Laboratory Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Disorders

Key Points

  • Almost all patients with duodenal ulcers and most with chronic gastritis have demonstrable Helicobacter pylori infection. H. pylori stool antigen assays and urea breath tests are useful in diagnosis and in monitoring for eradication after treatment.

  • Acute pancreatitis presents with abdominal pain and elevated levels of serum amylase or lipase. Reversible etiologies, including drug exposure, must be excluded in patients with recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis. Routine laboratory testing is of limited value in diagnosing chronic pancreatitis.

  • Sweat chloride determination is the necessary initial test in the workup for cystic fibrosis (CF). Malnutrition and other conditions can yield a false-negative result. Genetic testing can then be used to identify the mutations associated with CF.

  • Patients with chronic diarrhea should be evaluated for fecal blood, fat, leukocytes, reducing substances, pH, and stool pathogens (bacterial culture on routine media, ova, and parasite examination). Fecal calprotectin should be measured to rule out colonic inflammation.

  • Clostridium difficile should be considered a cause of diarrhea in patients on antibiotic therapy or hospitalized for >3 days. Community-acquired infection is being recognized with increasing frequency. Prompt recognition and treatment is crucial as many isolates have increased virulence, especially in patients >65 years old.

  • Diagnostic evaluation of a patient suspected of celiac disease should be initiated with anti–tissue transglutaminase immunoglobulin (Ig) A, and total serum IgA before placing the patient on a gluten-free diet.

  • Acquired lactose intolerance related to decreased expression of lactase gene is common in adults. Secondary lactose intolerance may occur in infection, in inflammatory bowel disease, and in other conditions causing small-bowel mucosal damage.

  • Positivity of perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (p-ANCA) is most often associated with ulcerative colitis and that of anti- Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) with Crohn disease.

  • Endoscopy with biopsy has replaced gastric acid aspiration for diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal tract disorders. Gastric acid output testing is useful when acid levels are very high or very low.

  • Gastrin, the most powerful gastric acid stimulator, varies inversely with gastric acid secretion. Serum gastrin levels are elevated in gastric atrophy and in the presence of H. pylori infection while the gastric acid levels are reduced.

  • Secretin stimulates gastrin production in patients with a gastrinoma but not in patients with other causes of hypergastrinemia.

  • Intraoperative gastrin measurements are useful in identifying whether the abnormal tissue is completely removed in patients undergoing surgery for gastrinomas.

  • An immunochemical fecal occult blood test is used to screen for colon cancer.


This chapter is dedicated to the late Dr. Martin J. Salwen, who wrote and edited this chapter for many editions of this book.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal (GI) disease is guided by the patient’s history and the significant signs and symptoms. Findings with strong negative predictive values exclude some possible etiologies and focus the differential diagnosis. Initially, noninvasive procedures are preferentially performed. Patient preparation is as important as the correct selection of the diagnostic tests or procedures indicated. Endoscopy, when warranted, can provide direct visualization of the entire upper gastrointestinal mucosa and permits biopsy. Colonoscopy permits detailed examination of the entire colon and terminal ileum. More comprehensive and accurate radiographic investigations, such as magnetic resonance enterography and video capsule endoscopy, have largely replaced the traditional upper GI series. Imaging-assisted invasive techniques may be required in the critically ill with GI bleeding or obstruction. To ensure interpretable endoscopic results and to avoid false-positive and false-negative results, stringent patient preparation is required. Similarly, testing requires appropriately collected specimens. Emphasis is given in this chapter to frequently used diagnostic tests.

Pancreatic Disorders

Pancreas in Systemic Disease

Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

CF is the most common genetic disorder in white North Americans and is often fatal in childhood. Some Native American tribes (Pueblo) have a similar incidence. It is also frequent in Hispanics but uncommon in Asians and African Americans. More than 25,000 Americans have CF at this writing, with almost 1000 new cases expected to be diagnosed every year. The incidence is 1 in 1600 white births and 1 in 17,000 African American births in the United States. With the advent of more widespread prenatal screening, the incidence is declining. While much less frequent, CF still is the most common cause of steatorrhea in African American children.

CF of the pancreas is an autosomal-recessive disease of chloride ion transport. It is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene on chromosome 7, which encodes for an epithelial chloride channel protein. More than 2000 CFTR gene mutations with different associations with the disease have been identified; 15% of these are not associated with CF. The available genetic testing can identify 70 mutations that account for >90% of the CF cases. When genetic screening fails to identify a mutation in affected patients, whole exome sequencing can be performed ( ).

Newborn screening for CF is now routinely performed in many states. The initial test, which has high sensitivity and poor specificity, determines immunoreactive trypsinogen; gene sequencing is then performed for confirmation.

CF is characterized by abnormally viscous mucous secretions from the various exocrine glands of the body, including the pancreas and the salivary, peritracheal, peribronchial, and sweat glands. Involvement of the intestinal glands may result in the presence of meconium ileus at birth. Two-thirds are diagnosed before 1 year of age. Chronic lung disease and malabsorption resulting from pancreatic insufficiency are the major clinical problems of those who survive beyond infancy, but intelligence and cognitive functions are unaffected and are normal ( ; ).

The degree of the defect depends on the nature of the mutation, and well-defined genotype-phenotype associations are now known. There are several characterized mutations that lead to a milder form of the disease. The classic ΔF508 (or Phe508del) mutation leads to cystic fibrosis when two copies of the gene are inherited. Persons heterozygous for the R117H (or Arg117His) mutation may develop pancreatic insufficiency due to plugging of ducts, causing idiopathic chronic pancreatitis ( ; ).

Heterozygotes have no recognizable clinical symptoms. Most homozygotes fully express the syndrome of recurrent pulmonary infections, pancreatic insufficiency, steatorrhea, and malnutrition. These manifestations are caused by abnormally dehydrated tenacious secretions of all exocrine glands. The viscid inspissated mucus plugs ducts and causes chronic inflammation with atrophy of acini, fibrosis, dilatation, and cystic duct changes.

Pancreatic abnormalities occur in >80%. Islets of Langerhans are initially spared, but diabetes often develops during adolescence. The pancreatic lipase deficiency causes maldigestion of fat and steatorrhea. Thick intestinal mucus may cause intestinal obstruction in the neonate due to meconium ileus. Most men with CF are infertile, with azoospermia due to duct obstruction. Pulmonary changes are the most serious in CF. No cure is available. Median survival has increased in the past 25 years from 18 to 36 years of age due to advances in treatment. A total of 90% die from pulmonary complications.

