Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Infectious, inflammatory, and demyelinating disorders of the spinal cord are commonly encountered in children. Children typically present with acute neurologic signs and symptoms, including sensory and motor deficits, hyporeflexia or hyperreflexia, and bowel or bladder incontinence.
Lumbar puncture is often performed to confirm an infectious, inflammatory, or demyelinating process via demonstration of CSF pleocytosis or the presence of oligoclonal bands.
Similar to adults, spinal vascular disorders including spinal cord infarcts and vascular malformations are rare in children. While spinal cord infarcts in adults are often attributable to atherosclerosis or aortic surgery, these are uncommon etiologies in children. Conversely, children are more likely to develop spinal cord infarcts from disc embolism compared to adults.
MRI is the primary modality for evaluating infectious, inflammatory, demyelinating, and vascular disorders of the spine because these disorders primarily affect the spinal cord and nerve roots.
MRI is typically not able to provide a specific cause of spinal cord inflammation or demyelination due to the imaging overlap but can suggest greater likelihood of a specific process when additional findings from brain MRI and CSF are combined with clinical history.
Spinal DWI has improved over time. Modern techniques such as RESOLVE or ZOOM sequences allow for reliable diffusion imaging of the spine. Usage of a spinal DWI sequence can add value to patient care when a spinal cord infarct, epidural abscess or phlegmon is encountered.
This section will illustrate the common infectious, inflammatory, demyelinating, and vascular disorders affecting the spine in children.
< Fig. 18.1 A to D>
< Fig. 18.2 A to D>
Inflammatory process resulting in acute onset of motor, sensory, and autonomic dysfunction with maximum symptoms ∼24 hours (range 4 hours–21 days) after the onset of symptoms
Criteria from the Transverse Myelitis Consortium Working Group: (1) Appropriate clinical picture; (2) evolution of symptoms to maximum severity between 4 hours and 21 days; and (3) CSF demonstrating cellular infiltrate and/or elevated protein or spinal cord enhancement on MRI
Transverse myelitis can be divided into disease-associated and idiopathic transverse myelitis. Disease-associated causes include para-infectious, post-infectious, NMO, ant-MOG, autoimmune disorders, and multiple sclerosis (uncommon). Para-infectious transverse myelitis accounts for ~ 40% of cases and can be diagnosed when there is a history of an infectious prodrome within 4 weeks of clinical presentation and culture, serologic or PCR evidence of infection is present.
Immune-mediated mechanisms include molecular mimicry which is damage to neuronal structures due to similarity between microbial antigens and neuronal components, microbial superantigen mediated infection in which microbial peptides bind to T-cell receptors causing polyclonal activation, and humoral derangement in which there is polyclonal B-cell activation or deposition of immunocomplexes in the spinal cord Approximately 30% of children with transverse myelitis have a recent history of vaccination
Prognosis: One-third good/complete recovery, one-third fair recovery, and one-third poor outcome
Poor outcome associated with cord signal abnormality involving >10 spinal levels
Treated with high-dose steroids. Most often has a monophasic course.
Typically longitudinally extensive (more than two vertebral body lengths)
T2W hyperintense, central cord involvement or more than two-thirds cross-sectional area
Nonenhancing or partially enhancing , minimal/mild expansion
Facilitated diffusion on DWI
Improvements in spinal cord DWI and DTI may improve diagnosis and allow better determination of prognosis of transverse myelitis. Small studies have shown that a spinal cord DTI fractional anisotropy could detect additional lesions not seen on T2W images, and greater reduction of fractional anisotropy within the lesion and normal appearing spinal cord distal to the lesion correlated with worse outcomes
< Fig 18.3 A to D>
An autoimmune disease targeting the aquaporin-4 protein on astrocytes.
Aquaporin-4 IgG is positive in 60% to 80% of patients.
Number of attacks and disability level at 2 years from diagnosis may be greater than with MS.
Longitudinally extensive myelitis: T2W hyperintensity involving two or more spinal segments typically with central gray predominance; enhancement is variable but present to some degree in 78% of patients; the entire cross-section of the cord may be involved.
Intracranially involves optic nerves , hypothalamus, medial thalami, and dorsal brainstem. Minimal to no involvement of the cerebral white matter is present.
< Fig. 18.4 A to D>
Inflammatory disorder associated with antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Associated with a variety of demyelinating disorders including optic neuritis, ADEM, myelitis, and non-ADEM encephalitis
Monophasic or relapsing-remitting course
Longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis : two or more vertebral body lengths with minimal expansion and patchy or no enhancement.
Clinical and imaging criteria can result in a diagnosis of acute flaccid myelitis in 21%.
No reliable imaging differentiators from ADEM and NMO. Involvement of the lower spinal cord and conus is more common in anti-MOG (11%–41%) than other CNS demyelinating diseases; one-third of cases have multifocal cord lesions; typically gray matter predominant.
Differential Diagnosis:
MS—less severe, short craniocaudal cord involvement, and eccentric location.
NMO—worse outcome than anti-MOG, central cord involvement more often cervical and thoracic spinal cord, and more often enhancing (78% compared to 26% with anti-MOG).
< Fig. 18.5 A to E>
Etiology presumed to be secondary to a viral infection or postinfectious immune response. Enterovirus D68 implicated.
Longitudinally extensive T2W hyperintense signal predominantly involving the central gray matter or limited to the anterior horns of the central gray matter. Minimal to no enhancement.
Brain findings can include T2W hyperintensity in the medulla, and dorsal pons. Less commonly the thalami may be involved.
Cauda equina can enhance in the subacute phase.
< Fig 18.6 A to C>
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