Iris Reconstruction Surgery

Key Concepts

  • Iris defects not only cause light sensitivity and glare but may also cause monocular diplopia, shadow images, and contrast degradation.

  • The type of suture repair for an iris depends on the size and location of the defect as well as the functional complaint of the patient.

  • There are a variety of suture techniques available for iris repair and reconstruction.

  • There are multiple iris subtractive techniques for sculpting a nicely shaped pupil.

  • Iris prostheses can mitigate photic symptoms and/or improve cosmesis, and there are multiple devices available; however, only one is currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • Some styles of iris prostheses can reside in the capsular bag, while others are designed for passive placement or suture fixation in the sulcus.

  • Therapeutic iris prostheses should not be confused with discredited devices placed into the anterior chamber angle for the purpose of iris color change.

There are several informal ways to categorize iris deficiencies. Some approaches are based on etiology, others based on anatomy, and still others based on duration of defect. While there are merits to many different modes of classification, one useful approach considers four factors: (1) the patient’s symptomatic complaints caused by the iris defect; (2) the relative health of the remaining iris anatomy (if any); (3) the options and resources available to the patient (and his or her surgeon); and, lastly, (4) the patient’s desired choice among available options. While each case is unique, a few general principles can be useful. This chapter will attempt to outline some of these.

Once an iris defect has been identified and the patient has indicated that it causes a functional complaint for which they desire surgical intervention, the surgeon must assess the relative quality of the remaining iris tissue to determine whether remnant tissue can be surgically modified to achieve the patient’s desired result or not. When a defect is small and the residual iris tissue is normal, the choice of suture repair may be straightforward. Similarly, when the iris deficiency is massive, an iris prosthesis may be the only viable option. When defects are intermediate in size or when the remaining iris tissue is altered, it can be difficult to know what degree of surgical manipulation is possible. This chapter will attempt to illustrate some of the techniques for iris repair and some of the relative merits of different iris prostheses, using some case examples.

Iris Suture Techniques

McCannel first introduced the concept of suturing the iris within a contained anterior segment by retrieving needles from small incisions. In his initial description, a long needle on a 10-0 polypropylene suture was passed into the proximal and distal ends of the iris defect, guiding the needle tip out a distal paracentesis by docking into a cannula. Both suture ends are then retrieved through an additional paracentesis nearest the desired knot, and the knot is tied and cut flush to the surface. The knot and reapproximated iris tissue are then reposited. This procedure is repeated until all necessary sutures have been placed to close the defect sufficiently. This technique works best when the defect is reasonably peripheral, the iris tissue can be stretched, and the knot does not need to be overly tight. Shin, among others, has suggested various modifications of this McCannel technique.

Sliding Knot Intracameral Suture

Siepser first described the closed-chamber, sliding knot technique in 1994. This technique heralded a paradigm shift in what surgeons can do within a contained anterior segment.

The sliding knot is created by first passing a fine suture through a limbal paracentesis incision. The needle then transcamerally engages both the proximal and distal iris tissue in the location of the desired stitch and is subsequently passed out of the limbus. The suture loop is then retrieved using a hook or intraocular forcep through the paracentesis, creating an externalized loop. The trailing strand of the suture is then passed through the externalized loop, once, twice, or three times ( Fig. 150.1 ). When the two suture ends are pulled, the suture is drawn into the eye with minimal tension on the iris tissue.

Fig. 150.1, This schema demonstrates the Siepser closed-chamber sliding knot technique in which the suture is passed through the proximal and distal iris leaflets; the suture loop is retrieved from beyond the distal leaflet, and then wrapped around the iris strand of the suture loop to prepare the sliding knot. The orientation of the suture loop is critical, with the strand coming from the distal iris passing between the other two strands.

A knot can be achieved by making a second throw to secure the knot more tightly. There are two mechanisms by which the knot can be locked. The second throw is repeated identically to the first in a similar way, achieving a “granny” knot. If the end is passed up through the loop instead of downward, a square knot will ensue. A square knot can also be achieved by tying the second throw in a mirror image, or by inverting the orientation of how the suture loop is passed.

Once armed with the Siepser sliding knot, many patterns of rearranging the iris stroma can be achieved within an enclosed anterior chamber, primarily limited by the quantity and elasticity of the residual iris tissue. Narang and Agarwa describe a four-wrap, single throw variation of the Siepser siding knot, which can be especially helpful in very fragile iris tissue where retrieval of the suture for the second throw may risk tearing or stretching.

Pupil Cerclage Procedure

In some instances, the pupil sphincter can be damaged, either by blunt injury, inflammation, or ischemia following a high-pressure spike. In such cases, severe photophobia and glare can result from the mydriatic pupil. This can be thought of similarly to a theater curtain that is drawn up, exposing the stage, but the curtain fabric itself is undamaged. When the stroma remains unaffected, creating a smaller pupillary aperture while retaining the patient’s own iris is a viable option for improving symptoms.

One technique introduced by Osher involves four McCannel-like imbricating sutures in each quadrant of iris to reduce the pupillary aperture. Ogawa later suggested an elegant pupil cerclage procedure that can be titrated for desired surgical miosis. Pupillary cerclage is an excellent technique to achieve significant symptomatic improvement, with the happy by-product of improved cosmesis as well. Ogawa’s description places simple bites of suture in a basting fashion near the collarette. Our current preferred technique places the bites in a toroidal fashion around the margin, much like a baseball stitch.

