The role of the radiologist in gastrointestinal tract intervention has mushroomed with the advent of percutaneous gastrostomy and more recently esophageal and colorectal stenting. These new procedures, coupled with the older procedures of gastrointestinal stricture dilatation, have made gastrointestinal tract intervention an important area of visceral intervention. Additionally, these procedures are predominantly performed under fluoroscopic guidance so that they can be performed in almost all radiology departments.

Percutaneous Gastrostomy

Surgical gastrostomy was first proposed in 1837 and successfully performed in 1876. It was not until almost a century later that Gauderer reported the endoscopic placement of a gastrostomy tube with the patient under local anesthesia. The technique of radiologic gastrostomy was established in 1983, and numerous papers describing and refining the technique have followed.


Percutaneous gastrostomy is predominantly performed in patients who need prolonged nutritional support, such as patients with neurologic disease (degenerative central nervous system disease, cerebral vascular accidents); head, neck, and esophageal carcinoma; swallowing disorders; and esophageal strictures. Chronic conditions such as cystic fibrosis and congenital heart disease may also require a percutaneous gastrostomy. Occasionally, a percutaneous gastrostomy or gastrojejunostomy may be placed for bowel decompression. Indications include malignant small bowel obstruction or patients with prolonged ileus following major abdominal operations.


Box 19-1 lists absolute and relative contraindications. Absolute contraindications include colonic interposition, total gastrectomy or severe uncorrectable coagulopathy, and extensive gastric varices. In patients with relative contraindications, the procedure may be technically more demanding and require more careful planning but is usually possible.

Box 19-1
Contraindications to Percutaneous Gastrostomy


  • Gastric varices

  • Total gastrectomy

  • Uncorrectable coagulopathy


  • Ascites

  • Partial gastrectomy

  • Overlying colon

  • Coagulopathy

  • Inability to pass a nasogastric tube


Patient Preparation ( Box 19-2 )

Informed consent is obtained before the procedure, usually from a relative or from the patient, if possible. The referring team should be asked to place an intravenous cannula for sedoanalgesia and to fast the patient from midnight of the evening before the procedure. The referring team is also asked to pass a nasogastric tube on the evening before the procedure and administer 300 mL of an oral barium suspension. The barium serves to delineate the relationship of the transverse colon to the stomach on the day of the procedure ( Fig. 19-1 ). When commencing placement of gastrostomy tubes, it is reasonable to give barium beforehand. However, with experience, the barium can be omitted because the colon can be adequately visualized on fluoroscopy without barium labeling. Additionally, when the stomach is distended, it tends to push the transverse colon inferiorly and out of the way. If, however, you are not happy that the colon is visible, air can be insufflated via a rectal tube to demonstrate the colon. Alternatively, if lateral fluoroscopy is available the stomach is distended and a forceps is placed at the skin entry site and the location of the skin entry site vis-à-vis the stomach is ascertained. Usually the stomach is directly underneath the anterior abdominal wall with no intervening bowel loops. When the position of the colon is ascertained, the stomach is distended with air via the nasogastric tube.

Box 19-2
Pregastrostomy Requirements

  • Informed consent (usually from a relative)

  • Nasogastric tube placement

  • 300 mL oral barium the evening before the procedure (optional)

  • Intravenous access

Figure 19-1, Patient referred for percutaneous gastrostomy. Barium given the night before delineates the colon, which can be seen clearly separated from the stomach. The stomach is distended with air via the nasogastric tube (arrow) . Colonic opacification is important so that it can be avoided during percutaneous gastrostomy.

Occasionally, in patients with esophageal strictures it may not be possible for the referring team to place a nasogastric tube. In this situation, in the author’s unit, the nasogastric tube is placed under direct fluoroscopic visualization at the time of the percutaneous gastrostomy. It is usually possible to place a nasogastric tube even through tight strictures by first using a 5-French angiographic catheter and a hydrophilic wire. Once the stricture is crossed, the hydrophilic wire can be exchanged for a superstiff wire and a nasogastric tube placed in the stomach.

