patient attempted to push forward against resistance.

Electromyography helps diagnose long thoracic nerve entrapment syndrome. Plain radiographs are indicated for all patients with long thoracic nerve entrapment syndrome to rule out occult bony disease, including scapular and first rib fractures. Magnetic resonance imaging may help delineate the etiology of long thoracic nerve compromise ( Figs. 105.3 and 105.4 ).

FIG. 105.3, A–K, A 38-year-old woman with right long thoracic neuropathy, attributed to Parsonage–Turner syndrome after cesarean section 1.5 months ago. A–D, Coronal T2 Dixon water images demonstrate a wavy contour of an enlarged and hyperintense as the nerve courses lateral to the scalene triangle (A) , then traveling inferiorly along the chest wall on sequential slices (B–D) . Oblique sagittal T2 Dixon water images (E–H) of the brachial plexus demonstrate the long thoracic nerve (LTN) in cross-section. Proximally (E) , the C6 contribution to the LTN is hyperintense (arrow) , compared to the adjacent extraforaminal C5 through T1 nerve roots (thin white arrows) . The first rib is noted with an asterisk. Distally at the level of the first rib, the C7 contribution (dashed arrow) is visualized but appears normal (F) ; the C6 contribution is denoted by the solid arrow .At its midsegment (G,H) , the LTN (C6–C7) (arrow) begins to traverse posteriorly and inferiorly along the chest wall. Oblique axial T2 Dixon water images (I, J) demonstrate signal hyperintensity and enlargement of the distal LTN in cross-section (arrows) as it courses inferiorly along the chest wall (I) . On the image slice immediately inferior, there is a caliber change with abrupt narrowing of the LTN (J) . Axial T2 Dixon water image of the chest (K) demonstrates reduced bulk and denervation edema pattern, but no detectable fatty infiltration, of the right serratus anterior muscle compared to the left (asterisk) .

FIG. 105.4, A–C, A 58-year-old woman with chronic right scapular winging. Oblique sagittal T2 Dixon water images (A, B) of the right brachial plexus demonstrates long thoracic nerve contribution (arrow) , from the C6 extraforaminal nerve root ( thin arrow , A ), with mild enlargement of the nerve as it exits the interscalene triangle (B) . Axial proton density sequence (C) through the chest wall demonstrates near-complete atrophy of the right SA muscle (arrows) compared with the normal left SA muscle. (SA muscle, serratus anterior muscle)

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