Immunology of Human Milk


In 1891, it was discovered in experimental animals that immunity was transmitted through breast-feeding. , In the second decade of the 20th century, the incidence of diarrheal diseases was found to be much lower in breast-fed infants than cow’s milk-fed infants. Those observations were confirmed in developing and industrialized countries. Subsequently it was discovered that breast-feeding protected against many bacterial and viral enteric pathogens. Three explanations for the protection were advanced: (1) because human milk was less contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms than formula feedings, breast-fed infants were exposed to fewer infectious agents; (2) increased birth-spacing due to contraceptive effects of lactation decreased the number of children who transmit common contagious agents to susceptible siblings ; and (3) breast-fed infants were less likely to be in group care and thus were less exposed to children harboring communicable diseases. However, these propositions did not completely explain the protection provided by breast-feeding when breast-fed infants were found to be asymptomatic even when Shigella contaminated the mother’s nipples. Evidence then emerged that breast-fed infants were more resistant to certain respiratory infections.

Many antimicrobial agents in human milk and their features were discovered in the latter half of the 20th century. , They were found to be a heterogeneous array of biochemical agents and live leukocytes, which are more prominent in human milk than in other milk products used in human infants. They are common in mucosal sites and are adapted to persist in the gastrointestinal tract. They often inhibit or kill certain microbial pathogens synergistically and are frequently multifunctional. They protect without triggering inflammation, and their production is often inversely related to production in the infant. This last feature suggests a close evolutionary relationship between the immune system in human milk and development of the infant’s immune system. The concept of an immune system in human milk was subsequently expanded by the discovery of many antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, , and immunomodulating agents in human milk. The key features of the immune functions of human milk are summarized in Box 122.1 .

Box 122.1
Key Concepts in Immune Functions of Human Milk

  • 1.

    Certain postnatal developmental delays in the immune system are compensated by those same agents in human milk.

  • 2.

    Other postnatal delays in the immune system are offset by other agents in human milk.

  • 3.

    Some agents in human milk alter the physiologic state of the alimentary tract from one suited for fetal life to one appropriate for extrauterine life.

  • 4.

    Defense agents in human milk protect against microbial pathogens without provoking inflammation.

  • 5.

    Many agents in human milk inhibit inflammation.

  • 6.

    Cells that produce antibodies in human milk originate in the maternal small intestines and bronchi.

  • 7.

    Defense agents in human milk are resistant to enzymatic digestion and thus function in the recipient’s gastrointestinal tract.

  • 8.

    Certain defense agents are created by partial digestion of substrates in milk in the infant’s gastrointestinal tract.

  • 9.

    When defense agents in human milk interact with some pathogens, symptomatic infections are prevented and immune responses to those pathogens develop in the infant.

  • 10.

    Agents in human milk augment the growth of commensal enteric bacteria that protect against bacterial pathogens, interfere with the attachment of certain pathogens to epithelium, and convey other immunologic benefits.

Antimicrobial Factors

Antimicrobial agents in human milk include a number of proteins or polypeptides, oligosaccharides, glycoconjugates, and lipids. The agents and their functions are listed in Table 122.1 .

Table 122.1
Principal Antimicrobial Agents in Human Milk.
Agents Main Functions
Proteins and peptides Microbiostatic and microbiocidal
Lactoferrin Lyses siderophilic pathogens by chelating Fe +3
Lysozyme Lyses certain bacteria by degrading exposed cell wall peptidoglycans
Human milk secretory immunoglobulin A Binds adherence sites, toxins, virulence factors on intestinal and respiratory pathogens
α-Lactalbumin Kills Streptococcus pneumoniae
CCL28 Kills Candida albicans and many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
MUC1 Blocks binding of S-fimbriated Escherichia coli to epithelium
Lactadherin Blocks attachment of rotavirus to mucosa
C3 and fibronectin Augment phagocytosis of pathogens
Pentraxin Facilitates phagocytosis of Pseudomonas
β-Defensin-1 and α-defensin1,2,3 Lyses bacteria and inhibits human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, respectively
Oligosaccharides glycoconjugates Receptor analogues inhibit binding to epithelium and facilitate growth of protective enteric bacteria
GM1 gangliosides Vibrio cholerae and E. coli
Globotriaosylceramide Gb3 Shiga toxin B subunits
Fucosyloligosaccharides E. coli stable toxin, Campylobacter jejuni
G1cNAc(β1-3) Gal-disaccharide Streptococcus pneumoniae
Sulfated glycolipids HIV-1
Glycosaminoglycans HIV-1
Lewis X component HIV-1
Monoglycerides and fatty acids from digested milk lipids Disrupt enveloped viruses, certain bacteria, Giardia lamblia, and Entamoeba histolytica


