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Chronic liver disease and ALF disrupt normal homeostasis and cause systemic manifestations that may dominate the clinical features of liver disease. Most of these extrahepatic syndromes are reversible with LT.
The term hepatic encephalopathy (HE) encompasses a wide array of transient and subtle reversible neurologic and psychiatric manifestations usually found in patients with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension, but also seen in patients with ALF. HE develops in 50% to 70% of patients with cirrhosis, and its occurrence is a poor prognostic indicator, with projected 1- and 3-year survival rates of 42% and 23%, respectively, without LT. Symptoms may range from mild neurocognitive disturbances to overt coma. , HE is often triggered by an inciting event that results in a rise in the serum ammonia level. The precise underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms are not well understood, and the mainstay of therapy is elimination of the precipitating event and excess ammonia. LT generally reverses HE.
A number of factors, occurring alone or in combination, have been implicated in the development of HE. These factors may differ in acute and chronic liver disease and include the production of neurotoxins, altered permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and abnormal neurotransmission ( Fig. 94.1 ). The best-described neurotoxin involved in HE is ammonia, which is produced primarily in the colon, where bacteria metabolize proteins and other nitrogen-based products into ammonia. Enterocytes synthesize ammonia from glutamine. Once produced, ammonia enters the portal circulation and, under normal conditions, is metabolized and cleared by hepatocytes. In cirrhosis and portal hypertension, reduced hepatocyte function and portosystemic shunting contribute to increased circulating ammonia levels. Arterial hyperammonemia is observed in up to 90% of patients with HE, although serum levels are neither a sensitive nor specific indicator of its presence. Increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier increases the uptake and extraction of ammonia by the cerebellum and basal ganglia. Acute hyperammonemia appears to have a direct effect on brain edema, astrocyte swelling, and the transport of neuronally active compounds such as myoinositol, thereby contributing to HE. Ammonia may also directly induce an inflammatory response in astrocytes, thereby leading to swelling and cytotoxic brain edema.
Other alterations in HE affect neuronal membrane fluidity, CNS neurotransmitter expression, and neurotransmitter receptor expression and activation. , The γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-benzodiazepine system has been the best studied. Although CNS benzodiazepine levels and GABA receptor concentrations are unchanged in animal models of HE, increased sensitivity of the astrocyte (peripheral-type) benzodiazepine receptor enhances activation of the GABA-benzodiazepine system. , This activation occurs in part through a feed-forward system in which production of neurosteroids (allopregnanolone and tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone) by astrocytes further activates the GABA A -benzodiazepine receptor system. , Other factors that influence CNS neurotransmission, including serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]), nitric oxide (NO), circulating opioid peptides, manganese, and increased oxygen-free radical production, have also been postulated to contribute to HE. , Manganese toxicity can cause dopaminergic dysfunction and is usually caused by oral, inhaled, or IV exposure to manganese in illegal designer narcotics. ,
Distinct allelic mutations in the glutaminase gene increase the risk for overt HE, independent of hepatic synthetic function or the presence of minimal HE. This risk may be mediated by enhanced glutaminase transcriptional activity that results in increased levels of ammonia and glutamate. Other work has found differences in colonic mucosal microbiota in cirrhotic patients with and without HE that could influence the production of substances that lead to the development of HE. Finally, hyperammonemia, particularly in ALF, also increases astrocyte glutamine production via glutamine synthetase. The rise in astrocyte glutamine and glutamate concentrations contributes to factors associated with CNS dysfunction. , ,
HE may present as a spectrum of reversible neurocognitive symptoms and signs that range from mild changes in cognition to profound coma in patients with acute or chronic liver disease. HE is often precipitated by an inciting event (e.g., GI bleeding, electrolyte abnormalities, infections, medications, dehydration). The diagnosis of HE, therefore, requires careful consideration in the appropriate clinical situation. Occasionally, HE may be the initial presentation of chronic liver disease. Subtle findings in overt HE may include forgetfulness, alterations in handwriting, difficulty with driving, and reversal of the sleep-wake cycle. , As HE worsens, findings may include asterixis, agitation, disinhibited behavior, seizures, and coma. Other causes of altered mental status—particularly hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, medication ingestion, and structural intracranial abnormalities resulting from coagulopathy or trauma, should be considered if focal neurologic deficits are present; otherwise, the likelihood of intracranial hemorrhage is low.
