Facial muscles

The facial (mimic) muscles only partially originate from defined bony structures, but all insert into the skin.

Forehead, vertex, temple

M. occipitofrontalis and M. temporoparietalis are collectively named the M. epicranius.

M. occipitofrontalis
N. facialis [VII]
O: Venter frontalis: skin of the forehead
Venter occipitalis: Linea nuchalis suprema
I: Galea aponeurotica F: forehead
Venter frontalis: wrinkling of the forehead (expression of surprise)
Venter occipitalis: smoothens wrinkles of the forehead

M. temporoparietalis
N. facialis [VII]
O: skin of the temple,
Fascia temporalis
I: Galea aponeurotica F: moves the skin of the head downwards, tenses the Galea aponeurotica, although this is not a very distinct function


M. auricularis anterior
N. facialis [VII]
O: Fascia temporalis I: at the front of the auricle F: moves the auricle in a superior and anterior direction

M. auricularis superior
N. facialis [VII]
O: Galea aponeurotica I: at the top of the auricle F: moves the auricle in a superior and posterior direction

M. auricularis posterior
N. facialis [VII]
O: Proc. mastoideus I: at the back of the auricle F: moves the auricle in a posterior direction

Palpebral fissure

M. orbicularis oculi (surrounds the Aditus orbitae like a sphincter)
N. facialis [VII]
O: Pars orbitalis: Crista lacrimalis anterior, Proc. frontalis of the maxilla,
Os lacrimale, Lig. palpebrale mediale
Pars palpebralis: Lig. palpebrale mediale
Pars lacrimalis (HORNER's muscle): Crista lacrimalis posterior of the Os lacrimale
I: Pars orbitalis: Lig. palpebrale laterale
Pars palpebralis: Lig. palpebrale laterale
Pars lacrimalis: lacrimal duct, palpebral fissures, posterior part of the Septum lacrimale
F: Pars orbitalis: powerful eyelid closure
Pars palpebralis: gentle eyelid closure, stabilises the lower eyelid; participates in blinking
Pars lacrimalis: induces a not yet fully understood pressure-suction mechanism, driving the lacrimal fluid via the Canaliculi lacrimales into the Saccus lacrimalis → stimulates the outflow of tears

M. depressor supercilii (separation of the Pars orbitalis of the M. orbicularis oculi)
N. facialis [VII]
O: Pars nasalis of the Os frontale, dorsum of the nose I: medial third of the skin of the eyebrow F: lowers the skin of the eyebrow

M. corrugator supercilii
N. facialis [VII]
O: Pars nasalis of the Os frontale I: middle third of the skin of the eyebrow F: pulls the skin of the forehead and eyebrows towards the root of the nose, creates a vertical fold above the root of the nose (anger, thinking); supports the vigorous closure of the eyelid

M. procerus
N. facialis [VII]
O: Os nasale I: skin of the glabella F: pulls the medial part of the eyebrow downwards, thereby inducing horizontal folds on the dorsum of the nose (wrinkling of the nose)

M. tarsalis superior (smooth muscles)
O: Tendon of the M. levator palpebrae superioris, structural support of the upper eyelid I: Tarsus superior F: widening of the palpebral fissure, vertical tightening of the upper eyelid

M. tarsalis inferior (smooth muscles)
O: Structural support of the lower eyelid I: Tarsus inferior F: widening of the palpebral fissure, vertical tightening of the lower eyelid

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