In a child with suspected CF, the demonstration of increased chloride in the sweat is a useful initial test in the workup. More than 99% of children with CF have concentrations of sweat chloride greater than 60 mmol/L. The sweat chloride may not be as dramatically increased in adolescent or adult patients. The test needs be performed with care ( ).

Pilocarpine is introduced into the skin by iontophoresis to stimulate locally increased sweat gland secretion. The resulting sweat is absorbed by filter paper or gauze, weighed, diluted with water, and analyzed for sodium and chloride concentrations. High rates of incorrect results have been attributed to problems associated with sweat specimen sample collection and test analysis ( ; ). In children, chloride concentrations of over 60 mmol/L in sweat on at least two occasions are diagnostic, with a sensitivity of 90% to 99%. Levels of between 50 and 60 mmol/L are suggestive of CF in the absence of adrenal insufficiency.

Patients with indeterminate sweat chloride results in whom CF is suspected may undergo confirmatory testing following administration of a mineralocorticoid such as fludrocortisone. In those patients with CF, the electrolyte values would remain unchanged, whereas normal controls would show a decrease in sweat electrolytes. Sodium concentrations in sweat tend to be slightly lower than those of chloride in patients with CF, but the reverse is true in normal subjects. Alternatively, genetic mutation analysis of the CFTR gene can be performed.

False-positive elevations of sweat chloride concentrations of >60 mmol/L may be seen in malnutrition, hyperhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, renal insufficiency, glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency, hypothyroidism, mucopolysaccharidosis, and fucosidosis. These disorders are usually easily differentiated from CF by their clinical symptoms. False-negative sweat test results have been seen in patients with CF in the presence of hypoproteinemic edema.

Sweat electrolytes in about half of a group of premenopausal adult women were shown to undergo cyclic fluctuation, reaching a peak chloride concentration most commonly 5 to 10 days prior to the onset of menses. Peak values were slightly under 65 mmol/L. Men showed random fluctuations up to 70 mEq/L. For this reason, interpretation of sweat electrolyte values in adults must be approached with caution ( ; ).


Excessive body iron accumulation from any source is directly toxic to cells and causes fibrosis. The symptoms include the triad of bronze coloration of the skin, cirrhosis, and diabetes, among others. Humans have no major iron excretory pathway. The screening test consists of transferrin saturation (TS) = serum iron/total iron binding capacity × 100. Interpretation: Abnormal, >60% in women and >50% in men. Confirm with fasting TS and ferritin levels. Genetic testing and liver biopsy with assay for iron is used to confirm and assess extent of tissue iron load ( ; ). Recently, MRI has been utilized to quantify liver iron overload and to monitor response to chelation therapy ( ).

Primary or hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-linked autosomal recessive defect in duodenal iron absorption regulation. Mutations (C282Y, H63D) in the HFE gene, on the short arm of chromosome 6, are responsible for >80% of HH cases (see Chapter 22, Chapter 72 ). The disease is most common in white males; the homozygosity frequency is 1 in 220. When HH is diagnosed, other family members should be screened; one quarter of siblings will be positive ( ; ).

Secondary hemochromatosis is typically seen in congenital or hemolytic anemias that require multiple blood transfusions, or when oral iron intake is increased, resulting in excess iron storage.

Early diagnosis and chelation therapy and/or phlebotomies are effective in preventing tissue damage. In disease, the pancreas is slightly enlarged and deep brown due to accumulated hemosiderin, the iron containing pigment. When untreated, progressive fibrosis of the pancreas with atrophy occurs. The iron is deposited in the acinar and duct cells and in the β-cells of the islets. Other cells of the islets appear spared. Similar pigments are in the skin. The β-cell loss results in bronze diabetes. Hypogonadism with pituitary dysfunction is present in half of cases and cardiomegaly and osteoarthritis is present in most cases. Cirrhosis is seen in 70% of the cases. Hepatocellular carcinoma occurs in 30% of cases; this tumor has become a chief cause of death in HH ( ; ).

The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases has recommended liver biopsy and a quantitative serum iron assay for (1) all homozygotes with clinical evidence of liver disease; (2) all homozygotes with serum ferritin greater than 1000 ng/ml; (3) all homozygotes older than 40 years with other risk factors for liver disease; and (4) compound or C282Y heterozygotes with elevated transferrin saturation, particularly those who have had abnormal liver enzyme levels or clinical evidence of liver disease ( ).

Inflammatory Diseases of the Pancreas

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused by injury to acinar cells due to activation of digestive enzymes within the pancreatic parenchyma and is characterized by significant morbidity and mortality. Clinical manifestations of pancreatitis are very variable.

Acute Pancreatitis

Acute reversible inflammation is due to necrosis of the pancreatic tissue by proteolytic digestive enzymes that are inappropriately activated. It can occur at any age, most commonly between 30 to 70 years, but is also noted in children. Its diagnosis is based on compatible clinical features, including abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The clinical suspicion is supported by finding elevations of the serum amylase and/or lipase ( Table 23.1 ). The pancreas contributes 40% of total serum amylase; the rest is mostly from the salivary glands ( ).

TABLE 23.1
Laboratory Tests in Acute Pancreatitis
Laboratory Test Purpose Usage and Limitations
Amylase Diagnosis Accurate over 3× the upper normal limit; decreased specificity in renal failure; elevated in macroamylasemia; hypertriglyceridemia interferes; elevated from other sources, such as salivary glands and/or intra-abdominal inflammation (not above 3×); can be normal in alcohol-induced pancreatitis.
Lipase Diagnosis Decreased specificity in renal failure; immune complexes create false positives; elevated from salivary glands and intra-abdominal inflammation.
Trypsinogen 2 Diagnosis Limited use; unclear if superior to amylase/lipase.
AST/ALT Etiology If greater than 3× upper normal limit, gallstones present as etiology in 95% of cases. Low sensitivity.
Lipase/amylase ratio Etiology >5 is diagnostic for alcohol-induced pancreatitis. Low sensitivity.
CDT Etiology Useful in patients who deny alcohol; remains elevated for weeks after binge drinking; not widely available.
Hematocrit Severity >44% on admission, or rising over initial 24 hours; associated with pancreatic necrosis.
C-reactive protein Severity >150 mg/L associated with pancreatic inflammation. Useful after first 36–48 hours.
ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CDT, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin.

In 30% of patients, the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis was not suspected and was only made at autopsy ( ). There are many causes. Gallstones continue to be the leading cause (30%–60%). Alcohol is the second most common cause, responsible for 15% to 30%. Other causes include duct obstruction due to tumors, duct anomalies such as pancreas divisum, infections (mumps, coxsackievirus A, parasites), blunt trauma or post–endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), many drugs (diuretics, sulfonamides), organophosphates, methyl alcohol, nitrosamines, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypercalcemia ( ; ).

