Isolated Systolic Hypertension

For many years, clinicians have used diastolic blood pressure as the main risk indicator in hypertensive patients. However, several developments have caused a paradigmatic shift in our thinking about hypertension as a risk factor. First of all, the recognition from epidemiological studies that systolic pressure is a much stronger predictor of future cardiovascular events than diastolic pressure. Secondly, many studies have shown that pulse pressure is independently associated with cardiovascular risk and an increased pulse pressure is mainly related to an elevated systolic pressure. Finally, with the aging of the world’s population more emphasis has been put on a more slowly evolving form of hypertension that is predominately systolic in nature and primarily affects middle-aged and older persons.

Currently, isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or above together with a diastolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg. It has become the most common and the most difficult form of hypertension to treat successfully, and hence a public health problem of major proportion. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a better understanding of ISH and how to treat it effectively.

Epidemiology of Isolated Systolic Hypertension

The longitudinal data from the Framingham Heart Study clearly indicate that systolic blood pressure (SBP) continues to rise with age whereas diastolic blood pressure (DBP) increases in young adulthood, but levels off at age 50 to 55 years only to decrease after age 60 to 65 years. As a corollary, pulse pressure (PP), defined as the difference between SBP and DBP, increases after age 50 to 55 years. Normotensives who reach the age of 65 years have a 90% lifetime risk of developing hypertension (and almost exclusively of the ISH subtype) if they live another 20 to 25 years.

Studies on the prevalence of ISH in untreated populations have yielded inconsistent results, which may, at least in part, be explained by differences in age, gender distribution, and in definition of ISH across the various surveys. Surely, when one takes a systolic pressure above 160 mm Hg as the criterion for ISH, then the condition is virtually nonexistent in younger people. However, with the currently accepted threshold of 140 mm Hg the situation may be different. In the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry Study, for instance, the prevalence of ISH in participants between 18 and 49 years of age was about 25% in men and 13% in women. These prevalence rates are higher than those found in several other studies and may well be related to comorbid conditions such as obesity.

In persons above age 60, ISH usually is found in a quarter to a third of the population. Of particular interest are the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) program. In the third survey (NHANES III, 1988 to 1994) it was found that ISH is the predominant form of hypertension above age 50 years, constituting 60% to 90% of all cases of uncontrolled hypertension. Recently, Liu and coworkers analyzed the data from six cycles of NHANES surveys from 1999 to 2010. Interestingly, they found that the overall prevalence of untreated ISH had decreased from 9.4% in 1999 to 2004 to 8.5% in 2005 to 2010, a highly significant difference ( p = 0.0025; Fig. 19.1 ). In participants aged 60 years and above there was an even more pronounced fall in the prevalence of ISH from 34% to 25% ( p < 0.0001). Consistent with previous reports the prevalence of ISH was greater in females than in males, most likely because blood pressure tends to rise more steeply with age in older women than in men. Nevertheless, also in women the prevalence of ISH has decreased over time. Finally, in non-Hispanic blacks, a group with a very high risk of developing ISH, there were also fewer cases during the last examination. This positive trend in the United States may be seen as a reflection of public health measures and better treatment of hypertensive patients. However, such a development is not seen globally. In Korea, for instance, a similar program as NHANES found that, although the proportion of untreated hypertensive patients had remained relatively constant from 1998 to 2012, ISH is becoming more prevalent attributed to the rapid aging of the population. Also in China, ISH has risen significantly over the last 20 years. Thus, the problem of ISH may be particularly relevant in the Asian-Pacific region.

FIG. 19.1, Prevalence and 95% confidence intervals for the prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension in untreated adults. Based on the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) 1999 to 2010 data.

A question that comes up frequently is whether in older people ISH develops de novo, that is, as a separate disease, or that it is a naturally occurring stage in the hypertensive process. In the Framingham study, the conversion from untreated or poorly controlled diastolic hypertension at a younger age to ISH later in life did occur in about 40% of patients but, as illustrated in Fig. 19.2 , the majority of people acquired ISH without going through a stage of elevated DBP.

FIG. 19.2, Average maximum diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reached before the development of isolated systolic blood pressure for those who reached a DBP of less than 90 mm Hg, from 90 to 94 mm Hg, and 95 or higher mm Hg, respectively, in the Framingham Heart Study.

The Campania Salute Network study set out to determine which factors could predict the transition from systolic-diastolic hypertension toward ISH. In 7801 hypertensive patients who were free of cardiovascular or severe chronic kidney disease, ISH developed in 21% over an average period of 55 months. Independent predictors of incident ISH were older age, female gender, higher baseline SBP, lower DBP, longer duration of hypertension, higher cardiac mass, greater arterial stiffness, and higher intima-media thickness of the carotid artery. These predictors were independent of antihypertensive treatment, obesity, diabetes, and fasting glucose. This suggests that ISH is a sign of aggravation of the atherosclerotic disease already evident by the target organ damage.

