Hematologic Manifestations of End-Organ Failure

The hematologic system is intricately connected to other vital organs. There are multiple pathways that affect the red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells, platelets, and hemostasis. This chapter will discuss the hematologic abnormalities encountered in liver disease, renal disease, splenic dysfunction, heart failure, respiratory disease, and endocrinopathies. For further details about the individual blood systems affected, the reader should refer to the specific chapters dealing with those components (e.g., anemia, coagulopathies).

Hematologic Manifestations of Liver Disease

The liver plays key roles in hematopoiesis and hemostasis. It produces the hematopoietic growth factors thrombopoietin and erythropoietin (10% of total production), contributes to heme biosynthesis, and is a site of extramedullary hematopoiesis. It contributes to hemostasis through synthesis of coagulation factors, coagulation inhibitors, and fibrinolytic proteins. It is also involved in the clearance of plasma proteins, including activated coagulation factors, proteolytic enzyme—inhibitor complexes, fibrin, and fibrinogen degradation products.

Liver cirrhosis is associated with the development of portal hypertension, which leads to the formation of portal gastropathy and varices, which can result in gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Portal hypertension also causes hypersplenism decreasing the fraction of circulating platelets, leukocytes, and erythrocytes through splenic sequestration.

Red Blood Cell Abnormalities

Morphologic Abnormalities

In liver disease, the size and shape of the RBC membrane is affected by abnormal lipid metabolism. Excess cholesterol in the outer RBC membrane bilayer causes macrocytosis and target cells ( Fig. 150.1 ). These morphologic changes usually do not lead to significant anemia by themselves, but they are sometimes encountered in the setting of anemia due to other impairments of red cell homeostasis in liver disease (e.g., hypersplenism, GI bleeding). Excess membrane cholesterol also decreases RBC membrane fluidity due to impaired migration of integral membrane proteins and inability to repair peroxidized membrane lipids. When these less deformable RBCs traverse the splenic microcirculation, cytoskeletal damage and permanent deformation can occur, resulting in the formation of acanthocytes (spur cells) and increased clearance in the reticuloendothelial system.


Spur cell anemia is a hemolytic anemia associated with severe cirrhosis. It is rare and associated with a poor prognosis. Treatments for spur cell anemia associated with liver disease are limited. The most effective therapy is liver transplantation. Clinical improvement using flunarizine, pentoxifylline, and cholestyramine has been reported.


Anemia in patients with liver disease occurs through hemodilution, sequestration, reduced production, and blood loss. The anemia may be related to the liver disease or the underlying cause of the liver disease itself. Fluid retention increases whole blood volume in patients with cirrhosis which can result in normal red cell mass but a subnormal hematocrit from hemodilution. Portal hypertension related to liver disease can result in hypersplenism with subsequent sequestration of erythrocytes. Erythropoiesis is reduced by nutritional deficiencies in folate or vitamin B 12 resulting from poor intake or malabsorption. Bone marrow suppression can occur from alcohol consumption, viral hepatitis, hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia, and anemia of chronic disease. Patients with chronic liver disease or cirrhosis can also experience nonimmune hemolysis because of acquired alterations in the RBC membrane (e.g., spur cell anemia), Zieve syndrome (hemolytic anemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and jaundice), or treatment-related marrow suppression (e.g., ribavirin).

The therapeutic approach to anemia in liver disease includes transfusion support for symptomatic disease, identification and treatment of GI bleeding, nutrient supplementation for deficiencies, discontinuation of bone marrow suppressive medications, alcohol cessation, and treatment for the primary cause of liver disease.

White Blood Cell Abnormalities


Leukopenia, particularly neutropenia, has also been noted in patients with cirrhosis. Causes of leukopenia include splenic sequestration, medications, or bone marrow suppression mediated by primary infections or toxins (e.g., hepatitis B or C, alcohol). Patients with cirrhosis may also be at higher risk for severe infections due to impairment in neutrophil recruitment and phagocytic function. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is thought to improve neutrophil transendothelial migration in patients with cirrhosis. The use of G-CSF in patients with decompensated cirrhosis was shown to improve survival in a randomized trial ; however, the role of G-CSF in the treatment of patients with cirrhosis and the exact mechanisms through which it may ameliorate liver disease are still uncertain and warrant further research.