HE is classified according to 4 factors, including the underlying disease, severity of manifestations, time course, and existence of precipitating factors. There are 3 major types of HE related to the underlying disease: type A, associated with ALF; type B, associated with portosystemic shunts in the absence of liver disease; and type C, associated with chronic and end-stage liver disease and portal hypertension. Type C HE is the most common type and has historically been graded from 0 to 4 based on the West Haven criteria ( Table 94.1 ). The SONIC (spectrum of neurocognitive impairment in cirrhosis) nomenclature expands the delineation of severity of HE to reflect the wide spectrum of clinical findings and improve clinical and investigative classification. Based on the SONIC classification, cirrhotic patients are divided into (1) unimpaired, (2) covert (or minimal) HE, and (3) overt HE. Unimpaired patients have no clinical, neurophysiologic, or neuropsychometric abnormalities; patients with covert or minimal HE (clinically normal patients with abnormal cognition or neurophysiologic test results) align with grade 1 HE by the West Haven criteria; and patients with overt HE have grade 2 HE or higher by the West Haven criteria (see Table 94.1 ). This classification eliminates the need to distinguish minimal HE from grade 1 HE and takes advantage of the recognition that disorientation, specifically to time, is a distinct clinical feature that distinguishes grade 1 from grade 2 HE and covert from overt HE. , HE is also subdivided by time course into (1) episodic, recurrent HE (multiple episodes within a time interval of 6 months), and (2) persistent (altered behavior always present with relapses of overt HE). Finally, HE is divided into spontaneous or secondary based on the presence or absence of precipitating factors such as infections, GI bleeding, medications, and others. ,
West Haven Criteria | SONIC Classification | |||||
Grade | Intellectual Function | Neuromuscular Function | Classification | Mental Status | Special Tests | Asterixis |
0 | Normal | Normal | Unimpaired | Unimpaired | Normal | Absent |
Minimal | Normal examination findings; subtle changes in work or driving | Minor abnormalities of visual perception or on psychometric or number tests | Covert HE | Unimpaired | Abnormal | Absent |
1 | Personality changes, attention deficits, irritability, depressed state | Tremor and incoordination | ||||
2 | Changes in sleep-wake cycle, lethargy, mood and behavioral changes, cognitive dysfunction | Asterixis, ataxic gait, speech abnormalities (slow and slurred) | Overt HE | Impaired | Abnormal | Present (absent in coma) |
3 | Altered level of consciousness (somnolence), confusion, disorientation, and amnesia | Muscular rigidity, nystagmus, clonus, Babinski sign, hyporeflexia | ||||
4 | Stupor and coma | Oculocephalic reflex, unresponsiveness to noxious stimuli |
No specific laboratory findings definitively indicate the presence of HE. Blood ammonia levels are commonly measured in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension but are not sensitive or specific for the presence of HE. Other factors such as GI bleeding, the ingestion of certain medications (e.g., diuretics, alcohol, narcotics, valproic acid), the use of a tourniquet when blood is drawn, and delayed processing and cooling of a blood sample may raise the blood ammonia level irrespective of the presence of HE. , , Measurement of arterial ammonia offers no advantage over venous ammonia levels in patients with chronic liver disease. , Blood ammonia levels may be a useful indicator of HE in the absence of cirrhosis and portal hypertension, seen in patients with metabolic disorders that influence ammonia generation or metabolism, such as urea cycle disorders and disorders of proline metabolism ( Box 94.1 ). ,
Chronic kidney disease
Cigarette smoking
GI bleeding
Inborn errors of metabolism
Proline metabolism disorders
Urea cycle defects (e.g., carbamylphosphate synthetase I deficiency, ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency, argininosuccinate lyase deficiency, N -acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency)
Diuretics (e.g., acetazolamide)
Valproic acid
Muscle exertion and ischemia
Portosystemic shunts
Technique and conditions of blood sampling
High body temperature
High protein diet
Tourniquet use
The development of standardized neuropsychometric and neurocognitive tests has led to the recognition that routine evaluation is insensitive for the diagnosis of clinically relevant HE. Simple tests such as the portosystemic encephalopathy syndrome test and the Stroop test (an evaluation of cognitive flexibility and psychomotor speed using either a paper-and-pencil or electronic format) evaluate the patient’s attention, concentration, fine motor skills, and orientation and have been shown to be highly specific for the diagnosis of HE. , , With the use of these tests, covert HE has been found to be common and to negatively influence a patient’s quality of life and driving ability and increase the risk of overt HE. Moreover, treatment of minimal HE improves quality of life, cognitive test results, and driving ability. , , A smartphone-based application (EncephalApp) is a streamlined version of the Stroop test that is validated for use in detection of covert/minimal HE.