The age-related changes in PP suggest an interaction between vascular aging and the development of systolic hypertension. Indeed, participants in the Framingham Heart Study who were followed from age 30 to 84 years in the absence of antihypertensive therapy and with a mean baseline blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg at 30 years of age had no rise in PP from age 30 to 55 years of age. However, this group of subjects did show a significant rise in PP and fall in DBP after 60 years of age, presumably caused by an increase in large artery stiffness secondary to aging. In contrast, participants with a mean baseline blood pressure of 130/84 mm Hg at 30 years of age demonstrated a steeper rise in PP and a steeper fall in DBP after age 60 than was observed in the other group, again in the absence of antihypertensive therapy. This divergent, rather than parallel tracking pattern suggests a linkage between hypertension left untreated and subsequent acceleration of large artery stiffness and the development or worsening of ISH.

Pathophysiological Features of Isolated Systolic Hypertension

Some Considerations About Etiology

Normally, the conduit vessels (the aorta and the carotid, brachial, iliac, and femoral arteries) will substantially buffer the pressure rise, which results from the ejection of blood by the left ventricle (Windkessel function). They can do so by virtue of a high elastin content. During systole, the aortic wall is stretched so that it can accommodate the stroke volume and at the same time increase elastic tensile energy. At late-systole and during the diastolic phase this accumulated energy recoils the aorta and pushes, as it were, the amount of blood that has not yet been directed forward into the peripheral vasculature. This way, a continuous flow is ensured. The structural basis for this mechanism lies primarily in the medial and adventitial layers of the vessel wall. During normal aging, changes in the composition and the structure of the media lead to generalized arterial stiffening. This process needs to be distinguished from intimal changes, which may occur simultaneously and which form the basis of atherosclerotic lesions. Although our information about the age-related pathological changes in the arterial wall of humans, for obvious reasons, is limited, there is agreement that with time the elastin in the wall in the larger vessels nearby the heart decreases. In fact, elastin becomes thinner and fragmented and then is degraded and replaced by collagen, which is much stiffer. Why this happens, is not entirely clear. Some have suggested that it is a matter of fatigue failure as a result of repetitive cyclic loading. Indeed, by the time a person reaches age 55 years the heart has contracted about 2 billion times and the elastic protein in the central conduit vessels may well show signs of wear and tear at that time.

Another possibility is that calcification of the media plays a role in the stiffening of the larger arteries. The mechanisms of this mineralization process are very complex and involve an array of biochemical substances. Because most of the data on this process stem from animal and cellular studies and are not derived directly from human material these mechanisms will not be discussed in detail here. Nevertheless, it is likely that a combination of biochemical derangements and calcification contribute to a state of progressive arterial stiffening.

Despite an enormous body of evidence that links loss of elasticity and calcification via increased arterial stiffness to the development of de novo ISH, absolute proof that these are causally related to each other is still lacking. However, several clinical observations speak in favor of such a connection. For instance, elongation of the aorta or aortic unfolding as it is commonly called, is an age-related radiological change in the aorta, which is supposed to result from the loss of elastic material. With modern radiological techniques it has been possible to show that at least in normotensive people the ascending part of the thoracic aorta, the site of greatest pressure dampening, increases almost two-fold in length between 20 and 80 years of age. Interestingly, the aortic diameter does not change that much so that it seems longitudinal strain during the cardiac cycle is greater than circumferential strain. Of note, even in these normotensives the degree of lengthening correlated positively with measures of arterial stiffness as well as with the height of aortic systolic and pulse pressure. Thus, it is not unreasonable to assume that in susceptible individuals this will end in systolic hypertension.

A second line of evidence is provided by epidemiological observations, which indicate that people with diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) run a greater risk of developing ISH and sooner than those without diabetes. Conversely, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is high in patients with ISH. It is also known that increased arterial stiffness is already apparent in the phase of impaired glucose tolerance. Most likely, this is related to the accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts, which stiffen the aorta. Thirdly, ISH becomes more prevalent in conditions that are associated with a tendency to increased calcification such as renal insufficiency and osteoporosis. Finally, aortic calcification, as measured by quantitative high-resolution computed tomography imaging at the ascending, descending, and abdominal aorta, correlates with aortic stiffness and with the severity of ISH in patients who are otherwise apparently healthy.

Taken together, these observations are consistent with the view that loss of elastin and/or calcification in the proximal aorta cause or contribute to arterial stiffness and the development of ISH.


