Leg Ulcer Management

Chapter Summary

  • Most leg ulcers are the result of venous disease, arterial disease, neuropathy, or a combination of the three.

  • A careful medical history and thorough physical examination is critical to the diagnosis and management of leg ulcers.

  • Compression therapy is the mainstay of venous ulcer treatment.

  • Bacterial colonization of chronic wounds may not adversely affect healing and need not be treated as an infection in most situations.

  • Moist wound healing is better than dry wound healing.

  • Advanced wound bed preparation and appropriate debridement are essential elements of many wound healing approaches.


Leg ulcers result from chronic lower extremity wounds that fail to heal, causing pain and social discomfort. It is estimated that the cost of managing venous ulcers alone, which account for 80% of leg ulcers, approaches $3 billion per year in the USA. The average cost for one patient over a lifetime exceeds $40 000. These numbers will increase significantly as the aging population increases.

Leg ulcers may originate from a wide variety of causes ( Table 46.1 ). In the vast majority, leg ulcers are the result of venous disease, arterial disease, neuropathy, or a combination of the three. Venous insufficiency is by far the most common cause of leg ulcers. Some venous ulcers become chronic wounds after a break in the skin of more than 6 weeks' duration or frequent recurrence, often in sites with multifactorial impaired healing, foreign bodies, tissue maceration, ischemia, or other hemodynamic changes in the microcirculation. Increased bacterial burden and colonization that can lead to frank infection is often present. Other factors that may play active roles in non-healing include malnutrition, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, other systemic illnesses, and deficiencies of tissue growth factors. Proteolytic enzymes and inhibitor imbalance can result from overexpression of matrix metalloproteins, resulting in abnormal degradation of the extracellular matrix. The persistence of senescent fibroblasts that fail to respond to growth factors and other stimulating agents may be important in leading to chronic wounds. Therapies aimed at restoring the normal environment in the wound can set the scene for proper wound healing.

Table 46.1
Causes of leg ulcers
(Adapted from Choucair MM, Fivenson DP. Leg ulcer diagnosis and management. Dermatol Clin 2001; 19:659–678; Mekkes JR, Loots MAM, Van Der Wal AC, et al. Causes, investigation and treatment of leg ulceration. Br J Dermatol 2003; 148:388–401; and Goldman MP. Sclerotherapy treatment of varicose and telangiectatic leg veins . St Louis: Mosby 1991; 239–246.)
Category Condition
Venous Vein thrombosis, venous incompetence, varicose veins, venous stasis, lipodermatosclerosis, complication of sclerotherapy
Arterial Arterial obstruction, atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis obliterans, cholesterol embolism, arteriovenous malformation, hemangioma, hypertensive ulcer, complication of sclerotherapy
Microcirculation Diabetic microangiopathy, vasculitis
Neuropathic Diabetes mellitus, Hansen's disease, tabes dorsalis, syringomyelia, spina bifida, paraplegia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, other neuropathic disorders
Hematologic Sickle cell disease, thalassemia, hereditary spherocytosis, polycythemia vera, leukemia, dysproteinemias, disseminated intravascular coagulation, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, chronic graft versus host disease, acquired homocystinuria, warfarin necrosis, heparin necrosis
Immunologic Bullous pemphigoid, cicatricial pemphigoid, pemphigus, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, linear IgA bullous dermatosis, erythema multiforme, allergic contact dermatitis
Infectious Erythema induratum/nodular vasculitis, mycotic, bacterial, leishmania, herpes
Metabolic Diabetes mellitus, gout, pretibial myxedema, Gaucher's disease, prolidase deficiency, porphyria cutanea tarda, necrobiosis lipoidica, bullous diabeticorum, diabetic dermopathy, drugs
Renal Kyrle's disease, reactive perforating collagenosis, calciphylaxis
Nutritional Scurvy, malnutrition
Genetic diseases Epidermolysis bullosa, Werner's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome
Neoplastic Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma, malignant melanoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, malignant eccrine poroma, angiosarcoma, cutaneous metastasis, cutaneous lymphoma
Chemical/physical Caustic agents, decubitus ulcers, thermal injury, mechanical trauma, radiation, frostbite, factitial, Charcot's deformity, chronic osteomyelitis, insect bites, coral and marine life-induced ulcers
Lymphatic disease Lymphedema, lymphangioma,
Other Pyoderma gangrenosum, panniculitis, Raynaud's disease

A list of various types of leg ulcers and their relative frequency is given in Table 46.2 .

