Injuries to the Cervical Spine

Clinical Pearls

  • The cervical spine is mobile and highly prone to traumatic injury.

  • Early immobilization of the cervical spine and its thorough evaluation with imaging allow identification of a cervical injury and minimize the risk of further injuries.

  • The clinician should always search for clinical and imaging signs of mechanical spinal instability.

  • Injury mechanism, patient age, and the segments of the cervical spine result in different injury patterns with variable risk of neurologic compromise.

  • The type of injury and its degree of stability dictate the intervention, which may include conservative management with external immobilization or aggressive management, including open or closed reduction, or internal stabilization and fusion.

  • Spinal cord injury may present in a delayed fashion.

  • In all cases of incomplete spinal cord injury, early reduction, when appropriate, should be considered.


Cervical spine injury should be suspected in any patient complaining of neck pain after trauma. Initial management of the multiply injured patient is primarily guided by established advanced trauma life support (ATLS) protocols prioritizing airway, breathing, and circulation. Improvements in advanced trauma life support, rigid immobilization, and development of Emergency Medical Services have decreased initial mortality and led to better functional outcomes. According to the National Spinal Cord Statistical Center, the annual incidence of spinal cord injury is approximately 17,000 new cases each year, with more than 280,000 people living with disability from spinal cord injury (SCI). The leading cause of injury are motor vehicle collisions (38%), falls (30%), interpersonal violence (13%), and sporting/recreational activities (9%). Among acts of interpersonal violence, gunshot wounds (GSW) are the primary contributing mechanism.

The cervical spine is one of the most biomechanically complex structures in the human body. It provides a highly mobile, functional support for the skull and at the same time protects the spinal cord from injury. Anatomically, the mobile cervical spine is relatively unprotected, and its high position in the body makes it prone to injury. Fractures and injury patterns of the cervical spine are heterogeneous given the anatomic and biomechanical differences between the occipito-atlanto-axial joint compared to the subaxial cervical spine. Given these particular features, the cervical spine is prone to injuries, and up to 60% of all spinal injuries occur in the cervical spine ( Table 29.1 ). Depending on the mechanism and level of injury, the rate of associated neurologic injury ranges from 1% to 2% in isolated C2 axis injury to nearly 100% in atlanto-occipital dislocation ( Table 29.2 ). The incidence and etiology of cervical spine injury varies with gender and age. The average age at injury is 42 years, and males accounts for 80% of injuries. In the pediatric population, blunt cervical injury is infrequent and is more common in the upper cervical spine (C1–C4). In these patients, ligamentous disruptions and dislocations are more prevalent compared to bony fractures and may present as spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA). In the elderly population, females and males are equally affected, and most injuries are caused by falls. In adults and elderly patients, fractures are the most common form of cervical spine injury.

TABLE 29.1
Incidence of Adult Spine Injuries
Spinal Segment Level of Injury Incidence
Cervical 60%
Thoracic 8%
Thoracolumbar 20%
Lumbar 10%
Sacral 2%

TABLE 29.2
Cervical Spine Injury and Neurologic Deficit
Injury Level Incidence of Neurologic Deficit
Atlanto-occipital dislocation Up to 100%
Atlas 1%–2%
Axis 10%
C3–T1 6%
Unilateral cervical facet dislocation 60%
Bilateral cervical facet dislocation Up to 100%

Due to the traumatic nature and high-energy etiology of injuries, 65% of C-spine fractures, and 80% of multisegmental fractures have other associated injuries, including 20% to 25% with concomitant head injury. Conversely, data from the National Trauma Data Bank suggest that 8.6% of patients with traumatic brain injury will have an associated cervical spine injury, with patients presenting with low Glasgow Coma Scale and high impact mechanisms most at risk. Furthermore, patients with cervical injuries are at risk of additional spinal trauma, and 8% to 14% of patients will have additional injuries at multiple regions of the vertebral column.

From a public health perspective, the health care burden of cervical spine fractures is significant. Injury of the cervical spinal cord leads to impairments upper extremity function in addition to loss of lower extremity, bladder, bowel, and sexual function. Thus patients with cervical spinal cord injury have difficulties feeding themselves, grooming themselves, handwriting, or performing other fine motor hand tasks. In these individuals, loss of finger and hand function has by far the greatest impact on quality of life (five times greater than sexual, bladder, bowel, or lower extremity dysfunction ). Annual health care costs for tetraplegic patients with spared respiratory function are approximately 40% higher compared to patients with paraplegia ($113,000 vs $68,000 ). Thus it is estimated that impaired upper extremity function in victims of spinal cord injury adds $7.2 billion annually to direct health care costs in the United States.