When discussing hemodynamics in ISH it is essential to make a distinction between central hemodynamics and arterial stiffness. Central (or systemic) hemodynamics comprises intravascular pressure, cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR). Although cross-sectional studies in normotensives suggest that an age-related rise in blood pressure is as a result of an increase in TPR, longitudinal investigations hardly show any changes in either pressure or CO or TPR over time. In patients with hypertension hemodynamic changes with age are more pronounced. Cardiac output falls by about 15% over a period of 10 to 20 years caused by a reduction in stroke volume without significant changes in heart rate. The almost parallel rise in SBP, DBP, and mean arterial pressure (MAP) up to age 50 to 55 years can best be explained by the increase in peripheral vascular resistance.

The consequence of diminished elasticity of the aorta and the larger vessels is loss of the Windkessel function and, hence, less dampening of the pulsatility. This will result in a greater rise in systolic pressure and in pulse pressure. Another sequela is that the pressure wave now travels much faster along the stiffened arterial system than it used to do when the system was still more elastic. Because of the high resistance in the microcirculation the forward moving pressure wave is reflected, thus causing a retrograde pressure wave, which amplifies the former. Although this sequence of events fairly well explains the rise in SBP and the widening of PP with advancing age, it is less easy to understand why DBP falls. A commonly held view is that with age-related stiffening of the aorta, there is a greater peripheral runoff of stroke volume during systole. With less blood remaining in the aorta at the beginning of diastole, and with diminished elastic recoil, DBP decreases and the diastolic decay curve becomes steeper. Although this may be true for the ones who develop ISH de novo, it remains enigmatic why those patients who initially exhibited elevated diastolic pressures and a high TPR would lower their DBP.

Whatever the precise mechanisms, the blood pressure pattern of ISH with wide PP, from age 50 to 55 onward, is best explained by a predominance of large artery stiffness. The rise in PP is both a marker for large artery stiffness and a measure of vascular aging. In fact, untreated hypertension can accelerate the rate of vascular aging by as many as 15 to 20 years as illustrated in Fig. 19.3 . Thus, although increased PVR probably initiates essential hypertension, acceleration of large artery stiffness is the driving force leading to the development of ISH with a steeper rise of SBP after 50 years of age and a fall in DBP as compared with normotensive people. Beyond 60 years of age, increased central arterial stiffness and forward wave amplitude (rather than increased TPR, MAP, and early wave augmentation) become the dominant hemodynamic factors in both normotensive and hypertensive individuals. At that point, cardiac workload and myocardial oxygen demand during ventricular ejection will progressively increase and cardiac output may decline further. Ultimately, with no or inadequate treatment left ventricular failure may ensue.

FIG. 19.3, Pulse pressure by age. Group-averaged data (A) and averaged individual regression analysis (B) for all subjects with deaths, myocardial infarction, and chronic heart failure excluded. Curves plotted based on blood pressure predicted values at 5-year age intervals by systolic blood pressure groupings.

Arterial Wave Reflection, Central Blood Pressure, Pressure Amplification, and Pulse Wave Velocity

The morphology of any pulse wave results from the summation of incident (forward-traveling) and reflected (backward-traveling) pressure waves ( Fig. 19.4 ). Timing depends on both pulse wave velocity (PWV) and distance to the predominant or “effective” reflecting site. As has been known for a long time, the summation of the incident pressure wave with the reflected wave produces in young healthy adults a normal phenomenon of pressure amplification from the aorta to the brachial artery, resulting in a higher SBP and PP at the distal brachial artery as compared with the proximal ascending aortic site. The degree to which amplification occurs can be quantified as the augmentation index (Aix). A marked increase in stiffness or impedance at the reflecting site generates a larger reflected wave and can add to a greater augmentation index.

FIG. 19.4, Schematic drawing of a pressure wave with augmentation of systolic pressure by a reflected wave. The augmentation index is the ratio of the augmentation pressure to pulse pressure.

Importantly, central SBP and PP, augmentation index, and pressure amplification are all influenced by arterial stiffness without necessarily being an accurate measurement of arterial stiffness itself. Indeed, all these variables are determined primarily by the speed of wave travel, the sites of reflectance, the amplitude of the reflected wave, and left ventricular ejection and contractility. On the other hand, aortic PWV is a well-defined surrogate for arterial stiffness that can be determined from pulse transit time and the distance traveled by the pulse between the common carotid and femoral arteries (CF-PWV). Aortic PWV increases with aging and the development of ISH, and therefore is a sensitive indicator of physiologic stiffness after the age of 50 to 60 years. By that time, the fall in DBP and the rapid widening of PP become surrogate indicators of central arterial stiffening. At that age, however, aortic stiffness (measured by CF-PWV) reaches and then exceeds peripheral arterial stiffness, measured by carotid-to-brachial PWV. As a result, reflection at this interface is reduced with reflecting sites shifting distally. This impedance matching at the proximal reflecting sites leads to reduced reflectance and therefore increased transmission of pulsatility distally, with a resultant increase in brachial artery PP and the development of ISH.

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