Hemorrhagic pancreatitis, a severe form of acute pancreatitis, results from necrosis within and around the pancreas with hemorrhage, which may cause shock and death. Initially, necrosis is coagulative, but the necrotic cells rapidly undergo liquefaction. Biliary tract disease with gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder or bile ducts, or alcoholism, are present in about 80% of the patients. The male:female ratio is 1:3 in acute pancreatitis associated with biliary tract disease and 6:1 in alcoholism. Pancreatic microlithiasis may be responsible for many of the other cases.

The sequence of changes following release of activated intrapancreatic enzymes in acute pancreatitis are microvascular leakage causing edema, necrosis of fats, and acute inflammatory reaction. Proteolytic destruction of pancreatic tissue and blood vessels causes edema and focal dilatation of acini with variable amounts of hemorrhage. In fat necrosis, neutral fats are broken down, glycerol is reabsorbed, and the fatty acids combine with calcium salts to form soaps (saponification) with a zone of acute inflammation around the foci of necrosis. After a few days, secondary infection with suppuration and abscesses may occur.

In 15% to 30% of those with pancreatic necrosis, poorly defined areas of acute fluid collection occur, with fibrosis. The liquefied areas are walled off and pseudocysts form. A pseudocyst contains pancreatic fluid enclosed in fibrous tissue with no epithelial lining; they often communicate with a pancreatic duct and continue to increase in mass.

Computed tomography (CT) is the most useful test to establish diagnosis, with characteristic radiologic findings of enlarged edematous and inflamed pancreas with or without surrounding fluid collection, with or without necrosis. An ultrasonogram may be useful in showing a diffusely enlarged, hypoechoic pancreas, and may show presence of gallstones in the gallbladder, indicating a possible etiology. A CT severity score (the Balthazar score) is based on the degree of necrosis, inflammation, and the fluid collections. There is a 23% mortality rate associated with any degree of pancreatic necrosis plus a strong association between necrosis and morbidity and mortality. After initial assessment, a CT scan need not be repeated unless one suspects development of a complication such as pancreatic necrosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being increasingly used to detect pancreatitis and to characterize the “pancreatic necrosis” seen on CT into peripancreatic necrotic fluid collection, necrotic pancreatic parenchyma, and hemorrhagic foci. MRI can also detect pancreatic duct disruption, seen early in the course of acute pancreatitis. Endoscopic ultrasound is now recognized as an invaluable tool to diagnose and drain pseudocysts.

Predictors of severe acute pancreatitis are a hematocrit >44% with a failure to decrease at 24 hours, which is indicative of pancreatic necrosis and organ failure, and a C-reactive protein (CRP) >150 mg/L. Serum creatinine >2.0 mg/dL or marked hyperglycemia >150 mg/dL are predictive of mortality ( ). There is a strong association between the extent of urea nitrogen increase and mortality at 24 hours. Each increase in urea nitrogen of 5 mg/dL was associated with a corresponding increase in mortality, and a decrease was associated with significantly improved survival ( ; ) ( Table 23.2 ).

TABLE 23.2
Laboratory Findings in Acute Pancreatitis
At Presentation At 48 Hours
Age >55 years Hematocrit Fall by ≥10%
Leukocyte count >16,000/mm 3 Urea nitrogen Increase by ≥5 mg/dL despite fluids
Blood glucose >200 mg/dL Serum calcium <8 mg/dL
LD 350 U/L pO 2 <60 mmHg
AST >250 U/L Base deficit >4 mEq/L
Fluid sequestration >6000 mL
AST, aspartate aminotransferase; LD, lactate dehydrogenase; pO 2 , partial pressure of oxygen.


Amylase in serum and urine is stable for 1 week at ambient temperature and for at least 6 months under refrigeration in well-sealed containers. Plasma specimens that have been anticoagulated with citrate or oxalate should be avoided for amylase determination because amylase is a calcium-containing enzyme. Heparinized plasma specimens do not interfere with the amylase assay.

Diagnosis is confirmed by detection of elevated serum amylase threefold above normal. It peaks in 20 to 30 hours, often at 10 to 20 times the upper reference limit ( ). Amylase returns to normal in 48 to 72 hours. Elevated values persisting longer suggest continuing necrosis or possible pseudocyst formation. Serum amylase has poor sensitivity (72%) for pancreatitis; it is not increased in about 20% of patients with pancreatitis. Serum amylase has 99% specificity for pancreatitis ( ). Serum amylase increases nonspecifically in many acute abdominal conditions. In hyperlipemic patients with pancreatitis, normal serum and urine amylase levels are frequently encountered. The spuriously normal levels are believed to be the result of suppression of amylase activity by triglyceride or by a circulating inhibitor in serum. Serum amylase levels do not correlate with etiology or severity of pancreatitis. Amylase is also produced by the salivary glands.

While there are a variety of reliable amylase methods available, care is required in specimen handling. Caution must be exercised to avoid contamination of specimens with saliva because its amylase content is approximately 700 times that of serum. Red cells contain no amylase; thus, hemolysis does not affect most methods except those coupled-enzyme methods in which the released peroxide is determined by a coupled-peroxidase reaction.

The urine amylase activity rises promptly, often within several hours of the rise in serum activity, and may remain elevated after the serum level has returned to the normal range. Values of over 1000 Somogyi units/hour are seen almost exclusively in patients with acute pancreatitis. (A Somogyi unit is 1 mg of glucose hydrolyzed in 30 minutes from a standard starch solution in a volume of 100 mL.) In a majority of patients with acute pancreatitis, serum amylase activity is elevated and there is a concomitant increase in urine amylase activity.

Increased renal clearance of amylase can be used in the diagnosis of acute and relapsing pancreatitis. However, the ratio of amylase clearance to creatinine clearance expressed as a percentage adds little to the diagnosis since elevated ratios may be found in unrelated conditions.

Lower than normal serum amylase activity may be found in patients with chronic pancreatitis and has also been seen in such diverse conditions as congestive heart failure, pregnancy (during the second and third trimesters), gastrointestinal cancer, bone fractures, and pleurisy.

Serum amylase may be elevated in patients with pancreatic carcinoma but often too late to be diagnostically useful. Serum amylase activity may also be elevated in patients with cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, postgastrectomy, renal transplant, viral hepatitis, or ruptured ectopic pregnancy.

