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Neuropathologists have been close allies of neurosurgeons for decades. Confirmation of diagnostic tissue can herald the end of a surgery if the purpose of surgery is a biopsy. Identification of certain preliminary pathologies can change the course of a surgical case, determining whether an attempt at gross total resection is reasonable or foolhardy. A pathologic diagnosis is the gold standard and at times settles disputes between clinical suspicion and radiographic diagnoses. This chapter will cover several representative scenarios and reinforce the importance of the frozen section (FS) in neuropathology.
The advent of modern in situ imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with excellent spatial resolution revolutionized the field of neurosurgery. Use of computer navigation and fiducial markers can precisely guide a surgeon to a small lesion deep within the brain parenchyma (at least theoretically). Additionally, use of modern genetic and immunologic techniques simplified a diagnostic challenge of infectious and inflammatory conditions, as well as various types of neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders. Nevertheless, intraoperative pathologic evaluation remains an important part of neurosurgical procedure. In fact, the whole goal of stereotactic CT-guided biopsy is to obtain a diagnostic material. Although it is intuitive that the appropriateness of a sample should be confirmed by intraoperative morphologic evaluation, a recent study argues that even a gross examination of stereotactic core biopsies by an experienced neurosurgeon is sufficient to guarantee a 99% probability of obtaining a diagnostic material (Shooman et al, 2010). It is argued that intraoperative consultation (IOC) is expensive and lengthy and rarely influences immediate operative management (Hall, 1998). However, several well-controlled studies have demonstrated the usefulness of intraoperative FS (Hall, 1998; Kim et al, 2003) with a striking improvement of diagnostic yield from 89% to 98% (Dammers et al, 2010). There is generally a good correlation between the FS and the final pathologic diagnosis (Aker et al, 2005). From a clinical perspective, stereotactic procedures not only result in high diagnostic yield, in excess of 90% (Dammers et al, 2010), but also have a modest mortality in a range of 0 to 2.6% with a morbidity mostly below 6% (Hall, 1998). In settings where preoperative MRI and clinical diagnosis were limited to one option only, a histologic diagnosis on stereotactic biopsy was significantly different from radiologic/clinical impression in 148 of 300 cases (Kim et al, 2003). In the same study, surgical material was considered uninformative in less than 10% of cases (Kim et al, 2003), but this clearly depends on whether the biopsy was done on a well-delineated large mass or on an ill-defined and small abnormality (Prayson, 2013). One can argue that even at the whole brain autopsy in many cases we find no correlation to some subtle anomalies observed by MRI in clinically symptomatic cases. The concordance rate between the FS and the final pathologic diagnosis is generally high, except for limitations of tumor grading (Kim et al, 2003; Voges et al, 1993; Feiden et al, 1991). Other indications for IOC include obtaining guidance during open brain biopsy in respect to surgical approach, confirmation of preoperative impression of resectable versus nonresectable tumors, and providing evaluation of tumor extent and margins. In our practice, intraoperative pathologic confirmation of diagnosis is used in 100% of stereotactic and over 70% of open surgeries for intracranial mass lesions. Fortunately, the cases in which pathologic diagnosis critically differs from MRI differential are rare, and only a few of these can affect the extent of operative procedure.
In cases of deep-seated lesions, which involve functionally critical areas of the brain, the surgical approaches to treatment are usually limited to biopsy only. The goal of such procedures is to obtain enough diagnostic material, which needs to be suitable for immunohistochemical and molecular testing. In such a setting, the role of the pathologist is to critically evaluate whether the histology on FS can correlate with the clinical setting and MRI characteristics of the lesion. Obviously, this requires significant and easily recalled knowledge of neuroradiology with a capacity to rule out incompatible diagnostic considerations.