In 2002 the Joint Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons published specific evidenced-based guidelines for the management of C-spine and spinal cord injuries. These were updated in 2013 to reflect the state of the literature and modified to incorporate accumulated experience from applying the guidelines in the preceding 10 years. The updated guidelines provide an impressive scientific basis for the effective management of C-spine injuries and have been extensively adopted into this chapter.

Biomechanics and Pathophysiology

In healthy adults, the average range of motion at the neck is estimated to be 70 degrees of flexion and 50 degrees of extension. Lateral bending is limited to approximately 40 degrees in either direction, and 70 degrees of left or right rotation can be achieved. The occipitoatlantal (C0–C1) articulation allows little rotation, constrained by the dense condylar capsule, whereas close to 50 degrees of the full rotation to either side is accomplished by articulation at the C1–C2 complex alone and is stabilized by the transverse, alar, and apical ligaments. Approximately half of the flexion and extension of the neck occurs between the occipital condyle and C1, whereas an additional ~20 degrees of flexion/extension occurs at C1–C2. Within the subaxial cervical spine, each level contributes 1 to 4 degrees of axial rotation and 6 degrees of lateral bending.

The biomechanics of cervical spine injury have been studied using a number of models, including drop tests, hydraulic stress/strain testing, multidirectional impact (eg, automobile crash), pendulum impact, and pure mathematical simulation. These models have incorporated specimens ranging from intact cadaveric subjects, isolated cadaveric spine-head preparations, and specific vertebral-disk segments. Cervical spine injuries can occur with the vertebral column in a flexed, extended, or neutral posture. In an individual with normal cervical lordosis, a neutral cervical column is achieved after mild forward flexion (30 degrees) of the neck, and a true flexion injury requires additional forward bending. During axial loading of the cervical spine, the individual vertebrae can undergo a large degree of local hyperflexion and hyperextension, typically in a configuration that alternates flexion/extension between adjacent levels and whose magnitude varies according to the distance of the applied load from the instantaneous center of rotation at the vertebral body. By this mechanism of interbody “wobbling” or buckling, flexion- or extension-type vertebral injuries can result from an applied axial load, despite the lack of apparent flexion or extension of the neck during the injury. Furthermore, because the onset of local vertebral deformation occurs more quickly (2–30 ms after impact) than bending of the neck, fractures of a given type often occur prior to apparent neck motion. The limits of a compressive load have been estimated to be ~4000 N, while bending tolerance is 190 N-m in flexion and ~60 N-m in extension.

The amount of applied force to result in axial loading injury to the cervical spine decreases dramatically from early adulthood to the elderly population. In the pediatric population, cervical spine biomechanics is complicated by progressive ossification, relative hypermobility compared to adults, and a larger relative moment arm due to head size. Cervical spine injuries in young children often occur at the craniocervical junction, in part due to smaller occipital condyles and influenced by relative weakness of the odontoid synchondrosis. The radiographic appearance of the pediatric spine presents challenges; for instance, pseudosubluxation at C2–C3 is found to occur in ~25 % of normal pediatric cervical imaging. Loss of cervical lordosis can be normal in ~15 % of children, along with a wedged appearance of cervical vertebral bodies. As children age, subaxial injuries are increasingly common and continue to be influenced by ligamentous laxity as well as incomplete formation of uncovertebral joints that would otherwise limit lateral flexion.

The biomechanics of cervical spine injury are altered in the presence of a helmet or when impact occurs with a padded surface. The effect of padding has been shown to spatially distribute the force of impact to the head, but to lengthen the duration that the force affects the cervical spine. The duration of impact is also lengthened by the effect of padding to reduce the ability of a colliding object to deflect from or glance off the skull. The padding can thus form a pocket that maintains the cervical spine under compression.

Initial Evaluation and Physical Examination

Given the high incidence of C-spine injury and the potentially devastating consequence of SCI, first responders and clinicians must maintain a high index of suspicion in all trauma patients. Patients at risk for spine injuries should be immobilized until an appropriate and thorough evaluation of the spine for fractures or instability is completed. The most common method of full spine immobilization includes the application of an appropriately sized rigid cervical collar together with supportive blocks fastened against a hard backboard. Immobilization should be initiated at the trauma scene and maintained during triage, resuscitation, and primary and secondary surveys. In patients improperly immobilized, the primary survey and airway manipulation can theoretically exacerbate existing cervical spine injuries, although there is new evidence that suggests the risk may be overestimated.