Human milk contains immunoglobulin (Ig)M, IgG, IgD, and IgA. The concentration of IgM is much lower in human milk than in serum. IgM molecules in blood and milk are pentamers. However, unlike serum IgM, most human milk IgM is bound to a secretory component, and the antibody specificities are often similar to those of human milk secretory IgA (SIgA). Concentrations of IgG in human milk are lower than those for IgM and are much lower than serum IgG levels. All IgG subclasses are found in human milk, but the proportion of IgG4 is higher in milk. Very little IgD is present in human milk. IgE is undetectable.

In contrast, SIgA comprises more than 95% of human milk immunoglobulins. Most SIgA consists of two identical IgA monomers united by a 15-kDa polypeptide called the joining chain and complexed to secretory component, a 75-kDa glycopeptide fragment of the polymeric Ig receptor on the mammary gland epithelium. , SIgA is assembled when dimeric IgA produced by plasma cells in the stroma of the mammary gland binds to the first domain of polymeric Ig receptors on the basolateral surface of the mammary gland epithelium. The complex is internalized, the cytoplasmic part of the receptor is cleaved off, and the remaining protein (SIgA) is transported into milk.

SIgA antibodies in human milk are principally directed against foreign enteric and respiratory microbial antigens ( Table 122.2 ). Antibody-producing cells in the mammary gland originate from those mucosal sites, where their precursors are released by antigen stimulation. During lactation, antigen-stimulated B cells from Peyer patches (aggregated lymphoid nodules) in the lower small intestines switch from producing IgM to dimeric IgA and then migrate to the mammary gland. , A similar B-cell pathway links bronchial lymphoid tissues to the mammary gland.

Table 122.2
Antigen-Binding Repertoire of Human Milk Secretory Immunoglobulin A Antibodies in Human Milk.
Bacteria Viruses
Escherichia coli Adenoviruses
Helicobacter pylori Cytomegalovirus
Clostridium botulinum Polioviruses and other enteroviruses
Klebsiella pneumoniae Rotaviruses
Campylobacter sp. Respiratory syncytial virus
Shigella sp. Parasites
Salmonella sp. Giardia lamblia
Vibrio cholerae Autoantigens
Streptococcus pneumoniae DNA
Group B Streptococcus RNA
Haemophilus influenzae CCR5
Candida sp.

The switch from IgM + to dimeric IgA + in B cells in Peyer patches requires cytokines produced by local mononuclear leukocytes. These isotype-switched B cells migrate sequentially into local lymphatics, mesenteric lymph nodes, the cisterna chyli, the thoracic duct, and blood. CCL28 and its receptor CCR10 are crucial to this process. CCL28 is up-regulated in the murine mammary gland epithelium during lactation. Most dimeric IgA + B cells in the enteromammary gland pathway display CCR10, the receptor for that chemokine. CCL28 expressed by mammary gland epithelium is a chemoattractant for dimeric IgA + CCR10 + B cells.

After entering the mammary gland, dimeric IgA + B cells differentiate into dimeric IgA-producing plasma cells in the lamina propria. IgA dimers produced by those plasma cells principally contain λ-light chains, whereas κ-light chains predominate in serum immunoglobulins. IgA dimers bind to polymeric Ig receptors on the basolateral external membranes of mammary gland epithelial cells. , , , The resultant complex is transported to the apical side of an epithelial cell where the original intracytoplasmic portion of the receptor is cleaved away. The resultant molecule, SIgA, is secreted into milk. Thus enteromammary and bronchomammary pathways protect the infant against pathogens in the environment of the dyad (see Table 122.2 ). This is important because SIgA antibodies and the antigen-binding repertoire of immunoglobulins are not optimally produced during early infancy. Further, antiidiotypic SIgA antibodies in human milk elicit an immune response as though they were the original foreign antigens.

Some of the natural SIgA antibodies in human milk, which arise without antigenic stimuli, are directed against CCR5, the co-receptor for R5-tropic strains of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1. Via CCR5, macrophages and immature dendritic cells become infected with HIV-1. Antibodies from HIV-1-infected women bind to the second extracellular loop of CCR5 and thus reduce HIV-1 infection of macrophages and dendritic cells. In addition, SIgA antibodies to DNA enzymatically cleave DNA. , Therefore, the DNA is recognized not only as an autoantigen but also as a substrate by the antibody-enzyme that hydrolyzes free nucleic acids in the recipient’s intestinal and respiratory tracts.

