Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies


The hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSANs) are a group of rare disorders caused by different genetic mutations, each affecting specific aspects of development, function, or survival of small myelinated and unmyelinated neurons resulting in variable phenotypic expression. Affected patients have impaired pain and temperature perception of different severity and varying autonomic abnormalities. These sensory deficits frequently lead to unnoticed acral ulcerations that can become infected, resulting in osteomyelitis and autoamputations, which are perhaps the most dramatic feature of patients with HSANs. The sensory and autonomic neurons have common embryonic origin in the multipotent neural crest cells. Their differentiation and commitment to function in the mature nervous system require exposure to growth factors along the migratory route and then within the target tissue. Differentiation will determine the neuron’s ability to produce specific neurotransmitters. HSANs causing mutations affect these processes at different steps.

The HSANs have been classified by Dyck and Ohta as types I to V on the basis of age at onset, mode of inheritance, and the predominant clinical features. More recently, the identification of a number of disease-causing mutations in ten HSAN disease-causing genes, a number that will likely continue to increase, has allowed a genotype-based classification that is still evolving ( Table 18.1 ). Many published cases lacked genetic confirmation, and there is still controversy over terminology and classification. HSAN-causing mutations affect key proteins involved in the development of nerves such as the nerve growth factor receptor in HSAN 4 or other proteins, such as IKBKAP in HSAN 3, whose functions are less well understood. For each HSAN type, penetrance is complete but there can be marked variability in phenotypic expression.

Table 18.1
HSAN Pattern of Inheritance and Associated Genes
Type Other Names Inheritance Genes OMIM
I Hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy Autosomal dominant SPTLC1, SPLTC2
IIAIIBIIC Congenital insensitivity to pain Autosomal recessive WNK1
III Familial dysautonomia (FD)/Riley Day Autosomal recessive IKBKAP 223900
IV Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA) Autosomal recessive TrK A/NGF R 256800
V Congenital insensitivity to pain Autosomal recessive NGF B 608654

Hsan Type I

Molecular Genetics

HSAN I, also known as hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy, is an autosomal dominant disorder that usually presents between the second and fifth decades, but congenital or childhood onset has been reported. Several causative mutations have been identified in five genes: SPTLC1 , SPLTC2 , ATL1 , RAB7 , and DNMT1 .

SPTLC1 and SPTLC2 encode subunits 1 and 2 of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), an enzyme that catalyzes the biosynthesis of serine and palmitoyl CoA. Upregulation of SPT is suggested to play a role in apoptosis. Gain of function mutations in the SPTLC1 and SPTLC2 genes lead to the formation of atypical deoxysphingoid bases that cannot be converted to complex sphingolipids or degraded, resulting in their intracellular accumulation with pronounced neurotoxic effects on neurite formation and neurofilament structure. The single patient reported with congenital presentation and very severe phenotype had a de novo missense mutation in SPTLC1 (c.992C>T; p.Ser331Phe) that was not present in either parent.

Four missense mutations in RAB7 have been identified that are associated with the phenotype of profound sensory loss and motor weakness, now termed Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B (CMT2B) disease. RAB7 mutants impair epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor trafficking. The resulting downregulation of EGF receptor dependent nuclear transcription impedes normal axon outgrowth and peripheral innervation and results in neurodegeneration.


Neurophysiology studies show a sensory axonal neuropathy, but in many individuals there is also electrical evidence of demyelination. The disease process affects the axons and cell bodies of primary sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia and motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord. Sural nerve biopsies and post-mortem findings showed distal axonal degeneration. Although there is loss of unmyelinated, small myelinated, and large myelinated fibers, the small fibers are affected to a greater degree and there is subsequent dorsal root ganglion cell loss. Dorsal columns in the spinal cord are diminished in size. Dorsal roots are small, but motor roots are normal. Primary sensory neurons show degenerative changes, and residual nodules are prominent, especially in sacral and lumbar sensory ganglia.