Table 46.2
Types of leg ulcers
(Adapted from Westerhof W, ed. Leg ulcers: diagnosis and treatment . Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1993 and Meehan M. Multisite pressure ulcer prevalence survey. Decubitus 1990; 3:14–17.)
Ulcer type Percentage of presenting ulcers
Venous 80
Arterial 5
Diabetic/neuropathic 2
Pressure 5–20 a
Microcirculation <2
Hematologic <2
Infectious <2
Metabolic <2
Neoplastic <2
Physical/chemical <2
Immunologic <2
Other <2

a Includes all anatomic locations.


Venous ulcers

While chronic venous insufficiency is often the cause of venous ulceration, the exact mechanism by which ulcers result is not known; a connection between deep vein damage and ulceration is suspected. Normally, the calf muscles pump blood back up to the heart. Without adequate use of calf muscles, blood collects in the saphenous venous system and its tributaries, and is transmitted instead to the cutaneous vasculature, leading to chronic venous hypertension. Microcirculatory changes associated with chronic ulcers, diabetes, and repeated bouts of previous vessel damage lead to fibrin cuffs, resulting in impaired cutaneous nutrition, and ultimately ulceration. Neutrophils adhere to tissue damaged by ambulatory venous hypertension and release substances, which generate free radicals, causing further tissue injury. Up to 50% of patients with chronic venous insufficiency have a history of leg injury.

Venous ulcers exude copious drainage. A greenish–yellowish fibrinopurulent, irregularly-shaped adherent exudate may be seen at the base of the ulcer. Superinfection, pain, and malodorous drainage may ensue ( Fig. 46.1A ). A pruritic rash often appears, leading to excoriations. Topical agents used to try to keep it under control often aggravate venous dermatitis. Further acute inflammation produces a panniculitis, which becomes more sclerotic with time, leading to lipodermatosclerosis ( Fig. 46.2 ), which probably results from the sequelae of high venous pressure. Sometimes dystrophic calcium deposits develop.

FIGURE 46.1, The most common leg ulcers. (A) A venous leg ulcer on the medial malleolus of a patient, with characteristic scattered varicosities and hyperpigmentation of the periwound skin. (See Video 46.1 .) (B) Classic “punched-out” appearance of an arterial ulcer with copious yellow fibrinous exudate and poor granulation tissue. (C) Plantar diabetic foot ulcer. (D) Pressure ulcer overlying the bony prominence of the heel.

FIGURE 46.2, Diffuse hyperpigmentation associated with the indurated skin characteristic of lipodermatosclerosis.

Arterial ulcers

Arterial disease results from the narrowing of the vessel lumen by the accumulation of cholesterol plaques and other tissue debris. The resulting obstruction leads to the development of collateral circulation. Risk factors for arteriosclerotic occlusion are diabetes, smoking, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and age.

Arteriosclerotic occlusion usually affects the entire femoropopliteal trajectory, including important distal branches (anterior peroneal, anterior tibial, and posterior tibial), and may lead to significant distal damage. Involvement of only small-sized branches may lead to limited skin and subcutaneous tissue infarction. On physical examination, there may be hair loss, atrophy, cold surrounding skin, and thickened toenails. Peripheral pulses may range from palpable to absent. Capillary refill time is usually prolonged. Typically, arterial ulcers are located over pressure points, such as the toes and ankles, and are sharply demarcated with little granulation tissue and tend to have a punched-out appearance ( Fig. 46.1B ). The wound bed often has a necrotic-appearing base. Large occlusions require revascularization by means of bypasses, either using the patient's own veins or artificial vein grafts or by means of intravascular procedures such as balloon dilatation (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty), sometimes combined with thrombolysis and the placement of stents.

Diabetic ulcers

Diabetes mellitus affects 5–10% of the US population at some point in their lives and patients have a 1–4% incidence of foot ulcers; the incidence of lower extremity amputation ranges from 2.1 to 13.7 per 1000.