Serum and urine amylase elevations occur in many conditions other than pancreatitis, such as renal failure, parotitis, and diabetic ketoacidosis. Patients with acidemia may have spurious elevations of serum amylase. This explains why patients with diabetic ketoacidosis may have marked elevations of serum amylase without any other evidence of acute pancreatitis.

Increased ascites fluid amylase levels have been seen in patients with pancreatitis, a leaking pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreatic duct rupture, pancreatic cancer, abdominal tumors that secrete amylase, and perforation of a hollow viscus.

Fractionation of amylase in serum, urine, or other body fluids can be done by physical means, such as electrophoresis, chromatography, or isoelectric focusing. Each isoenzyme is then quantitated by direct densitometry.


Macroamylasemia is not a disease but rather an acquired benign condition, more frequent in men and usually discovered incidentally in the fifth through seventh decades ( ). There is a persistent increase in the serum amylase without clinical symptoms. Urine amylase is normal or low. Macroamylases are heterogeneous complexes of normal amylase (usually salivary isoenzyme) with immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgA, or polysaccharide ( ). Because of their large size, macroamylases cannot be filtered through the glomerulus. They are retained in the plasma and are not present in urine. The plasma amylase activity is often increased two- to eightfold. Serum lipase is normal. Macroamylasemia is found in about 1% of randomly selected patients. Renal function is normal and the amylase/creatinine clearance ratio is low ( Table 23.3 ) ( ).

TABLE 23.3
Differential Diagnosis of Hyperamylasemia and Macroamylasemia
Adapted from Kleinman DS, O’Brien JF: Macroamylase, Mayo Clin Proc 61:66–-670, 1986.
Condition Serum Amylase Serum Lipase Urinary Amylase C am :C cr Serum Macroamylase
Pancreatic hyperamylasemia High High High High Absent
Salivary hyperamylasemia High Normal Low or normal Low or normal Absent
Macroamylasemia High Normal Low Low High
C am :C cr , Amylase clearance: creatinine clearance ratio = (urinary amylase/serum amylase) × (serum creatinine/urinary creatinine)


The pancreas is the major and primary source of serum lipase. Human pancreatic lipase is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 45,000 Da. Lipase is not present in the salivary glands. Lipases are defined as enzymes that hydrolyze preferentially glycerol esters of long-chain fatty acids at the carbon 1 and 3 ester bonds, producing 2 moles of fatty acid and 1 mole of β-monoglyceride per mole of triglyceride. After isomerization, the third fatty acid can be split off at a slower rate. Lipolysis increases in proportion to the surface area of the lipid droplets; the absence of bile salts in duodenal fluid with a resultant lack of emulsification renders lipase ineffective.

Serum lipase is more specific for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Serum lipase increases in 4 to 8 hours and remains elevated for 8 to 14 days. Increased lipase activity rarely lasts longer than 14 days; prolonged increases suggest a poor prognosis or the presence of a pancreatic cyst. Hyperglycemia and elevated bilirubin concentrations may be present. Leukocytosis is frequently present.

Pancreatic lipase must be differentiated from lipoprotein lipase, aliesterase, and arylester hydrolase, which are related but different enzymes. These enzymes’ activities may be included in the measurement of lipase activity unless suitable assay conditions for pancreatic lipase are adapted. Lipase is also present in the liver, stomach, intestine, white blood cells, fat cells, and milk.

Calcium is necessary for maximal lipase activity, but at higher concentrations it has an inhibitory effect. It is speculated that the inhibitory effect is due to its interference with the action of bile salts at the water-substrate interface. Like serum albumin, bile salts prevent the denaturation of lipase at the interface. Heavy metals and quinine inhibit lipase activity.

Lipase is filtered by the glomeruli owing to its low molecular weight; it is normally completely reabsorbed by the proximal tubules and is absent from normal urine. In patients with failure of renal tubular reabsorption caused by renal disorders, lipase is found in the urine. Urine lipase activity in the absence of pancreatic disease is inversely related to creatinine clearance.

Serum lipase is stable up to 1 week at room temperature and may be kept stable longer if it is refrigerated or frozen. The optimal reaction temperature is about 40° C. The optimal pH is 8.8, but other values ranging from 7.0 to 9.0 have been reported. This difference probably is due to the effect of the difference in types of substrate, buffer, incubation temperature, and concentrations of reagents used. Serum is the specimen of choice for blood lipase assays. Icterus, lipemia, and hemolysis do not interfere with turbidimetric lipase assays.

Both serum lipase and amylase are useful in ruling out acute pancreatitis. Although determination of serum lipase has diagnostic advantages over serum amylase for acute pancreatitis, it is not specific for acute pancreatitis. Serum lipase may also be elevated in patients with chronic pancreatitis, obstruction of the pancreatic duct, and nonpancreatic conditions, including renal diseases, acute cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction or infarction, duodenal ulcer, and liver disease, as well as alcoholism and diabetic ketoacidosis, and in patients who have undergone ERCP. Patients with trauma to the abdomen uniformly have increases in both serum amylase and lipase. Elevation of serum lipase activity in patients with mumps strongly suggests significant pancreatic involvement by the disease.

There are no data that measuring both amylase and lipase adds significant diagnostic accuracy. Once the diagnosis is established, daily determination of either amylase or lipase has little value in gauging the clinical course or the prognosis.


Trypsin is produced in the exocrine pancreas as two proenzymes, known as trypsinogen 1 and trypsinogen 2. The proenzymes are activated in the duodenum by an enterokinase that yields trypsin 1 and trypsin 2, respectively, and can also be autoactivated by trypsin itself. Trypsin present within the peripheral circulation is inactivated by complexing with either α 2 -macroglobulin or α 1 -antitrypsin. Trypsin, unlike amylase, is solely produced by the pancreatic acinar cells and is therefore a specific indicator of pancreatic damage. Premature activation of the proenzyme to active trypsin within the pancreatic parenchyma is thought to be a key mechanism in the development of acute pancreatitis ( ). Irrespective of the cause, all etiologies allow the activation of the inactive proenzyme trypsinogen to trypsin, which then activates most of the other digestive enzymes and produces tissue damage and necrosis of the pancreas, the surrounding fat, and adjacent structures. Elevated serum concentrations of immunoreactive trypsin, measured by quantitative radioimmunoassay (RIA), may prove useful in diagnosing acute pancreatitis.

Other enzymes that have been proposed as diagnostic tools include pancreatic isoamylase, phospholipase A, elastase 1, and trypsinogen-2 ( ). Other tests—aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), CRP, hematocrit, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), and trypsinogen activation peptide (TAP)—have shown low sensitivity for diagnosing acute pancreatitis. CDT is a marker for chronic alcoholism. Markers of inflammatory response (e.g., CRP) peak following interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 increase on day 3 after onset of abdominal pain, which is useful in predicting severity of pancreatitis ( ).