A number of other novel imaging and functional tests for the diagnosis of HE have also been studied. Magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy and MR T1 mapping with partial inversion recovery (TAPIR) have been used to measure clinically relevant parameters quantitatively , The critical flicker frequency test, a simple light-based test that assesses cerebral cortex function, has been shown to be a reliable marker of minimal HE. Whether these functional tests will become useful in clinical practice is still unknown.
The treatment of HE is directed primarily toward eliminating or correcting precipitating factors (e.g., bleeding, infection, hypokalemia, medications, dehydration), reducing blood ammonia levels, and avoiding the toxic effects of ammonia on the CNS. In the past, dietary protein restriction was considered an important component of the treatment of HE. Subsequent work has suggested that limiting protein-calorie intake is not beneficial in patients with HE. Vegetable and dairy proteins may be preferable to animal proteins because of a more favorable calorie-to-nitrogen ratio. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation may have a beneficial effect on HE but does not appear to affect mortality or quality of life.
Nonabsorbable disaccharides have been the cornerstone of the treatment of HE. Oral lactulose or lactitol (the latter is not available in the USA) are metabolized by colonic bacteria to by-products that appear to have beneficial effects by causing catharsis and reducing intestinal pH, thereby inhibiting ammonia absorption. These agents improve symptoms in patients with acute and chronic HE when compared with placebo but do not improve psychometric test performance or mortality. Side effects are common and include abdominal cramping, flatulence, diarrhea, and electrolyte imbalance. Lactulose may be administered per rectum (as an enema) to patients who are at increased risk of aspiration, although the efficacy of administration by enema has not been evaluated.
Oral antibiotics have also been used to treat HE, with the aim of modifying the intestinal flora and lowering stool pH to enhance the excretion of ammonia. Antibiotics are generally used as second-line agents after lactulose or in patients who are intolerant of nonabsorbable disaccharides. Rifaximin given orally in a dose of 550 mg twice daily was approved in 2010 for the treatment of chronic HE and reduction in the risk of recurrence of overt HE in patients with advanced liver disease. , The tolerability and side-effect profile of rifaximin are superior to those of lactulose, albeit at greater financial cost. Other antibiotics, including neomycin, metronidazole, and vancomycin, have been studied in small trials and case series, but their effectiveness in patients with chronic HE is not established.
Several other agents that may modify intestinal flora and modulate the generation or intestinal absorption of ammonia have been evaluated as potential treatments for HE. Acarbose, an intestinal α-glucosidase inhibitor used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, inhibits the intestinal absorption of carbohydrates and glucose and results in their enhanced delivery to the colon. As a result, the ratio of saccharolytic to proteolytic bacterial flora is increased, and blood ammonia levels are decreased. A randomized controlled double-blind crossover trial has demonstrated that acarbose improves mild HE in patients with cirrhosis and adult-onset diabetes mellitus. Similarly, probiotic regimens have been used to modify intestinal flora and diminish ammonia generation. Several studies have suggested that these agents may be beneficial in humans with mild HE. A Cochrane database review showed that probiotics probably improve recovery, overt HE, quality of life, and plasma ammonia levels, but not mortality.
