Interaction of medical diseases and female physiology

Key points

  • Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods are safe, effective, and have minimal risk of user error; thus they have become the recommended option for most women with complicated chronic illnesses.

  • The severity of asthma symptoms increases around the time of menses.

  • Many women with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have exacerbations of symptoms with menses.

  • Women with chronic renal disease often experience menorrhagia and irregular menses, which often improves with transplant.

  • Estrogen-containing contraceptives are not recommended in women with hypertension who are older than 35, use tobacco, have poorly controlled disease, or are on medications for hypertension.

  • Progesterone stabilizes red cell membranes and significantly decreases the frequency of sickling crises.

  • Withdrawal of progesterone (even in small amounts such as in the periovulatory period) leads to a significant decline in the seizure threshold and an increase in seizure frequency and severity.

  • Women who have migraines with aura are more susceptible to stroke, and thus the use of estrogen-containing contraceptives (ECCs) in women with migraines with aura is contraindicated.

  • Early referral of women with cancer to a reproductive endocrinologist with expertise in potential therapies to preserve fertility is important.

This chapter highlights the interactions with and influences of female physiology on major medical disease processes. The chapter also reviews how medical diseases affect female physiology. Many disease processes act directly; for example, renal failure commonly induces abnormal uterine bleeding. Other diseases act indirectly through their therapies, such as cancer chemotherapy, which may lead to ovarian failure. Multiple chapters in this text discuss important aspects of female physiology. This chapter serves as an addendum to those discussions. When considering specific drug interactions and doses, the clinician is encouraged to review current pharmacologic literature.

In general, the impact of female physiology on medical disease is primarily via the effects of estrogen and to a lesser extent progesterone. Other hormones, such as prolactin, oxytocin, and gonadotropins, play minor roles. Estrogen and progesterone affect almost all major organ systems in both tonic and cyclic modes. The effects of the female hormones are mediated directly through receptors (estrogen alpha, estrogen beta, progesterone) and indirectly through their effects on other organ systems, such as smooth muscle relaxation and changes in prostaglandin levels. The responses induced by estrogen and progesterone may be theorized, in a teleologic sense, as promoting successful reproduction. Pathology occurs when the normal hormonal effects overlap a disease process that is already present.

Medical diseases affect female physiology at all levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian-genital axis, from anovulation to vaginal atrophy. Medical diseases also affect female physiology in a horizontal manner, throughout every stage of a woman’s life. Thus medical diseases must be seen in both a vertical and a horizontal context (i.e., a three-dimensional manner). Because gynecologists commonly act as consultants to other health professionals, we are often asked to help with complications stemming from gynecologic issues. Though different clinicians direct the treatment of lupus, multiple sclerosis, or epilepsy, modulating the effects of female physiology on these disease processes is the role of the gynecologist.

Pulmonary disease

Asthma is more common in boys up until puberty. After puberty, the ratio reverses with women more at risk for asthma until menopause. Asthma is one of several major diseases in which the severity of symptoms is increased around the time of menses ( Box 8.1 ). Premenstrual asthma is well described, affecting up to 40% of reproductive-age women who have asthma, with symptoms including increasing cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Up to 50% of hospitalizations for women with asthma in their 20s occur around the time of menses. Women with premenstrual asthma have been shown to have a measurable decline in respiratory function with the end of the menstrual cycle ( ). Data suggest that combination oral contraceptive pills (cOCPs) may blunt this effect and mildly decrease the severity of the asthma ( ). The variability of symptoms between cycles may be caused by the hormonal fluctuations from one cycle to the next.

BOX 8.1
Major Diseases in Which Menstrual Hormonal Changes Affect Symptoms

  • Asthma

  • Atopic reactions

  • Epilepsy

  • Eating disorders

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Menstrual migraines

  • Mental health disorders

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Supraventricular tachycardia

  • Sickle cell disease

  • Type 1 diabetes

Hormones can affect asthmatic symptoms through several mechanisms. One theory is that the increased symptomology is related to the estrogen- and progesterone-mediated increase in both serotonin and histamine release from granulocytes and mast cells ( ). Estrogen also increases eosinophilic adhesion to the bronchial lining. In addition, progesterone induces degranulation of eosinophils. Interestingly, both estrogen and progesterone also have antiinflammatory properties, and it may be that the withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone at the end of the cycle contributes to a fluctuation in prostaglandin levels that leads to increased bronchial reactivity and premenstrual asthma.

