Hyperthermia (Perioperative)

Case Synopsis

A 23-year-old woman with a past medical history significant for bipolar disorder on a mood stabilizer requires emergent surgery for a ruptured appendix. The patient has no history of previous surgery and is unaware of any relevant family history. Preoperative vital signs are blood pressure 130/90 mm Hg, heart rate 105 beats per minute, temperature 38.5°C, and respiratory rate 15 breaths per minute. Thirty minutes after an uneventful rapid-sequence induction using succinylcholine and propofol for intubation and maintenance with sevoflurane and intravenous opioids, you notice that the temperature has increased to 40°C.

Problem Analysis


Hyperthermia is defined as a temperature above the normal core body temperature (generally 36.7°C–37.0°C ± 0.2°C–0.4°C). Elevated temperatures increase metabolic requirements, oxygen consumption, and insensible losses and can cause hypernatremia, seizures, and coagulopathy ( Box 145.1 ). Although hypothermia is more commonly seen in the perioperative period, intraoperative hyperthermia is also a significant concern that has its own differential diagnosis, broader than simply fever due to infection and malignant hyperthermia.

BOX 145.1
Consequences of Hyperthermia
DIC, Disseminated intravascular coagulation.

  • Increased basal metabolic rate

  • Increased oxygen consumption

  • Increased evaporative water loss

  • Electrolyte abnormalities (particularly hypernatremia)

  • Seizures (and/or altered mental status)

  • Coagulopathy (and DIC)

Thermoregulation occurs via a feedback loop controlled by the hypothalamus, coordinating heat production and loss to maintain normothermia near the regulatory set point. This set point, the interthreshold range, and the hypothalamic regulatory reflexes are all affected by both general and regional anesthetics. Hyperthermia is distinct from fever, with fever being an elevation in core body temperature that occurs due to an increased hypothalamic set point. In fever, the elevated set point is due to circulating pyrogens (such as endotoxin from gram-negative bacteria) and cytokines (interleukin [IL]–1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor, interferon-α); as such, fever responds to antipyretics (such as acetaminophen), whereas hyperthermia is not responsive to these pharmacologic agents.


Recognizing a hyperthermic state requires accurate temperature monitoring. Intraoperative temperature measurements can be obtained via a variety of techniques with differing specificity. Skin surface temperatures, which vary with environmental influences much more than core temperatures, are the least invasive to obtain, and generally 2°C cooler than core temperatures in operative environments. Although forehead skin temperature is usually reflective of core temperatures after adjusting for the 2°C difference, transitional zone (rectal, bladder) and core temperature monitoring is preferred when feasible. Bladder temperatures are easily obtained using Foley catheterization systems with built-in thermistors; however, these temperatures are falsely low during low urine flow states. Other situations may require more reliable core temperature measurements using temperature probes within the pulmonary artery (as with a Swan-Ganz catheter) or distal esophagus.

Risk Assessment

Hyperthermia itself has a variety of physiologic implications. Although it may be iatrogenic and secondary to hypothermia prevention techniques, hyperthermia may also be an indicator of an underlying pathologic process ( Box 145.2 ). It is often necessary to reevaluate all vital signs and monitors, and possibly obtain an arterial blood gas for analysis.

BOX 145.2
Differential Diagnosis of Intraoperative Hyperthermia

  • Iatrogenic/passive hyperthermia (particularly in pediatrics)

  • Neurologic injury

  • Sepsis

  • Malaria

  • Malignant hyperthermia

  • Severe thyrotoxicosis

  • Hyperthermia during epidural analgesia

  • Pheochromocytoma

  • Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

  • Adrenal crisis

  • Serotonin syndrome

  • Transfusion reaction

  • Surgical conditions

  • Drug hypersensitivity

Iatrogenic/Passive Hyperthermia

The most common causes of intraoperative hyperthermia are iatrogenic, secondary to excessive insulation and active warming in attempts to limit hypothermia. This is particularly true in scenarios with limited exposed body surface area (such as ophthalmic surgery with full body drapes), thereby limiting evaporative and convective heat loss. Pediatric and neonatal patients may be more susceptible to thermal entrapment and iatrogenic hyperthermia due to their higher basal metabolic rate, immature sweat-production system, and larger proportion of body surface area in contact with rewarming devices.


As previously mentioned, during infection the hypothalamic set point is increased and results in fever. In fact, the majority of patients with infection in the intensive care unit present with fever. Although an infectious etiology of the intraoperative fever may be clear by the surgical indication (such as in the patient with the ruptured appendix in the case synopsis), this does not necessarily exclude other causes of hyperthermia that can work concomitantly to raise core body temperature.

Malignant Hyperthermia

Contrary to classical teaching, temperature elevation is a better early indicator of malignant hyperthermia (MH) than increased end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO 2 ). Furthermore, initial indicators of MH occurred greater than 30 minutes after anesthetic initiation (compared with popular assumptions that it is seen shortly after induction). MH is covered in depth in Chapter 195 .

Neurologic Injury

During intracranial procedures, and even in nonintracranial procedures on patients with known intracranial pathology, hyperthermia may be the presenting sign of a neurologic complication. Neurogenic hyperthermia may be insidious, with a slow increase from 36°C to 40°C, and may be confused initially with passive hyperthermia due to limited exposed surface area. It may also be abrupt, with a rapid rise to 40+°C in less than 30 minutes. In either scenario, neurogenic hyperthermia is not accompanied by a concomitant rise in ETCO 2 (ruling out malignant hyperthermia) and has been linked to the following neurologic insults: acute hydrocephalus, intracerebral bleeding, and intraventricular hemorrhage (particularly into the third or fourth ventricle), and to hypothalamic injuries.

Epidural Analgesia

Prolonged epidural analgesia in laboring and nonlaboring patients has been associated with hyperthermia, with temperatures reaching 39.5°C. In these patients, the temperature rise is slow, developing after approximately 5 hours of epidural analgesia, and is an isolated finding with no other perturbations in vital signs. In laboring patients, the hyperpyrexia is believed to be the result of an increased metabolic rate and the inability to regulate heat loss due to sympathetic blockade, and is distinct from fever and inflammation (because antipyretics do not have an effect). However, these issues may be present in nonlaboring patients as well, and the underlying mechanism by which continuous neuraxial analgesia causes hyperpyrexia in these cases remains unclear.

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