Complications of Acute Pancreatitis

Hypocalcemia related to saponification of calcium by the liberated fats and mild to significant jaundice may appear after 24 hours because of biliary obstruction. A sepsis-like syndrome due to the digestive enzymes in the systemic circulation may cause the release of inflammatory cytokines, a systemic immune response syndrome, with severe systemic complications. About 75% of patients with acute pancreatitis have a benign course and recover rapidly. No treatment has proven to interrupt the inflammatory process effectively.

Idiopathic acute pancreatitis occurs in about 10% to 20% of patients with pancreatitis. It is believed that many are germline mutations of either cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) or serine protease inhibitor, kazal type 1 (SPINK1). There is high risk for development of endocrine or exocrine insufficiency and pancreatic adenocarcinoma. These mutations can cause an autosomal recessive hereditary acute or chronic pancreatitis with onset in childhood or early adulthood. PRSS1 abrogates the inactivation of trypsinogen for cleavage of trypsin. SPINK1 mutation inactivates pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor ( ; ).

Patients with these disorders typically have recurrent acute pancreatitis sometime between infancy and the fourth decade. Chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer develop at a relatively young age. No specific treatment exists for the prevention or treatment of hereditary pancreatitis. Clinical testing is available for the disorders described ( ).

Chronic Pancreatitis

It is the irreversible damage, and often progressive inflammation with irregular fibrosis, duct dilatation and loss of pancreatic parenchyma, that characterize chronic pancreatitis. It occurs after repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis, obstruction of the pancreatic duct by mechanical blockage or congenital defect, by neoplasm, gallstone duct obstruction, or alcoholism. Early in the course, the pancreas is enlarged. Subsequently, due to scarring, the gland usually shrinks, with loss of acini and still later a loss of ductules. Preserved or even increased islets are seen in the fibrous scar. Patients seek medical attention because of abdominal pain or maldigestion.

Maldigestion/malabsorption and steatorrhea are due to pancreatic insufficiency with loss of enzymes, glucose intolerance or diabetes, and islet damage. Low fecal elastase levels correlate well with disease. Clinically, there is recurrent or chronic pain. Since only a small number of patients with acute pancreatitis go on to develop chronic pancreatitis, the incidence of the latter is lower than that of acute pancreatitis but is increasing. Incidence is greater in males than in females, and the average age of onset is 40 years. It is more prevalent in tropical countries; the main form is chronic calcifying pancreatitis with duct calcifications, which can often be seen on plain films of the abdomen. In temperate areas, chronic alcoholism is found in more than half of the cases. Etiology is not apparent in 40% of the cases.

The central enzyme involved in activation of all the digestive proenzymes is trypsin. Trypsin is synthesized and maintained as inactive trypsinogen in secretory granules in the pancreatic acinar cell. After release through the pancreatic duct into the intestinal lumen, trypsinogen is cleaved by enterokinase on the brush border of the duodenum to yield active trypsin. Trypsin is stabilized in the pancreatic acini by a serine protease inhibitor, SPINK1. Mutations in SPINK1 increase the risk of chronic pancreatitis almost 12-fold by impairing the ability of acinar cells to counteract and inhibit the damaging effects of intracellular trypsin ( ; ). Cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) mutations involving codon 29 and 122 cause autosomal-dominant forms of hereditary pancreatitis ( ; ).

Gastroenterologic Disorders

Peptic Ulceration

Helicobacter pylori causes the most frequent and persistent bacterial infection worldwide. It has been recognized as the principal cause of duodenitis and duodenal ulcers and is strongly associated with chronic antral gastritis, gastric ulcers, nonulcer dyspepsia, gastric carcinoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas (MALTomas) ( ; ; ). The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) causes or aggravates peptic and gastric inflammation and ulceration. Gastric hypersecretory states are a much rarer cause of peptic ulcer disease. Data gathered by history and physical examination may initially suggest peptic ulcer disease. While radiologic and endoscopic examinations may be useful, definitive diagnosis requires laboratory analysis.

Since H. pylori is the most important cause of peptic ulcer disease and is significantly associated with multiple other types of upper GI pathology, there has been a great deal of research on its detection and treatment and confirmation of its eradication following treatment. A cogent argument has been made that all patients found to harbor this organism should be treated ( ). Numerous commercial products are available for the laboratory diagnosis of this infection. These tests support both specific diagnosis and determination of eradication in population groups with different infection and antibiotic-resistance prevalence. Each of these tests has advantages, disadvantages, and limitations ( ). Thus, appropriate test selection and result interpretation are imperative.

Test selection depends on the test objective (initial diagnosis or determination of eradication) and whether endoscopy with tissue sampling is indicated. The biopsied tissue can be subjected to direct urease test, nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), cultured, or histologically examined following conventional or immunochemical staining. The noninvasive tests include urea breath tests that detect exhaled 13 CO 2 or 14 CO 2 following orally administered labeled urea, antibody detection in serum or saliva, and stool antigen assays using antibodies against H. pylori . NAATs are not widely available or routinely used.

The rapid urease test and breath test are most often used for diagnosis and determination of eradication, respectively. Both utilize the organism’s ability to produce urease, which hydrolyzes urea into ammonia and CO 2 ; the latter is absorbed into blood and then exhaled. Breath tests using nonradioactive ( 13 CO 2 ) and radioactive ( 14 CO 2 ) carbon isotopes require different systems for detection of labeled CO 2 . The sensitivity and specificity of breath tests generally exceed 90% in determining eradication. The tests are useful for both initial diagnosis and monitoring efficacy of eradication therapy. The breath tests may yield false-negative results if performed too soon after treatment, before the bacterial load is insufficient for detection ( ), and in patients with corpus-predominant gastritis ( ; ).

Urease-based chemical tests are routinely used to detect H. pylori in biopsy specimens obtained via endoscopy. Fresh biopsy specimens are placed into gels containing urea. The bacterial urease splits the urea, producing ammonia that changes pH and affects a color indicator, thus providing the basis for the detection. Bacterial load determines the amount of urease present and thus the rapidity of reaction; tissue samples with low bacterial loads may yield false-negative results ( ). If endoscopy must be performed for other reasons, a rapid direct urease test is the least expensive means of documenting the presence of H. pylori in antral biopsies ( ).

Tests dependent on detection of urease activity may yield false-negative results from the incidental use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), antibiotics, or bismuth-containing antacids ( ). Treatment of H. pylori may not lead to complete eradication of the organisms, particularly in the face of clarithromycin and metronidazole resistance.