Approximately 85% of all diabetes-related lower extremity amputations are preceded by foot ulcers. Ulcers from diabetes occur as neuropathic or ischemic. While a mixture of each can occur, most patients will exhibit a preponderance of one type. Patients may display other cutaneous markings of diabetes, such as necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, diabetic dermopathy, or diabetic bullae. The most characteristic lesion of the diabetic foot is a mal perforans ulceration ( Fig. 46.1C ). The neuropathic ulcer is essentially a pressure ulcer resulting from the individual's loss of sensation. It is indistinguishable from the neurotrophic ulcers seen in leprosy, tabes dorsalis, and other neurological syndromes. The ulcer is most characteristically over the pressure points of the first and fifth metatarsal heads, and the great toes. Classically well circumscribed, with a surrounding halo of hard callus-like material, the foot involved may have a normal color and even strong arterial pulses. Touch, pressure, and proprioception are diminished or lost. Motor and autonomic nerves may also be involved. Weakening muscles may also lead to toe and foot deformities. Loss of sweating may lead to fissuring and a Charcot foot can develop.

Pressure ulcers

Pressure ulcers have an incidence in acute-care facilities that has varied from 2.7% to 29.5%, and a prevalence that has ranged between 3.5% and 29.5%. There is a study that reported that 17–35% of the patients have pressure ulcer at the time of admission to a nursing home, and the prevalence among the nursing home residents ranges from 7% to 23%. Immobility is a necessary condition for pressure ulcer development, and therefore the most significant risk factor. Impaired nutritional states, along with hypoalbuminemia and immobility, can lead to epidermal moisture vapor loss, which causes maceration and then a breakdown of the stratum corneum barrier, rendering the skin more permeable to noxious agents and trauma. Fecal incontinence, and even slight pressure over skin overlying bony prominences, such as the heel or the malleoli of the ankles, can cause enough injury under these conditions to start the process that leads eventually to a pressure ulcer ( Fig. 46.1D ). Other causes of ulcers need to be excluded, such as venous stasis, arterial insufficiency, diabetes, neuropathy, vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, drug allergies, neoplasm, sickle cell disease and other hematological abnormalities, polycythemia, pyoderma gangrenosum, bacterial and fungal infections, and trauma.

Inflammatory ulcers

Many diseases can lead to leg ulcers. A broad category that excludes venous, arterial, pressure, and diabetic ulcers, as well as the ulcers resulting from neoplasms is the inflammatory ulcer. Kerdel and Paquette and Falanga offer excellent reviews on the subject. One major subcategory is the vasculitis ulcer resulting from small vessel thrombi or emboli. Lesions beginning as palpable purpura can lead to vesicles and pustules. The process involving immune complexes, much like an Arthus reaction, sets off the inflammatory cascade, eventuating in the release of vasoactive amines and other mediators. These mediators serve to amplify the process with the deposition of more immune complexes, leading to an ischemic area, cutaneous necrosis, and ultimately, an ulcer.

A group of conditions involve dermal thrombi in the absence of vasculitis. They include thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, disseminated intravascular coagulation, cryoglobulinemia, cryofibrinogenemia, purpura fulminans, coumadin necrosis, and the antiphospholipid syndrome (also known as the lupus anticoagulant syndrome). Individuals with this syndrome may or may not have lupus erythematosus. These patients possess antibodies (IgG or IgM) that interfere with the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. In the laboratory, they have a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time. Some may have a prolongation of the prothrombin time. (The Russell viper venom time and Exner's test may also be helpful.) The lesions are purpuric, leading to ischemia and ulceration. Livedo reticularis may be seen. There is no frank vasculitis. Lesions are often painful and heal with atrophic scars (atrophie blanche).

Another condition, pyoderma gangrenosum, is a non-infectious neutrophilic dermatosis that produces recurrent painful inflammatory ulcerations, associated with underlying systemic disease such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or malignancy in up to 70% of cases. The specific cause is poorly understood and diagnosis is clinically based on appearance – sharply circumscribed ulcers with violaceous, undermined borders ( Fig. 46.3 ).

FIGURE 46.3, Rolled purple-colored edges of a leg ulcer secondary to pyoderma gangrenosum.

Wound repair physiology

The process of normal wound healing can be looked upon as an integration of multiple dynamic, interactive processes involving soluble mediators, formed blood elements and blood cells, an extracellular matrix, and parenchymal cells. In the simplest terms, this process is generally described as occurring in three main phases – inflammation, proliferation and tissue formation, and tissue remodeling. Each phase is characterized by a number of complex intercellular interactions. It is important to note that these phases do not represent separate and distinct events, but are continual and overlapping.

Over the past few years, investigators have begun to understand how cells interact between themselves and the extracellular matrix in the wound healing process. The clinical utility of understanding wound healing physiology is potentially far reaching. By understanding the normal processes, investigators and clinicians alike can apply targeted therapeutic modalities in an attempt to achieve wound closure in refractory wounds. The following section briefly reviews the normal physiology of tissue repair and serves as a framework for the information concerning non-healing leg ulcers and therapeutic modalities for wound management, which will subsequently be described in detail.