Infrequently, a pathologist is also confronted with the issue of making a precise diagnosis during the surgery versus making sure that the procured tissue will be sufficient for adequate evaluation on permanent sections. Errors, when diagnostic material is exhausted during IOC, are more common and usually more clinically significant compared to errors in inadequate IOC sampling and missing lesional tissue. Because of that, we tend to undersample and underdiagnose on IOC, while at the same time making sure that the surgeon has a clear understanding of the limitations in the IOC setting. This is particularly applicable to cases of stereotactic biopsies of deep-seated necrotic lesions, such as treated CNS lymphoma, wherein only a few tissue cores end up containing viable tumor, and intraoperative bleeding can abort surgery and preclude additional sampling.
It is our firm belief that good quality care requires appropriate technical skills and well-maintained equipment. This is determined by limitations of stereotactic brain and spinal cord biopsies. Typically a surgeon procures two or more cores for IOC, given a standard turnaround time of 20 minutes for IOC. Each core often has a diameter of less than 1 mm and a length of up to 1 cm. Because the biopsy track is selected to cover as many MRI abnormalities in one pass as possible, it is necessary to examine the tissue along the whole length of the core. At the same time, a sufficient amount of tissue has to be preserved intact for permanent section evaluation. Therefore we use the following technique to maximize the yield of IOC. First, we make sure that the cores, which arrive on Telfa pad, are wet. If the Telfa is dry, it will adsorb water and desiccate the tissue. Additionally, the biopsy will be found tightly adherent to Telfa, and attempts to lift it up will inevitably result in crush artifacts. Therefore we visually inspect the Telfa pad and add a saline solution if necessary. Subsequently, we need to straighten the core in order to split it into two parts along its length. To this end, we use tweezers with nonserrated dull tips and curved edges of approximately 1 cm in length and 1 mm in width (e.g., EM Sciences #72910-74). The tweezers have to be wet to avoid tissue adherence. We try to use only one of the tips in order to avoid crush artifact. This way the core is partially lifted, straighten by extension, and put to rest on the Telfa pad. Subsequently, we use thin razor blades (e.g., EM Sciences #72000). The blade is broken into two while inside of the manufacturer’s paper wrap, lubricated with saline or tap water, and applied to tissue in a manner similar to guillotine.
Freezing techniques can vary to correspond to available cryomicrotomes. Good results can also be obtained with an expert use of a cryobath. Alternatively, one can use a freezing technique employing a heat extractor (see the manual for the Leica Biosystems CM1850). The goal of good freezing is to avoid freezing artifacts, which are optically visible ice crystals. These are generated during a prolonged liquid-to-solid transition, which for water occurs at a temperature close to 0° C. Ultrafast freezing minimizes the size of ice crystals but is only achievable for a shallow (few micrometers thick) zone of tissue in direct contact with fast-conducting, super-cold metal (e.g., liquid helium-cold gold block). The growth of ice crystals is limited by mechanic hindrance of say vegetable cells wall, keratin bundles of epithelium, presence of concentrated solutes in the cytosol. In contrast, in central nervous system (CNS) tissues, especially in white matter and even more so in edematous low-grade gliomas, ice crystals can attain large proportions and obscure histology. However, a well-prepared freezing setup provides sections which can be almost as good as those done from paraffin.
In our practice we strictly adhere to the following procedure. First, we make up a chuck with a prefrozen OCT base. We use commercial chucks, into which we have drilled four to six round 2-mm holes. Chucks are stored at room temperature in order for freshly applied OCT to leak through the drilled holes. Compared to grooves alone, these four to six extra “nails” provide much stronger cohesion between a layer of frozen OCT and chuck surface. Effectively, our tissue does not flake off during sectioning.