Clinical Features

Hick’s original clinical description in 1922 was of an autosomal dominant progressive disease in an English family. The features described included perforating ulcers of the feet, shooting pains on the body, and deafness, with clinical signs of dissociated sensory loss and areflexia in the feet. The same family was later reported by Denny-Brown in 1951, when he termed the disorder as hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy. With increased awareness of the disorder and discovery of various mutations, it was appreciated that there can be great variability in both penetrance and age of onset. Patients with SPTLC1 and SPTLC2 are phenotypically indistinguishable. The usual sensory findings include prominent loss of pain and temperature sensation that is particularly marked in the lower limbs, causing ulcerations, infected calluses, and bony deformities of the feet. Intermittent lancinating pains occur in some kinships. Touch and pressure sensations are lost to a lesser extent. Distal tendon reflexes are lost, and there is moderate weakness. The autonomic disturbances are usually limited to hypohidrosis, which roughly matches the distribution of sensory deficits. Blood pressure control, and sphincter and sexual functions are normal. Intelligence may be mildly impaired. A study by Houlden et al. showed that there is clinical heterogeneity both within and between families, suggesting the influence of other genetic and acquired factors. There is also a report of congenital onset in a French Gypsy patient with a de novo missense mutation in SPTLC1 resulting in an unusually severe phenotype associated with severe growth and mental retardation, hypotonia, gastroesophageal reflux, and vocal cord paralysis. Nerve conduction studies showed absent sensory and motor responses in the upper and lower limbs in this patient.


Patients with HSAN type I caused by atlastin-GTPase 1 ( ATL1 ) mutations may have additional symptoms that include trophic skin and nail changes. Patients with mutations in DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 1 ( DNMT1 ), have dementia and hearing loss.


Because mutations in RAB7 also cause distal weakness, the disease is also called CMT2B. Affected patients are indistinguishable from those with HSAN. In addition, the sensory loss is more generalized, affecting vibration, touch, and proprioception, as well as pain and temperature. Patients with RAB7 mutations are also more likely to present in adolescence.

Hsan Type II

Molecular Genetics

HSAN type II is also termed congenital insensitivity to pain. There are at least three causative gene mutations resulting in subtype designations 2A, 2B, and 2C. Although mutations in different genes are involved, the clinical features of HSAN type II are similar.


The affected WNK1 gene encodes the serine-threonine protein kinase WNK1, an osmotic sensor that regulates sodium, chloride, and potassium homeostasis and can change membrane excitability. It is normally expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems, with particularly high levels in dorsal root ganglia and sciatic nerves as well as increased expression in sensory axons as compared to motor. All mutations in WNK1 are presumed to result in loss of function as they cause truncations in the transcript. WNK1 is known to decrease the cell-surface expression of TRpV4, a nonselective cation channel that is involved in thermal and mechanical nociception. It has been suggested that a loss of function mutation could increase expression of this receptor, raising the threshold for sensitivity to pain as well as cold and heat detection.


The function of the affected FAM134B is poorly understood. It is known to be a component of the Golgi matrix and as such has a role in cellular structure. It has been suggested that the FAM134B protein is involved in neuronal survival, particularly nociceptive neurons, and that nonfunctional FAM134B protein would result in apoptosis of neuronal cells. As FAM134B is predominantly expressed in sensory and autonomic ganglia, it would explain the clinical phenotype seen in HSAN type II patients.

There may be genes other than the WNK1 or FAM134B genes that also cause the HSAN type II phenotype since there are some individuals who have all clinical features of HSAN type II but fail to demonstrate mutations in either gene. Many of these individuals also manifest sensorineural hearing loss.


Recently, a third mutation has been found to cause the HSAN2 phenotype. Erlich et al. described three brothers from an inbred Palestinian family with ulcero-mutilating sensory neuropathy and distal sensory loss along with distal motor involvement resulting in spastic paraplegia. Loss of function mutations in the KIF1A gene were identified via exome sequencing. KIF1A encodes KIF1A, a member of the kinesin superfamily that transports membranous organelles and macromolecules along microtubules. In axons, precursors of synaptic vesicles are transported anterogradely by KIF1A.