In the author’s unit, a paralytic agent such as glucagon or n-hyoscine butyl bromide is routinely used to induce gastric paralysis. Antibiotic prophylaxis is not routinely given unless a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube will be placed through the mouth under fluoroscopic guidance. Some authors mark the position of the left lobe of the liver using ultrasound. This is not done in the author’s unit, and there have been no hepatic complications in over more than 500 procedures. Once the stomach is fully distended, the entry site is usually well below the left lobe of the liver. In general, the puncture site should be lateral to the rectus sheath to avoid the superior epigastric artery. If orientation and size of the stomach prevents use of a puncture site lateral to the rectus sheath, then a midline puncture is chosen. A combination of midazolam and fentanyl are used in small amounts for sedoanalgesia.


The author’s unit performs a gastropexy routinely in all patients. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed later. Gastropexy fixes the anterior wall of the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall and prevents guidewire buckling into the peritoneal cavity and early or late intraperitoneal leakage. Gastropexy is performed using T-fasteners (Kimberly Clark, Draper, Utah, or Balt, Montmorency, France) ( Fig. 19-2 ). With the stomach maximally inflated, the puncture site into the stomach is chosen midway between the superior and inferior margins of the inflated stomach just proximal to the incisura. The puncture site is marked on the skin and subcutaneous injections of local anesthesia are given at the puncture site and at the four corners of a 2.5-cm square around the puncture site. A slotted 18-gauge needle is used to insert four T-fasteners at the corner of this square. The T-fasteners consist of a metal T-bar attached to a nylon suture, which is attached to a cotton wool pledget. The nylon suture runs through the cotton wool pledget, and between the cotton wool pledget and the distal end of the suture there are two small metal cylinders that are freely mobile on the suture (see Fig. 19-2 ).

Figure 19-2, T-fastener gastropexy device. A, The T-fastener consists of a metal “bar” (T) attached to a nylon suture, which has a dental pledget (curved arrow) , plastic ring washer (straight arrow) , and two small metal cylinders (small arrows) . The T-fastener is inserted into the end of the slotted needle, which is inserted into the stomach. The T-fastener is dislodged using the stylet that comes with the set. The cotton wool pledget lies on the anterior abdominal wall and the metal cylinders are crimped on the nylon suture using a surgical forceps while maintaining tension on the suture. This helps fix the stomach to the anterior wall. B, Close-up of the end of the slot of the slotted needle showing the slot (arrows) in the end of the needle into which the T-fastener fits.

The T-fasteners are loaded on the slotted 18-gauge needle. The 18-gauge needle is attached to a partially saline-filled syringe and the stomach is punctured at the four corners of the 2.5-cm square. When air is aspirated, the tip of the slotted 18-gauge needle lies in the stomach. The syringe is removed and the stylet is used to push the T-fastener out of the needle and into the stomach. The stylet and needle are removed and gentle tension on the external nylon suture opposes the stomach wall to the anterior abdominal wall ( Fig. 19-3 ). The stomach is fixed in position by crimping the metal cylinders around the suture using a sterile forceps. When all four T-fasteners are in situ, the gastrostomy tube is placed ( Fig. 19-4 ).

Figure 19-3, Illustration showing T-fastener gastropexy. The slotted needle containing the T-fastener is inserted into the stomach, and the T-fastener is pushed out of the needle using the stylet. Tension on the suture then opposes the T-fastener against the anterior abdominal wall, which pulls the stomach up to the anterior abdominal wall. By crimping the metal cylinder on the suture, the stomach is fixed to the anterior abdominal wall.

Figure 19-4, T-fastener gastropexy. Four T-fasteners (arrows) have been inserted at the corners of a 2.5-cm square to fix the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. The gastrostomy tube can now be inserted.

Gastrostomy Tube Placement ( Box 19-3 )

