Intrauterine Drug Exposure: Fetal and Postnatal Effects

Key Points

  • Substance use remains at epidemic proportions, both nationally and globally.

  • Increasing legalization of marijuana has resulted in new concerns for fetal and infant exposure, with limited understanding of the short- and long-term effects in this population.

  • The recent focus of perinatal substance use has grown to include widely prescribed substances, including opioids and other psychotropic drugs.

  • The importance of establishing and maintaining consistent protocols in managing neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) has been clearly demonstrated.

  • The choice to breastfeed is challenging and healthcare professionals have difficulties making recommendations for specific mother-infant dyads. The known benefits of breastfeeding must be weighed against any potential risks to the infant, most of which are not well understood.

  • A comprehensive postnatal discharge care plan for the mother-infant dyad should be instituted to provide ongoing support and to improve health and psychosocial outcomes.


Substance use and misuse during pregnancy has been recognized as a problem for more than a century, but the problem has reached epidemic proportions in the United States in the past two decades. Prenatal exposure to psychotropic substances, both licit (e.g., alcohol, nicotine, opioids, cannabis) and illicit (e.g., heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines), is associated with significant maternal, fetal, and neonatal complications. These include poor fetal growth, preterm birth, placental abruption, stillbirth, fetal malformations, neonatal neurobehavioral dysfunction, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Although substance use disorders (SUD) occur in all socioeconomic classes, illicit drug use is observed more frequently in populations with poor access to prenatal care, untreated medical conditions, poverty, food insecurity, stress, and psychiatric disorders. Confounding makes it difficult to distinguish effects of drug exposure from socioeconomic and environmental factors. This chapter addresses (1) epidemiology of perinatal substance use, (2) known effects of specific intrauterine exposures on the fetus and neonate, (3) maternal comorbidities and their effects on the neonate, (4) identification of pregnancies and infants considered to be at high risk, (5) management of drug-exposed neonates, and (6) the long-term effects of intrauterine substance exposures. The discussion focuses on substances that are known to be associated with significant perinatal and neonatal morbidity.

Epidemiology of Perinatal Substance Exposure

Among people aged 12 or older in 2019 in the United States, 60.1% (165.4 million people) used tobacco, alcohol, or an illicit drug in the previous month. This includes 50.8% (139.7 million) who drank alcohol, 21.1% (58.1 million) who used a tobacco product, and 13.0% (35.8 million) who used an illicit drug. Data on drug use during pregnancy in 2019 indicate that many pregnant women had a SUD with 120,000 (5.8%) using illicit drugs, 198,000 (9.6%) tobacco products, 197,000 (9.5%) alcohol, and 112,000 (5.4%) cannabis. The prevalence of opioid use disorder (OUD) at delivery significantly increased from 1.5 per 1000 in 1999 to 6.5 per 1000 delivery hospitalizations in 2014. While alcohol and cigarette use during pregnancy has declined over the past several years, the use of cannabis products and e-cigarettes has actually increased ( Fig. 11.1 ) . This is largely due to individuals believing that these products are safer and not harmful to the fetus.

Fig. 11.1, Alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis use in pregnancy (2002–2016). Derived from a 2019 publication, this figure demonstrates contemporary trends in the use of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis during pregnancy.

Determining accurate prevalence rates of perinatal substance use is extremely difficult. Under-reporting of substance use by pregnant persons, unreliable drug use survey and detection methods, polysubstance use, and negative stigma are just some of the challenges. In particular, SUDs are known to be more common in adolescents and adults with psychiatric disorders (e.g., anxiety disorders, major depressive and other mood disorders) that also require treatment. Thus, it is not uncommon for pregnant persons to receive multiple psychotropic drugs simultaneously, often without adequate safety data being available.

Updated resources for perinatal substance exposure and the impact on the mother-infant dyad are available online. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) conducts an annual U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and also has a Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (codified after passage of the 21st Century Cures Act) that tracks substance use closely. The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) provides comprehensive information on substance exposure before, during, and after pregnancy. PRAMS is designed to monitor maternal behaviors and experiences among persons who deliver live born infants, covering approximately 81% of all births. PRAMS surveillance data have historically demonstrated wide geographic, age-related, and racial/ethnic variation in tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use.

Health Policy

Pregnant persons who use opioids or other substances without a prescription are considered to have SUD, and the dyad is at much higher risk without treatment. Martin et al. found that only 9.3% of reproductive age women with a SUD needing treatment were able to access it. Pregnant and parenting persons had similar or poorer access to treatment than the general population. Black and Latina pregnant and parenting persons were less likely to receive necessary treatment than white populations.