The quantity of SIgA in human milk gradually declines as lactation proceeds, but considerable SIgA is transmitted to the infant throughout breast-feeding. Concentrations of SIgA in human milk are highest in colostrum and gradually plateau later in lactation. The approximate mean daily intake of SIgA in healthy, term, breast-fed infants is 600 mg/day at 1 month and 500 mg/day by 4 months.

The pattern of immunoglobulins in human milk differs from that in other mammals except for closely related primates. For example, IgG is the dominant immunoglobulin in bovine colostrum, and much of it is absorbed by the calf, whose IgG production is developmentally delayed. Without colostrum, calves are IgG-deficient and susceptible to intestinal infections.

Human SIgA is resistant to intestinal proteases including pancreatic trypsin. Bacterial proteases attack the hinge region of IgA1, but IgA2 is resistant to those proteases and is disproportionally increased in human milk. Furthermore, SIgA antibodies against bacterial IgA proteases are in human milk. Consequently, the amount of SIgA excreted in stools of low-birth-weight infants fed human milk is approximately 30 times that in infants fed a cow’s milk formula. In addition, urinary excretion of SIgA rises as a result of human milk feedings. , It is unlikely that the antibodies are from human milk, because there is no mechanism for their transport from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood. The mechanism responsible for SIgA antibodies in the infant’s urinary tract remains unclear.


Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein with two globular lobes, each of which displays a binding site for ferric iron. In 90% of lactoferrin in human milk, iron-binding sites are free to compete with siderophilic bacteria and fungal enterochelin for ferric iron. Iron chelation disrupts proliferation of those pathogens. Lactoferrin also kills by damaging outer membranes of many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and filamentous fungi by a peptide comprised of 18 amino acid residues from the N-terminal region formed by pepsin digestion (lactoferricin). , Furthermore, lactoferrin inhibits certain viruses in a chelation-independent manner. With free secretory component, lactoferrin interferes with the adhesion of Escherichia coli to epithelial cells.

The mean concentration of lactoferrin in human colostrum is between 5 and 6 mg/mL. The concentration falls to approximately 1 mg/mL at 2 to 3 months of lactation. The mean intake of milk lactoferrin in healthy breast-fed term infants is approximately 1200 mg/day at 1 month and 700 mg/day by 4 months. Because human lactoferrin resists proteolysis and the concentration of lactoferrin is much greater in human than bovine milk, the excretion of lactoferrin in the stools is higher in infants fed human milk than in those fed cow’s milk. , The quantity of lactoferrin excreted in stools of low-birth-weight infants fed human milk is approximately 185 times that excreted by infants fed cow’s milk. However, that estimate may be too high because fragments of lactoferrin, which may be biologically active, are present in stools of human milk-fed infants. There is also a significant increment in urinary excretion of intact and fragmented lactoferrin as a result of human milk feedings. , The increase is due to absorbed human milk lactoferrin and its fragments.


Lysozyme, a 15-kDa single chain protein, lyses susceptible bacteria by hydrolyzing β-1,4 linkages between N -acetylmuramic acid and 2-acetylamino-2-deoxy- d -glucose residues in cell walls. High concentrations of lysozyme are in human milk throughout lactation. Longitudinal changes in lysozyme during lactation are unlike most other agents in human milk. The mean concentration of lysozyme is approximately 70 μg/mL in colostrum, 20 μg/mL at 1 month, and 250 μg/mL by 6 months of lactation. The reason why the concentration rises by 6 months is not understood. The high content of lysozyme in human milk and its resistance to proteolysis lead to an eight-fold increase in lysozyme excreted in the stools of low-birth-weight infants fed human milk as compared to infants fed cow’s milk. However, urinary excretion of lysozyme is not increased in infants fed human milk.


α-Lactalbumin is expressed only in the lactating mammary gland. A folding variant of the protein kills Streptococcus pneumoniae . Furthermore, multimeric α-lactalbumin kills certain tumor cells in vitro by inducing apoptosis. ,


CCL28 kills Candida albicans and many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The killing is mediated by its 28 amino acid carboxyl terminus.

Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor, a constituent of human milk, is a proinflammatory cytokine (see later) that also up-regulates TLR-4 and aids in killing Mycobacterium tuberculosis in macrophages.


Fibronectin, which is found in human milk, facilitates uptake of bacteria and certain other particulates by mononuclear phagocytes. Its in vivo effects in human milk are unknown.


All components of the classic and alternative pathways of complement are in human milk, but their concentrations are much lower than those in serum. In vitro experiments suggest that C3 in human milk augments phagocytosis of microbial pathogens in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.

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