Strategies to enhance ammonia clearance may also be useful in the treatment of HE. Sodium benzoate, sodium phenylbutyrate, and sodium phenylacetate, all of which increase ammonia excretion in urine, are approved by the FDA for the treatment of hyperammonemia resulting from urea cycle enzyme defects and may improve HE in patients with cirrhosis. Administration of sodium benzoate, however, results in a high sodium load, and the efficacy of this agent is not clearly established. Administration of zinc, which has been used because zinc deficiency is common in patients with cirrhosis and because zinc increases the activity of ornithine transcarbamylase, an enzyme in the urea cycle, may also improve HE; however, clear efficacy has not been established. Extracorporeal albumin dialysis using the molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) has resulted in a reduction in blood ammonia levels and improvement in severe HE in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (see Chapters 74 and 95 ). , Finally, l -ornithine– l -aspartate, a salt of the amino acids ornithine and aspartic acid that activates the urea cycle and enhances ammonia clearance, has been shown in a Cochrane database review to have a possible beneficial effect on mortality, HE, and serious adverse events compared with placebo or no intervention; however, this agent is not available in the USA.
The term hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) was first used in 1939 to describe acute kidney injury (AKI), mainly acute tubular necrosis (ATN) or interstitial nephritis, in a group of patients who had undergone biliary tract surgery. As pathophysiologic mechanisms were better elucidated, HRS was found to be part of a cascade of events associated with intense dilatation of the splanchnic arterial vasculature in the setting of cirrhosis or acute liver injury and resulting in profound renal arterial vasoconstriction and progressive renal failure. Histologically, the kidneys are normal in HRS. Function may be restored by correction of portal hypertension, LT, removal of the kidneys (and transplantation of them into a noncirrhotic recipient), and, in some cases, medical therapy.
Acute renal dysfunction occurs in 15% to 25% of hospitalized patients with cirrhosis (see also Chapter 93 ). , HRS is found in 10% to 30% of such patients and appears to be an extension of the pathophysiology of prerenal azotemia and therefore potentially reversible. The annual frequency of HRS in cirrhotic patients with ascites is roughly 8% and, in some reports, as high as 40%. HRS develops in approximately 30% of cirrhotic patients who are admitted with SBP or other infection, 25% who are hospitalized with severe alcoholic hepatitis, and 10% who require serial large-volume paracenteses (see Chapter 93 ). The observation that morbidity and mortality remain high once the syndrome is established has led to a focus on the prevention, early diagnosis, and therapy of renal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis.
The pathophysiology of HRS is complex and incompletely characterized. Three important components contribute to the initiation and perpetuation of altered renal perfusion ( Fig. 94.2 ): (1) arterial vasodilatation in the splanchnic and systemic circulation; (2) renal vasoconstriction; and (3) cardiac dysfunction. These components influence renal function in concert and form the basis for current therapies and preventative strategies.
Splanchnic and systemic arterial vasodilatation is a hallmark of the progression of portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis and leads to decreased effective circulating blood volume and ultimately to a decrease in blood pressure. This process is mediated by a number of endogenous substances, including NO, carbon monoxide (CO), glucagon, prostacyclin, adrenomedullin, and endogenous opiates that are released or act locally in the vasculature in response to mechanical and inflammatory signals. , , , In the early stages of portal hypertension, increases in heart rate and cardiac output compensate for the decrease in effective circulatory volume and create a hyperdynamic circulation. As liver disease and splanchnic vasodilatation progress, additional compensatory mechanisms are activated.
Splanchnic and systemic vasodilatation also lead to compensatory renal vasoconstriction and renal sodium and water retention, in turn leading to hyponatremia and ascites formation. These responses are mediated by stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and nonosmotic release and activity of arginine vasopressin (as a result of increased secretion and decreased clearance of arginine vasopressin and apparent increased expression of vasopressin-regulated water channels), as well as intrarenal events. Although the precise intrarenal mechanisms are speculative, altered production or action of endothelins, prostaglandins, kallikreins, and F2-isoprostanes may contribute to renal vasoconstriction. , , Ultimately, the balance between vasoconstrictive responses in the kidney and systemic and splanchnic vasodilatation is lost, thereby leading to a prominent increase in renal vascular resistance, decrease in renal perfusion, and reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). , Finally, intense renal vasoconstriction may lead to tubular damage, and HRS can evolve from a functional syndrome to an organic disease.