Health policy interventions for SUD during pregnancy should focus on treating SUD as an illness and not a criminal offense. This is crucial since up to 55,000 pregnant persons are incarcerated in the United States each year, many for crimes related to their SUD. Incarceration is known to exacerbate mental illness, increase psychological distress, promote financial instability, and harm the parent-child bond. The need for appropriate treatment programs is growing as the number of pregnant persons with SUD increases. The effectiveness of these treatments is well established, with multiple studies demonstrating decreased morbidity and mortality in the mother and infant. Current healthcare policy should focus on providing appropriate care for pregnant persons with SUD, including medical management and psychosocial support, and stigmatization of individuals with SUD must change. Schiff et al. examined existing public attitudes toward pregnant women with SUD with 85% of 1227 respondents agreeing that a pregnant person with SUD was “responsible for their opioid use” and “addiction was caused by poor choices, putting the baby in danger.” It is also important to recognize that illicit drugs may not be more harmful to the fetus than licit drugs. Future efforts need to include better education on the significant impact of these substances on the fetus, preferably initiating treatment before pregnancy occurs.

There are promising legislative efforts addressing the opioid epidemic and the problem of NAS.

  • The Protecting Our Infants Act of 2015 aims to reduce the number of neonates exposed to antenatal opioids developing NAS. This act requires the development of recommendations, programs, strategies, data, and research relevant to prenatal opioid use.

  • The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) provides funds to improve states’ child protective services.

  • The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) identified limited physical capacity to care for neonates with NAS; coordination of care for mothers and neonates with NAS; and gaps in research and data on NAS.

Finally, private groups such as the National Advocates for Pregnant Women combine legal advocacy, education, and organizing to defend and protect pregnant persons with a variety of conditions including alcohol use disorder and OUD. It is essential for health care providers to treat pregnant women with SUD in a respectful and non judgmental manner in order to build therapeutic relationships which will ultimately benefit the parent-infant dyad.

Perinatal Exposure to Specific Substances



Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can cause a range of disorders, known as the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). FASDs include fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND), alcohol-related birth defects (ARBDs), partial FAS, and neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE). Intrauterine alcohol exposure also is associated with growth restriction that persists postnatally. The classic features of FAS were initially described by a French pediatrician in 1968 who observed a common pattern of birth anomalies in children born to alcoholic mothers. In the 1970s, two U.S. reports were published describing similar features in children born to women consuming alcohol while pregnant. This recognition led to the U.S. federal law placing warning labels on all alcoholic beverage containers regarding the increased risk of alcohol-related birth defects. In 2005, the Surgeon General reissued an advisory for people who are or might become pregnant, urging abstinence from alcohol to eliminate the risk for FASD.

Data from the NSDUH in 2015–2018 indicated that nearly 10% of pregnant respondents had admitted to alcohol consumption and 4.5% to binge drinking within the past 30 days. Prevalence differed, with greater consumption and binge drinking in the first trimester compared to the second and third trimesters. Overall, nearly 20% of pregnant respondents reported drinking any alcohol and using tobacco within the past 12 months. The objective set by Healthy People 2030 is to increase abstinence from alcohol among pregnant persons to 92.2%. The rate of FAS in the United States has been estimated to vary from 0.5 to 2 cases per 1000 live births, but its true prevalence is unknown and is likely underdiagnosed worldwide.

Pediatricians often do not recognize FAS in the neonatal period and do not always inquire about alcohol exposure during pregnancy. There are prenatal alcohol exposure screening instruments that are appropriate for use in pregnant persons as well as expert guidelines to clarify the diagnosis of FASD and aid in the earlier recognition and referral of affected infants and children.

Diagnosis and Classification

The Institute of Medicine defined FASD in 1996 as an umbrella term for a range of sequelae of prenatal alcohol exposure. A scientific task force led by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed and refined the diagnostic criteria in 2004. FASD includes FAS as well as additional classifications for patients with variations on the classic FAS presentation. A diagnosis of FAS requires evidence of: (1) all three facial abnormalities (see description below), (2) growth deficits, and (3) central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities (structural, neurological, and/or functional).