After we pour on fresh OCT, we freeze and flatten the upper layer of it with the use of a heat sink (extractor). The resulting layer of OCT averages 2 to 3 mm in thickness. In order to minimize spill of warm OCT over the edges of the chuck, we use a freezing spray applied on the sides of the heat sink. In order to avoid drying of OCT, we always make it up fresh and keep the upper surface under the heat sink. After we split each of our biopsies in half with a razor blade, we transfer the chuck with a gently frozen layer of OCT to a dissection table. Next we put the chuck upside down on a desk and apply approximately 2 cm 3 of warm OCT on top. Then we gently pick up half of each biopsy and float them on top of OCT. If more than one biopsy is used, we like to position them as close to one another as possible. It is also advisable to arrange a long core into a spiral. This way, the farthest and the nearest tips of the tissue will be present at approximately one place of the section; this obviates a need to cut through 1 to 2 mm of block in order to sample every fragment. We never submerge tissue in OCT in order not to put an interposing layer of OCT between the -20° C heat retrieval sink and the 20° C tissue. With freezing at -20° C, any submerged fragments of glioma will definitively have freezing artifacts. Care needs to be taken as to the speed of transfer, especially if the chuck is too cold. One can initiate premature and slow freezing on a desk if a drop of OCT becomes cold or opaque. Subsequent to floating the biopsies, the chuck is transferred to cryomicrotome, placed in a holder, and the -20°C heat retrieval sink forcefully pushed against the tissue for 20 to 40 seconds. The heat sink is then knocked off the tissue, and the biopsy is ready for cutting. In rare instances OCT still can flake off of the chuck, with tissue remaining adhered to the heat sink. In such instances we put in the cryomicrotome a new warm chuck, apply a fresh warm OCT, and then “glue” the retained frozen OCT/biopsy/heat sink “sandwich” to the wet OCT, freeze, and knock off the heat sink again. We seek to orient the flat surface of tissue block parallel to the microtome knife in order not to exhaust the tissue. This is done by rotating the chuck within its head. Brain tissue or pituitary contains little extracellular matrix, and tissue sections tend to fragment. A gentle push of the thumb on the tissue for 1 second helps to compress and tighten the tissue to make sections with better integrity, and yet it generates no appreciable defrosting artifacts. Although one can collect a ribbon of consecutive sections on one slide, we prefer to pick them one at a time because of fast drying of 5μ sections in many cryomicrotomes, which results in poor staining. Subsequent to sectioning, we place the chuck with tissue directly to formalin. In this way, defrosting-induced ice-crystal formation and tissue dehydration by OCT are significantly inhibited. Still, post-FS tissue has poor histology, which is usually far worse than one on FS.
In our practice we strive to perform a cytologic evaluation on every IOC. This is a preferred way of handling the tissue among 64% of 92 neuropathologists polled from 14 countries (Firlik et al, 1999). In that study, only 13% of respondents limited the IOC to cytologic evaluation only. We find smear preparations extremely useful, especially when dealing with lesions of meninges, metastatic diseases, and tumors of skull base and spinal cord. Cytologic evaluation does not require any substantial amount of tissue and therefore can be easily done on stereotactic biopsies, wherein even a tissue remaining of the blade after splitting a core can often be sufficient for evaluation.
It helps a great deal if the IOC room has a direct access to MRI/CT images of the lesions. We routinely rereview images while slides are in staining and formulate a differential diagnosis.
When approaching a biopsy, a pathologist must have information of the patient’s age, location of the lesion (designation of “tumor” does not suffice), and often additional clinical information such as history of malignancy, irradiation, genetic syndromes, and immune status. In our practice we adhere to compartment-specific algorithms of tissue analysis, as outlined in appendices in Burger et al, 2002. This approach helps to focus on a few likely differential diagnoses and limits the pathologist’s anxiety. We slightly modify this approach by gating diagnostic options with MRI characteristics of the lesions. In this fashion all of the varieties of biopsies can be categorized into a limited number of variables as outlined below. The lists are not designed to be comprehensive but cover over 95% of our cases. Alternative, more morphology-based algorithms of evaluation have also been proposed (Kleinschmidt-DeMasters and Prayson, 2006; Prayson and Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, 2006).