There are a few important steps to pupil cerclage. First, we mechanically unfold the iris centripetally. This will stretch some fibrotic material, which can sometimes accumulate on the surface of an inactive iris over time. While the iris will partially spring back, the unfolding maneuver helps facilitate subsequent suture placement. A 10-0 polypropylene suture on a long, curved needle is placed through a paracentesis, and the iris margin is engaged with a full-thickness, front-to-back bite followed by a back-to-front bite very close to the initial entry. This has the suture above the iris surface. The needle is then guided around the iris margin for an additional back-to-front bite, again placed as close as possible to the previous bite. The iris can be manipulated by the needle tip or by an additional intraocular small-gauge forceps. Several similar bites are taken in the same fashion until the direction of access becomes too difficult, usually after approximately 3 hours. Right-handed surgeons will probably prefer to perform the cerclage in the counter-clockwise direction, while left-handed surgeons will find the maneuvers easier going clockwise. Once a full quadrant has been engaged, a paracentesis is created at the most distal iris bite and the needle is docked into a 27-gauge cannula placed into this paracentesis. Docking may also be captured using the sleeve from a 24-gauge angiocatheter, which is less likely to dull the needle tip (personal communication, Greg Ogawa MD, January 2015). The needle exits the globe at that paracentesis and reenters through the same site, and additional bites are sequentially taken. Typically, three or four dockings will be required to engage the entire circumference. Once the iris margin has been fully engaged, the suture is tied using the closed-chamber, sliding knot suture, placing appropriate tension to achieve the desired pupillary aperture ( ).

Video 150.1 Phaco MFIOL Cerclage. This video demonstrates the Ogawa-style, closed-chamber pupillary cerclage executed through multiple paracenteses, using a spiral suture wrapped around the sphincter margin and tied with a closed chamber, sliding Siepser knot. Michael E. Snyder.

Iridodialysis Repair

There are numerous causes for an iridodialysis, namely prior trauma or intraocular surgery that disinserts the iris root. In addition, a pseudo-iridodialysis may occasionally be seen after reapproximation of a large sectoral iris defect. Repairing an iridodialysis or pseudo-iridodialysis requires a few special considerations. First, the goal is to close the defect between the disinserted iris and the internal scleral wall. Hopefully, this will reduce or eliminate both undesired glare from light scatter and possible shadow images from the pseudo-pupil created by such a defect. One needs to remember that the innervation and blood supply to the iris sphincter come in through the iris radially and, in the case of a larger iridodialysis, the sphincter muscle will be either focally denervated, ischemic, or both. This commonly leads to a partially, focally mydriatic pupil and usually requires imbricating sutures at the pupil margin in that sector as well. Furthermore, if long-standing, the band of disinserted iris can become somewhat curled up and fibrotic. Mechanically stretching this tissue gently between two radially positioned forceps can reduce this effect somewhat.

To reapproximate iris tissue, each end of a double-armed polypropylene suture is sequentially passed through a paracentesis site, engaged to the peripheral iris margin and passed out of the scleral wall at the level of the ciliary sulcus. If the surgeon makes the iris bites more peripheral to the edges of the dialysis than the scleral bites, this will effectively stretch the iris tissue toward the center of the defect, providing more iris tissue to fill the radial deficiency from the fibrotic band spanning the dialysis. The scleral bites should be at least 2 mm apart to permit rotation of the externally tied knot into the scleral wall. When the knot is thrown and the peripheral iris is reapposed, the pupil may be eccentric, requiring additional sutures and/or iris cautery. We prefer not to reappose the peripheral iris directly to the internal scleral wall, but, instead, to create just enough tension to cover the visible area of defect and let it hang back under the limbus slightly, both for ease of central pupil repair and also to prevent inadvertent blockage of the trabecular meshwork at that meridian. The knot can be completed with 3-1-1 throws and then trimmed with 1 mm tags. The knot and tags can be rotated into the scleral wall ( Fig. 150.2 ). Rather than rotating the knot internal to the scleral wall, some surgeons prefer to leave the suture knot under prepared partial-thickness scleral flaps or under patch graft material, both of which are suitable alternatives.

Fig. 150.2, A double-armed 10-0 Prolene (polypropylene) suture is placed via a paracentesis through the peripheral iris and exited through the scleral wall, ab interno (left) . The second end of the suture is similarly placed, approximately 2 mm from the first (middle) . The suture is gently tied so that the peripheral iris is not visible on direct view, then the knot is rotated internally (right) . The yellow and white asterisks highlight the location of the first and second needle passes through the peripheral iris, respectively.

There are several other techniques and variations in the literature that aim to correct iridodialysis. Bardak et al. describe a threaded needle approach to transcameral iridodialysis repair in which a 26-gauge needle is passed through the sclera and iris into which a 10-0 Prolene (polypropylene) suture can then be docked and exited from the scleral wall. The process is similarly repeated for the other end of the Prolene suture, and the knot is tied externally under flaps. Khokher et al. describe a bimanual technique to repair an iridodialysis that aids in unfolding a curled-up iris. A bent 26-gauge needle acts as a platform by lifting and stabilizing the peripheral iris, resulting in support and counter traction for a 9-0 Prolene with a straight needle to gently stroke and unfold the iris tissue. The suture needle is then docked into the bevel of the 26-gauge needle and exited from the scleral wall. Silva et al. describe an elegant “sewing machine” technique using a single suture and single knot for a moderately sized iridodialysis. A loop of 9-0 Prolene suture is placed within a 27-gauge straight needle and subsequently passed through the peripheral iris and sclera. The suture loop is retrieved externally and held using an auxiliary anchoring suture. This maneuver is repeated every 1 hour of the iridodialysis, resulting in multiple loops of the same suture outside of the globe. The auxiliary anchoring suture is removed, and the continuous mattress suture is closed with a single knot.

Finally, an open repair though a larger limbal incision can be employed, although this carries the inherent risks of an open system, which may be particularly undesirable in a traumatized eye.

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