Impaired cardiac function may also contribute to renal hypoperfusion in patients with HRS. In one prospective study, HRS developed in cirrhotic patients with more severe arterial vasodilatation and lower cardiac output. In another study of patients who were treated for SBP, renal dysfunction (including HRS in some cases) developed in those with lower cardiac output and lower arterial pressure measurements associated with higher circulating levels of norepinephrine and renin plasma activity, despite effective treatment of the infection. These data demonstrate that cardiac output is impaired in patients with cirrhosis in whom HRS develops compared with those in whom HRS does not develop and suggest that cardiac dysfunction may be an important additional factor in the pathogenesis of HRS.
HRS is a functional disorder and, therefore, laboratory and imaging studies alone are not sufficient for making the diagnosis. A high index of clinical suspicion and exclusion of other potential causes of kidney injury are required. The majority of patients with HRS are asymptomatic, although some may report decreased urine output. AKI decreases GFR and increases the blood urea nitrogen level and may result in HE as the initial clinical presentation of HRS.
Older diagnostic criteria for HRS included an increase in the serum creatinine level by 50% above baseline to a level higher than 1.5 mg/dL (133 μmol/L). Although this definition was standardized, a subset of patients with cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease have a profound decrease in muscle mass and urea synthesis that may, in turn, result in reduced serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, thereby potentially delaying recognition of HRS. , Therefore, in a 2015 position paper, the International Club of Ascites (ICA) developed an updated diagnostic criteria in which new definitions of AKI were incorporated (1): cirrhosis with ascites; (2) diagnosis of AKI according to ICA-AKI criteria ( Table 94.2 ); (3) lack of response after at least 2 days of diuretic withdrawal and volume expansion with albumin (1 g/kg of body weight/day, to a maximum of 100 g/day); (4) absence of shock; (5) lack of current or recent treatment with nephrotoxic drugs; and (6) absence of parenchymal kidney disease as indicated by proteinuria of more than 500 mg/day, microhematuria (>50 red blood cells/high-power field), or abnormal renal US findings ( Box 94.2 ). Type 1 HRS, more recently designated AKI-HRS, is characterized by stage 2 or 3 AKI (see Table 94.2 ), and type 2 HRS, designated CKD (chronic kidney disease)–HRS is considered a form of CKD, with a longer, more gradual course than type 1 HRS. ,
Feature | Definition | ||
Baseline serum creatinine level | A value obtained in the previous 3 months can be used as baseline; however, in patients with multiple values in previous 3 months the value closest to the admission creatinine should be used. In patients without a previous serum creatinine determination, the admission value should be used as the baseline. |
AKI | A 50% increase in the serum creatinine level from baseline that is known or presumed to have occurred within the 7 days prior OR A rise of 0.3 mg/dL (26.4 μmol/L) in the serum creatinine level in <48 hr |
Staging of AKI | Stage 1: A rise in the serum creatinine level of 0.3 mg/dL (26.4 μmol/L) or an increase in serum creatinine ≥1.5-fold to 2-fold above baseline Stage 2: A rise in the serum creatinine level of >2-fold to 3-fold above baseline Stage 3: A rise in the serum creatinine level of >3-fold above baseline or a serum creatinine level of 4 mg/dL (353.6 μmol/L) with an acute increase of ≥0.3 mg/dL (26.4 μmol/L) or initiation of renal replacement therapy |
Progression of AKI | Progression Progression of AKI to a higher stage and/or need for renal replacement therapy |
Regression Regression of AKI to a lower stage |
Response to treatment | No response No regression of AKI |
Partial response Reduction of at least 1 AKI stage (still above baseline) |
Full response Return of the serum creatinine level to within 0.3 md/dL of baseline |
∗ As defined by the International Club of Ascites revised consensus recommendations (Angeli P, Ginès P, Wong F, et al. Diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury in patients with cirrhosis. J Hepatol 2015;62:968-74.)