Phase 1: inflammation

The first phase of normal wound healing begins immediately after an acute injury, and can last for 24–48 h. This phase is characterized by the disruption of blood vessels, which leads to a local release of blood cells and blood-borne elements. The main cellular constituent of the inflammatory phase of tissue repair is the platelet, which initiates clotting of the acute wound by both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Platelets release a number of chemoattractant factors, which recruit other platelets, leukocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts to the wound area. The inflammatory phase progresses with the addition of neutrophils and macrophages, which acutely debride the wound by scavenging cellular debris and killing bacteria, leading to the second phase of healing ( Table 46.3 , Fig. 46.4 ).

Table 46.3
Cytokines and other factors involved in inflammatory phase of wound healing
(With permission from Singer AJ, Clark RA. Cutaneous wound healing. N Engl J Med 1999; 341:738–746.)
Cytokine Major source Target cells and major effects
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) family
EGF Platelets Pleiotropic – cell motility and proliferation
Transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) Macrophages, keratinocytes Pleiotropic – cell motility and proliferation
Heparin-binding EGF Macrophages Pleiotropic – cell motility and proliferation
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family
Basic FGF Macrophages, endothelial cells Angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation
Acidic FGF Macrophages, endothelial cells Angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation
Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) Fibroblasts Epidermal cell motility and proliferation
Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family
TGF-β1 and β2 Platelets, macrophages Epidermal cell motility, chemotaxis of macrophages and fibroblasts, extracellular matrix synthesis and remodelling
Transforming growth factor β3 Macrophages Antiscarring effects
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) Platelets, macrophages, keratinocytes Angiogenesis and increased vascular permeability
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) Keratinocytes, macrophages Angiogenesis and increased vascular permeability
Tumor necrosis factor-α Neutrophils Pleiotropic expression of growth factors
Interleukin-1 Neutrophils Pleiotropic expression of growth factors
Insulin-like growth factor I Fibroblasts, epidermal cells Re-epithelialization and granulation tissue formation
Colony stimulating factor I Multiple cells Macrophage activation and granulation tissue formation

FIGURE 46.4, A diagrammatic representation of the key events during the inflammatory phase of normal wound healing. FGF, FGF-2, fibroblast growth factors; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; KGF, keratinocyte growth factor; PDGF, PDGF-AB and -BB, platelet-derived growth factors; TGF-α, -β1, -β2 and -β3, transforming growth factors; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

Phase 2: proliferation and tissue formation

The second phase of wound healing is characterized by proliferation and tissue formation and begins approximately 72 h after injury. This phase can last up to several weeks. In this phase, the keratinocyte plays the primary role in the tissue repair process and undergoes significant changes in morphology and function, allowing for its migration over the wound bed to provide coverage. Additionally, the keratinocyte releases a number of chemokines, which stimulate cellular migration and other key cellular functions, leading to eventual reconstitution of the epidermis and the basement membrane.

The latter segment of the second phase of wound healing is characterized by the formation of granulation tissue. Fibroblasts are instrumental in the reconstitution of the dermal matrix, termed fibroplasia, while endothelial cells play an integral role in the development of new blood vessels, known as angiogenesis. Additionally, the extracellular matrix, with its collection of proteins, growth factors, and enzymes, plays an active role in influencing the keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells.

Phase 3: tissue remodeling

The final phase of wound healing, tissue remodeling, begins at the same time as the onset of cellular proliferation and tissue formation. This phase can last several months after the acute injury. This phase is one of gradual physiologic evolution and is characterized by heterogeneous stages of healing throughout the wound; hence, the macromolecular physical composition of the wound margin can vary greatly, both quantitatively and qualitatively, from that of the central wound bed. Over the course of this phase, granulation tissue becomes mature scar tissue. Several enzymes are involved in breaking down matrix components, whereas the fibroblasts produce substances such as fibronectin, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, and collagen, to ultimately restore the functional barrier of the skin and increase the tensile strength of the scar. Each of these components plays an important role in the wound healing process. Fibronectin acts as a matrix for cellular migration, as scaffolding for collagen deposition, and as a linkage for myofibroblasts to aid in wound contraction. Hyaluronic acid stimulates wound maturation by promoting cell migration and division. Proteoglycans increase tissue strength, modify collagen deposition, and help to modulate cellular function. Last, collagen is essential for providing structural support and tensile strength, while also playing an important role in the regulation of cellular function.