Regarding the effects of asthma on female physiology, a few small series have noted an increased incidence of abnormal menstrual cycles in women with severe asthma ( ). Whether this is due to glucocorticoid medications or whether this is a direct effect from severe pulmonary disease on the hypothalamus is unclear. It should be noted that multiple studies have found that women with early menarche have twice the risk of asthma in early adulthood ( ). Women who are taking inhaled glucocorticoids may be at increased risk for osteopenia and osteoporosis ( ). Clinicians who care for women with asthma beyond their third decade should obtain vitamin D levels and council the women about adequate calcium intake. There are conflicting reports about the effect of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on asthma symptoms and severity; some have noted an improvement in symptoms, whereas others have noted a worsening ( ; ). Increasing evidence exists to suggest that there may be a perimenopausal/menopausal phenotype of new-onset asthma characterized by neutrophilic airway inflammation and high frequency of severe exacerbations ( ). Other data suggest that independent of asthma onset, asthma exacerbation after menopause tends to be more severe ( ). Given these data, clinicians must be wary of any asthma in a perimenopausal or menopausal patient.

It is now common for women with cystic fibrosis (CF) to reach reproductive age. Tsang and colleagues, in a review of reproductive problems, noted that women with cystic fibrosis tend to have shorter stature, delayed puberty with delayed growth spurts, and delayed menarche ( ). The degree of delay is related to the severity of the disease. Additionally, because of the effects of estradiol on mucin production, periods of the menstrual cycle with high estradiol levels are associated with worse lung function ( ). Girls with cystic fibrosis tend to be as sexually active as their peers; however, they tend to have less counseling regarding contraception than their peers. Estrogen-based contraceptives are acceptable for women with cystic fibrosis as long as they do not have pulmonary hypertension, active liver disease, or a history of thromboembolism ( ). Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), including the progesterone intrauterine devices (IUDs) and progesterone implants, are also a safe, effective, and practical option for these young women. Issues of sexuality may be problematic for young women with severe cystic fibrosis because of poor body image secondary to chronic disease, infections, and gastrointestinal disturbances from pancreatic problems, as well as enlarged rib cages from chronic hyperventilation in some patients. Thus counseling on sexuality should occur in conjunction with contraceptive counseling.

There is an emerging body of evidence suggesting that fertility is affected in women with cystic fibrosis. Cervical mucus is thicker in women with cystic fibrosis, which may lead to altered fertility. Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, and ovulatory dysfunction are increased in women with cystic fibrosis proportionally to the severity of disease. Finally, alterations in uterine levels of bicarbonate, which affects sperm capacitation, also affect fertility in women with cystic fibrosis ( ). Though a full discussion of the management of subfertility and infertility treatment options is beyond the scope of this chapter, intrauterine insemination, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and in vitro fertilization have all been successfully performed in women with CF.

Immune and allergic disease

The profound effect that female physiology has on immunity is best exemplified by the remarkably increased survival of women compared with men from infectious causes of disease. Estrogen and progesterone have multiple effects on the immune processes through numerous cellular sites. This is manifest in multiple disease processes ( Box 8.2 ). In most women the effects are mild, but in women constitutionally or genetically predisposed to atopic reaction or autoimmune disease, the effects can be significant.

BOX 8.2
Data from Chen A, Rogan WJ. Isoflavones in soy infant formula: a review of evidence for endocrine and other activity in infants. Annu Rev Nutr. 2004;24:33-54; Lang JT, McCullough LD. Pathways to ischemic neuronal cell death: are sex differences relevant? J Transl Med. 2008;6:33; and Straub RH. The complex role of estrogens in inflammation. Endocr Rev. 2007;28(5):521-574.
Effects of Estrogen and Progesterone on Cellular Processes of the Immune System

B cell

  • Inhibited bone marrow B-cell lines with high concentrations of estrogen

  • Increased antibody production through inhibition of T-cell suppression

  • Enhanced interleukin-10 response

T cell

  • Lower doses of estrogen are stimulatory, higher doses of estrogen are inhibitory, primarily through TNF

  • Stimulation of inhibitory T-cell pathways and T-cell cytokines

  • Low-level stimulation of interleukins


  • Increased monocyte apoptosis inhibiting differentiation

  • Inhibited dendritic cell differentiation (in vitro)

  • Inhibited migration of inflammatory cells with decreased migration at higher estrogen levels

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