
  • 1

    The pathophysiological basis of headache is understood to be traction or inflammation of extracranial structures, the basal dura or the large intracranial arteries and veins, dilatation/distension of cranial vascular structures or activation/sensitization of perivascular nerves.

  • 2

    Severity of headache is not a reliable indicator of the underlying pathology.

  • 3

    History is of paramount importance in the assessment of headache.

  • 4

    A normal physical examination does not rule out serious pathology.

  • 5

    Sudden, severe headache and chronic, unremitting headache are more likely to have a serious cause and should be investigated accordingly.

  • 6

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol are effective in treating tension headache.

  • 7

    As most patients have tried oral medications prior to attending the emergency department, parenterally administered agents are usually indicated for the treatment of migraine.

  • 8

    Based on current evidence, the most effective agents for treating migraine are phenothiazines and triptans. Pethidine is not indicated because it is less effective than other agents, has a high rebound headache rate and carries the potential for the development of dependence.

  • 9

    Carbamazepine is the agent of choice for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.


Headache is a common condition that is often due to a combination of physical and psychological factors. The vast majority of headaches are benign and self-limiting and are managed by patients in the community. Only a very small proportion of patients experiencing headache attend emergency departments (ED) for treatment. The challenges are to distinguish potentially life-threatening causes from the more benign and to effectively manage the pain of headache.

Aetiology, pathophysiology and pathology

The structures in the head capable of producing headache are limited. They include the following:

  • Extracranial structures, including skin and mucosae, blood vessels, nerves, muscles and fascial planes

  • The main arteries at the base of the skull (as arteries branch they progressively lose the ability to produce painful stimuli)

  • The great venous sinuses and their branches

  • The basal dura and dural arteries, but to a lesser extent than the other structures.

The bulk of the intracranial contents—including the parenchyma of the brain, the subarachnoid and pia mater and most of the dura mater—are incapable of producing painful stimuli.

The pathological processes that may cause headache are as follows:

  • Tension. This usually refers to contraction of muscles of the head and/or neck and is thought to be the major factor in ‘tension headache’.

  • Traction. Traction is caused by the stretching of intracranial structures due to a mass effect, as with a space-occupying lesion. Pain caused by this mechanism is characteristically constant but may vary in severity.

  • Vascular processes. These include dilatation or distension of vascular structures and often result in pain that is throbbing in nature.

  • Inflammation. This may involve the dura at the base of the skull or the nerves or soft tissues of the head and neck. This mechanism is responsible for the initial pain of subarachnoid haemorrhage and meningitis as well as for the pain of sinusitis.

The pathophysiological causes of headache are summarized in Table 8.1.1 .

Table 8.1.1
A pathophysiological classification of headache
Extracranial Intracranial
Tension/traction Muscular headache, ‘tension headache’ Intracranial tumour
Cerebral abscess
Intracranial haematoma
Vascular Migraine Severe hypertension
Inflammatory Temporal arteritis Meningitis
Sinusitis Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Otitis media
Tooth abscess

Clinical features

In the assessment of a patient with headache, history is of prime importance. Specific information should be sought about the timing of the headache (in terms of both overall duration and speed of onset), the site and quality of the pain, aggravating and relieving factors, the presence of associated features—such as nausea and vomiting, photophobia and alteration in mental state—medical and occupational history and drug use.

Intensity of the pain is important from the viewpoint of management but is not a reliable indicator of the nature of underlying pathology. This said, sudden, severe headache and chronic, unremitting or progressive headache are more likely to have a serious cause.

Physical examination should include temperature, pulse rate and blood pressure measurements, assessment of conscious state and neck stiffness and a neurological examination. Other physical examination should be guided by the clinical presentation. Abnormal physical signs are uncommon, but the presence of neurological findings makes a serious cause probable. In addition, a search should be made for sinus, ear, mouth and neck pathology and muscular or superficial temporal artery tenderness.

Headache patterns

Some headaches have ‘classic’ clinical features: these are listed in Table 8.1.2 . It must be remembered that, as with all diseases, there is a spectrum of presenting features, and the absence of the classic features does not rule out a particular diagnosis. Patients should be assessed on their merits and, if symptoms persist without reasonable explanation, further investigation is indicated.

Table 8.1.2
Classic clinical complexes and causes of headache
Preceded by an aura
Throbbing unilateral headache, nausea
Family history
Sudden onset
Severe occipital headache; ‘like a blow’
Worst headache ever
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Throbbing/constant frontal headache
Worse with cough, leaning forward
Recent URTI
Pain on percussion of sinuses
Paroxysmal fleeting pain
Distribution of a nerve
Trigger manoeuvres cause pain
Hyperalgesia of nerve distribution
Unilateral with superimposed stabbing
Claudication on chewing
Associated malaise, myalgia
Tender artery with reduced pulsation
Temporal arteritis
Persistent deep-seated headache
Increasing duration and intensity
Worse in morning
Aching in character
Tumour, primary or secondary
Acute generalized headache
Fever, nausea and vomiting
Altered level of consciousness
Neck stiffness ± rash
Unilateral, aching, related to eye
Nausea and vomiting
Raised intraocular pressure
Aching, facial region
Worse at night
Tooth sensitive to heat, pressure
Dental cause
URTI, Upper respiratory tract infection.

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