Possible diagnostic considerations:
Infiltrative glioma: astrocytoma, World Health Organization (WHO) grade II or III, oligodendroglioma, WHO grade II
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
Demyelinative lesion: multiple sclerosis (chronic), progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
Nonspecific “gliosis”: can be associated with an edge of a tumor, old infarct, healed abscess, leukodystrophies, and many other choices
The gross appearance of low-grade infiltrative gliomas on biopsies is rather characteristic. They are translucent and gray, rather than creamy yellow-white as normal white matter or pale brown as a normal cortex. They often have a firmer, more rubbery consistency and are less sticky, compared to normal white matter. On FS, low-grade gliomas are often fatally destroyed by freezing artifact, given the extent of edema ( Figure 4-1A, B: better-preserved frozen sections of low-grade astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma, respectively). Reactive gliosis, if present, stands out but actually should be a warning sign to watch for demyelination. To diagnose low-grade gliomas, we apply criteria as outlined by Peter Burger (Burger et al, 2002): Cellularity ought to be increased over twofold of normal white matter; there should be significant nuclear atypia and nuclear clustering, microcystic changes, and calcifications. Biopsy of a cortex is usually uninterpretable. Depending on the location within the brain and in the cortical layers, one can have increased (neuronal) cell density, enlargement, and neuronal “atypia.” Granular (in contrast to readily identifiable pyramidal) neurons often look very similar to astrocytes on FS. Attempts to make a diagnosis of glioma based on the presence of secondary structures of Scherer (perineuronal satellitosis, perivascular, subpial, and subependymal accumulation of atypical cells) can be useful but is often misleading. In cases of biopsies procuring cortex only, we usually request more tissue, but from the white matter. Ironically, on subsequent immunohistochemical analysis, the majority of mitotically active glial cells often resides in the cortex. Still, we do not feel comfortable to call scattered atypical cells in the cortex definitive evidence of glioma.
Differentiation between oligodendroglioma and astrocytoma is generally difficult on FS. The former tends to show higher nuclear density and more uniformity ( Figure 4-1G, H ). Cytological preparations can be of value. Astrocytomas tend to have more striking nuclear pleomorphism and enlargement ( Figure 4-1D ) or show numerous long cytoplasmic processes ( Figure 4-1F ), whereas oligodendrogliomas tend to show nuclear uniformity, roundness, and either no appreciable ( Figure 4-1C ) or short processes disproportional to the amount of cytoplasm, so-called minigemistocytes ( Figure 4-1E ). WHO grading criteria are different for diffuse gliomas of astrocytic and oligodendroglial lineage. Such endothelial proliferation alongside a few mitoses qualifies an astrocytoma as glioblastoma, whereas, for oligodendroglioma, endothelial proliferation and many mitoses are only sufficient for designation of anaplastic oligodendroglioma, WHO grade III. Because we cannot always reliably differentiate oligoastrocytomas and astrocytomas by IOC (in fact, it can be difficult, even on permanent sections), we do not even attempt to grade low-grade gliomas during IOC. Instead, we report individual findings, such as necrosis, endothelial proliferation, mitoses (if seen), and tumor cellularity (densely or sparsely cellular tumor). From a neurosurgeon’s perspective, a FS diagnosis of infiltrative glioma with low cellularity on a core biopsy can either trigger extra sampling if one suspects an anaplastic astrocytoma or terminate the procedure. During the open craniotomy, an excisional biopsy showing a densely cellular tumor will prompt wider excision, whereas low cellular density or a “not sure if it is a tumor” diagnosis indicates that resectable margin has been reached.
In pediatric and young adult populations, a pathologist can often see a lesion, which will be subsequently called DNET. It is a cortical-based multinodular proliferation of oligodendroglial-like cells arranged in columns (“specific glioneuronal element”), accompanied by neurons, showing no apparent satellitosis, which appear to float separately in myxoid matrix (“floating neurons”). The nodules show a “squashed onionlike” arrangement (so-called patterned nodules), and the adjacent cortex might demonstrate often subtle dysmorphic features of lamination and neuronal cytologic atypia. FS appearance of DNET is very similar to that of diffuse gliomas. One can suggest DNET based on age, cortical location if finds histology supportive. Typical for oligodendrogliomas, codeletions of chromosomes 1p and 19q are not seen in DNET (similar to situation in pediatric “oligodendrogliomas” in general).
