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This chapter reviews posterolateral rotary instability of the elbow.
Elbow instability may significantly limit a patient’s function and ability to perform sports and activities of daily living.
Posterolateral rotary instability has become more frequently and accurately recognized because of improved understanding of elbow anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostic physical exam techniques, and treatment options.
Imaging modalities are serving a more important role in the diagnosis of posterolateral elbow instability.
Surgical reconstruction may be required in chronic or subtle posterolateral rotatory instability (PLRI) cases. Outcomes after surgery provide satisfactory results in most patients.
Posterolateral rotatory instability of the elbow was originally described by O’Driscoll et al in 1991 ( ). Since that time, several studies have demonstrated that the majority of posterolateral elbow instability cases result from a traumatic mechanism of injury that includes a combination of axial loading, valgus stress, and rotational force ( ). This combined loading pattern results in posterior subluxation of both the radial head and ulna from the humerus with rotation of the semilunar notch away from the trochlea ( ). A recent systematic review by found that 67 of 71 (94%) patients identified a traumatic cause as the source of their lateral elbow instability. Atraumatic causes include chronic cubitus varus malunion, which has been described as an uncommon cause of chronic attenuation of stabilizing ligaments in the lateral elbow and subsequent posterolateral instability ( ). Similarly, posterolateral instability may result from iatrogenic causes such as corticosteroid injections, arthroscopic procedures, or open procedures that place the primary stabilizers at risk of injury (e.g., aggressive debridement for extensor carpi radialis brevis tendinosis).
Appreciating elbow anatomy is very important in understanding the mechanism of injury and pathology associated with elbow instability in general as well as specifically with regard to PLRI. Elbow stability is maintained by both static and dynamic stabilizers. Static stability is provided by the bony articulations between the radiocapitellar, ulnohumeral, and proximal radioulnar joints as well as capsuloligamentous structures. The bony articulations provide stability at the extremes of motion, at either less than 20 degrees or greater than 120 degrees of elbow flexion ( ). The soft tissue restraints provide primary stability throughout the remainder of the elbow’s arc of motion ( ).
The major soft tissue static stabilizer in the lateral elbow is the Y-shaped lateral collateral ligament (LCL) complex. This complex is composed of the radial collateral ligament, the accessory LCL, the annular ligament, and the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL) ( Fig. 27.1 ). Some authors have suggested that these components of the LCL complex may be more accurately described to be thickenings of the capsule (similar to the glenohumeral ligaments in the shoulder) rather than discrete and separate structures ( ). The LUCL has been described to be the most important primary stabilizer against valgus stress (Anakwe et al, 2011, 2014; ).
The medial collateral ligament complex is composed of three bundles: the anterior bundle, posterior bundle, and transverse bundle ( Fig. 27.2 ). The anterior bundle is the primary stabilizer to valgus stress with the elbow in extension. The anterior capsule is also important in stabilizing the elbow in extension. The posterior bundle is tight in flexion and is the main stabilizer in flexion. The transverse ligament, however, is not a significant factor in elbow stability. The role the medial collateral ligament plays in PLRI depends on the extent and mechanism of injury.
The elbow also has dynamic stabilization. Dynamic stability is provided by musculotendinous structures surrounding the elbow that function throughout elbow range of motion. This stability depends on the neuromuscular control about the joint. The biceps, triceps, and other muscles create compressive forces across the joint during flexion, extension, and rotation motion ( ).
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