Cirrhosis with ascites
Diagnosis of AKI according to International Club of Ascites-AKI criteria (see Table 94.2 )
No or insufficient response in 48 hr after diuretic withdrawal and adequate volume expansion with IV albumin
Absence of shock
No evidence of recent use of nephrotoxic agents
Absence of intrinsic renal disease
Several aspects of the diagnosis of HRS deserve emphasis. First, the consensus guidelines were revised to facilitate utilization of the current criteria for AKI. A key difference in cirrhotic patients with AKI, in comparison with noncirrhotic patients, is that a reduction in urine output is not considered a feature owing to the fact that patients with cirrhosis and ascites are frequently oliguric with increased sodium retention, although they may maintain a relatively normal GFR. Therefore, early recognition of even a small increase in serum creatinine is important. Second, many medications, most notably diuretics, lactulose, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and NSAIDs, may influence intravascular volume status and renal perfusion and should be discontinued expeditiously in the setting of acute renal dysfunction. Third, even though SBP may not be accompanied by obvious symptoms and signs, HRS may develop in as many as 20% of affected patients. , Therefore, a low threshold for evaluating cirrhotic patients with ascites for the presence of SBP is required (see Chapter 93 ). Finally, urinary biomarkers (e.g., interleukin [IL]-18, urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation [6], EGF, fatty acid binding protein 2) may be able to distinguish ATN from other etiologies of renal failure in patients with cirrhosis, but their role in clinical practice is not well defined.
The high mortality rate of HRS underscores the importance of prevention. Intravascular volume depletion (resulting from overdiuresis, diarrhea caused by lactulose, GI bleeding from gastroesophageal varices, or large-volume paracentesis without colloid administration) should be avoided and corrected. Similarly, nephrotoxic drugs (e.g., NSAIDs, certain antibiotics) should be avoided, and infections (SBP, bacteremia) should be treated. Specific guidelines for the primary and secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding, administration of colloid (albumin) to patients with a rising serum creatinine level after a large-volume paracentesis or with SBP, prophylactic administration of antibiotics to patients at high risk of SBP or other infections, and those hospitalized for GI bleeding have been published (see Chapter 92, Chapter 93 ). ,
Routine invasive hemodynamic monitoring of cirrhotic patients with a rising serum creatinine level does not have a clear benefit and is not recommended. The concept that specific treatment of HRS is possible and may improve survival has emerged since 2000. Current options include medical therapies, TIPS placement, and LT. Medical therapies for HRS are directed toward reversing the underlying splanchnic and systemic vasodilatation with vasoconstricting agents and increasing the effective circulatory volume with the use of colloid. Such treatment is used as a temporizing measure until definitive treatment for liver disease (LT) or portal hypertension (TIPS) is undertaken, or until an acute process (SBP, GI bleeding) has been reversed ( Box 94.3 ). ,
Measures to prevent variceal bleeding (e.g., β-receptor blocking agent, band ligation)
Pentoxifylline for severe alcohol-associated hepatitis (see Chapter 86 )
Prevention of HRS
Avoidance of intravascular volume depletion (diuretics, lactulose, GI bleeding, large-volume paracentesis without adequate volume repletion)
Judicious management of nephrotoxins (ACEIs, ARBs, NSAIDs, antibiotics)
Prompt diagnosis and treatment of infections (SBP, sepsis)
SBP prophylaxis (see Chapter 93 )
Discontinuation of all nephrotoxic agents (ACEIs, ARBs, NSAIDs, diuretics)
Antibiotics for infections
albumin—bolus of 1 g/kg/day on presentation (maximum dose, 100 g daily). Continue at a dose of 20-60 g daily as required to maintain the central venous pressure between 10 and 15 cm H 2 O
Vasopressor therapy (in addition to albumin):
Terlipressin ∗
∗ Not available in the USA.
