Infrainguinal Endovascular Reconstruction: Technique and Results

Management of infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease continues to move away from open surgery and toward percutaneous procedures, and the number of percutaneous options is growing rapidly. This chapter focuses on standard techniques for arterial access, diagnostic imaging, lesion crossing, and options for treating occlusions and stenoses of the femoropopliteal and tibial circulation.

Patient Selection and Preoperative Imaging

Infrainguinal occlusive disease can usually be diagnosed by history and physical examination. Confirmatory studies are usually performed—duplex mapping, computed tomography angiography (CTA), or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)—to plan the therapeutic approach and limit the amount of contrast required for arteriography. Diagnostic arteriography does not currently exist in many practices, because most patients do not undergo arterial access unless there is an intention to treat. Occasionally, what initially appeared to be a lesion appropriate for angioplasty based on duplex scanning, MRA, or CTA turns out to be more complex, and only an arteriogram is obtained.

Infrainguinal occlusive disease can be classified by its morphology, which assists in determining which patients are best managed with endovascular intervention and which ones require surgery. The Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) classification ( Box 30.1 ) and others have defined disease morphology in an effort to clarify the issue of lesion severity. The general concept is that endovascular techniques are preferred in patients with less severe forms of disease and among those with shorter life expectancies or greater periprocedural risk factors. Conversely, open surgical approaches have a better risk-benefit profile in patients with fewer medical comorbidities or more severe forms of disease, such as long-segment occlusions or heavily calcified lesions, in which endovascular procedures are less durable. The TASC document recommends that type A lesions be treated with endovascular intervention, type D lesions be treated with surgery, and types B and C lesions be treated with either, depending on the patient's comorbidities, general medical condition, expected longevity, and availability of conduit for bypass. These recommendations have been challenged by reports of high technical success obtained with endovascular revascularization for complex TASC D lesions.

Box 30.1
From Schneider PA, Nelken N, Caps MT: Angioplasty and stenting for infrainguinal lesions. In Yao JST, Pearse WH, Matsumura JS, editors: Trends in Vascular Surgery , Chicago, 2003, Parmentier Publishing, p 292.
Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus Classification of Femoropopliteal Lesions

Type A Lesions

  • Single stenosis <3 cm

Type B Lesions

  • Single stenosis 3–10 cm long, not involving the distal popliteal artery

  • Heavily calcified stenosis up to 3 cm

  • Multiple lesions, each <3 cm (stenosis or occlusion)

  • Single or multiple lesions in the absence of tibial runoff to improve inflow for distal surgical bypass

Type C Lesions

  • Single stenosis or occlusion >5 cm long

  • Multiple stenoses or occlusions, each 3–5 cm

Type D Lesions

  • Occlusion of the common femoral artery, popliteal artery, proximal trifurcation arteries

  • Occlusion of the superficial femoral artery >10 cm long

Over the past decade, many practices have seen a steady movement toward the use of endovascular techniques for infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease, to the point that some approach all patients with an “endovascular first” strategy with open surgical bypass reserved for failures of endovascular therapy. This approach appears reasonable provided that attempts at endovascular therapy do not result in loss of bypass targets, distal embolization, or other complications that limit future surgical options, and there remains a recognition that certain lesions, such as common femoral disease or popliteal occlusions with distal tibial reconstitution, are generally best treated with open surgical techniques.


Percutaneous intervention for infrainguinal occlusive disease is usually performed through the contralateral femoral artery using an up-and-over approach or through the ipsilateral femoral artery using an antegrade approach ( Table 30.1 ). Infrainguinal interventions can also be performed through the brachial artery, but this approach is rarely required and may be more challenging because of the longer distances involved and the higher likelihood of access-related complications. More recently, pedal approaches have been used for distal tibial interventions or when antegrade access is not possible. The primary advantages of the up-and-over approach, which is most commonly used, are the following: An aortogram with runoff can be easily converted to endovascular therapy; it permits evaluation of the inflow aortoiliac arteries before treatment of infrainguinal lesions; only a simple retrograde femoral puncture is required; and it facilitates selective catheterization of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) orifice and treatment of proximal SFA lesions, which can be difficult via the ipsilateral antegrade approach. Furthermore, puncture site management is contralateral to the intervention site rather than proximal to it. The antegrade approach may be used for better guidewire and catheter control in infrapopliteal intervention and in patients who have contraindications to the up-and-over approach. The likely approach is determined before the procedure to facilitate room setup and the availability of supplies, but both groins are always prepared in case an alternative approach is required during the procedure.