The proposed site of entry for the gastrostomy tube (in the center of the T-fastener square) is anesthetized, and a 3- to 4-mm transverse incision is made and dissected with a blunt forceps. The slotted needle that was used for the gastropexy is used to puncture the stomach, and a 0.035-inch superstiff guidewire inserted so that it coils in the stomach lumen. The author tends to angle the puncture site toward the pyloric canal or antrum, so that the angle of the track will facilitate the conversion from gastrostomy to percutaneous gastrojejunostomy if it becomes necessary ( Fig. 19-5 ). It is important to keep the stomach inflated during gastropexy and gastrostomy tube placement. Complications are more likely to be encountered if the stomach is not maximally inflated at all times. Successive fascial dilators can be used to dilate the percutaneous track. The track is dilated to a size that is 1- to 2-French larger than the catheter to be inserted. A 14- to 18-French gastrostomy catheter is placed through a peel-away sheath into the stomach. The peel-away sheath is usually provided with the gastrostomy tube. The guidewire is removed and contrast injected to confirm the intraluminal position of the gastrostomy tube. Although the percutaneous track may be angled toward the antrum, the gastrostomy tube usually ends in the fundus of the stomach, because the fundus is more posterior and more capacious than the gastric antrum ( Fig. 19-6 ). The nasogastric tube is removed at the end of the procedure and the patient returned to the ward.

Box 19-3
Gastrostomy: Key Points

  • Keep stomach optimally distended by air at all times

  • T-fastener gastropexy

  • Angle gastrostomy track toward pylorus, if possible

  • 14- to 16-French tube, button or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy placed

  • Gastrojejunostomy performed if history of hiatus hernia, reflux, or aspiration

Figure 19-5, Gastrostomy tube angle of entry. The hypodermic needle (arrow) shows the approximate angle of entry of the gastrostomy tube into the stomach. The needle is inserted toward the pylorus at a 45-degree angle; if conversion of the tube to a gastrojejunostomy is required at a later date, the track will be angled toward the pylorus.

Figure 19-6, Gastrostomy tube insertion. After tract dilatation, the catheter is inserted through a peel-away sheath and then locked in position. The catheter placed has a pigtail retention device (Cook, Bloomington, Ind.), which keeps the catheter in place. Even though the gastrostomy track is angled toward the pylorus, the tip of the tube usually ends in the most dependent portion of the stomach—the fundus.


Begin tube feeding after 12-24 hours. Gastrostomy tubes should be flushed thoroughly after each feeding to prevent clogging. This is particularly important after administration of crushed tablets through the tube. If clogging occurs, it can be treated by gentle flushing with hot water to dissolve impacted material. The T-fasteners are cut at 2-5 days and allowed to fall into the stomach. This is simply performed by cutting the nylon suture underneath the cotton wool pledget on the anterior abdominal wall. A new T-fastener device made by Kimberly Clark has a biodegradable suture that does not have to be cut.

In the author’s unit, gastrostomy catheters are not fixed to the skin because there is usually an internal fixation device on the catheter that prevents catheter dislodgment. The catheter entry site is simply covered with a sterile dressing. Suturing of the catheter to the skin may cause skin irritation and skin breakdown particularly, if there is any leakage around the tube.

Special Considerations

Is Gastropexy Necessary?

Many authors do not routinely perform a gastropexy when a percutaneous gastrostomy tube is being placed. Gastropexy was devised to emulate surgical gastropexy, which is used before placing surgical gastrostomy tubes. There is a lot of debate as to whether routine use of gastropexy devices is necessary. The literature indicates that routine use is probably not necessary. There are many large series in the literature that describe percutaneous gastrostomy without gastropexy without any increase in complications. The theoretical advantages of using gastropexy are that larger catheters can be placed de novo, catheters and guidewires do not buckle into the peritoneal cavity, peritoneal leakage of gastric contents is less likely, and the catheter can be replaced if it is inadvertently pulled out soon after the procedure.

We recently performed a prospective randomized study involving 90 consecutive patients referred for percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy (PRG) placement. Forty-eight patients underwent T-fastener gastropexy, while 42 underwent PRG without gastropexy. In four of the 42 patients (9%) from the nongastropexy group, serious technical difficulties were encountered with misplacement of the gastrostomy tube in the peritoneal cavity in two patients. This was discovered on injecting contrast material at the end of the procedure. T-fastener gastropexy was performed, and the procedure completed radiologically in two patients. In another patient the procedure was completed successfully without T-fastener gastropexy. In the remaining patient, it was decided to repeat the procedure on the following day. However, the patient underwent endoscopic placement of a gastrostomy tube the following day. In the gastropexy group, five patients experienced pain at the gastrostomy site, which was relieved by removing the T-fasteners. This would suggest that the placement of large-bore gastrostomy tubes (greater than 14-French) may cause problems without performing gastropexy. However, it is very much up to the operator’s preference whether or not gastropexy is performed.