In addition to serving as an adjunct in diagnosis of H. pylori infection, histologic examination is invaluable in assessing disease severity and the inflammatory changes in gastric mucosa. Multiple biopsies collected from antrum and corpus are usually stained with any two of the conventional stains; Warthin-Starry and Giemsa stains are most frequently employed to demonstrate H. pylori , and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining is used to evaluate gastric mucosa. The organism can also be demonstrated immunochemically. In H&E-stained sections, absence of antral inflammation has been found to exclude infection ( ; ). Other studies have reported H&E stain adequate in detecting organisms, essentially obviating the need for routine immunohistochemistry ( ).

Culture of the organism is not routinely performed for diagnosis. However, with the increasing rates of antibiotic resistance, it yields much needed antimicrobial susceptibility data in patients with more than one treatment failure ( ). Meticulously collected, transported, and cultured gastric biopsies are more likely to grow the fastidious microaerophilic organism, when present, than attempts at isolation from gastric fluid, stool, or vomitus ( ; ).

Stool antigen tests are reliable alternatives to urea breath tests for both initial diagnosis and determination of eradication. A variety of commercial immunochromatographic and enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) are available that use monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies against H. pylori ( ). EIAs employing monoclonal antibodies have generally superior sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values than other assays ( ; ; ).

Serologic tests are inexpensive, widely available, and reliable in documenting exposure to or colonization with H. pylori ( ; ; ). These tests are of limited utility in both initial diagnosis and monitoring eradication, and are subject to misinterpretation ( ; ). However, these tests are of negative predictive value, and may be useful in patients with recent use of antibiotics or PPIs, and those with bleeding ulcers or gastric atrophy. Office-based serologic tests on blood, urine, or saliva yield inconsistent results and are not recommended for diagnosis of H. pylori infection ( ; ).

Hypersecretory states are suggested by extensive peptic ulcer disease, especially in the absence of H. pylori and NSAIDs. Failure to respond to the usual doses of histamine-2 (H 2 )-receptor blocking agents and PPIs also suggests oversecretion of hydrochloric acid. Although gastric analysis remains the gold standard for measurement of gastric acid, it is used infrequently. Care must be taken to avoid the use of antisecretory medications for the appropriate time intervals before testing. H 2 -receptor blockers should be held for 48 hours and PPIs should be avoided for 7 days. Antisecretory agents are available without prescription; thus, patient education is important. Physicians must remember to review all of the medications that their patients are taking.

Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome

The syndrome is defined by the triad of peptic ulceration, hyperchlorhydria, non-β islet cell tumors (gastrinomas). Duodenal ulcers do not occur in achlorhydric individuals but are present in those with extreme hyperchlorhydria. Gastrinomas may occur in the body or tail of the pancreas or in the upper duodenum; they may be multiple and malignant. About 25% of patients with Zollinger-Ellison (ZE) syndrome have multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1) with hyperparathyroidism ( ).

Gastrin levels, with and without secretin stimulation, can be used to diagnose ZE syndrome. Serum gastrin levels greater than 150 ng/L (reference: <100 ng/L), especially with simultaneous gastric pH values of <3, are highly suggestive of a gastrinoma. For equivocal results, secretin (2 U/kg in 10 mL 0.9% sodium chloride) can be given intravenously in 30 seconds and serial gastrin levels can be drawn at 0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes. An increase in gastrin of >200 ng/L within 15 minutes of the injection is considered a positive test. Octreotide, a synthetic form of somatostatin, has been used for localization of the tumor(s). Radiolabeled octreotide binds to somatostatin receptors and can be subsequently localized by scintigraphy ( ). If such tumors are surgically removed, gastrin levels can be used to assess potential success or future recurrence (see Gastrinoma in “Functional Neuroendocrine Tumors”).

Gastrin is a primary GI hormone, produced mainly by the antral G cells, that regulates gastric acid secretion and stimulates growth of the gastric mucosa, among other functions. To a lesser extent, gastrin is produced by the G cells of the proximal small intestine and delta cells of the pancreas. Gastrin acts on the parietal cells located in the fundus of the stomach, stimulating the secretion of gastric acid. Gastrin also increases blood flow to the stomach and is responsible for increased gastric and intestinal motility. Other functions include stimulation of gastric pepsinogens and intrinsic factor secretion, release of secretin from the small intestine, and secretion of pancreatic enzymes as well as bicarbonate ( ). This hormone is secreted from antral distention mainly after the detection of digested protein products. Maximal stimulation of gastrin secretion occurs within a pH range of 5 to 7. An acid environment serves as a negative-feedback mechanism for the release of gastrin, with 80% reduction in secretion at a pH of 2.5 ( ). This serves to protect the stomach from overacidification from excess stimulation of gastrin. For this reason, individuals on acid suppression therapy for peptic ulcer disease may have elevated gastrin levels. Homeostatic mechanisms to minimize excessive gastrin secretion include the apocrine effect of antral somatostatin, which inhibits gastrin release by neighboring G cells.

Three main forms of gastrin exist in human blood and tissues: G34, G17, and G14, known as big gastrin , little gastrin , and mini-gastrin , respectively. There are different assay sensitivities to these forms. All gastrins originate from a single precursor, preprogastrin, which is cleaved by the action of trypsin. Interestingly, in pathologic cases of increased gastrin production, as with achlorhydric gastritis or gastrinomas, larger molecular forms of gastrin and incompletely processed precursors are present and are beyond the scope of detection by conventional assays. In such cases, only little gastrin would be detectable in serum ( ).

Laboratory determination of gastrin levels with RIA or EIA is indicated for the confirmation of suspected gastrin-secreting tumors, namely, gastrinomas or ZE syndrome. The antibodies present in these assays are specific for the biologically active C-terminal of the gastrin molecule and have minimal cross-reactivity with CCK peptides. Prior to determination of gastrin levels, a patient must be fasting for 12 hours because the concentration of G34 doubles and the concentration of G17 quadruples following a meal, altering the results of the assay. Specimens must be frozen immediately because gastrin is unstable in serum. Due to the action of proteolytic enzymes, 50% of the specimen’s immunoreactivity may be lost within 48 hours at a temperature of 4° C. It is recommended that specimens should be kept in a freezer at a temperature of −70° C without a self-defrosting cycle if long-term storage is required. Specimens must be analyzed immediately after thawing, avoiding refreezing and thawing.