Platelet Abnormalities


Thrombocytopenia is the most common cytopenia associated with liver disease, occurring in up to 77% of patients with cirrhosis. Severe thrombocytopenia (<30 × 10 9 /L) and spontaneous bleeding are uncommon.

Many factors contribute to thrombocytopenia in liver disease. Decreased platelet counts may result from hypersplenism, impaired thrombopoiesis related to nutritional deficiencies (folate or vitamin B 12 ), direct toxicity of alcohol, viral hepatitis, or reduced hepatic synthesis of thrombopoietin. Autoantibodies to platelet antigens have been demonstrated in patients with cirrhosis, suggesting that accelerated destruction of platelets may occur via immune-mediated mechanisms. Hepatitis C is a secondary cause of immune thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia in patients with cirrhosis, especially in combination with leukopenia, is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.

Platelet Dysfunction

Intrinsic platelet defects leading to abnormal platelet aggregation or adhesion include impaired transmembrane signaling and thromboxane A2 synthesis, storage pool deficiency, or defects in platelet glycoprotein Ib or α IIb β 3 receptors. Extrinsic defects resulting in platelet dysfunction include circulating fibrinogen degradation products, bile salts, abnormal high-density lipoproteins, and excess production of nitric oxide.

The clinical significance of platelet dysfunction demonstrated in vitro is unclear. This discordance between laboratory findings and clinical bleeding may be explained by two observations. First, platelets studied under physiologic flow conditions show normal adhesion to fibrinogen and collagen even in cirrhosis. Second, elevated levels of von Willebrand factor (vWF) are commonly found in patients with cirrhosis and may compensate for thrombocytopenia or platelet dysfunction.

Platelet transfusions can be considered in thrombocytopenia associated with liver disease; however, they are generally not indicated unless the patient has severe thrombocytopenia (<10 × 10 9 /L) or platelets less than 50 × 10 9 /L with bleeding. Platelet counts greater than 50 × 10 9 /L are usually considered adequate for invasive procedures. Thrombopoietin (TPO) mimetic agents (e.g., eltrombopag, romiplostim) may offer potential treatment for these patients. Avatrombopag, a second generation TPO agonist, has been examined in patients with chronic liver disease in a pre-procedural setting. Compared to placebo, avatrombopag reduced the frequency of platelet transfusion or rescue therapy. The 2020 American College of Gastroenterology guidelines suggest that TPO agonists can be considered for patients with cirrhosis and a platelet count < 50 × 10 9 /L in anticipation of an elective procedure (conditional recommendation, very low level of evidence).

Coagulation and Liver Disease

The manifestations of aberrant coagulation in liver disease reflect an interplay between procoagulant and anticoagulant mechanisms. Patients with cirrhosis are at an increased risk of both bleeding and thrombosis.

Coagulation factor and vitamin K deficiency, dysfibrinogenemia, and systemic fibrinolysis contribute to impaired hemostasis. Clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic laboratory abnormalities to life-threatening hemorrhage. However, most cases of spontaneous bleeding in chronic liver disease are due to variceal bleeding rather than abnormalities in coagulation.

Hepatic dysfunction leads to reduced synthesis of most coagulation factors. The number and degree of clotting factor deficiencies reflect the severity of liver damage. Factor VII, having the shortest half-life (6 hours) of the coagulation factors, often declines early and is reflected by prolongation of the prothrombin time (PT)/international normalized ratio (INR). Conversely, factor VIII and vWF levels may be normal or elevated in liver disease because of upregulated compensatory extrahepatic synthesis or impaired hepatic clearance.

Reductions in factors II, VII, IX, and X in patients with liver disease may also result from vitamin K deficiency caused by malnutrition, malabsorption, use of antibiotics, or biliary tract obstruction. For these coagulation factors, vitamin K is required as a cofactor in γ-carboxylation, a process that converts inactive precursors to biologically active factors.

Defects and deficiencies in coagulation factors are suggested by prolonged PT/INR and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) measurements and confirmed by individual factor levels. The INR is incorporated in the Child-Pugh and Model of End-stage Liver Disease scores as a marker of synthetic dysfunction to estimate the severity of liver disease and stratify patients for transplant, respectively. Despite routine use in clinical practice, there are limitations to the PT/INR or PTT in the context of liver disease. First, the INR is not validated for patients with cirrhosis. Second, there is a paucity of evidence that correcting these abnormal values by treatment with plasma or procoagulant agents prevents bleeding.