TABLE 30.1
Comparison of Approaches to Infrainguinal Interventions: Up-and-Over Versus Antegrade
From Schneider PA: The infrainguinal arteries—advice about balloon angioplasty and stent placement. In Schneider PA, editor: Endovascular Skills , ed 2, New York, 2003, Marcel Dekker, p 316.
Up-and-Over Approach Antegrade Approach
Puncture Simple retrograde femoral More challenging, less working room
Catheterization Challenging with tortuous arteries, narrow or diseased aortic bifurcation; easier to catheterize SFA when going up and over femoral Entering SFA from antegrade approach requires proximal puncture and selective catheter
Guidewire and catheter control Fair Excellent
Catheter inventory More supplies needed Minimal, shorter catheters
Specialty items Up-and-over sheath, long balloon catheters None
Indications Proximal SFA disease, CFA disease ipsilateral to infrainguinal lesion, obesity Infrapopliteal disease, patients with contraindication to up-and-over approach
CFA, Common femoral artery; SFA, superior femoral artery.


Percutaneous intervention in the infrainguinal circulation can be achieved with 0.035-inch, 0.018-inch, or 0.014-inch platforms, using sheath sizes ranging from 4 to 7 French. Most diagnostic angiograms and interventions are begun with a standard 0.035-inch platform. This platform has several advantages: the guidewires and catheters are easy to handle, the inventory is usually readily available, the fluoroscopic visualization of these larger-caliber devices is simpler, and the larger guidewires and catheters are often more helpful than the smaller diameter devices when crossing chronic or heavily calcified occlusions. However, there are also some significant disadvantages of 0.035-inch systems: the larger-caliber guidewires and catheters may not easily cross critically diseased segments and may be more prone to cause arterial damage; at longer distances, these catheters lose their “pushability” because of high friction; and in small arteries such as tibial vessels, the standard platform devices may be too big. In addition to their smaller crossing profiles, the smaller 0.018- and 0.014-inch platforms tend to be more trackable in small, tortuous vessels at locations distant from the access site, especially when using monorail (rapid-exchange) systems with longer guiding sheaths or catheters. Most of the coronary devices are on a 0.014-inch or 0.018-inch platform, as are current atherectomy systems; therefore the array of available balloon catheters and stents is much broader with this system. Monorail balloon catheters permit better pushability because the friction of the guidewire on the balloon catheter lumen occurs over a much shorter distance than with coaxial balloon catheters. Monorail systems have the additional advantages of greater ease of use (especially with a single operator), shorter required guidewire lengths, and less guidewire movement during catheter exchanges.


For initial diagnostic angiography, a 5 French sheath is generally used in conjunction with 5 French diagnostic catheters (Omni Flush [AngioDynamics, Queensbury, NY] or VCF [Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN] catheter for aortography with runoff; Kumpe or Angled Glide [Cook Medical] catheter for selective angiograms). Although angioplasty alone can be performed through 4 or 5 French sheaths, especially when using balloons designed for 0.014- or 0.018-inch platforms, most stents and atherectomy devices require larger sheaths. As a result, most interventionists will change to a larger sheath for intervention once diagnostic angiograms have been performed and the operator has decided to proceed with intervention. It is important to note that with the advent of better percutaneous closure devices, sheath size has become a less important consideration because the larger puncture holes can be closed safely and easily in a percutaneous fashion in most patients, without the need for manual compression.


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