There are some situations in which use of a gastropexy device is important, including patients with ascites in whom gastropexy combined with regular paracentesis is necessary to prevent tube dislodgment from the stomach.

Computed Tomography Guidance

The author occasionally uses CT guidance for percutaneous gastrostomy in patients with no safe percutaneous access route to the stomach by means of standard fluoroscopic guidance, in patients in whom a nasogastric tube cannot be placed owing to esophageal obstruction, and in patients with very scaphoid abdomen in which the stomach is tucked up underneath the rib cage. In addition, CT is often used in patients who have failed PEG because of poor transillumination from the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. In the latter situation, use of CT is often prudent to outline the relationships of the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall. Also, in patients who have undergone previous gastric surgery, CT guidance may be necessary to place the tube. CT guidance is used in a minority of patients and the routine use of CT is unwarranted.

If CT guidance is used, the patient is placed supine on the CT table and a radiopaque grid placed on the anterior abdominal wall overlying the stomach. When the stomach is located, a safe path is chosen to place the initial needle. If a nasogastric tube has not been placed in the stomach and the stomach is not distended, it may be possible to distend the stomach somewhat by giving carbonated granules to the patient before the CT procedure. If nasogastric tube placement is not possible or if carbonated granules cannot be given, a 22-gauge Chiba needle is placed into the stomach and contrast injected to confirm an intraluminal position. Air is then injected through the 22-gauge needle to distend the stomach. A 0.018-inch guidewire is placed through the needle into the stomach and a 5-French introducer sheath is placed over the guidewire with a final exchange made for a 0.038-inch J-guidewire. The patient is then moved so that fluoroscopy may be used for the remainder of the procedure ( Fig. 19-7 ).

Figure 19-7, Computed tomography (CT)-guided gastrostomy tube placement in a patient with a previous Billroth II gastrectomy. A, CT was used to guide the initial needle placement because of the small stomach remnant. The stomach was distended with air using a nasogastric tube with the aid of glucagon to decrease peristalsis. A needle (arrow) was placed into the stomach under CT guidance and the patient moved to undergo fluoroscopy. B, After track dilatation, the gastrostomy tube was placed into the efferent limb of the gastroenteric anastomosis. Contrast injection at the end of the procedure shows the catheter tip (arrow) located distally in the efferent limb.

Although CT guidance is necessary only in a minority of patients, it solves the anatomic or other impediments that make patients unsuitable for fluoroscopically guided gastrostomy.

The Postoperative Stomach

A previous subtotal gastrectomy is considered a relative contraindication to percutaneous gastrostomy. However, a number of techniques have been described to place gastrostomy tubes percutaneously in these patients. One of the problems with patients who have Billroth II procedures or gastrojejunostomies is that air insufflated into the stomach almost immediately passes into the small bowel. In these patients it is useful to give glucagon or hyoscine butyl bromide to paralyze the stomach and small bowel. In general, the procedure can be performed under fluoroscopy. Lateral fluoroscopy is helpful to assess the position of the stomach remnant vis-à-vis the anterior abdominal wall. Giving barium before the procedure helps localize the colon. If a safe access is visualized, then the procedure is carried out under fluoroscopy. If not, CT guidance is used (see Fig. 19-7 ). Some authors have described the placement of a large balloon into the stomach remnant, wherein the balloon is inflated and direct puncture of the balloon is used to obtain initial percutaneous access. In the author’s unit, we use a technique similar to that used for a standard gastrostomy. Cephalocaudal angulation of the x-ray tube can help substantially in accessing a small stomach that lies subcostally. Sometimes the body of the stomach can be entered directly with a needle; on other occasions the efferent small bowel loop is punctured and the catheter tip ultimately positioned in the gastric remnant.

In general, gastric remnants that have previously been operated on are relatively fixed in the abdomen owing to postoperative fibrosis and adhesions. T-fasteners are therefore not generally used. Once access to the stomach is gained with a one-stick needle system, the track is dilated and a 12- to 14-French nephrostomy type catheter is placed in the gastric remnant.