Additional classifications include:

  • Partial FAS (pFAS)—some, but not all of the physiologic features of FAS,

  • ARND, where there are no facial deformities but features of CNS injury,

  • ARBD, presenting primarily with physical malformations (cardiac, renal, bone, visual, and/or hearing),

  • ND-PAE.

A diagnosis of FASD is made using maternal history, the infant’s physical findings, and neurobehavioral testing results. Although biomarkers such as fatty acid ethyl ester levels in meconium have been evaluated for use in diagnosis of prenatal alcohol exposure, no laboratory tests are available and validated for clinical use to quantify the extent of fetal alcohol exposure. There are also no clinical methods for validating maternal self-reporting of alcohol use, quantifying the level of fetal exposure, or predicting future disability after fetal exposure.

Pharmacology and Biologic Actions

Alcohol is a mood-altering substance that enhances the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid while reducing the effects of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. This results in dose-dependent depressant or sedative effects on the CNS. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which is metabolized in the liver to acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Acetaldehyde is then metabolized to acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase and eventually eliminated as water and CO 2 . A small amount of oxidation in the liver is catalyzed by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP2E1.

Ethanol readily diffuses across the placenta and can be rapidly detected in the fetus. The placenta expresses an isoform of ADH that has a low affinity for ethanol and a reduced metabolic rate. The fetal liver expresses CYP2E1 by mid-gestation, but at lower levels and less metabolic capacity than adult liver. Despite the presence of fetal and placental metabolic activity, fetal ethanol clearance largely relies on maternal metabolism. Toxic effects of alcohol during pregnancy appear to be related to the peak and circulating alcohol concentrations. Undernutrition and alcohol exposure may interact to cause greater fetal toxicity, due to slower maternal metabolism.

Fetal and Neonatal Effects

It is unclear how much alcohol exposure is necessary to cause fetal teratogenicity and even high consumption levels do not always result in the birth of a child with FASD. The adverse effects of alcohol on the fetus are related to gestational age (GA), duration of exposure, amount of alcohol consumed, pattern of consumption (e.g., binge drinking), maternal peak blood alcohol concentrations, and maternal alcohol metabolism. Studies show that maternal blood alcohol levels are affected by body size and genetic disposition, with poor maternal nutritional status a significant risk factor for FASD. A variety of additional risk factors increase susceptibility to FASD, including increased maternal age, poverty, and socioeconomic status.

Growth Restriction

Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is one of the most consistent sequelae of prenatal alcohol exposure. The diagnostic criteria for FAS require birth weight and/or length to be below the 10th percentile (adjusted for age, sex, gestational age, and race or ethnicity). Restricted growth begins in utero and continues postnatally, with high levels of alcohol exposure causing greater impact on head and body growth. Fetal and childhood growth deficits appear to be multifactorial, with etiologies including abnormal placentation, abnormal vascular development, and impaired production of insulin-like growth factors that are involved in somatic growth and placental function. Growth deficiency may persist through childhood, particularly in those children with the highest levels of intrauterine exposure.


Key features of FAS include characteristic facial dysmorphology, including a smooth philtrum (using University of Washington Lip-Philtrum Guide), a thin vermillion border, and small palpebral fissures. Characteristic features also may include midface hypoplasia, broad flat nasal bridge, and thin upper lip ( Fig. 11.2 ) . Patients with FAS also have a higher risk of microcephaly, micrognathia, and cleft palate. Genetic syndromes must be excluded because some of their dysmorphic features can overlap with FAS. The facial features and growth restriction may become less distinctive during adolescence and puberty. While skeletal anomalies, abnormal hand creases, and ophthalmologic, renal, and cardiac anomalies have been described in children with FAS, they are less frequent than the facial dysmorphology.

Fig. 11.2, Child with three diagnostic facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Central Nervous System Abnormalities

Children with FASD are at higher risk of seizure disorders as well as significant cognitive, motor, and neurobehavioral problems. A host of CNS abnormalities are associated with FASD. Table 11.1 lists some of the more common findings.

