The normal range for most hematologic parameters in infancy and childhood is different from that in adults. Dramatic changes occur during the first few weeks of life. The recognition of these differences in the pediatric age-group prevents unnecessary medical and laboratory investigations.

Fetal and cord blood hematologic value

Table A1.1
Hematologic values in normal fetuses at different gestational ages.
Modified from Forestier, F., Daffos, F., Catherine, N., et al., 1991. Developmental hematopoiesis in normal human fetal blood. Blood 77, 2360.
Week of gestation Hemoglobin (g/dL) RBCs (×10 6 /mL) Hematocrit (%) Mean corpuscular volume (fL) Total WBCs (×10 6 /µL) Corrected WBCs (×10 6 /µL) Platelets (×10 6 /µL)
18–21 ( N =760) 11.69±1.27 2.85±0.36 37.3±4.32 131.1±11.0 4.68±2.96 2.57±0.42 234±57
22–25 ( N =1200) 12.2±1.6 3.09±0.34 38.59±3.94 125.1±7.8 4.72±2.82 3.73±2.17 247±59
26–29 ( N =460) 12.91±1.38 3.46±0.41 40.88±4.4 118.5±8.0 5.16±2.53 4.08±0.84 242±69
>30 ( N =440) 13.64±2.21 3.82±0.64 43.55±7.2 114.4±9.3 7.71±4.99 6.4±2.99 232±87
RBCs , Red blood cells; WBCs , white blood cells.
Hematologic data obtained with a Coulter S Plus II instrument. Total WBC count included nucleated red blood cells. Corrected WBC count included only WBCs, after subtracting the nucleated red cell component, based on a 100-cell manual differential.

Table A1.2
White blood cell (WBC) manual differential counts in normal fetuses at different gestational ages.
Modified from Forestier, F., Daffos, F., Catherine, N., et al., 1991. Developmental hematopoiesis in normal human fetal blood. Blood 77, 2360.
Week of gestation Lymphocytes (%) Neutrophils (%) Eosinophils (%) Basophils (%) Monocytes (%) Nucleated RBCs (% of WBCs)
18–21 ( N =186) 88±7 6±4 2±3 0.5±1 3.5±2 45±86
22–25 ( N =230) 87±6 6.5±3.5 3±3 0.5±1 3.5±2.5 21±23
26–29 ( N =144) 85±6 8.5±4 4±3 0.5±1 3.5±2.5 21±67
>30 ( N =172) 68.5±15 23±15 5±3 0.5±1 3.5±2 17±40
RBCs , Red blood cells.

Table A1.3
Hematologic values for cord blood (vaginal delivery and cesarean section).
Modified from Eskola, M., Juutistenaho, S., Aranko, K., Sainio, S., Kekomäki, R., 2011. Association of cord blood platelet count and volume with hemoglobin in healthy term infants. J. Perinatol. 31, 258-262. doi:10.1038/jp.2010.95; PMID: 20689516. Data obtained with Sysmex K-1000 analyzer (Sysmex, Kobe, Japan).
Study sample ( N =167) Vaginal delivery ( N =63) Cesarean section ( N =104)
Characteristic Median Range Median Range Median Range P value a
WBC (×10 9 /L) 15.1 5.54–39.7 18.4 12.0–34.1 13.6 8.54–39.7 <0.0001
RBC (×10 12 /L) 4.7 3.46–6.62 4.78 3.89–6.30 4.62 3.46–6.62 NS
Hb (g/L) 174 130–234 176 140–230 171 130–234 NS
Hct (%) 53.6 40.1–73.1 54.7 41.9–73.1 52.6 40.1–72.2 NS
MCV (fL) 112 97.7–127 114 105–127 112 97.7–125 NS
MCH (pg) 36.5 31.4–41 36.5 31.4–41 36.6 32–39.9 NS
MCHC (g/L) 324 303–359 323 308–359 324 303–344 NS
RDW (%) 17.4 14.2–23.6 17.4 14.9–23.6 17.4 14.2–23.3 NS
PLT (×10 9 /L) 270 161–607 297 169–607 254 161–424 0.0053
MPV (fL) 8.7 7.5–11.5 8.7 7.7–11.4 8.8 7.5–11.5 NS
CD34+ cells (×10 6 /L) 43.9 7.14–253 47.7 15.9–253 39.9 7.14–120 0.007
Hb , Hemoglobin; Hct , hematocrit; MCH , mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC , mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV , mean corpuscular volume; MPV , mean platelet volume; NS , not significant; PLT , platelet; RBC , red blood cell; RDW , red blood cell distribution width; WBC , white blood cell.

a P values of the differences between vaginal delivery and cesarean section. The concentrations were standardized to exclude the varying effect of the anticoagulant.

Table A1.4
Red cell and reticulocyte indices, serum iron status markers in cord blood.
Modified from Ervasti, M., Kotisaari, S., Sankilampi, U., et al., 2007. The relationship between red blood cell and reticulocyte indices and serum markers of iron status in the cord blood of newborns. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 45, 1000–1003. Hematologic data obtained in 199 full-term newborn infants with an ADVIA 120 analyzer (Siemens Diagnostic Solutions, Terrytown, NY).
Parameter Mean SD Reference range a
Blood count and cellular indices
Hb (g/L) 159 15 146–189
HCT (L/L) 0.49 0.05 0.44–0.58
MCV (fL) 109 4 102–118
MCVr (fL) 124 6 115–136
MCH (pg) 35 1 33–38
MCHC (g/L) 325 10 306–342
%Retic (%) 4.0 0.8 2.6–5.4
IRF-H (%) 24.1 7.8 10.2–40.0
CHm (pg) 34.9 1.3 32.5–37.2
CHr (pg) 35.6 1.3 33.1–38.6
%HYPOm (%) 3.0 3.0 0.4–9.9
%HYPOr (%) 42.0 15.6 18.3–76.8
Serum measurements
TfR (mg/L) 2.0 0.7 1.2–4.0
Ferritin (µg/L) 198 137 45–636
TfR-F index 0.95 0.43 0.49–2.1
Iron (µmol/L) 27.4 7.7 12.2–42.1
Transferrin (g/L) 2.0 0.4 1.2–2.9
TfSat (%) 55 19 21–111
%HYPOm , Percentage of hypochromic red blood cells; %HYPOr , percentage of hypochromic reticulocytes; %Retic , proportion of reticulocytes; CHm , cellular hemoglobin in red blood cells; CHr , cellular hemoglobin in reticulocytes; Hb , hemoglobin; HCT , hematocrit; IRF-H , high immature reticulocyte fraction; MCH , mean cell hemoglobin; MCHC , mean cell hemoglobin concentration; MCV , mean cell volume of red blood cells; MCVr , mean cell volume of reticulocytes; TfR , transferrin receptor; TfR-F index , transferrin receptor/log (ferritin); TfSat , transferrin saturation.

a For reference range calculations, only samples in which Hb was greater than 146 g/L were included.

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