Several reasons account for the lack of correlation between PT/INR or PTT with bleeding. Liver disease results in deficiencies of procoagulant proteins, but also deficiencies in anticoagulant proteins (antithrombin, proteins C, and protein S). PT/INR and PTT assays only reflect procoagulant protein levels and do not reflect alterations in anticoagulant proteins, the endothelium, or platelet number and function. Tests of thrombin generation such as thromboelastography (TEG) have been studied in randomized control trials (RCTs) to guide transfusions in variceal and non-variceal bleeding in patients with liver disease. Use of TEG was associated with a lower use of blood products without compromising hemostasis.

Fibrinogen synthesis is generally preserved unless liver disease is severe. Acquired dysfibrinogenemia has been described in approximately 75% of patients with acute and chronic liver disease. Aberrant polymerization of fibrin monomers may be related to excess sialic acid residues on fibrinogen, interfering with the activity of thrombin. Laboratory findings of dysfibrinogenemia include elevated PT, PTT, or thrombin time, low or normal fibrinogen by immunologic assay, and reduced fibrinogen by functional assay (see box on Hemostatic Indices in Liver Disease ).

Hemostatic Balance in Liver Disease

Promotes Thrombosis Promotes Bleeding
Primary hemostasis
  • Increased vWF

  • Decreased ADAMTS13

  • Thrombocytopenia

  • Platelet dysfunction

Secondary hemostasis
  • Increased factor VIII

  • Decreased protein C, protein S, antithrombin

  • Factor deficiencies: II, V, VII, IX, XI

  • Vitamin K deficiency

  • Hypofibrinogenemia

  • Dysfibrinogenemia

  • Reduced plasminogen

  • Increased PAI-1

  • Reduced α2-antiplasmin, TAFI, factor XIII

  • Increased t-PA

ADAMST13, A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; TAFI, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator; vWF, von Willebrand factor.

The presence of hyperfibrinolysis in liver disease and its contribution to bleeding risk is controversial. Aside from tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), all fibrinolytic and antifibrinolytic proteins are synthesized by the liver. Increased fibrinolysis may involve release of t-PA in the setting of infection, surgery, ascitic fluid, and altered synthetic functions of the liver. Laboratory tests can indicate increased fibrinolysis (see box on Hemostatic Indices in Liver Disease ), but they cannot adequately assess the overall activity of profibrinolytic and antifibrinolytic components. Hyperfibrinolysis may theoretically aggravate bleeding through consumption of coagulation factors, inhibition of fibrin polymerization, and reduced platelet aggregation via degradation of vWF and glycoprotein Ib and α IIb β 3 .

Hemostatic Indices in Liver Disease

a Differentiating between vitamin K deficiency and liver disease can be challenging with conventional laboratory tests. If available, performing a factor II assay with and without Echis venom (factor II biologic and factor II Echis) may be useful. Ecarin is derived from Echis carinatus snake venom and can activate prothrombin irrespective of γ-carboxylation. Factor II activity (biologic) is reduced in both vitamin K deficiency and liver disease. In contrast, the factor II Echis is reduced in liver disease but is normal in vitamin K deficiency.
Laboratory Changes PT PTT TCT Fib Clauss Plt Platelet Aggregation FVII DD ELT
Thrombocytopenia N N N N N N N N N
Platelet dysfunction N N N N N N Abnormal N N N
Vitamin K deficiency a N N N N N N N
Factor deficiency N N N N N N N
Hypofibrinogenemia N/↑ N/↑ N N N N N
Dysfibrinogenemia N/↑ N/↑ N N N N N N
Hyperfibrinolysis N/↑ N/↑ N/↑ N/↓ N/↓ N N
DIC N/↑ N/↑ N/↑ N N/↓
Clauss , Clauss fibrinogen; DD , D-dimer; DIC , disseminated intravascular coagulation; ELT , euglobulin lysis time (measure of fibrinolysis); Fib , fibrinogen; FVII , factor VII functional assay; N , normal; Plt , platelet; PT , prothrombin time; PTT , partial thromboplastin time; TCT , thrombin clotting time.

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