Fasting serum gastrin levels are increased with increasing age, especially in patients older than 60 years, in part due to gastric mucosal atrophy. Approximately 15% of individuals older than 60 years may have gastrin levels between 100 and 800 ng/L ( ). Reference intervals for infants and children differ from those for adults; interpretation should use age-specific reference ranges. Gastrin concentration greater than 1000 ng/L with gastric acid hypersecretion (basal acid secretion >15 mmol/hour) is diagnostic of gastrinomas. The secretin stimulation test is a provocative biochemical test that can help confirm the diagnosis of ZE syndrome in questionable cases. Infused secretin should cause a drop in gastrin levels in normal individuals. However, in patients with ZE syndrome, there is a dramatic increase in gastrin level following secretin infusion. The mechanism by which secretin stimulates an increase in gastrin levels in these patients is poorly understood; however, it is thought to be due to a direct local effect on the blood flow to the tumor ( ). Limitations include altered results from conditions that may lead to elevated gastrin levels, such as gastric ulcer disease, chronic renal failure, hyperparathyroidism, pyloric obstruction, vagotomy, retained gastric antrum, short bowel syndrome, and pernicious anemia. Certain medication can also increase gastrin measurements, such as antacids, H 2 -blocking agents, and PPIs, all commonly used in the treatment of patients with peptic ulcer disease. However, these elevations are moderate and certainly not as high as in a patient with a gastrin-secreting tumor.

Intraoperative testing for gastrin is of potential use because gastrinomas can be multiple and are often difficult to locate as they can be distributed widely in the stomach, pancreas, and duodenum or periaortic lymph nodes. Gastrin has a short half-life of approximately 10 minutes, and the catabolic breakdown of most peptide hormones follows first-order exponential decay (see Chapter 77, Chapter 78 ). Therefore, if the entire hormone-secreting tissue is surgically resected, only approximately 12.5% of the baseline concentration would be present in serum after three half-lives. When patients with ZE syndrome or gastrinomas were evaluated with intraoperative gastrin assays, a drop of gastrin levels to within reference values within 20 minutes of resection was indicative of cure ( ).

Pepsin and Pepsinogen

Pepsinogens are the biologically inactive proenzymes of pepsins that are produced by the chief cells and other cells in the gastric mucosa. They are found in two distinct types, pepsinogen I (PGI), also known as pepsinogen A , and pepsinogen II (PGII), also known as pepsinogen C . Pepsinogen secretion is stimulated by the vagus nerve, gastrin, secretin, and CCK. It is inhibited by gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), anticholinergics, H 2 -receptor antagonists, and vagotomy ( ). PGI is produced in the chief cells and mucous cells of oxyntic glands; PGII is produced in mucous cells in oxyntic and pyloric regions and the duodenum. The ratio of concentration of PGI to PGII in serum or plasma of healthy individuals is approximately 4:1 ( ). Pepsinogen is converted to the active form, pepsin, by gastric acid that can activate additional pepsinogen autocatalytically. Both groups of pepsinogen are activated at an acid pH below 5 and destroyed by alkaline pH. Both types can be detected in blood. Only type I pepsinogens are present in the urine. Pepsins are responsible for the hydrolysis of proteins to polypeptides. The pepsinogen released from the gastric mucosa constitutes a major component of gastric fluid. Only approximately 1% gets into the peripheral blood. Active pepsin is rapidly inactivated in the bloodstream, whereas pepsinogen is stable in the blood. Pepsinogen is then filtered by the kidneys and is excreted in the urine, where the slightly acidic pH converts the pepsinogen, now called uropepsinogen to uropepsin ( ). Immunoassay is the method used to detect serum pepsinogen. However, the PGI isoform is commonly analyzed in the clinical laboratory since it is the isoform commonly associated with disease.

Serum levels of PGI are an accurate estimate of parietal cell mass and correlate with acid-secretory capacity of the stomach. Increased pepsinogen levels and associated activity is observed in patients with disease states that lead to increased gastric output or with increased parietal cell mass, namely, gastrinomas, ZE syndrome, duodenal ulcer disease, and acute and chronic gastritis. Decreased levels of pepsinogen are associated with decreased parietal cell mass, atrophic gastritis and gastric carcinoma, as well as in patients with myxedema, Addison disease and hypopituitarism ( ). The PGI/PGII ratio decreases linearly with worsening atrophic gastritis. Absence of pepsinogen is noted in patients with achlorhydria. PGI levels measured by immunoassay usually range from 20 to 107 μg/L and PGII levels usually range from 3 to 19 μg/L.

Pepsinogen assays are being explored for their utility in the noninvasive identification of patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and to provide an estimate of the extent of atrophic gastritis, a known precursor of gastric carcinoma. Severe atrophic body gastritis causes a four- to fivefold increase in the risk of gastric carcinoma compared with healthy individuals ( ). This will hopefully identify a subgroup of individuals with chronic atrophic gastritis that would benefit from endoscopic evaluations for detection of early-stage gastric tumors. These assays are currently utilized in Japan, an area marked by high prevalence of gastric cancer, as a potential method for widespread screening of high-risk individuals ( ). Study authors recommended that criteria for diagnosing chronic atrophic gastritis be persons with PGI <70 μg/L and PGI/PGII ratio <3.0. In Japan, the pepsinogen serum screening test has been demonstrated to detect a higher percentage of early cancers compared with conventional methods; a considerable number of patients have subsequently been candidates for treatments with endoscopic surgery ( ). The most sensitive test for fundic atrophic gastritis is considered to be the PGI/II serum ratio, with 99% sensitivity and 94% specificity ( ). Furthermore, PGII levels may be a useful marker of prognosis, serving as an independent predictor of tumor biology and survival in patients with gastric carcinoma. The absence of PGII production has been associated with aggressive tumor behavior and shorter overall survival in gastric cancer patients ( ). Pepsinogen assays may therefore prove to be a useful serum screening method for detection of gastric carcinoma among high-risk individuals.

Diarrhea and Malabsorption


About 8 to 10 L of fluid enters the duodenum every 24 hours. Much of this fluid is absorbed in the small intestine and about 1.5 L enters the large intestine. However only 100 to 150 mL is voided in stools. Increased fluid secretion or decreased fluid absorption in either the small or large intestine, or increased intestinal motility, results in diarrhea. One of the most important parameters defining diarrhea in an individual patient is a change in the usual bowel habit to more frequent looser stools. Diarrhea is the passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day or more frequently than is normal for the individual ( ). Decrease in fecal consistency (i.e., increased fluidity) is difficult to measure; thus, increased stool weight, frequency, and duration are used in defining diarrhea.