In summary, the tissue-remodeling phase of wound healing is an evolving series of cellular events characterized by extracellular matrix formation, which should result in complete wound maturation and scar formation.

For Recognition of Adult Immobilized Life (FRAIL)

The demographics of the US population are shifting dramatically toward a majority of persons over the age of 65 years. Currently there are almost 34 million Americans aged 65 years or over. This number is expected to grow to over 69 million (20% of the population) by the year 2030. Current average life expectancy for persons living in the USA is 77.8 years.

With a constantly growing aging population, the profile of a newly recognized patient emerges. Many suffer with chronic wounds that fail to progress through an orderly and timely sequence of repair.

To study this population and address their needs, an interdisciplinary group of healthcare professionals from different parts of the country undertook the task of defining the “FRAIL” (For Recognition of Adult Immobilized Life) patient, and start the process of establishing guidelines for the medical management of these patients. The consensus expressed by the group upheld the belief that the traditionally held end-point of therapy, the total healing of a wound, may not be appropriate for many of these patients. Palliative measures to keep patients comfortable, pain-free, and with wounds that are non-odorous and simple to manage may be just as important, and an acceptable treatment strategy.

Palliative care is a philosophy of care that focuses on providing support for the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients. These concepts have value to patients long before death is imminent, or a terminal illness has been diagnosed. Palliative care is best used at the onset of diagnosis and throughout the disease course, and objectives evolve as the disease and patient's preferences change. Palliative care focuses on managing symptoms such as pain, losses to independence, mobility, and degradation of self-image.

The FRAIL Committee report addressed communication and information-sharing techniques, preventive odor management in wounds, and detection and treatment of depression, anxiety, and delirium. As this newly recognized patient population continues to grow, there will be a growing need for specific pharmaceutical products and medical devices. A plan for continuous education for the public and health professional is needed.

Patients sometimes display a stoic and highly resolved preference to refuse treatment for conditions that deserve aggressive intervention. Not surprisingly, this can include leg ulcers. If left untreated, they can become a chronic source of infection, which can lead to sepsis with the potential for a fatal outcome. Approaching the problem with true concern and compassion is essential, ensuring the dignity of the patient is protected. Understanding a person's right to refuse treatment must be carefully balanced with the proper medical management of the patient. Reasons given for refusing treatment may be based on unfounded fears and concerns, which can be dispelled or minimized once they have been revealed. Very often this illuminating step is all it takes to obtain the patient's cooperation. Psychiatric evaluation may be necessary if the patient is adamant about refusing care. If all else fails, local adult protective services may need to be summoned to assist in the final disposition of the case.

A well-recognized entity that often requires palliative care due to its presentation in chronic wounds is the Marjolin ulcer. These are squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) resulting from chronic ulcers arising from burns, fistulous tracts or sinus, syphilis, lupus vulgaris, and amputation stumps among other chronic conditions. They can appear in chronic diabetic ulcers, and thus often present during the time the patient has become elderly or too ill to sustain proper surgical therapy. In these individuals, a palliative approach may be more appropriate.

Alvarez and colleagues have compiled an excellent review on how to incorporate wound healing strategies to improve palliative care in patients suffering with chronic wounds. One such method suitable for the debridement of ulcers that fall under palliative care is the Versajet Hydrosurgery System, a new technology that simultaneously cuts and aspirates soft tissue. It offers the advantage of debriding large areas in less time and thus also saving costs. Versajet enables the surgeon to precisely target damaged and necrotic tissue and spare viable tissue. This modality may be a useful alternative tool for soft tissue debridement in certain cases. It debrides quickly and efficiently, and a pink and granulating wound base was achieved in all cases in one study. It should be considered for use in facilities where complex diabetic foot ulcers are treated and the expertise is available to use it.


Medical history

A careful medical history that details the development of the ulcer with an emphasis on duration and progression should be determined as well as the presence or absence of pain, and whether certain activities such as walking or leg elevation change the character of pain. Venous ulcer pain is often described as a burning pain. Although pain is generally more common with arterial disease, it may occur in venous ulceration. Ankle swelling may occur. There is often a history of trauma, a family history of phlebitis or varicose veins, and in general a family tendency of thrombophilia.

