Impact of Prostate Cancer Treatments on Sexual Health

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most reported sexual dysfunction after prostate cancer treatments. However, there are other sexual dysfunctions that receive less attention and adversely impact quality of life after treatment, including absence of ejaculation, changes in orgasm or libido, sexual incontinence, and loss of penile length. Our understanding of the pathophysiological basis of ED and other sexual dysfunctions has evolved over the past decade. In this chapter, we will present the current knowledge of the impact and management of sexual dysfunctions after prostate cancer treatments.

Erectile dysfunction

Functional Anatomy of Erection

The penis consists of a paired corpora cavernosa dorsally and the corpora spongiosum ventrally, which contains the urethra. The tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavernosa. Blood flow is supplied by the internal iliac artery then the internal pudendal artery. The internal pudendal artery becomes the common penile artery and divides into the cavernosal, dorsal, and bulbourethral arteries. The cavernosal arteries supply the helicine arterioles, which open into the endothelial-lined lacunar spaces. The blood flow returns as these endothelial spaces drain into subtunical venules, which coalesce to form emissary veins. The emissary veins traverse the tunica to empty into the cavernosal, deep dorsal, or spongiosal veins where they drain into the prostatic venous plexus or the internal pudendal veins. Accessory pudendal arteries (APA) arise from a source above the levator ani (iliac, femoral, vesical, or obturator arteries) and travel down to the perineum in the periprostatic region.

Physiology of Erection

In the flaccid state, cavernosal smooth muscle (SM) remains contracted under adrenergic control. With sexual stimulation, nerve impulses cause SM relaxation of the arteries and arterioles supplying the penis, facilitated by the nitric oxide (NO)/cyclic guanine monophosphate pathway (cGMP), and leading to an increased penile blood flow. Simultaneously, relaxation of the cavernosal SM allows the filling of lacunar spaces and compression of the subtunical venous plexuses, therefore blocking most of the venous drainage system and creating an erection.

Pathophysiology of ED after Radical Prostatectomy

The pathophysiology of ED after radical prostatectomy (RP) involves the interaction of three factors: neural injury, vascular injury, and corporal SM damage. Additionally, the extent and reversibility of these injuries ultimately will define the recoverability of erectile function (EF) ( Table 62.1 ).

Table 62.1
Predictors of Erectile Function Recovery
Predictors of erectile function recovery
Nerve sparing status
Patient age
Baseline erectile function
Postoperative hemodynamics (arterial insufficiency)
Surgeon experience/volume
Vascular comorbidity profile
Preoperative serum testosterone

Neural Trauma

It is generally understood that transection of, or extensive thermal injury to, the cavernous nerves will result in permanent loss of EF after surgery. However, traction and/or percussive injury to the nerves may be just as harmful. In a recent study, Masterson et al. reported that alteration in technique whereby the urethral catheter is no longer used as a traction tool to apply tension to the lateral pedicles, resulted in a significant improvement in EF postprostatectomy. It is indisputable that the nerve-sparing status of an RP is predictive about the recovery of EF. Bilateral nerve sparing is associated with better spontaneous and oral therapy-assisted recovery of EF compared to unilateral nerve sparing, and is thus more likely to lead to functional erections than non-nerve-sparing surgeries.

Postoperative factors such as edema and inflammation, around the bladder neck and the cavernous nerves, may play a role in the decline of EF. More recent evidence, Katz et al. have shown us that some men respond to phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors (PDE5i) within 4 weeks after surgery but by 12 weeks they do not respond. This is possibly due to ongoing postoperative Wallerian degeneration, or in part perhaps, due to perineural inflammation.

Several animal models have recently focused on the pathophysiology of ED after RP. The elucidation of the key mechanisms involved in the development of ED after cavernous nerve injury has created the potential application of penile rehabilitation protocols, aimed at reversing the complex consequences of cavernosal nerve injury during RP.

Arterial Injury

During RP, APAs, which are supra-diaphragmatic arteries (lying above the levator ani), are predisposed to injury. The origin of these arteries is variable coming from femoral, obturator, vesicle, or iliac arteries. Rogers et al. have shown that APA preservation at the time of open RP results in an improvement in EF recovery and possibly even shortening of the time to recovery of erections. Breza et al. studied 10 cadavers who underwent extensive pelvic dissection and in seven cadavers APA were present, in four they were the major source of arterial inflow, and in one patient they were the only source of inflow.

Corporal Smooth Muscle Alterations

In normal conditions, PGE1 inhibits collagen formation by inhibiting TGF-β1 that induces collagen synthesis. When PGE1 is inhibited, TGF-β1 is allowed to induce connective tissue synthesis. The trabecular SM is then replaced with collagen, which alters the mechanical properties as well as the integrity of the corpora cavernosa. Several studies have shown this process in the penile tissue of denervated animal models, identifying significant increases in collagen content and a decrease in the SM–collagen ratio compared to controls.

