Guides, wires, balloons, and stents for noncoronary interventions

Key points

  • Peripheral interventions require a variety of equipment different from coronary interventions and specific for the noncoronary interventional complexity.

  • Access site and equipment choices are driven by the specific procedure to be performed and require careful preprocedural planning.

  • Most peripheral interventional techniques focus on balloon treatment with adjunctive atherectomy but rarely use stent placement (as opposed to coronary interventions) to maximize outcomes.


Peripheral vascular interventions (PVI) are being increasingly performed across a number of vascular beds by a variety of specialists. As with coronary interventions, appropriate patient selection coupled with facile use of equipment facilitates technical success and the achievement of optimal patient outcomes. Although many of the devices used for PVI share similar properties to those used in the coronary tree, important differences exist because of differences in disease location, vessel size, and other factors. This chapter reviews commonly used wires, guides, balloons, stents, and other devices for PVI.

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