Table 11.1
Central Nervous System Abnormalities Associated With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Abnormality Organ or Function Specific Examples
Sensory Visual
  • Strabismus

  • Refractive errors

  • Impaired oculomotor control Microphthalmia

  • Coloboma

  • Optic nerve hypoplasia

  • Retinal dysplasia

  • Retinal vascular tortuosity

  • Hearing loss—sensorineural, conductive, central

  • Impaired auditory processing

Neurological Gross motor
  • Delayed walking

  • Slowed motor reaction timing

Fine motor
  • Visual-motor integration

  • Poor graphomotor skills

  • Gait ataxia

  • Impaired static postural control

Sensory integration and processing
  • Auditory and visual processing dysfunction

Neuropsychological Cognitive
  • Intellectual impairment

  • Executive function

  • Learning and memory

  • Attention deficits

  • Decreased processing speed

  • Speech and language

  • Reading and spelling

  • Numerical processing/estimation

  • Problem behaviors—externalizing and internalizing

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  • Impulse control problems

  • Aggression

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Decreased interpersonal skills and social competence

  • Decreased social problem solving

  • Poor social judgment

Neuropathological Imaging
  • Reduced frontal, temporal, parietal lobe size

  • Reduced gray and white matter volumes

  • Corpus callosum hypoplasia

  • Cerebellar hypoplasia

  • Hippocampal hypoplasia

  • Basal ganglia and thalamic hypoplasia

  • Schizencephaly

  • Polymicrogyria

  • Vascular anomalies

  • Heterotopias

  • Perivascular space dilation

  • Pituitary hypoplasia

  • Ventriculomegaly

  • Cavum septum pellucidum

  • Simplified gyral pattern

  • Brainstem abnormalities

Long-Term Effects

FASDs are associated with lifelong social, behavior, intellectual, and psychological difficulties, and deficits in reading, spelling, and math are common. In a cohort of 76 children and young adults with FASD, high rates of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; 62%), oppositional defiant disorder (43%), and developmental coordination disorders (41%) were noted. Visual and/or ocular abnormalities were also found in 86% of the children. Of the adults evaluated, 70% had ADHD, 52% had an anxiety disorder, 42% had experienced a depressive episode, and 24% had engaged in self-injurious behavior. Adolescents and young adults who were exposed prenatally to alcohol are at an increased risk for earlier alcohol use and subsequent abuse.

Researchers using the Canadian National FASD Database reported on a sample of 726 adolescents and adults (mean age 19.8 years [range 12 to 60]) who had prenatal alcohol exposure. Impairments in adaptive behavior, social skills, executive functioning, academic achievement, and attention were seen in approximately 2/3 of the sample, and 40% had an intelligence quotient less than 70. Difficulties included independent living needs (63%), substance misuse (46%), employment problems (37%), legal problems (30%), and housing problems (21%), with 81% experiencing at least one such difficulty at the time of assessment. Earlier recognition and intervention for children with FAS and its variants may help mitigate eventual adulthood disabilities and help to prepare affected adolescents and young adults for independent living.

Cigarette Smoking, Electronic Cigarettes


Nicotine in the form of cigarettes (including electronic cigarettes—ECIGS and electronic nicotine delivery systems—ENDS), smokeless tobacco, and nicotine replacement patches, is the most commonly used substance during pregnancy which negatively affects perinatal outcomes. Cigarette smoking in the United States has decreased significantly over the past 25 years, due to effective public health strategies. Unfortunately, these efforts have not been as effective for pregnant persons. Since the 2019 NSDUH survey revealed that 9.6% of pregnant persons used tobacco, targets set by the Healthy People 2020 initiative to decrease tobacco use to less than 2% of pregnant people have not been reached. These targets are becoming even more tenuous with the use of ECIGS steadily increasing during pregnancy, likely because they are believed to be a safer alternative than conventional cigarette smoking. Pregnant persons who use nicotine products are more likely to use opioids, alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, and marijuana. Cigarette smoking is especially prevalent among pregnant persons with OUD (85% to 95%) and smoking cessation programs should improve both maternal and neonatal outcomes.

Pharmacology and Biological Actions

Cigarette smoke contains a mixture of approximately 4000 compounds (93 of which are considered toxic), including nicotine and carbon monoxide. Nicotine stimulates the reward center of the brain through activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. It readily crosses the placenta and concentrates in fetal blood and amniotic fluid, where levels can significantly exceed maternal blood concentrations. The maternal serum concentration of cotinine (the primary metabolite of nicotine) is used to quantitate smoking and fetal exposure. Cotinine has a half-life of 15 to 20 hours with serum levels 10-fold higher than nicotine.