The primary trauma survey places special emphasis on airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs of resuscitation) and are geared toward rapid identification and rectification of acute life-threatening issues. In addition, appropriate management of the ABCs to maintain adequate ventilation, oxygenation, and tissue perfusion serve to prevent secondary injury to an injured spinal cord. During airway evaluation, care should be taken to avoid excess manipulation of the cervical spine even if a rigid collar has been applied. Hyperflexion/extension can occur during dynamic maneuvers to open the airway or during laryngeal intubation. The provider should consider the potential for difficult airway management and have appropriate expertise and equipment available. The use of video laryngoscope-guided intubation or laryngeal mask airway should be considered.

During the secondary survey, the patient should be logrolled to allow examination of the spine. The spine is palpated for evidence of swelling, deformity, step-off, and tenderness. A detailed neurologic exam should be performed. In the awake patient, a motor and sensory exam is carried out with the aim of identifying the level of injury if one exists. Testing of different sensory modalities may provide information regarding the nature of the injury (eg, Brown-Séquard syndrome with selective loss of pain sensation and proprioception). The obtunded patient may be observed for spontaneous movement in the extremities or in response to central stimuli as evidence of gross motor function. Motor movements in the extremities in response to peripheral painful stimuli should be carefully distinguished from reflex movements that do not require corticospinal input. Testing of rectal tone is mandatory in all patients with suspected spinal cord injury. Eliciting the bulbocavernous reflex is useful for prognostication. In the setting of paralysis following spinal cord injury, absence of the reflex indicates the presence of spinal shock and precludes a definitive statement about completeness of a spinal cord injury. In contrast, the presence (or return) of the reflex signifies the absence (or resolution) of spinal shock, rendering significant improvement in neurologic function less likely. Priapism is another sign of spinal cord injury and signifies the acute loss of spinal sympathetic input to the pelvic vasculature. In acute C-spine injury with significant cord involvement, flaccid paralysis with diminished deep tendon reflexes is common; hyperreflexia, positive Babinski reflexes, and other upper motor neuron signs are less frequent.

Accurate documentation of the patient's neurologic exam is important and serves as a baseline to monitor treatment, allow detection of acute deterioration, and provide prognostic information. At our institution, the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) International Standard Neurological Classification is utilized to document the level of injury, motor score, and ASIA Impairment Scale ( Fig. 29.1 ). This assessment scale permits accurate, consistent, and reproducible measures of the patient's neurologic status. In the awake patient without focal neurologic deficit, it is appropriate to attempt clinical C-spine clearance to facilitate early discontinuation of spine immobilization (discussed later). Clearance of the C-spine facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of other injuries and has been shown to reduce complications, including soft tissue pressure injuries and respiratory complications.

Figure 29.1, The American Spine Injury Association (ASIA) scale for spinal cord injury.

Clearing the C-Spine and Radiographic Imaging

An important part of any trauma workup is the evaluation for possible C-spine injuries. Before C-spine injuries are excluded, the patient is kept immobilized. It is important to make a thorough assessment and exclude cervical spine injuries as soon as possible in order to expedite the removal of C-spine immobilization and hard collar. This is advantageous, as C-spine immobilization may interfere with venous outflow and increase intracranial pressure (ICP). Immobilization often causes airway compromise and prevents dynamic maneuvers necessary to facilitate adequate ventilation and positioning for airway management. In the trauma patient, the cervical collar can be a further source of agitation, and a suboptimally applied collar is not an infrequent cause of skin breakdown.

In the awake and asymptomatic patient, the C-spine may be cleared clinically if the following criteria are met : (1) the patient is fully awake and oriented, and his or her mental status is not affected by substances or medication; (2) there is an absence of focal neurologic deficits (3) the patient denies neck pain or posterior midline tenderness (4) an absence of distracting pain from significant associated injuries and (5) on clinical examination the patient has nonpainful normal range of movement. In such a patient, cervical immobilization is unnecessary and if applied, the cervical collar may be safely removed without imaging. In patients who sustained penetrating brain injury, most commonly GSW, evidence has shown that unless the trajectory suggests direct injury to the C-spine, immobilization is not necessary. In the awake patient in whom the C-spine cannot be clinically cleared and, similarly, in obtunded patients, thin cut computed tomography (CT) spanning the occiput to the top of T1 in sagittal, axial, and coronal views is the initial imaging modality of choice. CT provides superior imaging resolution compared to plain film radiograph and is widely available in modern trauma centers, with a sensitivity of 99% and a specificity of 100%. Furthermore, three-dimensional reconstruction of the cervical spine can be useful in the evaluation of complex spine injuries and operative planning. When CT is not immediately available, plain film lateral, anteroposterior, and open-mouth odontoid views have a 92% sensitivity and a 99% negative predictive value.