Technical success rates of 98%-100% have been reported in several large series describing percutaneous gastrostomy ( Table 19-1 ). In one metaanalysis of the literature by Wollman and associates, the average success rate of percutaneous gastrostomy tube placement was 99.2% in a combined series of 837 patients ( Table 19-2 ). This compares favorably with a 95.7% success rate for placement of PEG tubes and 100% for surgical gastrostomy tube placement. By and large, percutaneous gastrostomy has become a widely accepted technique for gastrostomy tube placement and compares favorably with the endoscopic technique. The advantage of percutaneous gastrostomy over other techniques includes the ability to perform a percutaneous gastrojejunostomy at the time of initial tube placement, conversion of existing gastrostomy tubes to gastrojejunostomy tubes, and the ability to perform a gastrostomy in those patients with esophageal strictures through which an endoscope cannot pass.

Table 19-1
Technical Success and Complications Associated with Percutaneous Gastrostomy in Adults
Author Year Patients Technical Success (%) Complications (%) Procedure-Related Mortality (%)
Major Minor
O’Keefe 1989 100 100 0 15 0
Saini 1990 125 99 1.6 9.5 0
Halkier 1990 252 99 1.6 4.4 0.8
Hicks 1990 158 100 6 12 2
Bell 1995 519 95 1.3 2.9 0.4
Ryan 1997 316 99 1.9 3.2 0.3
Kim 2008 248 99 5.1 14.4 0
Perona 2010 254 100 1.3 4.5 0.2
Power 2012 260 99 1.2 12.8 0.4

Table 19-2
Comparison of Radiologic, Endoscopic and Surgical Gastrostomy
Data from Wollman BD, Agostino HB, Walus Wigle, et al. Radiologic, endoscopic, and surgical gastrostomy: an institutional evaluation and meta-analysis of the literature. Radiology . 1995;197:699-704.
Gastrostomy Method Patients Technical Success (%) Complications (%) Procedure-Related Mortality (%)
Major Minor
Radiologic 837 99.2 5.9 7.8 0.3
Endoscopic 4194 95.7 9.4 5.9 0.5
Surgical 721 100 19.9 9.0 2.5


Complications are described as major or minor as in the surgical literature. Minor complications include dislodged or leaking tubes and superficial wound infections requiring skin care. Major complications include wound-related problems (e.g., major infection, septicemia), aspiration, peritonitis, other gastrointestinal complications (perforation, hemorrhage), and dislodgment of the tube ( Fig. 19-8 ) requiring a repeat procedure. From Wollman’s metaanalysis of the literature, the complication rate for percutaneous gastrostomy is quite low in these categories. The complication rates are listed in Table 19-2 . Additionally, complication rates in two of the largest series in the radiologic literature are also quite low. In the series by Bell and associates, a major complication rate of 1.3% was seen in a total of 519 gastrostomy procedures; the minor complication rate was 2.9% (see Table 19-1 ). The major complication rate included four patients with peritonitis, two with hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion, and one with external leakage of gastric contents. In a second series by Ryan and associates, a major complication rate of 1.9% was seen in 316 consecutive patients with a minor complication rate of 3.2% (see Table 19-1 ).

Figure 19-8, Gastric tube dislodgment with leakage of gastric contents into the peritoneal cavity in a patient with malignant ascites. A, A gastrojejunostomy tube (arrows) was placed for drainage of the small bowel, which was partially obstructed. B, Twenty-four hours later the patient complained of severe abdominal pain and had peritoneal signs. A computed tomography scan shows a moderate amount of ascites within the peritoneal cavity. Note the retention balloon device (straight arrows) on the gastric catheter lying underneath the anterior abdominal wall. The retention device of the gastrostomy catheter had pulled out of the stomach because of the weight of the ascites pressing on the stomach wall. The remainder of the gastrostomy catheter (curved arrows) remains within the stomach. It is important when performing percutaneous gastrostomy in a patient with ascites to drain the ascites on a regular basis to prevent this from happening. This patient was brought to the operating theater where it was noted that the four T-tacks had pulled through the stomach wall and were lying under the anterior abdominal wall. There was a 2-cm necrotic area in the anterior wall of the stomach, which was repaired.