No cutaneous sensory receptors or nerve fibers are seen. Within the sural nerve there is severe depletion of myelinated axons and a lesser loss of nonmyelinated fibers. Neurophysiological evaluation reveals elevated vibratory and thermal thresholds at the hands and feet. Typically, nerve conduction velocities cannot be recorded as there is absence of the sensory nerve action potentials. Motor nerve conduction velocities are at or slightly below the normal limit and compound motor action potentials show slightly reduced amplitudes. EEG and electromyographic (EMG) studies are normal, but rate-dependent changes in brainstem auditory evoked potentials are increased indicating immature pathways.

Catecholaminergic sympathetic fibers were demonstrated by aldehyde-induced fluorescence.

Clinical Features

HSAN type II manifests in infancy or early childhood. Affected patients have profound sensory loss and frequent gastrointestinal and respiratory problems. The neonatal course is characterized by severe feeding problems and frequent apnea. Gastroesophageal reflux and vomiting occur commonly. Other autonomic disturbances such as erythematous blotching of the skin and episodic hyperhidrosis have been observed, especially in the FAM134B -related HSAN (HSAN 2B), but not postural hypotension. Tearing is frequently delayed but is eventually normal.

All sensory modalities are affected, including pain, temperature, and position senses. Unintentional self-injury is common and may begin with eruption of primary teeth. Taste sensation is diminished and lingual fungiform papillae are hypotrophic. Corneal and gag reflexes are diminished. Deep tendon reflexes are decreased. Painless fractures and acral ulcers can develop and repeated injury can lead to Charcot joints ( Figure 18.1 ). Generalized hypotonia can delay attainment of developmental milestones. The severe hypotonia may contribute to scoliosis. Growth is normal. Cognitive function varies greatly. Some patients are mildly retarded with expressive aphasia, whereas the subset with sensorineural hearing loss has normal intelligence.

Figure 18.1, Orthopedic sequelae in HSAN type II. Repeated multiple fractures of weight bearing joints have resulted in bilateral Charcot joints of ankles.

Hsan Type III

Molecular Genetics

HSAN type III was originally described by Conrad Riley and Richard Day and was renamed by Riley himself as familial dysautonomia (FD). HSAN III is an autosomal recessive disease that appears to almost exclusively affect children with Eastern European Jewish parents. Three causative mutations have been reported in the IKBKAP gene, but 99.5% of HSAN III patients are homozygous for a splice-site mutation, a T to C change at base pair 6 of intron 20. The other two mutations, R696P and P914L, are missense mutations and thus far are always paired with the common mutation. The carrier frequency of the most common HSAN III mutation among the Ashkenazi Jews of North America has been reported to be between 1 in 27 and 1 in 32.

The missplice mutation, IVS20+6T_C, causes a tissue-specific decrease in splicing efficiency with variable skipping of exon 20 in the IKBKAP message resulting in a truncated protein product, IKAP or ELP1. ELP1 is a scaffold protein that is required to assemble the RNA polymerase II elongator complex, a key mediator of transcriptional elongation. Many of its target genes are required for migration and maturation of the nervous system. The IVS20+6T_C mutation does not cause complete loss of function, but neuronal tissues seem most severely affected as they primarily express mutant mRNA, somatic tissues express roughly equal levels of normal and mutant mRNA, and lymphoblast cell lines primarily express the normal product.


The mutation responsible for HSAN III results in an abnormal IKAP protein, now known as ELP1. How abnormal ELP1 results in the phenotype is unknown. As ELP1 is part of normal elongator transcription function, most studies have focused on identifying genes that are downregulated in the absence of a functional elongator complex, especially those that might regulate cell motility, development, differentiation, and survival. Because elongator may also facilitate acetylation of α-tubulin in the cytoplasm, decreased ELP1 might result in defective cytoskeletal organization.

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