
Kidney disease is defined by a reduction in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), impairment of tubular function, or damage to kidney structure. This damage manifests as loss of the integrity of the filtration barrier, impairment of tubular function, or changes in other processes that interfere with normal kidney function. Urinalysis and urine sediment examination are useful tools to detect this damage, and both hematuria and proteinuria are important biomarkers of kidney disease. The appearance of red blood cells (RBCs) in the urine and the presence and type of proteinuria may point to the site of nephron damage and inform the subsequent diagnostic evaluation. For example, blebs on the surface of RBCs in the urine sediment can indicate glomerular bleeding as these cells undergo morphologic changes when forced across the glomerular basement membrane (GBM); albuminuria often reflects damage to the filtration barrier with a loss of the charge and size selectivity of the membrane; and low-molecular-weight proteinuria, such as β-2 microglobulin (β2M), retinol-binding protein (RBP), and α−1 microglobulin (α1M), identifies a failure of proximal tubular protein reabsorption or excessive filtration of pathologic molecules. The persistence of hematuria and the level of proteinuria provide prognostic information as well as an assessment of continued disease activity and response to treatment.

As early kidney damage may occur without clinical correlations, screening for hematuria and proteinuria is encouraged in high-risk populations, such as those with diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, or a family history of kidney disease. The detection of abnormal levels of these biomarkers warrants a full and complete evaluation. This chapter explores the significance of hematuria and proteinuria, the mechanisms of their development, the evaluation of these findings, and treatment options.


Hematuria is defined by the presence of RBCs in the urine. This can be divided into macroscopic (also known as gross or visible ) and microscopic hematuria. Macroscopic hematuria is visible to the naked eye while microscopic hematuria requires urine sediment evaluation. As little as 1 mL of blood in a liter of urine can result in discoloration of the urine. Urine can appear on a spectrum from light pink to dark red/cola colored depending on the concentration of RBCs.


On microscopic evaluation, the presence of three or more RBCs per high-power (400×) field in a centrifuged urine sample is generally considered abnormal. However, there is no absolute cutoff, and lowering this cutoff results in more false-positive results, while increasing this cutoff will result in more false-negative results for any given etiology.


Hematuria can be due to RBC loss anywhere along the genitourinary tract, ranging from the glomerulus to the urethra ( Table 5.1 ). Glomerular hematuria may be distinguished from other causes of hematuria using RBC morphology in the urine sediment and the presence and amount of albuminuria. The most common glomerular causes of asymptomatic hematuria include IgA nephropathy and thin basement membrane disease (TBMD). In about half of affected individuals, immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy can present with macroscopic hematuria following upper respiratory tract infections, although this should be differentiated from post-infectious glomerulonephritis (PIGN). PIGN typically has a longer lag than IgA nephropathy between the infection and the onset of hematuria. TBMD results from genetic defects in type IV collagen that make up the GBM. The inheritance pattern is autosomal dominant, resulting in multiple family members with microscopic hematuria, often without progressive kidney disease. Conversely, a family history of hematuria and progressive kidney disease, hearing loss, and ocular abnormalities suggest Alport syndrome, a genetic condition similar to TBMD in which affected individuals can progress to kidney failure.

Table 5.1
Causes of Hematuria
  • Pauci-immune (ANCA related) vasculitis/anti-GBM disease

  • Alport syndrome

  • Thin basement membrane disease

  • IgA nephropathy

  • Associated with other glomerular diseases (FSGS, MCD, membranous nephropathy)

  • Diabetic kidney disease

  • Hypertensive emergency

  • Exercise induced

  • Interstitial nephritis

  • Papillary necrosis

  • Malignancy (involving the kidney, ureters, bladder, or prostate)

  • Nephrolithiasis

  • Nephrocalcinosis

  • Hypercalciuria

  • Hyperoxaluria

  • Strictures

  • Bladder or ureteral polyps

  • Cyclophosphamide/ifosfamide

  • Anticoagulation associated a

Structural Kidney Diseases
  • Acquired or hereditary cystic disease

  • Medullary sponge kidney

Other Causes
  • Infection (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, schistosomiasis, TB, polyoma virus)

  • Rejection or trauma in a kidney transplant

  • Pelvic radiation

  • Sickle cell disease/trait

  • Thrombotic microangiopathy

  • Post instrumentation of the urinary tract or trauma

  • Contamination from menstrual bleeding

Rare Causes
  • Analgesic nephropathy

  • Renal vein thrombosis

  • Renal infarct/necrosis

  • Endometriosis of the urinary tract

  • Loin pain hematuria syndrome

  • Nutcracker syndrome

  • Arteriovenous malformations

a Also shown to cause glomerular bleeding. ANCA , Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; FSGS , focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GBM , glomerular basement membrane; MCD , minimal change disease; TB , tuberculosis.