—start at 1 mg IV every 4 hr and increase up to 2 mg IV every 4 hr if the baseline serum creatinine level does not improve by 25% at day 3 of therapy
Midodrine and octreotide—begin midodrine at 2.5-5 mg orally 3 times daily and increase to a maximum dose of 15 mg 3 times daily. Titrate to an MAP increase of at least 15 mm Hg; begin octreotide at 100 μg subcutaneously 3 times daily and increase to a maximum dose of 200 μg subcutaneously 3 times daily, or begin octreotide with a 25 μg IV bolus and continue at a rate of 25 μg/hr
Norepinephrine—0.1-0.7 μg/kg/min as an IV infusion. Increase by 0.05 μg/kg/min every 4 hr and titrate to an MAP increase of at least 10 mm Hg
The duration of vasopressor treatment is generally a maximum of 2 weeks until HRS reverses or LT is performed
Evaluation of patient for LT
The use of vasoconstrictors with or without the administration of colloid in patients with HRS was initially reported in the 1960s. Since then, several regimens, including terlipressin and albumin; midodrine, octreotide, and albumin; and norepinephrine and albumin, have been studied. Pooled analysis of published trials has confirmed that a goal-directed approach using vasoconstrictors improves kidney function in patients with HRS. ,
Terlipressin is an IV-administered selective vasopressin 1 receptor agonist vasoconstrictor used in Europe and under review by the FDA for the treatment of type 1 HRS. Terlipressin has been administered as a continuous IV infusion and as IV boluses and has been shown to be better tolerated when administered as an infusion, which is effective in lower doses than required with administration as boluses. It has been evaluated in randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses. , In 2 multicenter studies of patients with type 1 HRS, terlipressin in combination with albumin (see Box 94.3 for dosing) improved serum creatinine levels to a greater extent than albumin alone (30% to 43% vs. 8% to 13%), although survival was not significantly different in the 2 groups. , In addition, in one study, terlipressin was associated with a significantly increased rate of cardiovascular complications compared with albumin alone, a finding that was consistent with the results of a Cochrane database review, thereby highlighting the importance of close monitoring. , A pooled analysis of 2 larger randomized studies (OT-0401 and REVERSE trials) showed terlipressin plus albumin was superior to albumin alone in the frequency with which HRS reversed (27% vs. 14%, P = 0.004). The response rate to terlipressin in patients with type 1 HRS is greater in patients with less severe baseline renal dysfunction and lower serum bilirubin levels, thus supporting the early initiation of therapy. These studies indicate that administration of terlipressin in combination with albumin can improve renal function in patients with HRS.
Terlipressin in combination with albumin has also been studied in type 2 HRS in patients awaiting or undergoing LT. The findings showed that treatment of patients with type 2 HRS with terlipressin and albumin does not have beneficial effects on either pre- or post-transplantation outcomes.
Midodrine, an orally administered α 1 -adrenergic agonist, and octreotide, a somatostatin analog that inhibits endogenous vasodilators, have been used in combination with albumin for type 1 HRS. , In 2 studies, treatment with midodrine, titrated to cause an increase in mean arterial blood pressure, was associated with improved serum creatinine levels and improved survival compared with no treatment and was associated with few major side effects. This regimen has the advantage of ease of administration and appears to have a favorable safety profile. A head-to-head randomized controlled study was performed between terlipressin with albumin and midodrine plus octreotide and albumin. The group receiving terlipressin had a significantly higher rate of recovery of renal function (70.4% vs. 28.6%, P = 0.01) in comparison with the group receiving midodrine and octreotide, and terlipressin seemed to be better tolerated as an IV infusion. ,
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline), a widely available IV-administered α 1 -adrenergic agonist, in combination with albumin, has been proposed as an alternative to terlipressin. , Two small randomized clinical trials demonstrated equal efficacy and safety profiles for norepinephrine, the combination of midodrine and octreotide, and terlipressin (all with albumin) for the treatment of HRS. Response rates ranged from 40% to 75%, and relapse rates were 20%. , Significant cardiovascular side effects, however, have been reported with the use of norepinephrine to treat HRS, therefore raising safety concerns. In a Cochrane database review, there was no evidence to support or refute beneficial or harmful effects of terlipressin and albumin compared with other vasoactive drugs and albumin; however, terlipressin was shown to be superior to norepinephrine in the management of AKI in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (see Chapter 74 ) and HRS in a large open-label randomized controlled trial (40% vs. 16.7%, P = 0.004).
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