For patients whose C-spine cannot be clinically cleared, including awake patients with neck pain or midline cervical tenderness, or obtunded patients, in the setting of a normal thin-cut C-spine CT, cervical immobilization should be continued until (1) the symptoms resolve, (2) adequate dynamic flexion/extension plain films exclude cervical instability, (3) there is normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the C-spine, or (4) the treating physician elects to discontinue immobilization based on balanced assessment of injury severity, clinical risk, and the effects of immobilization on other care requirements. The rationale is the low but real possibility of an occult injury resulting in neurologic deterioration. Plain radiographs of the C-spine with dynamic flexion-extension views under physiologic axial loading in the upright position are useful to evaluate C-spine stability and reveal the presence of subluxations or abnormal ligamentous laxity. However, the utility of flexion-extension x-rays in obtunded patients is limited, and they are no longer recommended and should be performed in awake patients. MRI allows for the evaluation of soft tissue integrity that cannot be visualized on plain radiograph or CT. It permits evaluation of the discoligamentous complex, the integrity of the spinal cord, and evidence of cord injury, as well as the exclusion of compressive lesions such as an expanding epidural hematoma. Following this algorithm, at our institution, unless there is a high index of suspicion, the C-spine is cleared for the acutely ill polytrauma patient following adequate thin-cut CT combined with physical examination demonstrating symmetric motor movements without obvious neurologic deficit. This approach is particularly important in polytrauma patients with coexisting head injury when there is a concern for raised ICP. C-spine clearance facilitates cervical hard collar removal and head-of-bed positioning to promote venous outflow. In patients for whom a high index of suspicion exists—for example, a patient who has a paucity of extremity movements out of keeping with the extent of head injury—an MRI is obtained once the patient is deemed stable to tolerate imaging. Indeed, a review by the Spine Trauma Study Group of missed spine fractures at eight level 1 trauma centers has identified rare cases where neurologic deterioration was attributable to injury missed by plain radiograph and CT but that was evident on MRI. Interestingly, a large-scale meta-analysis of the literature including more than 1718 subjects supports proceeding to removal of cervical immobilization following a negative C-spine CT.

On the other hand, any patient with a focal neurologic deficit that raises concern for a cervical spine injury should remain immobilized until CT and MRI of the spine adequately exclude bony, ligamentous, and cord injuries. Furthermore, C-spine fracture is an indication for radiographic evaluation of the entire axial spine, as in 8% to 14% of cases, C-spine injury is associated with injury in other parts of the axial spine. Although MRI of the C-spine is not always indicated in cervical fractures, it is often informative in cases associated with neurologic deficits and in cases that raise concern for cord compression from discoligamentous complexes or hematomas that are suboptimally visualized on CT. MRI is also indicated in patients with underlying cervical spine pathologies such as ankylosing spondylitis and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. Patients with such underlying pathologies are more likely to have significant injury following trivial trauma, have complex type injuries, and develop complications such as epidural hematoma. Blunt cerebrovascular injury involving the vertebral and carotid arteries may be associated with cervical spine injuries, particularly injuries involving C1 and C2 or injuries resulting in significant subluxation or displacement of adjacent vertebral bodies. Neck CT angiography should be performed to assess vascular structures and exclude injuries.

Closed Reduction of Cervical Spine Fracture-Dislocations

Following initial clinical evaluation and appropriate imaging, a decision should be made regarding whether early closed reduction of the spine fracture-dislocation is indicated. Closed traction reduction of posttraumatic subluxation and facet dislocations facilitates the restoration of normal spine alignment and in the majority of cases significantly reduces spinal cord compression. In reported series, closed reduction is achieved in 70% to 80% of patients. Although class 1 evidence is lacking, the rationale is that early reduction of cord compression prevents secondary injury and leads to improved neurologic outcome. Indeed, there are numerous case reports of rapid neurologic improvement following closed reductions. Furthermore, fracture-dislocation reduction is often associated with symptomatic relief for the patient.

Cervical fracture-dislocations can result in disk bulge and herniation and may be present in over half of patients. A concern with closed reduction is the potential for ventral cord compression with a herniated disk, resulting in the worsening of neurologic deficits. In the awake patient, the reported incidence of neurologic deterioration following closed reduction is low, in the order of 1%, and the utility of a prereduction MRI is limited. In cases where a herniating calcified discoligamentous complex is observed on CT, MRI may be useful, and a decision may be made to forego closed reduction, opting instead for open reduction under direct vision in the operating room. Similarly, in the unconscious patient or patients who cannot cooperate with neurologic evaluation during traction reduction, prereduction MRI is indicated, followed by open or closed reduction.