One of the more important roles of IOC for the surgical neuropathologist is not to misdiagnose high-grade glioma in patients suffering from demyelinative lesions or encephalitis. Although in the majority of such cases, a sufficient clinical history is available to suspect a diagnosis of a nonneoplastic condition, some patients present acutely, with altered mental status, unaccompanied by family members, and unable to speak. Tumefactive multiple sclerosis (MS), acute demyelinative encephalomyelitis (ADEM), and immune reconstitution syndrome (IRIS) in patients restarted on anti human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) medication are the more common examples. Additionally, idiopathic or paraneoplastic encephalitides can present as nonenhancing, albeit usually bilateral, lesions, mimicking low-grade gliomas. Demyelinative lesions, such as active MS and ADEM, are usually moderately cellular and can show hyperchromasia and nuclear irregularities in macrophages ( Figure 4-2A ). Fortunately, cases of MS or ADEM being misdiagnosed as gliomas are getting less frequent, likely because of better awareness of MRI appearance and fewer surgeries. Still, we continue to encounter misdiagnosed cases of demyelination. The perfect-storm scenario is when all the biopsy material has been submitted for FS and exhausted during cutting, so no immunostains were available. As mentioned earlier, presence of starburst-shaped reactive astrocytes in the biopsy should prompt a search for evidence of such reactive processes as MS, stroke, or infection. We also recommend paying close attention to fractured peripheral areas of FS, wherein macrophages are appreciated the best. Additionally, smears can often reveal macrophages with ease ( Figure 4-2B ). If clinical history of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is known, one should also consider a diagnosis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). The causative John Cunningham (JC) virus infects and replicates in nuclei of oligodendroglia, inducing their striking enlargement, with ground-glass appearance of chromatin ( Figure 4-2D ). Interestingly, the color of inclusions varies from pale red to scarlet to magenta to intense violet in different patients. Additionally, one can often see “bizarre,” strikingly enlarged, hyperchromatic, and therefore tumorlike astrocytes. In contrast to autoimmune demyelinative lesions, wherein perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates can be prominent, immune depletion of AIDS often precludes a noticeable lymphoid component.
On subsequent evaluation of permanent sections, one can use either immunohistochemistry (IHC) to myelin proteins or more available Luxol Fast Blue stain to highlight myelin granules within the cytoplasm of foamy cells ( Figure 4-2E ). We use CD163 as a preferred marker of macrophages/microglia ( Figure 4-2C ) and confirm the viral nature of inclusions through either JC in situ probe, IHC to SV40 virus, or through electron microscopy.
Better tolerance of anti-HIV medications has facilitated greater treatment compliance. However, there are still cases when HIV-positive patients present with acute exacerbation of mental status. In some of these cases, biopsies show features of IRIS, a pathogen-free acute encephalitis with many lymphocytes and activated microglia ( Figure 4-2G ). Cases of paraneoplastic or idiopathic encephalitides can show similar findings with a striking accumulation of CD3-positive mature lymphocytes ( Figure 4-2H ), often seen caught in the act of neuronophagia (CD3 stain on Figure 4-2I ).
Possible diagnostic considerations:
Low-grade gliomas: pilocytic astrocytoma (PA), pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA), ependymoma, astroblastoma, ganglion cell tumors, and extraventricular neurocytoma.