Smoking during pregnancy can impact fetal growth and development; nicotine and its metabolites are potent vasoconstrictors which decrease uterine and placental blood flow. Carbon monoxide crosses the placenta, forming carboxyhemoglobin in the fetus and resulting in significant hypoxemia. Serum erythropoietin levels are significantly higher in cord blood from neonates who were exposed to cigarette smoke, a finding likely reflecting fetal hypoxia. Nicotine may also act as a developmental toxin targeting the placenta as well as the brain and other organ systems in the fetus. Since the amount of nicotine delivered by ECIGS is similar to conventional cigarettes, potential toxicity would be expected to be similar.

Long-Term Effects of Perinatal Exposure to Cigarettes and Electronic Cigarettes

Maternal smoking has been shown to increase the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, and preterm delivery. Liu et al. studied over 25 million pregnancies in the U.S. National Vital Statistics System from 2011 to 2018. They demonstrated that smoking during the first or the second trimester of pregnancy (even 1 to 2 cigarettes per day) was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth, which was in part due to increased placental abruption and placenta previa. Cigarette smoking is also well recognized to cause FGR in a dose-dependent manner. Reductions in weight, fat mass, and other anthropometric measurements occur through impaired placental blood flow, tissue hypoxia, and alterations in protein metabolism and enzyme activity in the placenta. When these children are followed to 3 years of age, body weights are increased, consistent with early childhood obesity. Although nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and ENDS do not show clear evidence of effectiveness and safety in pregnant women, those who stopped smoking before or during early pregnancy had appropriate fetal and childhood growth.

Fetal exposure to cigarette smoke can impact lung development, putting preterm neonates at increased risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and longer-term pulmonary dysfunction termed chronic pulmonary insufficiency of prematurity (CPIP). Term neonates are at increased risk of diminished lung function, altered central and peripheral respiratory chemoreception (e.g., SIDS), and asthma during childhood. Possible mechanisms also include dysregulated cytokine production, oxidative stress, and the direct effects of nicotine on lung receptors resulting in altered lung development. Genetic (upregulation of asthma susceptibility genes) and epigenetic (alterations in DNA methylation) factors have been identified that may influence the risk for long-term lung disease. Pregnant persons who smoke during pregnancy often continue to smoke postnatally, exposing their children to secondhand smoke exposure. This can further increase the risk of morbidity and mortality throughout childhood.

Finally, alterations in developmental patterning of DNA methylation and gene expression can be detected in the fetal brain following antenatal exposure to cigarette smoke. This can result in reduced mature neuronal content, fetal brain growth, and smaller volume of cortical gray matter. This may explain the increased incidence of behavioral problems and impaired executive function that can be seen later in childhood.

Cannabis and/or Cannabidiol


Cannabis is a potent psychoactive agent used commonly during pregnancy. Between 2016 and 2019, the NSDUH reported a rate of cannabis use in pregnant persons aged 15 to 44 years ranged from 4.9% to 7.1%, with frequent use in 1.5% to 3.1%. Another analysis found increased cannabis use occurring despite cigarette and alcohol use in pregnancy declining. The majority of cannabis use is recreational and probably underreported due to recall bias. Surveys of pregnant persons and non pregnant persons indicate that 70% believe that there is slight or no risk of harm from using cannabis. The increased potency of cannabis products is of particular concern. Chandra et al. reported that mean Δ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ 9 -THC; the active component of the endocannabinoid system) concentrations have increased from 8.9% in 2008 to 17.1% in 2017 and the mean Δ 9 -THC: Cannabidiol (CBD) ratios from 23 to 104. The greatest reported use occurs in the first trimester, often before the person is aware of being pregnant.

Pharmacology and Biological Actions

Endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids activate cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system. CB1 is primarily found in the central nervous system and CB2 in immune cells and the retina. Cannabinoid signaling is necessary for normal placental implantation and receptors are expressed early in the fetal brain, particularly in white matter and areas with high cellular proliferation. During pregnancy, cannabis readily crosses the placenta and the fetal blood-brain brain barrier since it is highly lipophilic, altering normal endocannabinoid signaling, synaptogenesis, development of neuronal interconnections, and developing neurotransmitter systems. All of these effects can potentially influence embryogenesis and fetal development by disrupting normal angiogenesis, increasing cellular apoptosis, and reducing cellular migration and DNA replication.

Cannabis use during the postpartum period can increase neonatal exposure through breast milk and secondhand exposure. THC may remain in breast milk up to 6 weeks after ingestion and up to eight times the maternal serum level. Recent studies have suggested that cannabis use during pregnancy is associated with placental abruption, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, admission to a neonatal intensive care unit, and lower 5-minute Apgar scores which can significantly impact both short- and longer-term outcomes.

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