Laboratory Diagnosis of Inherited von Willebrand Disease

von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a large adhesive glycoprotein required for platelet adhesion to subendothelium at the site of vessel injury, platelet–platelet interaction to form the platelet plug, and stabilization of factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation. Deficiency or defect of VWF leads to the common disorder of hemostasis, von Willebrand disease (VWD). Many cases of VWD, but not all, are due to defects in the structural gene for VWF, located on chromosome 12p. VWF forms a noncovalently bound complex with FVIII, protecting it from clearance. Because unbound FVIII has a shortened half-life, decrease in normal VWF may lead to a secondary decrease of FVIII coagulant activity (VIII:C), although the F8 gene on the X chromosome is normal.

The VWF gene includes 52 exons, covering 178 kilobases (kb) of DNA and encoding mRNA of about 9 kb. In addition, there is a pseudogene for VWF located on chromosome 22q, which is a copy of exons 23–34. The VWF gene produces a 2813-amino acid (AA) polypeptide (See Chapter 109 ). During processing in the endoplasmic reticulum, a 22-AA signal peptide is cleaved, dimers are formed by disulphide bonds at the carboxyl termini, and N-linked glycosylation occurs. In the Golgi, O-linked glycosylation occurs, large polymers called multimers are formed by disulphide bonds at the amino termini, and a 741-AA propolypeptide (VWFpp) is cleaved. The protein is secreted or stored as multimers reaching >20 million Daltons. After release from cells, the ultralarge multimers are reduced in size by proteolytic cleavage by the metalloproteinase ADAMTS13. Failure of cleavage results in the ultralarge multimers seen in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Normal VWF function requires the presence of high-molecular-weight (HMW) multimers.

Over 250 mutations in the VWF gene have been shown to cause VWD. They are listed in the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis VWF database at . Many mutations are unique to individual families, while a few recur.

VWD is diagnosed and classified based on quantitative and qualitative differences in VWF. Type 1 VWD is a partial quantitative deficiency of VWF. Type 2 VWD results from a qualitative defect in VWF. Type 3 is a complete or nearly complete deficiency of VWF.

An algorithm for VWD testing is shown in Fig. 134.1 . Routine screening tests are not useful for most forms of VWD. The activated partial thromboplastin time is prolonged only in the minority of VWD patients who have significantly reduced VIII:C. Prothrombin time, thrombin time, and fibrinogen are normal. The platelet function analyzer will detect moderate to severe VWD, but it is not sufficiently sensitive to allow exclusion of the diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis and characterization of VWD subtype require a panel of tests measuring different aspects of the FVIII/VWF complex. Most commonly, VWF antigen (VWF:Ag), VWF activity, and FVIII activity are used for the initial diagnosis. A decrease in any of these tests warrants further investigation. The ratio of results on these tests may be used to choose additional tests to be performed, which may be available only in reference laboratories. The more specialized tests are used to classify the type of VWD present.

Figure 134.1
Laboratory diagnosis of von Willebrand disease. FVIII , factor VIII; RIPA , ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation; VWF , von Willebrand factor; FVIIIB , FVIII binding to VWF.

Ristocetin cofactor (VWF:RCo) has been the most widely used method for measuring the activity of VWF. Platelet aggregation or agglutination by VWF occurs in vitro only when the antibiotic ristocetin induces a conformational change in VWF allowing binding to GPIb, a change that is induced by shear stress in vivo. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in VWF near the ristocetin binding site, which inhibit binding of ristocetin and give a falsely low measure of functional activity in tests using ristocetin. These SNPs are more common in African Americans and may account for the reduced ratio of VWF:RCo/VWF:Ag often seen in that group. Use of GPIb binding assays without ristocetin overcomes this effect.


von Willebrand Factor Antigen

VWF:Ag is measured immunologically by its reaction with heterologous antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or latex immunoassay (LIA). VWF:Ag is expressed in units per milliliter (U/mL) or in units per deciliter (U/dL), which is equivalent to a percent of “normal” (%).

Ristocetin Cofactor

VWF:RCo is measured by agglutination of washed, lyophilized, or formalin-fixed normal platelets by patient plasma in the presence of ristocetin. Agglutination can be measured by aggregometry, automated coagulation analyzer, or visual agglutination. VWF:RCo is expressed in U/mL or U/dL, which is equivalent to %.

Glycoprotein Ib Binding Assays

GPIb binding assays have been developed to measure VWF binding to isolated GPIb rather than to whole platelets. Because they are based on ELISA or particle agglutination methods, these tests are more sensitive and reproducible than platelet-based assays and can more easily be automated to provide rapid results. Those using ristocetin (VWF:GPIbR) resemble VWF:RCo, but those utilizing a modified “gain of function” GPIb (VWF:GPIbM) can be conducted without ristocetin, eliminating the falsely low values seen in some individuals with ristocetin-based tests.

Monoclonal Antibody Assays

Tests using monoclonal antibodies directed against functional domains of VWF in an ELISA or LIA format (VWF:Ab) have been marketed as activity assays. Their ability to detect qualitative differences in VWF has been questioned, and they may actually be quantitative, more closely resembling VWF:Ag than VWF:RCo. They are not recommended as a replacement for VWF:RCo.

Factor VIII Coagulant Activity

VIII:C is secondarily reduced in VWD because of lack of sufficient VWF to stabilize it in the circulation or decreased ability of VWF to bind FVIII. Measurement of VIII:C is by clotting or chromogenic assays (see Chapter 131 ). VIII:C is expressed in U/mL or U/dL, which is equivalent to %.

Collagen Binding Assay

The collagen binding assay (VWF:CB) is determined by ELISA of VWF binding to collagen on microtiter plates. This test is highly dependent on the type of collagen used. It is sometimes performed as a substitute for VWF:RCo, but it measures a different function of VWF: its ability to bind to subendothelial collagen to allow platelet adhesion. VWF:CB is expressed in U/mL or U/dL, which is equivalent to %. This test is not widely available for clinical use.

Ristocetin-Induced Platelet Aggregation

Ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA) is measured by aggregation of patient’s platelets in platelet-rich plasma by addition of ristocetin in two concentrations. RIPA is also decreased in Bernard–Soulier syndrome (BSS). Decreased RIPA from VWD can be corrected by addition of normal plasma, whereas that from BSS cannot. RIPA is not sensitive to all forms of VWD and is frequently low in African Americans without VWD because of the ristocetin insensitivity discussed above. When RIPA is performed with low concentrations of ristocetin, at which platelets from normal individuals fail to aggregate, increased aggregation occurs in two disorders: type 2B VWD and platelet-type VWD (PT-VWD). A test measuring binding of VWF to fixed normal platelets can differentiate the two disorders.

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