Morphologic appearances of low-grade gliomas tend to be distinct and readily appreciable by IOC. PAs usually have no entrapped myelinated fibers and contain hairlike cells, best appreciated on smear preparation ( Figure 4-3C ). They often display degenerative changes in the form of eosinophilic droplets, Rosenthal fibers, and eosinophilic granular bodies (EGB) ( Figure 4-2B ). Some, especially cerebellar examples, show striking biphasic architecture with alternating fascicular, Rosenthal fiber-rich and microcystic, EGB-rich zones ( Figure 4-3A ). A distinct variant of PA, so-called pilomyxoid glioma, contains no degenerative features yet still is molecularly similar, showing alterations in BRAF oncogene. Pilomyxoid glioma often shows striking perivascular arrangements of piloid cells and myxoid degeneration ( Figure 4-3D ). PAs tend to involve the cerebellum, optic pathway, and diencephalon. Another low-grade neuroectodermal tumor, ganglioglioma (GG), usually shows more distinct lobular arrangement ( Figure 4-3E ) and by definition must contain ganglion cells ( Figure 4-3F ). Ganglion cells can also be seen in PAs. Moreover, both GG and PA share similar alterations in BRAF. One entity frequently forgotten by pathologists is extraventricular neurocytoma ( Figure 4-3G, H ). This often more-infiltrative tumor is composed of moderately cellular proliferations of oligodendroglia-like neurocytes and is often strikingly calcified or even ossified.
Ependymomas are solid glial tumors that show advanced ependymal differentiation, yet in the supratentorial locations they are located within the white matter. Several morphologic subtypes are seen, including the more common cellular ( Figure 4-4A, B ), but also tanycytic, papillary, myxopapillary, and clear cell variants. Except for the clear cell type, which resembles oligodendroglioma and often shows infiltration, other variants should contain no myelinated fibers or entrapped neurons. Sections of cellular variant show densely cellular lesions with perivascular orientation of tapering glial processes and a presence of perivascular nuclei-free zones/perivascular pseudorosettes ( Figure 4-4A ). Smears highlight glial processes, perivascular pseudorosettes, and occasional condensations of eosinophilic material, which corresponds to ultrastructural microlumina ( Figure 4-4B , arrow). Similar to ependymoma, astroblastoma also shows perivascular pseudorosettes, but the constituent cells tend to be more epithelioid, with rectangular cytoplasm and shorter processes ( Figure 4-4C, D ). PXA is a tumor with a presumed derivation from a collagen-producing subpial astrocyte. Therefore one sees intersecting fascicles of reticulin-rich lesions. Other defining features are striking nuclear atypia ( Figure 4-4E, F ), xanthic cells, scattered EGBs, and perivascular lymphoid infiltrates. The latter can be seen in both noninfiltrating tumors such as PXA, GG, and PA, as well as in infiltrating gliomas, in particular, gemistocytic astrocytoma.
High-grade diffuse gliomas: glioblastoma multiforme, anaplastic oligodendroglioma, or anaplastic oligoastrocytoma
Demyelinative lesions: multiple sclerosis (acute phase), acute demyelinative encephalomyelitis (postinfectious/postvaccinal perivascular demyelination)
Infection (primary): toxoplasmosis or blood borne (bacterial, fungal, parasitic)
Embryonal tumors: supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), medulloepithelioma, ependymoblastoma
Anaplastic variants of low-grade gliomas (pilocytic astrocytoma, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma [PXA], ependymoma, astroblastoma, anaplastic ganglioglioma, extraventricular neurocytoma)
The most common clinical presentation of an enhancing intraaxial mass is in a patient with a history of advanced malignancy with either focal neurologic deficits or in a context of staging. Small metastatic deposits are treated with targeted irradiation (e.g., Gamma Knife or CyberKnife) and come to pathologists either in cases of treatment failure or radiation-induced necrosis or at autopsy. Surgical excisions of mass-producing, life-threatening metastases are relatively rare ( Figure 4-5B ). Morphologic appearance of grade IV astrocytoma, aka glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) on IOC is rather characteristic. It is usually a yellow-brown mucoid hemorrhagic mass within destroyed white matter overlaid by relatively intact cortex. If a viable fragment was sampled, the tissue is hypercellular, composed of variably atypical but almost always elongate hyperchromatic nuclei with coarse chromatin and without nucleoli in a fibrillary and often myxoid background. Palisading necrosis and endothelial proliferation with vascular thrombosis complete the unmistakable appearance ( Figure 4-5A ). Sampling of the tumor’s periphery reveals single-cell infiltration. In contrast, metastatic lesions usually have a well-circumscribed border ( Figure 4-5B , right). Unfortunately, a fraction of carcinomas and melanomas tends to insinuate into adjacent brain as small clusters or even as individual cells. Additionally, renal cell carcinomas often induce such a florid endothelial proliferation that the brain/tumor interface becomes blurred. We find smear preparations highly useful in discriminating fibrillary processes-bearing gliomas from cellular clusters of carcinoma, melanoma, or sarcoma. Additionally, cytologic details—in particular, nucleoli—and composition of cytoplasm are often more appreciable on smears.
Primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) affects immunocompromised patients with AIDS but also can be seen in otherwise healthy, elderly patients. PCNSL is centered in the white matter and often crosses the corpus callosum, assuming “butterfly” configuration as detected by MRI. It is de novo necrotic in AIDS patients and is viable in other clinical cohorts. By MRI, PCNSL shows characteristic restricted diffusion. Histologically, the vast majority of PCNSLs are of a diffuse large B-cell type. The tumor cells can be seen in a predominantly angiocentric and angioinvasive pattern or progress to grow in confluent sheets of densely cellular aggregates ( Figure 4-5C ). Tumor cells show mitotically active oval nuclei with often prominent nucleoli and conspicuous karyorrhectic nuclear debris. These apoptotic bodies are often induced by pretreatment with steroids and although can interfere with immunohistochemical subclassification of the tumor, are nevertheless diagnostically useful during IOC.
Anaplastic gliomas, such as anaplastic ( a- ) oligodendroglioma, ( a- ) oligoastrocytoma, ( a- ) ependymoma, ( a- ) PXA, ( a- ) GG, ( a- ) PA, and ( a- ) astroblastoma, can also present as enhancing lesions with extensive peritumoral edema. For their respective diagnosis, one looks for evidence of a low-grade precursor or look-alike, searching for perivascular pseudorosettes of ependymoma ( Figure 4-5D ), nuclear pleomorphism, fascicles, xanthic cells, and EGB of PXA ( Figure 4-5E, F, G, H, I ), ganglion or piloid cells for GG and PA, and perivascular stout palisades of astroblastoma.
Nonneoplastic lesions should always be a consideration, given totally different treatment options. Core biopsies and sometimes even excisions of many necrotic GBMs contain predominantly degenerative nuclear debris and are easily confused with abscesses. Fortunately, MRI characteristics of abscess cavity and necrotic GBM or carcinoma are sufficiently different, and an experienced neurosurgeon will not abort excision based on a false pathologic interpretation. Although a suspicion of an abscess prompts bacterial and fungal cultures, we have not encountered a single case of not previously resected GBM growing out bacteria. Draining of regular bacterial abscesses is rare in neurosurgical practice, despite the claims of growing antibiotic resistance. Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection more commonly seen in AIDS patients and children, presents as a mass lesion in the deep gray matter. Histologically, one sees an admixture of neutrophils, macrophages, and microvascular thrombosis. Interestingly, tachyzoites are readily identifiable by FS as either individual or grouped organisms ( Figure 4-6A ). Encysted parasites can also be seen but are less frequent. Neurocysticercosis, a larval stage of infection by Taenia solium, manifests as one or many cysts of larva located within brain parenchyma. Typically, symptoms emerge after death of a parasite, which has induced an inflammatory reaction and often seizures. MRI characteristics are distinct, as is histology ( Figure 4-6B, C ). Fungal infections of CNS are relatively uncommon and usually diagnosed via serologic or genetic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. Nevertheless, one can encounter various fungal organisms, such as Cryptococcus (in the form of cryptococcoma or meningitis ( Figure 4-6D ), coccidioidomycosis ( Figure 4-6E ), blastomycosis ( Figure 4-6 F, G ), or even invasion by Aspergillus ( Figure 4-6H ), Mucor or Candida.
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