Race as a factor may be important, as noted in sickle cell disease, hereditary spherocytosis, and thalassemia. Cigarette smoking may add to the risk of arterial impairment and venous thrombosis. Alcohol abuse, often associated with poor nutrition, may directly affect wound healing. A history of nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, diabetes, hypertension, antiphospholipid syndrome, periarteritis nodosa, pyoderma gangrenosum, atherosclerotic heart disease, and even pregnancy may all serve as aggravating factors. A collagen vascular disease can lead to vasculitis, which can give rise to an ulcer. The ulcer of pyoderma gangrenosum ( Fig. 46.3 ) may herald or follow inflammatory bowel disease, collagen vascular disease, or a lymphoproliferative disorder. Living or having lived in areas where certain endemic diseases are prevalent, such as Hansen's disease, can predispose the patient to a neurotrophic ulcer on the foot, which can be a late-stage manifestation of leprosy.

Travel to the tropics or semi-arid areas can expose travelers to certain insects, whose bite can lead to myiasis, and the sand fly, which can be responsible for transmitting leishmaniasis. Precipitating factors, such as trauma, are often noted as leading to the development of factitial or neurotrophic ulcers.

Topical medications can often lead to allergic or irritant contact dermatitis, which can be the initiating event in the formation of a leg ulcer. Antibiotics, such as neomycin, and anesthetics, such as benzocaine, and even parabens used as preservatives in widely-used topical preparations can cause an acute eruption.

Systemic corticosteroids, anticoagulants, antineoplastic agents, cyclosporin A, colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, penicillamine, and salicylates can impair wound healing and contribute indirectly to leg ulcers. With the public's growing awareness of alternative medicines, the popular use of herbal products necessitates physicians to inquire whether these products, regarded by patients as innocent, are being taken orally or being applied in topical preparations.

Physical examination

Odor may impress the examiner before the patient disrobes or reveals the pathology. The smell may emanate from wound contamination, or may be more specific to the type of ulcer and severity of infection.

The general appearance should include observation of skin color, dryness, or swelling. Pulses need to be palpated over the femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial arteries. Neuropathy should be evaluated by a light touch sensation testing on the great toe. Ulcer size, shape, and border description should be noted. Scars may suggest previous ulcer activity, in support of a chronic problem. Hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis along with microvaricosities at the sides of the ankles can be seen in cases of venous dermatitis. Cyanosis and dark-colored toes can point to significant arterial deficiency of the distal parts of the extremity. Atrophic changes of the skin will lead to loss of hair and sweat glands, resulting in further skin dryness. Pressure ulcers can be seen over bony prominences, whereas diabetics will have ulcers on the plantar surface of the foot.

Induration and fibrosis of the dermis and underlying tissue can progress to give the lower leg an inverted champagne bottle shape, which is characteristic of chronic venous insufficiency, with a hard doughy to woody texture, known as lipodermatosclerosis. More specific physical findings are listed in Table 46.4 .

Table 46.4
Physical findings in leg ulcers
(Adapted from de Araujo T, Valencia I, Federman DG, et al. Managing the patient with venous ulcers. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138:326–334; Kanj LF, Phillips TJ. Management of leg ulcers. Fitzpatrick's J Clinical Dermatol 1994; Sept/Oct:60–65 and Bowman PH, Hogan DJ. Leg ulcers: a common problem with sometimes uncommon etiologies. Geriatrics 1999; 54:43–54.)
Ulcer type Type of pain Location Borders Surrounding skin Palpation
Venous Aching, burning discomfort that increases when the leg is dependent and decreases when the leg is elevated Medial malleoli; also the lateral and posterior aspect of the leg, close to perforating veins Shaggy, shallow, irregular, serpiginous border, hemorrhagic edges, granulating Hemosiderin, lipodermatosclerosis Interstitial edema and pretibial edema
Arterial – six Ps: pulseless, pain, pallor, poikilothermia (cold acral areas), punched-out defect, pressure point location Severe cramping pain made worse by elevation and relieved by dependency (claudication) Pressure sites, bony prominences, toes Punched-out defect, sharply demarcated border, poor granulation Hair loss, atrophic shiny skin, leg is cold and pale, painful ulcer Peripheral pulses absent, capillary refilling time prolonged, change in color with alteration of position
Diabetic/neuropathic Tingling or burning of various intensity, increasing at night, and diminishing with exercise Pressure sites, heel, toes, plantar metatarsal area Punched-out defect, thick surrounding callus, often infected Nonspecific, painless ulcer Altered sensation of light touch, vibration, and pinprick

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