Procedure-related complications can be minimized by careful attention to detail. Prior opacification of the colon and avoiding the location of the superficial epigastric artery can help avoid colonic perforation and hemorrhage, respectively. Adequate gastric distention at all times is mandatory to avoid losing access to the stomach during the procedure. Performing a gastropexy may help decrease the incidence of guidewire buckling and dislodgement of the gastrostomy tube into the peritoneal cavity. Postprocedural complications such as tube clogging and dislodgement generally can be managed conservatively. Adequate grinding of pills and tablets before administration helps decrease the incidence of tube clogging. Clogged tubes can be opened with either high-pressure syringes, heated water, or carbonated beverages. If the tube remains clogged, often the tube can be opened up by passing a guidewire down through the tube.

If the tube becomes dislodged it is important to have the patient return to the interventional suite as soon as possible. The percutaneous track will often close over within 24-48 hours depending on the maturity of the track. If the patient comes to the interventional suite soon after catheter dislodgment, it is usually possible to regain access to the stomach using a combination of a Kumpe catheter and hydrophilic wire. A new catheter can then be placed. The referring clinician should be advised to replace the tube if it does fall out at night or over a weekend so that the percutaneous track is kept open until a new tube can be placed the following morning. The patient is not fed through the replaced tube until it is checked or replaced.

Wound infection may occur with any percutaneous procedure. Management depends on the extent. Minor edema can be treated with frequent dressing changes and wound cleansing. More significant cellulitis requires antibiotic therapy.

Leak of gastric contents around the tube is a rare phenomenon. However, when it does occur it may lead to marked skin irritation, infection, and skin breakdown. The combination of wound toilet, application of an antacid solution around the stoma, and upsizing the tube all help to control the skin irritation and breakdown. Occasionally, none of these procedures work and the tube may have to be removed, particularly if the skin breakdown is severe ( Box 19-4 ).

Box 19-4
Avoiding Complications

  • Prior colonic opacification

  • Regular paracentesis if ascites present

  • Optimal gastric distention during procedure

  • T-fastener gastropexy allows a more controlled procedure

  • Avoid superficial epigastric artery

New Departures in Percutaneous Gastrostomy

Placement of Endoscopic Catheters

Recently, modifications of the percutaneous gastrostomy technique have been employed. Unfortunately, existing gastrostomy catheters are derived from either “abscess drainage” catheters or “Foley”-type balloon catheters. Both are associated with the long-term complications of catheter clogging or dislodgment. Consequently, some authors have embarked upon the placement of the more robust endoscopic gastrostomy tubes using a percutaneous approach. In general, the “pull” type endoscopic gastrostomy catheters are used. The stomach is punctured and a guidewire is placed in the stomach. A 5-French angiographic catheter is placed over the guidewire and used to cannulate the esophagus. The catheter and guidewire are brought out through the mouth. If the esophagus cannot be cannulated from below, a snare can be used to pull the guidewire out of the stomach, into the esophagus, and out through the mouth. The pull type endoscopic gastrostomy catheter is then pulled from the mouth down through the esophagus and out through the anterior abdominal wall. A pull type gastrostomy tube is more secure and durable, and is less likely to occlude than radiologic counterparts. Disadvantages include seeding of metastases from oropharyngeal or esophageal tumors, potential risk of infection, and the need for two operators to perform the procedure.

Primary Button Gastrostomy Placement

Button gastrostomy catheters have been widely used in the pediatric population where the low-profile nature makes them esthetically pleasing. A major disadvantage of the “button”-type catheter is the fact that a mature track of at least 3 months is advised before insertion of a gastrostomy button. The author’s unit has recently embarked upon primary button gastrostomy catheter placement using a percutaneous technique.

There are two types of retaining devices used in button gastrostomy catheters. One uses a “mushroom”-retaining device (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill.) while the other uses a “balloon” (Cubby, Corpak, Wheeling, Ill.; and Mic-Key, Ballard Medical Products, Draper, Utah) ( Fig. 19-9 ). We have not been able to place the mushroom-type button without having a mature track; we have placed the balloon retention gastrostomy button in more than 100 patients.

Figure 19-9, Image showing three different button gastrostomy catheters. A and C are examples of the balloon-retention type gastrostomy button, while B is a mushroom-type retention gastrostomy button. Traditionally, these buttons were placed in mature tracks; that is, tracks that were in place for at least 6 weeks. The balloon-retention type buttons can be placed de novo by percutaneous means using a gastropexy. We have not been able to place the mushroom-type button de novo. ( A, Mic-Key gastrostomy button, Ballard Medical Products, Draper, Utah; B, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill.; C, Cubby button, Corpak, Wheeling, Ill.)