An important mechanism associated with neural injury and exacerbated by absence of cavernosal oxygenation is apoptosis, or programmed cell death. In the penis, denervation has been shown to stimulate apoptosis, leading to increased deposition of connective tissue that may result in a decrease in penile elasticity, and in turn, venocclusive dysfunction (venous leak). In a study by Mulhall et al., men who had partner-corroborated excellent erectile function prior to surgery, after undergoing duplex Doppler penile ultrasound after surgery, were found to have increased rates of venous leak (based on elevated end diastolic velocities) as time progressed after surgery. In a different study, Mulhall et al. have shown in a cavernous nerve crush injury model that neural injury can cause apoptosis in SM and endothelium in a more delayed fashion compared to the neurectomy model. These studies lead one to believe that after RP the neural injury induces pro-apoptotic (SM degeneration) and pro-fibrotic (increase in collagen) factors within the corpora cavernosa.

Pathophysiology of ED after RT

The etiology of post radiation therapy (RT) ED is not completely understood and is likely multifactorial. Obayomi-Davies et al. state that the radiation may cause dose-dependent damage to the neurovascular bundles, the crura, and the penile bulb. Zelefsky and Eid evaluated 98 patients for ED after RP or RT, with Duplex ultrasonography and classified them as having arteriogenic, cavernosal, mixed, or neurogenic impotence. Thirty-eight patients were treated with RT and of these 24 (63%) were found to have arteriogenic dysfunction. This finding differed from post-RP patients who were more likely to have a cavernosal veno-occlusive dysfunction (CVOD). Endothelial cells are damaged in a time- and dose-dependent manner. These endothelial cells line the penile arteries and sinusoids of the corpora cavernosa. The capillaries and sinusoids are especially sensitive because endothelial cells are major cellular components. Damage to these cells leads to luminal stenosis and arterial insufficiency, which have a gradual progression over time. Pathologic evaluation of the small vessels shows hyalinization, fibrosis, and the deposition of lipid-laden macrophages. The net effect of this endothelial damage is ischemia. Pisansky et al. theorized that ED after RT is related to cavernosal hypoxia and fibrosis causing penile endothelial dysfunction.

Pathophysiology of ED after ADT

The relationship of ED and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is primarily related to the lack of testosterone. In castrated men, erections are less frequent due to loss of libido and the absence of nocturnal erections. Testosterone has effects on tumescence (positive effect on NO synthase and negative on Ras homolog gene family member A (RhoA) / Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK)) and detumescense (positive effect on PDE5); however, the net effect is modest overall. In a study by Suzuki et al., erectile response was measured in castrated male rats (model for venous leak) after electrical stimulation. The castrated rats had significantly decreased responses to stimulation compared to their noncastrate controls and after testosterone replacement, erectile responses were recovered. This study showed that testosterone plays an important role in the neural pathways for tumescence. ADT also has indirect effects on the maintenance of endothelial and cavernosal SM. The absence of erections with ADT, leads to a decrease in cavernosal oxygenation creating an environment of prolonged absence of cavernosal oxygenation. This leads to the inhibition of PGE, which allows TGF-β1 to promote connective tissue synthesis (primarily collagen), and the replacement of trabecular SM. The change in SM/collagen ratio leads to a decreased ability for the SM to expand and occlude the subtunical venous plexuses, leading to venous leak.

Prevalence of ED after RP

A review of the existing medical literature demonstrates a large variance in reported rates of ED following RP (20–90%). There are multiple reasons for these reported differences in outcomes including intrinsic patient factors, surgical factors, and reporting biases. Compared to postoperative complications like incontinence, ED is harder to characterize; the return of EF may be masked by the expected decline in function due to advancing age. Therefore, measuring EF prospectively has a moving baseline. There is a significant psychological component for these men and their partners; however, it is poorly described in literature.

Perhaps the gold standard recovery definition, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) EF domain score of 26 is unequivocally normal, and in a study by Teloken et al., approximately 70% of men with EF domain scores of 22–25 agreed completely or somewhat with the statement that “they could have sexual intercourse whenever they wished.” Functional erectile ability likely lies somewhere between 22 and 26 on the EF domain score. Additionally, we believe that men who score 26 points or greater on the IIEF EF domain while using a PDE5i or other erectogenic agent are not truly normal.

The prevalence of ED following contemporary RP is poorly defined by the current peer-reviewed literature. The published studies have numerous methodological flaws, such as absence of consensus on a definition of success or failure to recover erections, small populations, incomplete data acquisition, limited data on quality of life and satisfaction with sexual life, and inadequate patient follow up. Mulhall et al. performed a comprehensive review of the literature, a composite prevalence rate among men following contemporary RP was 48% and where the nerve-sparing status was described, EF recovery was achieved in 50%. It is safe to state that centers reporting EF recovery rates of 90% or higher are giving patients unrealistic expectations as they are unsubstantiated in the general RP population. Katz et al. showed that 20% of men with functional erections 3 months after RP would lose their erections by 6 months, and 90% of those who were functional at 3 months would retain or regain function at 12 months. In a study by Rabbani et al., they illustrate that younger age is associated with EF recovery beyond 2 years in patients who had a BNS RP. In a more recent study by Sivarajan et al., EF showed significant improvements after RP up to 2 years, from 2 years to 10 years EF remained generally stable; however, men <60 were more likely to report improvements up to 7 years after RP when compared to older men.

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