The diagnosis of diarrhea starts with a thorough history to characterize the condition. Is the diarrhea bland or bloody (dysentery)? Are there constitutional symptoms? What is the duration of the illness? Important issues to determine are travel history, the use of antibiotics and other medications, ingestion of uncooked fish or meats, exposure to animals, and previous history of diarrhea and family history of gastrointestinal illness. Self-limited, acute diarrhea (<2 weeks in duration) without bleeding or constitutional symptoms rarely requires diagnostic testing. Chronic diarrhea, the passage of blood, and constitutional symptoms all suggest the need for a specific diagnosis. History is the key to developing the differential diagnosis and guiding the laboratory evaluation ( Table 23.4 ). The physical examination, although usually less helpful than the history, must still be comprehensive.

TABLE 23.4
Laboratory Tests in the Differential Diagnosis of Diarrhea
Adapted from Khare R, et al.: Comparative evaluation of two commercial multiplex panels for detection of gastrointestinal pathogens by use of clinical stool samples, J Clin Microbiol 52:3667-3673, 2014; Shane AL, et al.: 2017 Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of infectious diarrhea, Clin Infect Dis 65:1963–1973, 2017; Paulos S, et al.: Comparative performance evaluation of four commercial multiplex real-time PCR assays for the detection of the diarrhea-causing protozoa Cryptosporidium hominis/parvum , Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica , PloS One 14:e0215068, 2019.
Test Method Use
Initial Screening Tests
Fecal leukocytes Wright’s or methylene blue stain Identify inflammatory diarrhea
Fecal occult blood test Immunochemical Detect blood
Fecal osmotic gap 290 − 2 × (fecal N + + fecal K + ) Distinguish secretory vs. osmotic diarrhea
Stool pH pH determination; fecal phenolphthalein test Lactose intolerance; laxative abuse; malabsorption of any carbohydrate
Infectious Causes
Stool bacterial culture/special culture Culture and sensitivity, serotyping; NAAT Identify bacterial pathogens
Stool mycobacteria Acid-fast stain, culture and sensitivity, NAAT Detect mycobacteria, antibiotic selection
HIV serology EIA, Western blot HIV enteritis
Viral gastroenteritis EIA, NAAT Rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, astrovirus
Stool ova and parasites Concentration, stain, microscopy Enteric parasitic infection
Intestinal protozoa Acid-fast stain, EIA, NAAT See below
Endocrine Causes
Urine 5-HIAA or blood serotonin HPLC Carcinoid syndrome, rarely pheochromocytoma
Serum VIP RIA, immunoassay VIPoma
Serum TSH, free T4 Immunoassay Hyperthyroidism
Serum gastrin RIA Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Serum calcitonin RIA, immunoassay Hypocalcemia-related diarrhea
Serum somatostatin RIA, immunoassay Somatostatinoma
Lactose tolerance test See text Lactase deficiency
Stool reducing sugars Clinitest reaction Carbohydrate intolerance
Sweat chloride See text Cystic fibrosis
D -xylose absorption test See text Evaluate small-bowel absorption
Fecal fat stain Fat stain Lipid malabsorption
Serum carotene Spectrophotometry Lipid malabsorption
Serum IgA Nephelometry Rule out IgA deficiency
Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody EIA Celiac disease; see Table 23.6
Hydrogen breath test Gas chromatography Carbohydrate malabsorption
Bacterial colony count Small-bowel aspirate and quantitative culture Bacterial overgrowth
Fecal calprotectin EIA Screen for IBD
Serum ionized calcium Ion-selective electrode Hypocalcemia-related diarrhea
Serum protein and albumin Nephelometry IBD, protein-losing enteropathy
Stool α 1 -antitrypsin Nephelometry IBD, protein-losing enteropathy from multiple causes
Quantitative immunoglobulins Nephelometry Agammaglobulinemia
Fecal elastase EIA Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Intestinal biopsy Endoscopic or open biopsy Whipple disease, MAI, abetalipoproteinemia, neoplasia, lymphoma, amyloidosis, eosinophilic gastroenteritis, agammaglobulinemia, intestinal lymphangiectasia, Crohn disease, tuberculosis, graft-versus-host disease, Giardia, other parasitic infections, collagenous colitis, microscopic colitis
Extraintestinal causes See text Hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hypoparathyroidism, adrenal cortical insufficiency, hormone-secreting tumors
5-HIAA , 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid; Ag, antigen; Ab, antibody, EIA, enzyme immunoassay, HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; MAI, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare ; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test; RIA, radioimmunoassay; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide.

May involve routine culture and sensitivity, and culture on special media and serotyping for Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Campylobacter spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, Yersinia spp., and stool toxin immunoassays or NAAT for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli , Clostridium perfringens , and food toxin detection for Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus, Entamoeba histolytica , Giardia sp., Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora cayetanensis , Cystoisospora belli , modified trichrome stain for microsporidia.

Acute diarrheas, defined as <4 weeks’ duration, generally have an infectious etiology. Those with a course of >4 weeks are considered to be chronic diarrheas ( ) and are categorized as osmotic, secretory, or inflammatory. Hypermotility or shortened gut may reduce the transit time and absorptive surface, resulting in diarrhea and/or some degree of malabsorption.

Osmotic diarrhea results from unabsorbable or poorly absorbed solutes. These include polyethylene glycol in colon-cleansing solutions, magnesium salts (magnesium citrate in cathartics, magnesium hydroxide in some antacids), sorbitol in chewing gum, lactulose in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, and lactose in lactase-deficient individuals. These osmotically active substances in the lumen alter the osmotic gradient that normally favors Na+ absorption, drawing fluid into the lumen.

Fasting or cessation of consumption of the suspected solute for 24 hours stops osmotic diarrhea. Microbial fermentation of malabsorbed carbohydrates yields short-chain fatty acids. The increased osmolarity draws additional water into the colon and lowers the stool pH to values of <5.6 ( ). Sodium and potassium concentrations in stool water are measured to calculate the fecal osmotic gap, which estimates the contribution of electrolytes and nonelectrolytes to water retention in the gut lumen. The osmotic gap is useful in differentiating osmotic from secretory diarrhea; it is best calculated as: 290 − 2 × (fecal Na + + fecal K + ), where 290 represents the stool osmolality that approximates plasma osmolality, and a factor of 2 is used to account for associated anions. Osmotic gaps of >125 mOsm/kg characterize osmotic diarrhea and those of <50 mOsm/kg are seen in secretory diarrhea ( ).

Stool osmolality must be measured on a freshly collected specimen. Because of continued degradation of stool carbohydrates, osmolality of the specimen increases over hours. Continued diarrhea during a 48-hour fast is suggestive of a secretory process, although fecal weight may decrease because of increasing dehydration ( ; ).

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