Fourteen-, 16-, or 18-French gastrostomy button catheters can be placed radiologically. The patient preparation is similar to that for standard gastrostomy catheter insertion. T-fastener gastropexy is mandatory for primary button gastrostomy catheter insertion. Accurate measurement of the track length is essential for button placement. When the stomach has been punctured and a superstiff guidewire placed, the track length can be measured by using an angioplasty balloon catheter, which is inflated within the stomach and pulled back until it abuts the anterior abdominal wall. The operator then holds the shaft of the catheter between the thumb and forefinger at skin level. The balloon catheter is then deflated and the balloon is withdrawn over the guidewire until it is fully visible. The balloon is then reinflated and the distance between the proximal end of the balloon and the operator’s thumb and forefinger is measured to give the track length. In general, a button is chosen that is 5 mm longer than the track length measured (buttons vary in length from 2 to 5 cm). The slightly longer button accounts for changes in patient position, which may require extra adjustment of catheter length.

Alternatively, the track can be measured using the guidewire technique. The latter involves placing an angiographic catheter over the guidewire and into the stomach. Lateral screening is necessary to measure the track length using this method. The guidewire is pulled back until the end of the guidewire is flush with the anterior wall of the stomach. A kink is made in the guidewire at the catheter hub. The guidewire is then pulled back until the distal end of the guidewire is at the skin site. Another kink is made in the guidewire at the hub of the catheter. The distance between the two kinks in the guidewire equates to the track length.

The track can be dilated using either the balloon catheter or serial fascial dilators. To place a 14-French button, the track is dilated to 18 French; to place a 16-French button, the track is dilated to 20 French; to place an 18-French button, the track is dilated to 22 French. When the track is dilated, a small fascial dilator is placed through the button and loaded on the guidewire (6-French dilator for a 14-French button; 7-French dilator for a 16-French button; 8-French dilator for an 18-French button). Abundant sterile jelly is used to lubricate the button, which is then pushed through the track into the stomach. The balloon is inflated with 5 mL of saline, the guidewire is removed, and the dilator is pulled back into the button before contrast material is injected to confirm an intragastric position ( Fig. 19-10 ). Kimberly Clark has recently produced a kit for primary button insertion containing T-fasteners with bioabsorbable sutures, a telescoping dilator, and a short balloon catheter for track measurement.

Figure 19-10, Gastrostomy button placement in a patient with neurologic disease. A, T-fastener gastropexy has been performed. A 6-mm balloon (arrow) was used to measure track length by inflating the balloon in the stomach and pulling it back against the stomach wall. The balloon catheter is gripped between the operator’s thumb and forefinger at the skin, the balloon is deflated, removed from the stomach, and reinflated. The distance between the operator’s thumb and forefinger on the shaft and the proximal end of the inflated balloon yields the rack length. B, The balloon catheter is then used to dilate the percutaneous track. C, A 14-French gastrostomy button, mounted on a 6-French dilator and well lubricated, was inserted into the stomach over the superstiff guidewire. D, The dilator is pulled back into the shaft of the button, and contrast material is injected to confirm an intragastric position. E, Lateral screening shows the stomach filled with air and the button balloon (arrows) present within the stomach lumen. F, The low-profile nature of the inserted button can be seen in this image of the patient’s abdomen after removal of T-fasteners.

The advantages of button catheters are many, with the most significant being the avoidance of catheter clogging due to the short tube length. Also, the low-profile nature means that confused patients cannot grip the catheter sufficiently to remove it. The main disadvantage is that because it is a balloon retention device the balloon eventually bursts. On average the balloon lasts 3-6 months. The button devices can be simply replaced at the patient’s bedside with a similar balloon retention button device. Alternatively, a mushroom-type button can be placed because the track is mature ( Box 19-5 ).

Box 19-5
Percutaneous Gastrostomy Modifications

  • Standard radiologic gastrostomy tubes have poor long-term patency

  • Pull-type percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes can be placed percutaneously

  • Balloon retention button gastrostomy catheters can be placed de novo

  • T-fastener gastropexy required for button gastrostomy

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