In a busy trauma center, provision and protocol should be in place for closed cervical traction reduction. Given the potential benefit of early reduction and risk of further neurologic injury due to an unstable spine fracture, reduction should be performed urgently after the patient has been stabilized. At our institution, cervical traction takes place in the preanesthesia care unit (PACU) and involves multiple disciplines, including spine surgery, anesthesia, and radiology ( Fig. 29.2 ). After informed consent is obtained, the patient is taken to the PACU and the anesthesia team readies the patient with light sedation. The patient is placed in a slight reverse Trendelenburg position. Local anesthetic is injected, and MRI-compatible Gardner-Wells tongs are placed an inch above the ear and slightly posterior of the external auditory meatus and tightened appropriately. A baseline neurologic exam and fluoroscopy image are obtained. The pin positions and axis of traction distract and flex the cervical spine and, in the case of jumped facets, promote dis-impaction of the jumped superior facet over the inferior facet. Traction weights are added in 5-pound increments while an assistant provides countertraction through wrist restraints from the foot of the bed. Fluoroscopy is used to evaluate reduction, and weights are added at approximately 5-minute intervals until the spine is reduced, with ongoing neurologic exam as weights are added. The maximum weight that can be safely applied is unknown, but the general rule is to use 10 pounds for occiput and 5 pounds for each vertebral level (ie, ~20 pounds for C1–C2 and 40 to 50 pounds for subaxial cervical spine). Weights up to 80% of body weight or 150 pounds have been used without adverse event in several studies. Traction reduction should be abandoned if the patient experiences a worsening of neurologic symptoms or failure of reduction with maximum weight and adequate distraction (1 cm). Once reduction has been achieved, 10 to 20 pounds are usually sufficient to maintain reduction. The patient then proceeds to MRI, maintaining traction and alignment in the scanner, followed by transfer to the operating room for definitive management if required. The transfer of the patient between traction tables should be carefully coordinated, as there is significant risk of repeat dislocation, and should be supervised by an experienced spine surgeon.

Figure 29.2, Closed reduction of C4–C5 fracture dislocation in incomplete cervical spinal cord injury. (a) Sagittal CT shows unstable C4–C5 fracture dislocation with significant distortion of the spinal canal. (b) Axial views demonstrate associated bilateral locked facets and “naked facet sign.” (c) Coronal view of the craniocervical junction. On physical examination, the patient has preserved sacral sensation and flicker of movement in the lower extremities consistent with an incomplete injury. The decision is made to initiate closed reduction by traction (D–E) in this awake and cooperative patient. Experienced providers reduce traction using Gardener Wells tongs, with careful placement of pins into the temporal bone above the ears (D insert). Anesthesia team assists with sedation, and fluoroscopy is set up. A 5-pound weight is applied at 5- to 10-minute intervals with the goal of 10 pounds for the skull and 5 pounds for each level of cervical spine above the injury. After adding extra weight, the patient is examined for neurologic change, and a lateral plain film is obtained to evaluate the dislocation and possible reduction (F). The patient is successfully reduced and maintained at 20 pounds of weight (G–H). T2WI of the cervical spine shows evidence of cord injury with intrinsic signal abnormality without epidural hematoma or compressive discoligamentous complex (I–J). Upright plain film demonstrates mechanical stability and restoration of cervical alignment following C4–C5 Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) and posterior spinal instrumented fusion (PSIF) (K).

Intensive Care Management of Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries

The primary goals in management of cervical spinal cord injuries are (1) preservation and restoration of neurologic function, (2) correction and prevention of biomechanical instability and deformity, (3) management of distressing symptoms, and (4) prevention of complications. To these ends, acute management includes the prevention of secondary neurologic injuries, stabilization of the spine by immobilization or surgical intervention, aggressive treatment of pain symptoms, and active prevention of potential complications. The medical needs of C-spine injury patients are thus numerous and complex; as such they should be managed in an intensive care unit that incorporates a multidisciplinary approach involving surgeons, intensivists, and rehabilitation specialists. Patients often have other injuries requiring close cardiopulmonary monitoring and treatment. Many level 1 trauma centers have established high-volume acute spinal cord injury centers that offer both excellence and expertise. There is evidence that patient outcome is significantly improved when managed in such centers.

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