Inflammatory diseases of the glomerulus also cause glomerular hematuria. These include lupus nephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated (ANCA) vasculitis, and antiglomerular basement membrane disease, among others. Glomerular diseases that lack significant inflammation but result in increased GBM permeability, such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), minimal change disease (MCD), and membranous nephropathy, primarily cause proteinuria, but can also have hematuria. Hematuria has been reported as an uncommon finding in diabetic kidney disease. In addition, direct barotrauma in the setting of hypertensive emergency can result in hematuria. Lastly, glomerular hematuria can be found in healthy individuals after intense exercise; this is a diagnosis of exclusion and typically benign in nature.

The presence of pyuria in the setting of hematuria, along with specific symptoms, can point to infection or inflammation being the cause. Numerous bacterial pathogens can cause infectious cystitis. Without infectious symptoms and with sterile cultures, acute or chronic tubulointerstitial disease should be considered, with the latter including analgesic nephropathy. Although rare in the United States, infections such as tuberculosis or schistosomiasis can cause pyuria and hematuria with sterile bacterial cultures in endemic countries.

Macroscopic hematuria with passage of blood clots in the urine is most often of urothelial (non-glomerular) origin, with the risk of malignancy generally increasing in older individuals. Other risk factors for urothelial carcinoma include exposure to cigarette smoking, occupational carcinogens, radiation, or medications such as cyclophosphamide. In older men, prostatic hypertrophy can be a cause of hematuria, but caution should be used to exclude malignancy. Hematuria associated with renal colic can be from nephrolithiasis; however, blood clots causing urinary obstruction can cause similar pain. Risk factors for crystalluria and nephrolithiasis, such as hypercalciuria and hyperoxaluria, have also been identified as causes of microscopic hematuria. Anticoagulation can result in hematuria originating in the urothelial tract and has also been implicated, albeit rarely, in glomerular bleeding.

Medications that directly cause hematuria are uncommon, with the exception of several chemotherapeutic agents. Conversely, many medications cause discoloration of urine without actual RBCs or free heme pigment in the urine ( Table 5.2 ). Causes include certain foods such as beets and metabolites such as porphyrins, bile pigments, and methemoglobin.

Table 5.2
Common Medications Causing Urine Discoloration Mimicking Hematuria
  • Phenytoin

  • Phenazopyridine

  • Deferoxamine

  • Metronidazole

  • Levodopa

  • Nitrofurantoin

  • Chloroquine

Dark Appearing
  • Metronidazole

  • Methyldopa

  • Imipenem-cilastatin

  • Rifampin

Mechanical trauma to the genitourinary tract, including with instrumentation such as the placement of a bladder catheter, is commonly associated with hematuria. Similarly, papillary infarction or necrosis (more frequently seen in individuals with sickle cell disease and in a subset of individuals with analgesic nephropathy), kidney infarcts, damage from radiation, or structural kidney disease can all result in hematuria. In addition to causes already mentioned, hematuria in kidney transplant patients can be due to BK polyoma virus infection, rejection, recurrence of original kidney disease (if associated with hematuria), trauma, or structural/anastomotic problems.


Evaluation typically starts with a urine dipstick test when there is discoloration of the urine or when there is concern for hematuria. The dipstick relies on the peroxidase activity of the heme molecule, which results in a detectable change in color on an impregnated indicator pad. This sensitive reaction can detect very small amounts of heme in the urine in the form of intact RBCs or heme pigment from either free hemoglobin (e.g., intravascular hemolysis) or myoglobin (e.g., rhabdomyolysis) in the urine. False-positive results can be due to the presence of semen, bacterial peroxidase, or highly alkaline urine, or after cleaning the perineum with oxidizing agents. False-negative results can occur in cases of high vitamin C intake.

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